The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 14, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1909.
acting Assistant Snrgran
' F.8. Marine Hospital Service.
OBt koura: 10 to 11 a-m. 1 to :0 p.m,
477 ennrcUd Street, 2nd Floor.
gimll Bldg . 5TS Commercial St
PnONK black m
$24 Commercial St Astoria, Oreexm.
New Use of the
IVjiyrtflAt, jsol, by CathtHnt lturgtm
Pythian Building,! Astoria. Oregon.
K8 Commercial St., Shanahan Buildicg
New stock of fancy goods just
jurrived at Yokohama Bazaar.
. Call and see the latest novelties
fnn Japan.
Had Estate, Insurance- Commiaaion
and Shipping.
ttSao 133 Ninth Street, Next to J u it ice
You can always find the best
15-cent meal in the city at the
Rising Sun Restaurant.
612 Commercial St
ir 15c; nice cake, coffee.J pie, or
ioughnuts, 5c, at U. S. Restaur
ant. 434 Bond St. !
Margaret White was tlml of com
muting, tired of the dally ride ou the
elevated road from Christopher street
to One Hundred and Twenty-fifth
street, very tired of the crowded class
room at the end of It, so It Is not
strange that her mind, idle through
design and strenuous through habit,
picked out the broad Bbouldered young
man who strode into the car at Forty
second and off again at One Hundred
and Sixteenth street regularly as the
morning came as a pleasant enough
Not that he was particularly good
looking. He was distinguished only by
a general purposefulness, eyes that
looked neither to the right nor to the
left, but burled themselves In the
morning paper; a general air of being
alone and liking It, which appealed to
her state of being alone and not lik
ing it
I-ately, instead of the newspaper, he
had each niornlnir ilmwn n twvilr fmm
his pocket and immediately become
I absorbed in it. It was not altogether
a pleasant book, to Judge from his face,
which betrayed at times great Irrita
tion of spirit Its covers were protected
by a paper slip, calculated to balk the
curiosity of whomsoever It might not
couccrn. Margaret undoubtedly fell
within this category, but that did not
occur to her. An Intentional device to
arouse ber curiosity could not have sue-
J teofled better.
One morning It chanced that the side
j of the car he always took was occupied
I by Italian laborers, dirty and malodor
ous, with hardly a glance at them
and none at her, the man dropped Into
the seat at Margaret's side and produc
ed his book. Alas! A side glance at it
revealed only a Spanish Krammar!
Margaret could not have told wtat she
had expected, but the nnromantlc fact
suddenly let the whole affair down to
the level of every day. The world again
seemed cut out of one dingy piece, and
all its uses flat, stale and unprofitable.
piano manufacturers; that thev were
extending tthiir business into Cuba and
South Air.trtra. ami that he had the
chance to represent them there If he
could acquire a working knowledge of
the language within two mouths.
She did not Inquire when the two
months would lie up. She was not sure
that she cared to know. Early in their
friendship be had asked permission to
visit her In her home, but she had re-1
w Dlladaraa la Tibet.
To prevent suow blindness the na
tives, of TIM grease their fawn and
theu'blaekeu the akiu ull around their
eyes with burnt sticks. Most foreign
ers when exposed to the snow la Tibet
wear colored glasses. Iougla V.
Freahfleld tells of an experience lu
the mountains "My party was over
taken nt the height of 1&.000 feet by a
violent snowstorm. I had nravldmt
piled that It would tie embarrassing to j spectacles for all. but some had lost
E. GLASER, Prop.
Bosk Cooking, Comfortable Btdi, Reason
able Rate andNicejTrtatmtnt
Comer Seventeenth and Duanc Sti.
15 cents a day and up. .Meals
20 cents. Board and lodging
$4 per week.
Sord waod, mill' wood, box wood, any
kind of wood at lowest priots. Kally,
H transfer man. 'Phone 2211 Black,
Barn an Twelfth, opposite opera
Baayaa VlUMR OpflM
lata thai arc liven op
la . Ha caraa wltfc
Kmm wonderful Cbt-
aaaafcarba, raou, bods,
aarta aod mmuhif
ttaa an tatmir an
al (hi ewatrr. Tbroocta tha w ol
Iwn Am acOca at awor MO Ofowl
aaaea, which ha mmrittt; am la SlShrat
aaaaaaaa. a foaraniMa 10 ear.
na, hua, thraal, itmatiha,
now, Kiaacya, &; baa kanaka ar
laia. Cfcaim HvrxWata. CaU aaa
mm kla. Fattenta out af tba easy wrraa tar
Mawtaaaalelnnlafa. Sataaca, OOSSOL
tATum racjc. AmnJtm
lit C Gee Wo Chinese IfaSdac C.
Ut Afctar Ma
' ajrataanaa
Introduce so Irregular an acquaintance
to the relatives with whom she lived,
and he had not Insisted. Perhaps she
was a little disappointed that be had
One morning in June he squared his
shoulders defiantly toward Oue Hun
dred and Sixteenth street and met her
urprised glance with a look of decision.
"I am going on with yow," he de
clared, "and I am going to walk over
to school with you, and tonight I shall
wait for you at the visitors" entrance
and go home with you."
"Have I nothing to aay about Itf"
she Inquired.
"Certainly. You will say, 'I shall be
very glad. Indeed, my dear friend, to
sec you this afternoon and have an op
portunity of presenting you to my fain
lly." "
"And If I don't choose to say that?"
"Then I will Introduce myself."
fche was silent For the first time
her heart misgave her. What had been
pleasant adventure, something to
brighten day dreams and think of
vaguely between sleeping and waking,
was turning Into urgent realltv.
At the foot of the elevated stairs he
guided her toward a comparatively
quiet street.
"I shall be late," she murmured, but
"It doesn't matter," he replied. "Mar
garet, I have a confession to make.
The first time we spoke to each other
I asked you if you came up often by
this route. I knew It without asking.
I knew It before you ever noticed me
lons before the days of the subjunctive
mood. I followed you up here. I fol
lowed you to school. I held up a boy
outside and found out who you were
and what you taught, and then I
bought a (Spanish grammar. Margaret,
sweetheart, forgive me" for she had
grown very pale. "I love you; I loved
you then. I hated to do It, but we had
no common friends, as people have In j
books. No accident ever happened In !
which I could rescue you. I couldn't
speak to you first. I Just had to de
pend upon your professional spirit and
the subjunctive mood. Say you for
give me."
"And Cuba and your position and the
rest of It?" she gasped.
True as gospel," he answered. "Cuba
Is simply holding its breath till It can
get our pianos. My 'position' Is that
of Junior partner In the firm, and I am
really going there on my wedding
trip, unless you would rather go some
where else." Theu pleadingly, "You
wouldn't, would you?"
ZAnd Margaret surprised herself by
whispering, "No." Afterward she re
flected It was what she had meant to
say all along.
A FewPrecious
Japanese Swords
YaKhoma - Bazar.
phone 217S Bed. Open Day and.Nlght.
The Astoria
MAN HINO, Proprietor.
Finemeals served at all
hoars. Oysters served in
any'style; Game in season.
899 Bond Street, Cor. th. JAstorla, Ore.
Then habit assorted Itself; the instinct
of the teacher triumphed; in the student
she forgot the man. His brow was knit
as lie searched tiw pajros for HomWbing
he apparently could not find. At hut,
oblivious to his, surroundings, he mut
tered with emphasis, -T)li. hang!" The
sound of his own voice no-ailed lilui.
lie glanced around guiltily. The Ital
ians wen- stolidly unconscious of his
existence, but he flushed as he met
Margaret White's friendly gaze.
"Let me help you." slie said softly.
Then hastily flushing in her turn ut
the wonder In his eyes, "I I am a
teacher, you nee and you seemed in
His face cleared. Of course that ex
plained everything. He answered
"I am. It's the subjunctive mood.
I thought I was doing a fine thing
when I got a native Spanish teuchcr,
but he doesn't know much more Eng
lish than I do Spanish, and between us
heaven knows what tongue I am ac
quiring." "I know; I've been through it," she
assured him, smiling. "Hut tell me
what puzzleH von."
"As I said, the subjunctive. It's
really the the"
"Exactly," she assented quickly. "It
really Is."
At One Hundred und Sixteenth street
he shut the. book with a triumphant
"I'm getting hold of It," he announc
ed. "I say, do you come up on this
train often?"
"Every morning."
'Then" But the train was already
starting again. He had Just time to
dash to the platform and bow to Mar
garet at her window before It was gone.
Ills smile, as be stood bareheaded In
ber last glimpse of him, completed the
broken sentence.
Commuting lost its terrors after that.
Many things may I said In twenty
minutes, and, though Margaret con
scientiously held her pupil to questions
of syntax, site learned a good deal
about him In spite of herself -that his
name, for Instance, was Harold Bond;
that he was In the employ of a firm of
Beef Tea.
This story was told by an old physi
cian who bad practiced for nearly fifty
years in a small country town. One
day he was summoned to a farmhouse,
where he found a woman in a high fe
ver and evidently exceedingly ill. He
said to her husband, who was the only
other person in the house:
"Your wife la very sick and must
have nothing to eat except milk and
beef tea, but I want you to give ber a
cup of one or the other every two
hours." When he came the next morn
ing and asked about bis patient her
husband said:
"That beef tea don't agree with her,
doctor; It certainly don't. She began
to feel bad as soon as she took It."
"That's odd," said the doctor. "You
didn't give her any little bits of the
meat In It, did you?"
"No, sir; I strained It first ou account
of the grounds."
"Grounds!" roared the doctor. "What
did you make that beef tea out of?"
"Corn beef and the best green tea. I
boiled 'em together all yesterday after
noon to get the strength out. But It
don't agree with her, doctor; It certain
ly don't."
Yonr Watch la Compaaa.
"Most men who own a good watch,"
said a Jeweler, "think they know all
about it Hiey have the number fixed
In their memory In case it Is stolen.
They could probably pick It out from
fifty other watches with their eyes
shut. But how many men know that
their watch Is a compass and will tell
north from south as accurately as It
will tell the time of day? Stanley, the
explorer, did not know It until he had
groped his way through the dark eontl
nent and met a Belgian sailor on the
const. Every watch Is a compass. If
you point the hour hand to the sun,
the south Is exactly halfway between
the hour and the figure XII on the
dial. Suppose, for Instance, It la 4
o'clock. Point the hand Indicating 4
to the sun and II on the watch la ex
actly south. If It Is S o'clock, point the
hand Indicating 8 to the sun and the
figure X on the dial is due south. No
man need get lost if he carries
Every 7oman
U uuercMed inn unnno Know
aiK.iu ut. woimrnui
MARVEL Whirling Spray
lima' Hwttim. lint Saf.
m-mijw i.onveniwii.
- W - 'voaw- ii nil
"ow -jar -aT-'fcT!
if )t i-ftimuuapply the
MAItlKI.. u'lt no
,lit.r. It'll unl iLmiiid fof
l!!urtnl lji- 1 1 bit
full (llrfrtlmiK In-
Ta'.u ilib- In riutlM MA Hi KL CO.,
41 l'arn Haw, men lira.
mem, Th Tibetans resorted to the
prlmltlva ' precaution; the I-epuchss
wore veils with their long hair. They
suffered more or loaa, but uot severely
and only for the first two days, while
the myriad facets of the new fallen
snow retalued a peculiarly burning
power. Though we afterward walked
ami camped ou the snow for nearly
two weeks, there were no further com
Hla No..
There was once a gentleman who had
had the misfortune to lose hi nose.
"My dear," aald the lady of the house
which he was about to visit to her lit
tle daughter, "I want you to be very
particular and make no remarks about
Mr. Jenkins' nose." The young lady
promised. Later In full drawing room
It was noticed that she looked sur
prised and even bewildered, and thoaa
who knew her best waited hopehilly
for some remark which would, so to
speak, make the home bright and live
ly. At last It came. "Mamma," she
attl In a clear, resonant voice, "why
did you tell me to say nothing about
Mr Jenkins' nose? He hasn't got any."
OfcIcf Your
for 1906
Only Art.
The studio "tea" had lecn a great
success. The one small and very
youthful member of the company had
walked softly about, lacking at the
pictures. Just before the party broke
up the artist discovered him surveying
a picture of a lion with awe and In
terest. "Don't be afraid, little chap," said
the artist genially, patting his small
guest on the head. "He won't hurt
'Oh, I'm uot afraid at all," came the
response in a clear treble that caused
every one to listen. "Fie doesn't look
a bit as If he were alive, you know,"
fot I hadc manna
Anton urndlim a nketrh nd 1mtrtrxim m
QtWrkly tuu-ttnam nttr ftnininn frm whnhnr mji
kavwnttnn it pnihnbly pnt.nt At'lct, Cttntntuttlrii.
MitinMrictlrt'iinntitMitiai. HANDBOOK on I'mnuu
tent frt. OMtmt aumir fur wwrtng uaianta.
I'dttmta mint inrnuifh JMunn A to. racalva
Utcial MIkt, without char, in ma
Scientific Jltiuricati,
A hanrlKimlf lllnttratml wiwklr. l anrMt rtr
rolaiion nf an? rlontlSti leurnal. Tarma. a
rnr: fmir niontba, L BtiB ttjr all nwttr.
MUNNJCo.88'8' New Tort
Branch iimca. r8 V ft, WuhlUftuu. I. t.
The J. S. Dellinger Co.
Astorin, Oregon.
Fine Line of Samples
Now Ready.
?WJ furuish all the latest designs at
prices lower than Eastern Houses
and save you the freight.
ill 1
osi Comolete Pip Plant in km
No Contract too Large. No Job too Small
Book and Magazine Binding a Specialty