The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 19, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    UN DAY, MARCH 19, 1905.
Seeds that will grow and please, Sccda that amount
to souiethiug ,
Clover, Timothy, Orchard and Rye Grass. Eastern
aud Western Garden and T'lowcr Seed
KUher' opera hnu Tudny, Mar h
21. "Tur .NMgiibur'n Wife."
Some flnt quetn olivet at itd par
!plnt at
War 'Theater, vaudeville,
Lodge Meeting Today.
V. (i, lml, Alilit lo.lgti, 2 p.
In the circuit court y. n-Vduy, a
decr of divorce wa granted Mr
Nellie Parker from Kben P. Parker.
Local Brevities.
Dnxlger A Co. art open (or tual-.
Homt'Otadt aautr kraut, Co par lb.
W. J. lie ha opened tht clean!
'and bout appointed restaurant In A-
torla at 120 Eleventh street. Tl, best
Jin lh market, anj the, prompieit erv
!lce. tf
Tin iimn, wife anj nine children
who Mnrted for the Nohalnm Tuesday
were compelled to return to Astoria on
account of th lrkne of one of the
A number of Ataorlan went over
to Deep River last night on the Sham
rock to attend the Ht. I'atrlck'a day
Circuit court adjourned tat night
for th term. Judge McRrldt will open
regular term at Hlllaboro M on lay
and will cave for that place tonight.
jt'oroner ' Pohl yetderday received
word from the relative of Capt. 8im
uel Jf. Hcott to prepare hie body for
shipment to Victoria, B. C, where the
funeral service will be held.
W, Wiyte of Boise, Idaho, hat
taken charge of the McCrea-Ford
etudlo for a time, and for the next $3
duy will make the beet $5.00 photo
graph for 13.00. See our work. Beat
In the city for ch money.
On thiinennd barrel of cement ar
rived In Astoria yesterday from Ant
werp, It will be unloaded 'on bar
mid taken to thd forte ut the mouth of
tun river to be UHcd In Government
work under prmrm of cohhiiui tlon.
l0l flower seeds now on dleplay at
Aatorla Grocery. Come early and get
your pick.
, Panslger and Co. are open for bul
Dene. alihongh the workmen are atlli
In cliurge of the store.
R. M. Gaeton carrlea a full and
complete line of wagone. bugglea,
plowa, harrow and all kind of farm
tool and machinery at 10C Fourteenth
treet. Aetorla, Ore.
The fulled ilnnlith Brotherhood
guve a Doclul dunce last evening at
Astor hull. Teh hull waa crowded with
meber and Wielr fiicndp, good iiiumIc
wa . furnished and a very pleasant
evening wun jeiit.
Governor George K. Chamberlain,
why delivered the addre ot the Ht.
nPtrlck'a celebration, returned to Hh-
i'-m rniiTruny iiiuriiKi. Air. mm earn.
iJtiiiifR H'-niifHKy Murphy went to Sea.
'nlde to Hnd Sunday and will return
to I'ortlund tonight.
Coroner Pohl held an Inquest ye
terda on the body of the late Capt,
Samuel V. Scott, who wa run ovVr by
the Seaside tralq Thursday afternoon.
Several wltnese. who witnessed the
accident and the train crew of the Sea
Ue train were examined and the jury
returned the following verdict: "W.
the undersigned Jurora a worn to In
quire Into the caua of the 4eath of
Captain Hum uel F. Scott, nnd that he
came to hi death at Atotia, Clatso
county, Ore., on the afternoon ; of
March 1, 1903. That hi death was
caused by b-lng run over by a train
on the Astoria & Columbia River rail-,
road while accidentally falling down on
the trestle of said railroad near tht.
Sanborn cannery a the train waa ap
biuted Ku'biks m
at the tiwl lmg
A urvv ins xul e f l.uniiniiii a cele-
nnd tuppll" received
Ht-n th window dlpliy In the Owl
Drug Httire if the celebrated lluntnmn
koditk and nupplU?. .Vw atock Junt
firm,! CrtirkerH In good condition, itl
wiiyn crlap nnd frenh. We mitke a
apcrliil effiut to keep our atock up.
A baby girl wn born to tlio wife of
Mnrtln PrinaUc'ltih yfterdiy
morning. Mother and child getting
along nicely.
Try a can of (helling' beat Spice;
every can guaranteed. Tour money
back If it don't autt.
The revenue cutter Commodore
Perry left for Han Franclaco yeete.
dy where ahe will be thoroughly over
hauled before returning her new tn
tlon at San Diego.
Por lomethlng nice for breakfaat.
try our cream rolled oata, free from
flinty or Imperfect grain. We have
nothing but the beet, Only 5 cents
per pound.
piunlHe deelrlng either Colonial
or Hhoalwater bay oyter can alwayt
ure them freeh at the Imperial
oyeater, hou. which make a peclalty
of aupplylng famllle or partle.
John Harry, will have a grand open
ing nt bin new Miloon on the corner of
Sixth and Alitor street next Siiturdaj
.night. The miloon ha been fitted up-
I and a line etock of good purchaeed
A luiitli will be nerved and the pub
lic are cordially Invited.
More White Pine cough ayrup hn
been old In Ataorla thl winter than
any other kind, becaune It glvet In
itant relief. The Owl and Eaglt drug
tort art olt agent for alt tht beat
A pretty home wedding wa aolemn
Ixed IiiMt night at the reddnnce of Mr.
and Mr. C. A. Enberf, the contrai t
Ing partlea being Chnrle Moberg nnd
Ml Klla Enberg. Rev. Rydiult of
dilated. A few Invited gueet were
preaeiit. The happy couple will make
Aatorla their home.
Our spring stock has arrived. We con
trol three of the best makes of folding
aud reclining carts.
TheHeywood.The Waftefield
and The Gondron.
In order to control these various lines we are forced
to buy a very large assortment, and to dispose of
same we are offering them at $2.50 and up.
They are all of the very latest patents in the combi
nation folding and reclining carts.
See Window Display.
Astoria's Foremost House Furnishers.
The funeral of the lute Alex Glenn
wna held luxt evening at Pohl'a un
dertaking parlor under the auaplce
of the Eagle. The remain were es
corted to the depot by the Eagle, pre
ceded by the Kaglea' Military band
and were taken to Portland for Inter
ment. After working fo two day, the
teamer McCnacken returned to Aato
rla laat evening, having been unable
to pick up the cable. While grappllrg
for the cable he ran ncroaa aeveral
ihlp anchor. Sh will continue the
work utitll the cable 1 picket up and
A meeting of the school board wilt be
.held probably Monday to elect a auc
(ceiior to W. H. Barker, relgned. No
; one ha been mentioned for the posi
tion, but It 1 proluible that eomeone
residing In Upper Astoria will be e-b-cted,
as that enj of the city ha no
! representation on the board.
How true to the name
are our
$3.50 and $4.00
aMen's Shoes.
Perfect In Workmanship.
Perfect In Fit.
Perfect in Style.
Wherity, Ralston Company
Fred H. Moore has returned from hla
country home at Riverside, Cnl., and
will go to S.-aslde today. He will re
in 11 In at Astoria, and Seaside all sum
mer. He and Mr. Pat Lawler will
commence the construction of a new
two-story building at Seaside, wrok on
which will probably be commenced
next week.
Very llttlo hope are entertained of
the recovery of Joe Nick, .-who wna
shot at Clifton a wek ago by Con
stautlne temon. Pneumonia lui de
veloped, nnd the surgeon have been
unable to extract tho bullet, which Is
lodged somewhere In the back. He I
at the hoHpltal In a very precnilou
Yesterday was a busy day with aome
of the merchants, Foard Stoke and
the Morse Deiartment store were
crowded nil day. In fact, they are do
ing nine-tenth of the dry good busi
ness of the city, aa a large majority
of the people believe In pntroulxlng
h,ine Industries! nnd 1 linH Instltu
tlon. They are the only stores In the
city that have received their spring
Yesterday afternoon a prominent
Astorlun clergyman wa walking down
Fifteenth utret and when opposite the
hospital he noticed a crowd of boy.
They were standing In a circle anJ
seemed to be meditating about some-
thing. In the center of the circle eat
an ordinary yeller dog. The minister
wa somewhat struck by the attitude
of the boy and Inquired In a friendly-
way, what they were doing. The
spokesman Informed blm that they
wore contemplating telling lie, th
fellow telling the biggest to take the
dog. The minister waa nuturally hor
rified at this procedure and at once
ald: i
"Uut, boys, that Is naughty. You
shouldn't tell live. Why, when I wa
a boy of your age I never told lie"
Ctiorou of Boy You win the dog,
The Indication are that the llcenue
ordlnanec propose dto compel the
street car company to pay an annual
license of $100 on each freight car op
erated, was picked before It wa ripe
On reading the charter. It provides
that the franchise 1 granted upon the
express condition and consideration
that the street car company shall pay
an unnual license of $30 for each motoi
passenger car operated, producing a
revenue or operated fbr hire. The
freight car are not operated for hire
neither do they produce a revenue,
consequently the common council has
no authority to pass the ordinance.
If It should be passed the company will
Immediately lnjoln the, city from col
lecting it. The condition named are
a part of a contract with the city, and
th city baa no authority to change It
In any particular. It p evident that
there I someone connected with the
city government that never read the
charter or ordinance, or if they do,
they are too denae to comprehend It
The; Indications are that there will
be no high water In iYrtland this year
a there Is less mow In the mountain
than for several year. Should It be a
dry summer the anme aa last, the wa
ter (Wll eb verv low both In the Wil
lamette and Columbia livers. Thla Is
probably a good thing for the l?wls
and Clark fair a hljh water voub
no doubt cause a large amount of
The Leading Shoe Dealers.
Secretary Lorensten received a tele-
jjgram from the fishermen' union or
San Francisco tatlng that the sched
ule of prices ha been arranged for
thl year for fishing on the Nuahagak
river In Alaska, and that the prices
would be the ame a last year, 2H
cent for red fish, 10 cent for king
salmon,, 2 cents for chum and $50 for
working the vessel to Alaska. The ac
tion of the San Francisco union will
no doubt be Indorsed by the Astoria
local union.
D. G. McKenxle of Seattle wa In tha
city yesterday.
B. A. Ford of Clatpanlne was In the
city yesterday. 1
D. B. Wilson of Denver I registered
at the Occident,
Phillip Minor of Deep river waa bi
the city yesterday.
Frank M. Warren of Portland wa In
the city yesterday. 1
J. W. Cook, the canneryman of Port-
tnnd, 1 In the city.
Mr. M. A. Graham of Ilwaco was
In the city yesterday.
Sidney Campbell of Warrenton wa
ip. the city yesterday.
Sylverster Farrel of Portland Is reg
istered at the Occident.
Fred H. Moore returned yesterday
from Riverside, California.
F. P. Kendall of Portland was In th
city yesterday on business.
William Shook and wife of Eureka
are registered at the Central.
Senator and Mr. Fulton will leave
Washington for home tonight.
Hon. J. G. Meglar and wife of Brook
field were In the city yesterday.
M. A. Fhllllps of Seattle was reg
istered at the Occident yesterday.
Mrs. E. M. Lally of Hammond was
in the city yesterday on business.
F. D. Keutner and wife went to Port
land last evening to spend Sunday.
Frank J. Carney 'returned last even
ing from a business trip to Portland.
. Mrs. Julia Reinhnrt of Portland is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. John E.
Mrs. Peter Gervurtx returned yes
terday from a visit with friends In
Chris Peterson, ' formerly of Olney.
but now of Hlllsboro, was In the city
Mr. Fred Merrill of Skamokawa
was In the city yesterday, visiting hei
husband who Is In the hospital with a
broken leg.
Harry Hamblet was a passenger
down on last night's train and will go
over to Seaside today.
T. H. Crang of Portland arrived
down on last night's train.
Tailored Suits; Jaunty
JacRets, Skirts, now
on Display
Spring styles are making their appear
ance and women with their natural
fondness for dress are we
new fashion idea with genuine iov.
The Season is one of unusual refine-!
ment m dress. Happily the, unusually
large number of designs afford a most
pleasing opportunity to freely exercise
personal taste and ideas. Everything
that is new and pleasing is displayed in
our cloak department. We want you to
see them. You'll surely he pleased.
lorse Department Store.
The Place to save ttioticy
Quality is our first consideration. Ev
erything strictly in Keeping
with the present vogue
Of buying good merchandise and youll find it a pay
ing business right through
There's no economy In bnytng Cheap Articles
Take Kid Gloves for Instance:
Some women will . tell you that
they get as much service out ot s
pair of T'.c or $1.00 gloves as they
do out of a pair of $1.25 or $1.50.
Start the day right by drinking Nob
Hill Coflee.
Poison In Food.
Perhaps you don't realise that many
pain poison originate In your food
but somt day you may feel a twinge ol
dyspepsia that will convince you. Dr.
King' New Life Pills art guaranteed
to curt all sickness due to poisons of
undigested food or money back. 25i
at Chas. Rogers' drug store. Thy
And If you'll give us a trial we
rtill show you the difference.
We've Just received the-largest
shipment of Real kid gloves evei
brought to Astoria.
Come in and let us fit you to a
pair. Any shade you want.
Mascot. $1.25; Centaur, $1.50.
None higher. None lower. Every
pair guaranteed.
I -
Astoria's Create
w t aw.c f5 rr saw
Bond St.