WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1908. THE MOUXlXfi ASTOKIAN, ASTORIA, ORKCiON. BOUND FOR TONOPAH Portland Gamblers Leave For New Milling Camp NO GAMES IN PORTLAND Peter Grant and Hrvey Dale Will Open Up a Large Gambling House in Tonopah, Where There Are nc Restrictions and No Sheriff Word. t'ortland, March 14. Down at tho mines at Tonopah, New, Peter Grant and Harvey Dale, proprietors of th once great Portland club, hope to re ceive the money that they lost through recent months of idleness and to estab lish a gambling resort on a more stu pendous scale than was the huge re. sort at Fifth and Alder streets, thls city. Grant and Dale will leave the city tonight for the mining camp. Con vinced that open gambling tn Pmtland Is over, Grant and Dale have decided to continue their occupations i.-i a place that has no Sheriff Word. Such a place, they declare, Is Tonopah. th? mining camp that has set the world to talking by the marvelous wealth that has been discovered there. Already various games have followed In the wake of sudden wealtn. and the mining camp has many resorts where the click of wheels Is everlasting and the rattle of chips is an unceasing mel ody. But, It is said, there is no plnct where all-games are conducted in one club, where the richest or most reck less gambler may find every device that has been contrived to separate him from his money. It is for the purpose of establl?hini a palatial resort where all ganvs nm run continually, and where gambling Is raised above the level of th "buik room poker game," that Grant and Dale have selected Tenopah as their Canaan. It is a land of spenders numerous. The decision of Grant and Dale to I leave Portland is believed to indicate that well-informed gamblers have reached the -conclusion that public gambling Is forever dead In Portland. Nate Solomon, the third proprietor of the Portland club, wil remain here temporarily, at least to look after th. interests of his partners while the.y are away. Grant, Dale and Solomon have extensive interests in this city In diversified lines, and all their busi ness will be transacted by Solomon. "Dale and myself leave tonight," said Grant today. "We go to Tonopah, Xev., where we will establish a gambling house that will combine all games into one club. I think there is no such place in the camp at the present time, and it offers a great opportunity. "Solomon will look after our busi ness while we are away. I cannot say how long we will be gone, but the change Is permanent though, of course, we will retain our Interests In this city." Senator Wood from the i'ity. T!t supiMue court's decision hii simplified the situation by eliminating the proposition to seat Lieutenant Gov ernor Jesse 'M. McDonald as governor. There Is now before the Joint assem bly a clearcut Issue between Governor Aditma and Oontestor Peabody, rvubody's supporters have endeav ored to mak his contest a political issue. but at l-t one-third of the U republican members of the general as sembly have refused to be bound by any action on the question In caucjjs. Twenty-two republicans were united in favor of Senator Morton Alexander's report deoiarlng vacancy, which the supreme court has decided cannot b legally adopted. Should five of these now fall In line with the other 44 re publicans for Peabody ;v would have .n majority of the Joint convention. which consists of ? numbers, and would be declared elected. On the other hand. Governor Adams requires the , votes of IS republicans In addition to the 31 democratic Votv to give hint a majority on joint ballot. STRIKE A FAILURE. BE EC HA MS PILLS cure disease by removing the cause of it In the treatment of those disorders which involve any failure of the nervous force, BEECHAM'S PILLS have, during nearly sixty years, built up AN UNASSAILABLE REPUTATION Nothing renews the power of the digestive organs like BEECHAM'S PILLS. They cleanse the Blood of long-standing impurities, brace up the Nervous System to a high point of vigor, and effectually chase away every symptom of weariness and depression. Since "BEECHAM'S PILLS have cured tens of thousands in this and every country of the globe, just ask yourself why they should not equity prove a boon to you, Renew the power of digestion by using BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold Everywhere In Boxes, IOc. and 23c. Men Resume Work at Reduced Rate of Wages. New York. March 14. The traffic conditions on the elevated railroads and subway today were slightly Im proved over those of yesterday. No more trains were run, but a little bet ter speed was maintained. All the employes of the lnterborough company who went on strike and whose wages had been previously advanced because of the length of their service, secured re-employment only at the sacrifice of whatever advance In wages they had obtained. Experienced motor men were reduced from 13.50 to $3 a day. V,atemen. from J1.53 to $1.40; guards, from $1.90 to $1.53. and con ductors from $2.40 to $.U0. So crushed was the strike spirit that the men ac cepted the reductions without protest. CANAL COMMISSION. Plane Prepared Reorganizing Panama 'Commission, Washington. March 14 Huns have been practlculty perfected for a coin- jplete reorganisation of the) working force of the Panama canal commission, i Involving charges from top to bottom. 'and these probably will be announced In the course of a week. The changes will be In line with the president's de- !c lured purpose to dispense with un necessary officials of high grade and to 'confer upon the actual workers u;ioh the canal project a much larger meas ure of authority than they now enjoy. African Explorer. Mombasa, British East Africa, March 14. Major A. St. Hill Gibbons. th African explorer, and his colleagues of the Zionist commission left here toda for Trieste after an inspection of the territory in East Africa offered by Great Britain for Jewish colonization. The commission was impressed by the healthfulness of the country, but ap parently Is not sanguine of the agri cultural prospects. It was In sup port of the Jewish colonization project that Israel Zangwlll went to America recently. Died From Fright. New York. March 14. Mrs. Johi Fletcher. 60 years old. Is d'ad from fright at her home In Utkewood, N. J. Her grandson had set tire to a brush heap in the front yard and Mrs. Fletch er, fearing It would spread to the house, hurried out with a pall of water. A puff of flame caught the bottom of her dress and she fell dead with a scream of terror." TERRIBLE TURK. Usee a Wreetling Match In the Windy City. Chicago, March 14. A dispatch to the Record Herald from Uaclne, Wis., says: Mara Kaultih. "the Terrible Turk." who advertised to throw three men two falix each, In 90 minutes, here, haa lost the match. The first man to go on was Matt Henderson of t'lilcago, whom the Turk threw twice In 3: 30 and 8:30. "Grlpman" John J. Rooney was then thrown In eight minutes, but the second fall went to Rouey, who threw the Turk In 10 minutes. This Is the flr't decision Rooney has ever se cured over the Turk. Wants Hie Salary. Albady. N. Y.. March 14. A suft against the Equitable Life Assurance Society and James H. Hyde to coniel the return of $200,000 alleged to '.lave been received by him In the last two years as salary as vice president of the Equitable Life Assurance Society ha been begun In the supreme court at Saratoga by Mary S. Young, who sue.' as a creditor and policy nobler. THE PRODIGAL SON. Blew in $600 and Is in Jail for Forg ery. Portland, March 14. J. B. Mervin, but one month past 21 years of age, after spending nearly $800 that he re ceived from his father's estate since he became of age, will be given a pre liminary hearing before Judge Hogue, at police court, Friday morning, on the charge of passing two bogus checks, one for $200 on Ben Selling, and one for $40 on Fred Fritz. To be a "swell is the reason he gives for going through with his 'money at such a rapid pace. Since he was captured, about mid night, by Detectlces Resing and-Carpenter, he has seen the folly of his ways. Although he admits his crime, he feels confident that he will gain his freedom through tne aid of his mother, who resides at 41 Esat Seventh street, north. But the mother will not come to his rescue. She said this morning: "The boy should be punished for his mlsdeads. I have tried to provide foi him and have done everything that I could possibly do. He is well educated and should have known better." Goes to Prepare a Place. San Francisco, March 14. Isaac Selby, the ex-clergyman who shot at Judge Hebbard In the latter's court room after Hebbard had concluded reading a decision granting Mrs. Selby a divorce, was sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary today. ONLY RECREATION Gambbling Not a Vice, Only Recreation PROF. GARDNER'S OPINION Gambling Cannot Be Eradicatd From Modern Life and the Wisest Thing to Do l to Properly Control It as It Is Not a Game of Chance. COLORADO'S GOVERNOR. Question Will Probably Be Deeited To Day. Denver, March 14. The general as sembly again today postponed the de cision of the contest for the office of governor. After listening to the read ing of the supreme court's decision that the legislature cannot legally declare a vacancy in the office of governor, the Joint convention, on motion of a Pea body republican, took a recess until to morrow morning. A roll call on the motion to adjourn resulted 48 to 48, and Lieutenant Governor McDonald, the presiding officer, cast the deciding vote In favor of a recess. The reason given for taking a recess was the absence of Philadelphia, March 14. Professor Herbert Gardiner, lord of the Univer sity of Columbia, and Professor Wil liam J. Klrby, of the Catholic univer sity of America, have, in addresses be- fAca t Vi. Pnnfpmnnrarv Cluh. fltated that they could find no reason for say ing that gambling in itself was wrong. Both expressed the opinion that gam bling cannot be eradicated from mod ern life and that the wisest thing to do is to properly control It. The dis cussion was listened to by a distin guished audience. Professor Klrby, after admitting the theoretical legiti macy of gambling, made an appeal for a course of Instruction in the schools which might lessen gambling in the next generation and said that cities should take up the work of regulating gambling as an essentially city prob lem. "Gambling is not simply a game of chance," said he, "for chance is pre sent in most business transactions. Gambling Is not merely the desire for gain. It Is not merely the means of excitement. Constitutional gamblers are the men who desire only gain at play as a means to enable them to play again. "It may seem strange for me to say so as a professor of ethics, but I have never been able to find a reason that will permit me to say that gambling Is wrong. It Is argued that gambling is wrong because it is a waste. On the contray there Is no destruction of weulth In gambling. "Properly done, gambling Is not a dissipation, but a recreation.'' ANOTHER WONDER OF SCIENCE Biology haa Proved that DaadruH U Caused by Uerm. Bclence hi donlg wondor these day In mcUirlne as well as In mechanics. Blnce Adam lived, the human race has been troubled with dandruff, for which no hair preparation haa heretofore proved a suc cessful cure until Newbro's llorpkide woe put on the market. It Is a sclent Mc prep aration that kills the germ thu makoi dandruff or scurf by digging Into the srnlp to get at the root of the hnlr, where it saps the vitality; causing Itching scalp, falling hair, and finally baldness. With out dandruff hair must grow luxuriantly. It Is the only destroyer of dandruff. Bold by leading druggists. Send 10a In stamps for sample to The Herpl clde Co- Detroit. Mich. Eagle Drug Store. 151-353 Bond St, Owl Drug Store, 84 Com. St, T. F. lAuiin. Prop. "Special Agent" Great Auction Sale of Shanahan Stock. He-ginning on Monday niorning, March tli, I will sell al public auction my entire stock,' DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, ETC., without regard to cost. ,No reservation whatever will be made and and any reasonable bid for any ar ticle in the store will be accepted. Don't forget the great Auction Sale that will begin next Monday Morning, March Oth, at lO o'clock. MAX STRAHL, Auctioneer. SHANAHAN IT BUILDS YOU UP, and KEEPS YOU UP. The Best Cod Delicious to the Taste. Liver Preparation Not a Patent Medicine. VMv'T MEDICIMAlEUMIIirSAaUAlLYXw? yI1" rwH FRESH cow' UVERS Vz BENTON'S NEW VALVELESS GASOLINE MARINE ENGINE. Simple and Reliable. Latest Cut. J I 1 t ADVANTAGES Leu Parti lo.Cet.Out ol Order,,;. leu Wurlng'PirU. More Power with Um weight. I'm Uii GmoIIm. Under Perfed Con trol. Quid Exhauit Any Speed from KM) to 1000 revolutloni per minute. THORNBURG X BENNETT. SIe'M 1 to 10 II. 1, Nlmrlf 'j lltider. SI .i' a ii to 40 II. II., Jroiiblc CjilixU-r. fOl'R CYllNDERSlTO 0RDIR TO 100 MORSE POWER, KNAPPT0N,"7. Vinol contains ALL the medicinal elements of genuine, fresh cod's livers and their oil ; with or ganic iron, and other body building ingredients, in a deliciously palatable and easily digested form. It is everywhere recognized as the greatest BODY BUILDER AND STRENGTH CREATOR known to medicine Vinol is the only cod liver preparation'which contains no oil, grease, or any dis agreeable feature, and sold on a positive guarantee of " money back if it fails to give satisfaction." For Old Pooplo Puny Children Weak Women Debili tated, All Tired Out Pooplo Hurting and Woak Mothers To Gain flesh To Get Strong All Woak People Chronlo Colds Hacking Coughs Bronchitis Lung Troubles Nothing equals VtnoL Try it if you don't like it, we return your money. CHARLES ROGERS, Druggist, i IE A F Li '0S0$00030$0 i O O O ,0 AO OOC 0a0 3)00S0O CIGARS, PIPES. - TOBACCO. ETC. WILL MADISON ;-: H4 i:i.i;vi:nt)i st. O r..'M ' O.M.MFlll IAI. ST. ;-: OsTOSOSOSOiS OGDO0000 SOS OC)0 50SO(SO000 AN ASTORIA PRODUCT . Pnlo Iiolicininn I'tcr Ikst In The North wt-Ht Forth Pacific Brewing Co. pixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzxxxxri Staple and Fancy Groceries FLOCK, FEED, PUO VISION 8, TOBACCO AND.CIOAK8. KuppliM of nil kinU at l.Mt priooi (or FitliHrmun, Fanner, ami Loggers Branch Uniontown, Phones, 711, UniontowD,J7l3 A. V. ALLEN, M Tenth bq1 Commercinl Streets. J ASTORIA. OREGON. fTTTTTTT TTTIHIITTTTI I ItllTJTTIII .PRAELLO COOK TRANSFER CO. Telephone 221. Draying and Expressing ' All goods shipped to our care will receive speolal attention. 709-715 Commercial Street. "