SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1003. THK MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, ORKGON. 2 NJURED1NRUNAWAY ami mnnlor of th ltrt w tV!- ent. There wer xrts in me u- ernuon ! display r.f firework t night coiututllnn the ! brut Ion, Democratic Candidate for Mayor in Chicago Is Injured , CAUSED BY RUNAWAY TEAM Mr. Dunn W Also Injurtd by B ing Cut With Flying Gla and tht Coachman Wa Hurled From Hi Sat to th Strt, and Injured. Chicago, March IS. Mr. EJwarJ F. Dunne, wife of the democratic nomi ne for mayor, has been painfully In jured and Judge Dunne slightly bruised when a team of runaway horses dashe4 Into the brougham in which they were riding. The brougham was wrecked said one of the runaways so badly lace rated that a policeman shot It. The tongue of the carriage to which the runaway team was hitched crashed through the glass window on the left aide of the brougham and struck the celling of the vehicle, just above the heads of the occupants. Mrs. Dunne, bleeding from gashes about the face, caused by the flying ANOTHER EXPLOSION. Tan Man Killed in Wt Virginia Coal Min. Charleston, V. Va., March IS. An exploosloon occurred at the mines In the new river smokeless coal and coke company at Rushtun tonight In which ten men were killed. The explooslon was In the Rush run mine and extend ed to Red Ash mine, nearly two miles away and great mimes burst out of the mouth of both mines. There were about seven men In each mine who stayed there at night to take care of the mines. All were klllod. The interior of the mine Is In such a state at this time that It is im possible for anyone to Investigate. It U also impossible at t'dis time to ascertain teh i.uea of" the explosion 1 Anarchist at Libau. Llbau. March IS. A crowd of 400 persons carrying fed flags today made a demonstration at Dourbau and en deavored to force the agriculturists to quit work. The demonstration was Anally dispersed by two companies ot infantry. Many persons were arrested. A MORAL WAVE. Baker City Closing Saloon and Gam bling. Baker City, March IS: "The Lord tVSU t III". -, ua.t J -" " - I glass, fainted and was carried into a himself does not know how far th .un.-A where Khe recovered 'grand Jury will go." said the court, consciousness soon afterward. The coachman who had been hurled from his seat to the street nt the mo- when asked today when the sensa tional array of Indictments) would cease. Forty-eight of them are on file, ment of the collision, was bruised ;but the court will not permit any in about the head and back and probably formation to be given on: concerning sustained interlal injuries. them until the bench warrants have 'been issued and the arrests made. It V AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Is problematical that more are to come. H3 IUV J-1 W Dill III Ill lowingr Baker City siloonmen have Suit Brought Against Company for Violation of Lottery Law. ?. 11. .. 1 . V, C? , , , 1 . .. . --i. ito.h II r strict At- ' ' AC x u a, - torney Jerome brought suits aggregat Ing $287,000 against the American To bacco Company, Continental Tobacco Company, American Cigar. Company mr,A Ptnmdnra. Tae Company, all of which are subsldary companies of the American ; ' " Rawson. Ben Woods. A. Harris. W. S legel violation of the lottery laws of the state. FORTUNE IN TREE (Continued from Pag 1.) Will Dated in 1833 and Valuable Documents Found TWELVE ACRES OF LAND Situated on th Island of Manhattan, $12,000 in Cash, Silver and Plated War and Jewell Found in a Tree at Lincoln Park, New Jereey. civil war, through which he served with distinction In the Thirty-third and Forty-fourth Wisconsin regi ment. He ha held many public of nVe. having been cl4y attorney tit Kansas City in 1847. circuit attorney In J ISS9, nmlj Mayor in 1S71. lie was United State district attorney her from 1 SS0 to 1SSI. and was again ap pointed to the position by i'rvaMent McKlnley In 1M. holding It nt I It present time. 11 represented the Fifth Missouri district In congress- from ISSJ to 1SS9. In 1H3 he va a candidate for gover nor, and In issi wa voted for by th republican legislators for United Stales nntr. when teh late fleorg O. Vest whs re-electett ll.i was n-publlcan presidential elector In 1ST?, und hit lHen a dele.nte to every republican nutional convention In (he tst 30 years. He was flint department com- Vv York. March 18. A deed trans- Imander of the (5. A. R. In Missouri, 1 ferrlng 12 ucres of lunj within the bounds of New York City, a mortgage und u will, both dated December 12, 17S0, and other business papers run ning down to I $35, together with a still ver tea service, knives, forks and spoons, six finger rings, a pair of dia mond ear rings and a heart brooch, all Inceaaed in a stout tin box, have been found In the heart of an old oak tree by wodmen rutting timber north of Lincoln Park, N. J. The property was placed in the hands of an attorney to await u claimant. It is believed til box was placed there by a thief year ago as no one of the persons named In the papers Is remembered in the neigh borhood. The will is thAt of Matthew Weath ersby and transferred to his sons, Hmker and Andrew, $12,000 In money and personal property and 12 acres ot lani on the island of Manhattan bord ering on the Hudson river, but which cannot he readily located on the pres ent city lines from the description in the deed. The Interior of the tree was perfect ly dry, and with the exception of a and from 1SSS to 1889 was national commander-in-chief. Major' Warner was offered th post lion of commissioner of peiMona by President Roosevelt upon th resigna tion recently of Kugen F. Ware, but declined, and entered the rac for United Suites senator. Dreyfu Cite. Paris, March IS. Revision of tlie Dreyfu case Is reaching the final stage. Appelate, court today appointed Maltre Main ice J u (Turd to draw Its re port. Generally expected that th final ity'lalon, will vfmtplrtoly rehubllltot Dreyfus, MURDER IN COLORADO. i William Smith Shot and Fatally Wounded Gu Neufield. Denver, March IS. William Smith today shot und fatally wounded Ous Neulleld, also shot liernnrd Winter and attempted to kill Andrew llutke, but fulled, as his ammunition gave out. The shooting resulted from a iieltth borhood quarrel. rlosinir law: J. W. Buckley, M. Cartridge, C. A. slight coating of mildew, the papers Hosier. William EMIn. W. 11. McCarty, are perfectly preserved. Squirrel had 0. F. Shaw, David Grant, A. P. Pearce. mnde the cavity their home, and it was William Wandersee. Charles Stolu, J. filled to a depth of several feet with Muller, Charles Bodneau, Ueorgenuts and shells. Rronaurh. William Patterson. Ed The suit grow out of the guessing contests organised by the concerns fot which prlxes aggregating J2S7.0M were offered. According to the penal code, even though prises that were offered have been paid, the eornpanie must again pay the money, this time to the Turley and Jams Bmlth. Gus Anderson and J. W. Flugle of Bourne have each been arrested on two charges of gambling, one for Sunday violation and one for allowing boy under age in their saloons. 'Who'll be next" is the common question on teh street of Baker City again pay me money. . - . , county of New York, should the dis- j trict attorney win the case. Rooney Defeat Parr. Chicago, March 18. John Rooney of; Chicago defeated Jim Tarr, the Eng lish champion In a wrestling match tonight. Rooney won the first fall, Greco-Roman. Parr won the second, catch-as-catih-can, and Rooney the third. Greco-Roman. Pears' "There's no place like home," and no soap like Pears. Pears' Soap is found in millions of homes the world over. old verrr. ASTORIA POSTOFFICE. an Investigation. Washington, D. C. March he ceased attacking open gambling and Sunday opening vioolatlons, after his (raids of last full, did not know the .. ,j , i b j- : man. Since that time collection of Hahn Appointment Held Up , ,iiT olmr on. 1g jwith the result that the work of the The appointment ot Jonn ann Qf county,g postmaster at Astoria is held up d?!. . . - , . , ir ... in. I the presiaeni, wno ma urrn "n formed as to the investigation pending. Several letters have been received by the president opposing Hahn's appoint mnt and a special secret service man of the postofflce department is now in Astoria. It is very probable that Hahn's appointment will be with drawn. Senator Fulton leaves for home tonight, but made no statement ex cepting that he had fulfilled his obli gations and the matter now rested with the president. It is probable that Senator Fulton will recommend some nne els for the position as soon as he arrives home. WHEELS IN HIS HEAD FISHER BROTHERS COMPANY Agents The Linen Thread Co. SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, ROPE Fishermen and Cannery Supplies Another . Chicago Professor Is Toubled With Bug House MAKES STARTLING STATEMENT Labor Leader Convicted. Wlnfielt Kan., March 18. Arthur E. Ireland, national organizer for the Federation of Labor, was convicted here today on a charge of assault on J. D. Harrlty of Arkansas City, a non union Santa Fe machinist. He was con victed under section 42 of the statutes, which provides for a sentence not to exceed fve years in the penitentiary and not lees than six months in the county Jail. The assault was made In July of last year, and Ireland was accompanlf-d by several striking Santa, Fe machinists, Harrity was struck with a billy and seriously hurt. SAME OLD GAG. Town in Chile Deiterted on Account ot Plague. New York, March 18. Owing to the ravages of bubonic plague not more than 500 Inhabitants remain In the city of Plsagua, Chllle, according to a dis patch from the Herald correspondent there. The place had a population of 20,000 unabated fury. The snow Is nearly Only one doctor remains to attend to the sick, two others having fallen There are 138 cases in the hos- Twelve new ones were reported in one day, Ave resulting fatally. CELEBRATE VICTORY. ill pltal. Thirteen Thound People Clebrte Victory of Mukden. Toklo, March 18. Thirteen thousand persons went to Hibiya park today to attend the exercise commemorative of the Japanees victory at Mukden. Mem ber of the cabinet, elder statesmen, many officer of th army and navy il ofdc Predicted That Man Will Be Extermi nated From th Earth in Thre Mil lion Year and That It Will Only Be Inhabited by th Birds of th Air. Chicago, March IS. The human race will be extinct on this earth in the course of a few million years, ac cording to Prof, Samuel Wllllston, pro fessor of paleontology at the Univer sity of Chicago. While lecturing on the future of the earth' Inhabitants Prof. Wllllston declared that, In his opinion, instead of men at this future date, which he told the student would not come for something like 3,000, 000 years, the earth will be dominated by birds. "It will only be a natural course of events that will, ultimately drive men from the dominant sphere on earth," said Prof. Williston. "First came the fished The)( were dominant for a while' and had to give way to the am phibians. Then came the reptiles and soon they yielded to the mammals Now the mammals are weakening and the newest class, the birds, is growing to prominence and in time, I incere1y believe, will be the dominant inhabit- ant of the earth. "Each of these classes developed to th highest degree of specialization and then began to wane. Man is de celoped to the highest degree now and little more can be expected of him." Prof. Willlson Is considered one of the leading expert In paleontology in thl country , and has written several treatise oh evolution. 235"-EE ,k rWik-ua.hinv-thcvvav which changes dreary drudgery to a cheerful household duty u by using Laundry Trays Install a modern "bandar. Laundry in your home and there will be no water to carry, no leakage or damp floors, and no tub to empty or upset. It will increase the telling value of your home. ' eoTllTllr A. MONTGOMERY, Astoria, Or. DENTON'S NEW VALVELESS GASOLINE MARINE ENGINE. Simple and Reliable. Latest Cut. J- ADVANTAGES Ltu Paris lo'.Cf 0u ol Order, tii'Wnrln,Prtl. Mor Power with Uu wtljthl. Lu Ouolln. Under Perfect Con. IroL Quirt ExhtuiL Any Spttd from KM) lo 1000 re volutions per mlsul. HORNBURG BENNETT Hlren 1 to 10 II !., Klnpto Cjll.Mlrr. KfUPPTON. Slr'Hfllo40ll.ll Double (Slimier. WASH. kr6UH CVnNDCRO00RDR"T0lcTTOtf5! PoVtlT SO3!O0OO(OO$O$OOO$OO$OOSOO$O$O O C o o 1 ILEALE- CIGARS. PIPES. TOBACCO, ETC. WILL MADISON in;i:i i;vi-ntii Mr. ' i O 1WO ' OSIMFHCIAL HT. :-t ! 01)00000000(DOO.OOAOOC!00:0(1)00 AN ASTORIA PRODUCT Palo Bohemian IW-r Brat In The Northwest North Pacific Brewing! Co.- Staple and Fancy Groceries ri.OUU, FEED, ritOVKSIUNH, TOBACWI AND;UIOAItS. Hnpplie of nil kii Is t l'iwt prioo (or Fislmrmon, Frmr nJ;i)(fBr BranchJUniontown, Phones, 711, lniontown,'7l3 A. V. ALLEN, Tenth nud Cummoroial StrouU. AHTOlilA. OHEOON. xixzzzjzzzzxxxzzzzxzzzrxt xxxxxxxirxxxxij 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 Sherman Transfer Co. IIENKY SHERMAN, Marnier Hacks, Carriages Baggng' Checked and Transferred Trucks and Furniture Wagon- Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. .PRAEl! 0 C00H TRANSFER CO. Telephone 221. Praying and Expressing All Rood lilppel toourc-re will receive ipcial ttntlun. 709-715 Commercial Street. Fisher's pera louse L. E. SELIGi - - lessee and Manager Tuesday, March 21, 1QOB Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works Manufacturers cf Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings. General Foundryiuen and Patternmakers. AhRrtlntelv firetclass work. Prices lowest . j Phcne245l. Comer Eighteenth and Franklin. HUGH ETTINGER'S Special production of YOUR NEIGHBOR'S WIFE The Cleverest Singing and Dancing Com edians on the American Stage 16 PEOPLE 16 Mauler Wilfred Dnnhar a "Buster Brown" v This Comedy is Presented by a Company of Comedians and Vaudeville Artists rRlCES Reserved seats, 50 cents; gallery, 15 cents. Seat sale open next Monday morning at Griffins Book Store. f.5,vf I