The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 17, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    FRIDAY,. MARCH 17, 1M5.
Must Now Make Some
Other Arrangements
Riv. Arthur J. Brown of thi Prttby
twian Board of Foreign Miaaiona
Hat InterotUd Several Nation in
thi Matter and Treaties will
New Tork, March IS. Permission to
take steps which may end legalize!
gambling; In his country has been ask
ed by several treaty nations by the
king f Siam, according to the advices
received by the Rev. Arthur J. Brown,
secretary of the Presbyterian Board of
Foreign Missions. Requests are to be
sent to America, England, Germany,
and other governments for permssion
to raise slightly the import duties, in
order that a part of the revenue now
accruing from the gambling conces
sions throughout Slam may be re
placed. The larger part of the revenue
will be derived from an increased land
Siam is an extra territorial country,
and its import duties are regulated by
(Continued from Page 1.)
covers both girder rails and special
The railroads continue to place llb
erall offers for rolllg stock. It Is not
ed also that the steel casting shops
have bees getting a good run of order,
and that prices In this branch have
much Improved during the past few
The nwrket for sheets is particularly
strong and there seems Hide doubt
but what on advance In price will tx
established at an early d;te.
An increasing number of complaints
come from ' widely different parts of
the country about the difficulty of se
curing an adequate supply of suitable
labor. Locally the Mor situation Is
held accountable for certain dullness
which characterizes many branches of
industry using Iron and steel. It ap
pears that work Is being diverted to
competitive districts.
Booth and Bridges Cat to Come Be
fore the Grand Jury.
Washington, March 16. Evidence Is
accumulating which indicates that
Register Bridges and Receiver Booth
of the Roseburg land office are to be
Indicted by the federal grand jury
when It reconvenes In April. Both
men, so It Is said, have confesed to
gross maladministration, Including the
acceptance of money for Improperly
advancing cases before their office..
It Is reported that the government Is
in possession of damaging efyldeii-e
against both men aside from their own
admissions. In all probability Bridges
and Booth will be dismissed as soon as
inrtlrtpit nrul nthpi- nnnolntmpnta will
treaty. Secretary Brown declares that L .
" , . !be made at once. Senator Fulton ex-
ipects to leave for home on Saturday.
wuuuj, w utrnr ejtrij iuwii us
"official" gambling house, licensed by
the government, which frequently
auctions the privilege. They are con
ducted openly and in many of them
entertainments, theatrical and other
wise, are given nightly to attract pat
ronage. The missionaries have long pointer
out to the king that the gambling hab
it is inimical to the best interests of
Siam and that money the government
def-ived Hereby" was obtained at a
ruinous cost to character and legiti
mate industry. The king is now said
to have accepted this view and will at
tempt to institute reforms.
Subject Being Considered By the
Rome, March IS. In relation to the
Russian imperial ukase of December
25 dealing with religious tolerance, the
Russian government through Mgr.
Count Zemsbok, Archbishop of Mogh
leleff, recently called to St Petersburg
all the Catholic bishops of old Russia
asking them to present their desires
contemporaneously. Through Mgr.
Popiel, Bishop of Warsaw, the Polish
Episcopacy was also gathered togeth
er for the same purpose. Requests for
permission to hold the two meetings
were sent in writing to the Russian
( government and copies were forwarded
to the pope. Both meetings concluded
with advocating respect for the fund
amenta! laws of Russia and the ado
lislon of all regulations against the
liberty of religion.
Rails Purchased For Extending the
Line .
Portland, March 17. Steel rails have
been bought of the Southern Pacific
company for building a railroad for a
distance of about three miles from Sea
side to some tracts of timber that are
to be cut for the Seaside Lumber Com
pany. Relaying rails of 56 pounds are
to be used for this piece of track
Passed Off in the Wicked City of
Certificates issued of the Colorado
Company have been Unearthed by
the Presentation of Certificate foi
One Hundred Share of Stook.
IVnVer, March 15. Forced sunk
ceititlitites of the Colorado Kuel ami
Iron Copuny have been unearthed by
the presentation of a counterfeit cer
tificate or 100 shares of stock, par
value J 1.000 Denver office of the com
pany for transfer. The certificate ciuue
from a lawyer at Davenport, hu. Ap
pearing on the certificate as president
of the company is the name of James
A. Kebler. Mr. Kebler wus never pre
Ident of the company. There Is also
lertlllcate wun me lorgea signature
of Secretary D. C. Beaman. The
counterfeit certificate has no likeness
to the genuine certificates of the com
pany. . It is evident front tin.- "Ink
offset" marks near the campany's
name on the counterfeit that olh?t
counterfeits were mude at the same
time and a strict watch has been or
dered, In order if possible, to locate the
counterfeits and the makers.
Occurred at Cajon Pass on the Santa
Fe Road.
San Bernnrdlo. Cal., March 16. An
other land slide has occurred on Ca
jon pas on th, line of the Santa !
railroad and nine passenger trains are
tied up In the mountains, five east
bound and four west bound. As the
storm is still raging In the mountains
with a heavy rainfall and strong wind
which may eventually become part of',t ,9 lmpowllble t0 ascertain the full
a more pretentious line extending the
Astoria & Columbia River Railroad
further down the coast. The road will
be built by the lumber company and
work is already In progress on thj
grade, ties being ready for distribution
New Railroad Will Give Shippers
Better Freight Rates
extent of the damages done to the
tracks but it is thought here that the
trains can not get through until some
time late Thursday afternoon.
Congresman Hermann Expected
Portland Tomorrow.
Portland, March 16. Congressman
BInger Hermann will arrive in Port
land tomorrow on the O. R. & X. en
route from Washington to his home in
Roseburg. It is not thought he will
stop long in Portland. Mr. Hermann
left the national capital immediately
after the adjournment of congress, and
he will probably devote a great deal of
time from now on arranging for his de
fense against the three indictments
returned by the federal grand Jury
charging him with complicity to de
fraud the government out of a portion
of its public lands.
Texas and Pacific Make Good Show
.ew Tork. March 16. The Texas
and Pacific railroad report Just issued
shown an increase in gross earnings
of J338.000 as compared with the pre
vious year. Total expenses fell off to
the extent of $174,000, causing an in
crease of net of $512,000. The total
receipts were $12,433,000. A surplus
of $1,211,000 is shown by the report
an increase of $75,000 over the previous
Wonderful Discovery Hat Been Made
In Germany.
New Tork, March 16. A important
literary discovery is announced from
Ochsenfurt, a small place near the
city of Wurzburg, says a Times dis
patch from Berlin. Dr. Hefner, a chap
lain there, has found thiee fragments
of a German heroic epic of the thir
teenth century. The subject Is a love
affair of Alexander the Great, and Is
supposed to have entered German lit
erature from Latin and French sources.
Mist Elanor and Franklin Roosevelt to
Be Married.
Washington, March 17. President
and Mrs. Roosevelt will leave early to
morrow for New Tork where In
the afternoon they will be the guests
of honor at the wedding of Miss Ela
nor Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt.
The president will attend the banquet
Klven at IMmonUo's In his honor b
the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick.
About 10 o'clock he will go to the hotel
Astor to attend a banquet given by the
ISons of the American Revolution and
will deliver addresses at both banquets.
Freight Rates Between Los Angeleti
and Salt Lake to be the Same as
Between San Francisco and Ogden
and on the Same Commercial Basit.
Los Angeles, March 16. General
Freight and Pasenger Agent Gilette of
the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt
Lake Railroad, who has Just returned
from Chicago where he was in consul
tation with representatives of other
roads regarding rates over the new
road, has made the following state
"Freight rates between this city and
Salt Lake will be practically the same
as those from San Francisco to Ogden,
This will place Los Angeles merchants
on the same commercial basis In Salt
Lake as that of San Francisco mer
chants in Ogden. That is to say, the
Utah common point rate to San Fran
cisco will be the same as the Utah
common point rate to Los Angeles, and
the Los Angeles terminal rale to Utah
will be practically the same as that
from San Francisco to Utah.
"On passenger business we will make
a through rate of J30 for first-class
tickets, limited to thirty days, which
Is the same rate as from Ogden ' to
San Francisco.
Issues An Appeal to Russian Peasantry
To Fight.
Paris, March 16. Father Goupon,
leader of the St. Petersburg workmen
In the demonstration of January 22,
who according to the Tribute Ituss Is
still hiding In France, has issued an
other stirring appeal to the Russian
peasantry, calling on them to follow
the directions of the revolutionary com
batlve committee, forgetting all dif
ferences of religion and war, and rle
as one man, armed with a general In
surrection against Czarism.
One Night
Soak the feet or hands on retiring;
in a strong-, hot, creamy lather of
anoint freely with CUTICURA
OINTMENT, the great Skin
Cure and purest of emollients.
Bandage lightly in old, soft cotton
or linen. For itching, burning,
and scaling eczema, rashes, in
flammation, and chafing, for red
ness, roughness, cracks, and
fissures, with brittle, shapeless
nails, this treatment Is simply
wonderful, frequently curing la
one night.
Cotnplrt. Humor Cnn, eoinKln of CtTtCT'RA
P. .
iUulrml. Mir. IIb fra "i
Jim. 2.V. fwf v aJ ill, OlntriOTrt, MX. lru Lnedon,
ft Vtuinhovm rrl, I Hu. d. U Nili lkbn,
1ST Cotamtiw Aw. rWf ln CkM. Cfp. !
'T end tM Bn to Can tntj Uwxtt.
An order was Issued out of the i lr-
cult court yesterday to sell the proper
ty of the Warrenton Mill Co.
The common council of Portland has
ralsefl the liquor license to 1500 u
year. Ttu necessity of more policemen
Is assigned ns the cause for the raise.
The revenue cuter Commodore Terry
has been detached from this station
and assigned to the irt of San I'lego
whli-h will be her headquarters In the
future, and It Is unlikely that she will
make her summer cruises to Alaska as
In the past. It is expected that she will
leave here on Saturday.
It Is reiited that a gang of hood
lums, who have acquired their educa
tion upon the streets, Instead of at
home, have been committing d'-jneda
tlons In Upper Astoria. Their ;.nr--nt-
have no control over them, and If tii.-y
have, they are too busy to exercise It,
and the hoodlum are a disgrace to the
Ity. Unless these depredations cense
their names will be published.
Letters Threatening to Blow Up Build
jnga Received.
St. Petersburg, March 16. Consid
erable alarm was caused here toda
and at Moscow by the receipt of an
onymous letters announcing the inten
tio to blow up public buildings. Threats
as to Moscow are particularly applied
to depots where large quantities of
army munitions are stored for snip.
ment to Manchuria.
Represehted by Proxy.
Berlin, March IS. The emperor of
Japan has designated Prince Arlsa
gawa to represent him at the wedding
of Crown Prince Frederick William.
He represented Japan at Victoria's
diamond Jubilee.
A few counterfeiters have lately been
making and trying to sell Imitations
of iJr. King's New discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and folds and other
medicines, thereby defrauding the pub
lic. This Is to warn you to beware of
such people, who seek to profit through
I stealing the reputation of remedies
which have been suc essfully curing
diseases for over 31 yenis. A sure
protection to you Is our name on the
wrapper. Iook for It on all Dr. King's
or liucklen's. remedies, as all others
are mere Imitations. II. B. WVKI.KN
& CO., Chicago, III., and Windsor,
Jutt Arrived.
A large assortment of the latest
sweet peii seeds. Every hue of color
Kuropalkin Fired.
St. Petirsburg, March! 16. It Is
officially announced here that Kuro
patkln will be replaced by General
Linevlteh as commander In chief of
the army of Manchuria.
It Wat a Draw.
New Orleans, March 17. Aurello
Herrerra and Tommy Daly spared ten
rounds last night, which was decided a
Peters Pence.
Rome, March 16. Owing to com
plaints which have been received here
the Vatican has withdrawn from Mgr.
Broderick, auxiliary bishop of Havana,
the mission entrusted to him to urge
the American bishops to increase the
collections of Peters pence.
The Flrat Qnnrrrl.
Greene My wife and I ijuarrelel
last night for the first time In years.
Browne What about? Greene She
thought the reason we had never done
so before was due to her generous mi
ture, and I thought It was mine.
The Dentist's Pos.
"Mr. Dento, I, want n tooth pulled.
I'm a great coward when It comes t)
enduring pain, and yet I'm afraid of
both laughing gas and chloroform."
"Xou might be happy wita ether."
Engine Blew Up.
Rho Utah, March 16. The Union
Pacific engine pulling the east bound
freight blew up while passing this
station today. Injuring1 the engineer
ad two brakemen. The engine was
badly wrecked.
Subscribe for the Astorlnn.
Bajor Tains; Herplctite on Arronat of
It Dlstlnetlveneas.
The ladles who have used Newbro'i
Herpiclde speak of it in the highest
terms, for us quick effect In cleansing
the scalp of dandruff and also for Its ex
cellence as a general halr-dresslng. It
makes the scalp feel fresh and It alloys
that Itching which dandruff will cause.
Newbro's Herpiclde . effectively cures
imdruff, at It destroyt the germ that
causes It. Thi same germ causes hair to
fall out, and later baldness; In killing It,
flerplclde stops falling hair and prevents
baldness. It Is also an Ideal balr dress
ing, for It lends an aristocratic charm to
the hair that Is quite distinctive. Bold
hv leadlnr druggists. Bend 10c. In itampi
for namnle to Thi Herplclda Co., Dt
trolt, ZJch.
Eagle Drug Store, 351-S53 Bond St,
Owl Drug Store, 649 Cam. St, T. F.
Iurln, Prop. "Special Agent"
Simple and Reliable. Latest Cut.
Iim Parti lo'.Ct Out
of Order,
Mori Powtr with Lut
Uii Ltu OswIIm.
tlndtf Ptrlcct Con- fl
Quid ExhtuiL
Any Spd Iron, 100
lo WOO rtvolullont
pr minute.
I Nlr.fN I lo 10 Mliiflo Cj Under. KNAPPTON,
I to-OH.ll., Houblo Cylinder. WASH,
tflQLES AL E;:
O MO ''OMMPltCI.U. ST. : t 1 1111 I . FNTll ST.
l'ulo Iloheininn IVtT
Heat In The Northwest
North Pacific Brewing! Co.
Sranle and Fanr.v firof.p.rifis
H .Supplies of nil kiit'h nt lowest priocs (or Fishermen, Farmers and; layers
BranchJUniontown, Phones, 711, Uniontown713
H Tenth and Cominorcinl Streets. AHTOIUA. OREGON.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxT rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxiixxixxxx
Telephone 221.
Draying and Expressing
All jfoodHHlilppetl to our care will receive apfclul attention.
709-715 Commercial Street.
Fisher's m House
Lessee and Manager
Tuesday, March 21, 190B
l A.
Special production of
The Cleverest Singing and Dancing Com
edians on the American Stage
16 PEOPLE 16
Master Wilfred Dunbar
at "Buster llrowu"
Thi. Comedy is Presented by a Company of Comedians and Vaudeville
PRICES Reserved seats, 50 cents; gallery, 25 cents. Seat sale opens
next Monday morning at Griffins Hook Store.