The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 12, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 1908.
Attlug Assistant Surgmn !
t.S.Marlae Hospital Service, j
Met hour: 10 to IS a.m. 1 to 4:30 P-m, j
477 Commercial Street, 2nd floor.
" 1 '" ' i
jlmaKU Bldg. 5TS CommercUU Si J
rnoNE BLACK Htt.
By Ixola. Forrester
524 Commercial St. Astoria, Oreeon.
lytiiiH) Building Astoria, Oregon.
Dr. W. C LOGA3
KB Commercial St-, Shanahan Building
"If you would only speak to her.
Murray, it might do some good. Her
father and 1 hare tried our level best
j to discover a glimmer of ambition or
talent In her, and she hasn't an atom
f either. She's nothing but a jrlrl."
Mrs. Allan's hands fell on the wide
arms of her rocker with despairing ex
pressiveness. The colonel nodded hts
head soberly and sympathetically, as
bentted the solemnity of the moment
"She's still very young, isn't she?"
"She's the youngest of all. Bess Is
thirty, Louise nearly twenty-five and
Florence is twenty-one. Put look at
them! Each one is established In her
chosen profession and winning suc
cess." The colonel was silent. Remember
ing some of Bess' poems, Louise's pa-
Polly drew off her loug brown fur
stole ami trailed It meditatively along
the edge of the rug at her feet. The
colonel coughed and rvalUed that he
was expected to speak ott the subject
He beamed down upon Tolly paternal
ly. Ho had always liked Polly some
what bettor, privately, than Cousin
Sarah's mow talented daughters.
tlloloBjr baa Proved (km Daailrua li
Canned by Germ.
Selene It dontg wonder these days In
mctllclno ax well aa In mechanics. Bltica
Adam lived, the human race lini been
troubled with dandruff, for which no hnir
"Of course you are too youug to I preparation hiu heretoforo proved a sue.
to understand your own capabilities p,-,sf,,l cure unt II Newbro'e llvrplcldo was
and-er-and any lurking talents which i p,lt,?n "j1' " J!'
you may ro..yut you must ! ttfc
not give tip or be discouraged. Some v nip to get at the root of the Imir.
of the great geniuses of the world only j It -is tho vitality; causing Itching aealp,
discovered their gifts at middle age." : falling hair, and fltmlly ImMnr.j. witti-
"Well. It's a pltv some of them j llt ,,'"",ru'r hair must r..w luxuriantly.
"'" " " m stamps for immpla to The Herpt
uuu inRri m i un,. iiu leu uie ap-1 ciua vo., ueiroit. Mien
proving attontlou of Mrs. Allan's eve-
New stock of fancy goods just
arrived at Yokohama liazaar.
Gall and see the latest novelties
frtm Japan.
Heal Estate, Insurance, Commission
end Shipping.
Office 133 Ninth Street, Next to Justice
You can always, find the best
15-cent meal in the city at the
Rising Sun Restaurant.
612 Commercial St
"But If you can consider the question
of tt career or should feel any special
"That's it." Polly nodded her head
until the snowtlakea scattered lu rain
drops from her hat. "That's Just what
Eagle Drug 8tore, 351-353 Bond St.,
Owl Drug Store. 549 Com. St, T. F.
I aurln. Prop. "Special Agent"
I'arla Coart Trial.
The deinnnd for seats at a I'arla
court trial Is utilised by the poor to
I do feel. Colonel Hartwell-a special j ,um n ho,w"t frunc' Tne wurtroonw
"For what, iu the name of sense, Pol
ly Allan?" Mrs. Allan leaned forward
In amazement
"For Jack." Polly smiled assuredly,
aud slipped her hand Into the one that
sought tt. "He's going to be the object
of my career."
There was a tense silence. The colo
nel stariil frownlngly at Mrs. Allan,
and Mrs. All.ui looked back at him
with conflicting sensations. The para
mount one was a small but solid sense
of amused satisfaction iu the colonel's
utter discomfiture.
"Shall it be college or the mines, Mur
raj :" she asked.
The colonel squared his shoulders.
He had met honorable defeat before
and could face It like a soldier and a
"Neither, madam, neither. Seeing, as
it Is, l'olly and her career are at stake,
I give my consent and wish her all suc
cess." Jack stretched out his disengaged
"You blessed old dad!" he said, aud
the colonel had the honors of war.
usually admit of but forty visitors
other than the regular court officer. It
Is eominou for a crowd to collect In
front of tho court many hours before
the door Is open and wait patiently In
line. Just In-fore the trial begins, when
the door ar open, these men. who
have perhaps lieeu standing all night
lu the rain, are glad to sell their places
for n few francs.
Order Your
for 1906
ller fiinrlunlnn.
"I've gut iiiv opinion of a woman
that can't cook." growled William Ho
Kikkur. glaring at his better half. "I
suppose that if our cook would get
married I'd starve to death;"
"You needn't worry about that, Wil
liam," said Mrs. Ie K. gently. "Our
cook has been married once, and I don't
consider It at all likely that she would
eare to"
But her Irate smiiiso hail slammed the
door behind him. Cleveland Leader.
first-class meal
ir 15c; nice cake, coffee.J! pie, or
doughnuts, oc, at LT. S. Restaur
ant. 434 Bond St
E. GLASER, Prop.
Bern Cooking, Comfortable Beds, Reason
able Rates andjNice Treatment
Comer Seventeenth and Duane Sts.
T5 cents a day and up. Meals
20 cents. Board and lodging
4 per week.
Cord weed, mill wood, box wood, any
kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly,
th transfer man. 'Phone 2211 Black,
Bam on Twelfth, opposite opera
Dr. C. Gee Wo
Tata wanearfal Ck
wmm aocur It oaU4
TO much (fee an
wtlaoat open
aaa taal are giTro op
a aH. He cure alia
(ban wondcrftil ;bi
ata bcrfaa, rtxu, buda.
lam and Mceubln
feat an taOrMT
man a BMSleal Ki
eaat la thai awatrr.
taaw aarmlaai reinadln ih.l Cunon Auetor
mot lae aeUoa of rrr mm ai eat rem.
eBM, which he enrcfee folly aaea la tlhnu
a He (naumnteee u cure
at, loot, throat, rhranadam.
wkd. imr. tinoen, eic: aa
Bnoalala. Cham morleTBtA. Call eatf
ate alov Patlenta oal of th ey wrM let
aaotke aa4 cirenlar. In .r.i.. OOKaxn.
The C Gu Wo Chinese HoSdae Ok
2M Mitt SU. I
tients and Florence's copies of old mas
ters, he did not feel that either affirma
tion or denial was called for.
"And at eighteen they had nil decid
ed definitely what they wanted to make
of themselves, while l'olly Murray
Elartwell, when I asked Polly this
morning if 6he hud even the vaguest
sort of an inclination toward any oc
cupation in the world, what do you nup
pose she said? She told me that she
hoped some day to he the mother of as
many charniin daughters as I hail,
and If they were half as iinieh worry
as mine were she thought she would
have occupation enough. Murray, are
you laughing at me':"
The colonel leaned his head hack and
laughed heartily in spite of the iieeiis
ius. reproachful stare of Mrs. Allan's
"It's just like l'olly to say that." he
explained. "And. hy .love. I helieve
-:;e means it to.), it l were a n;:i
younger-say thirty ye;irs-IM Puve ;
try myself and en'-minine l:er in her
chosen career. I'.y .love. I would in
died. 'vL...;n Sarah! Tolly's a mighty
pretty, level headi-l little Kirl. ami I'll
be bound she's a o 1 i i jk."
"If it V'-re Jack's career that was at
st;'ke ; ou 'vituldu t turn a serious prob
lem of this kind jut j a joke. What if
ills only ambition in life wen- to be
The colonel's face sobered suddenly
it the tliotr.-'it. Jack --debonair, twenty-:v.-o-ye.ii'-')id
Jack- married!
"lint it's absurd. Sarah. Jack's a
nan. It's different. One expects such
! ill a ;!rl's liead. the s.iiiie a. a
fur j.-,. cre-iiji ur rose c,l ir or
i! i'cees. !nt J ick is ambitious arc
; ,. ,!' d mid -.veil started in I is profit
iio-.v. !'.y Jo-, c. I'm pr ci 1 of the
i y I Mi indeed. lie's a tine fellow.
t ke after his dad. IJtit married';"
! V.
A Few Precious
Japanese Swords
Yakhoma - Bazar.
Phooe'.'lT5 Red. Open Day and.Niglit.
The Astoria
MAN H1NG, Proprietor.
Fine meals served at all
boors. Oysters served in
any style. Game in season.
3U9 Bund Street, Cor. 9tli. fAstoria, Ore.
colonel le.uufl back his bead and
'."')',!: Mother laic'h.
' Why. if the yoniu' ra-cal even sul'
;rcstl such a tliiuu I'd lire him back to
college or scad Lira down to iiu? mine
to work off ar attack of romance on
the brain."
"And yet you censure me f jr desirlm;
something better f r folly than mere
marriage." V.r. Allan's tone was ai
prleved. "I tliof.'bt surely that you
would nnder:tMid and sympathize with
me. Murray, and your Influence might
possibly direct l'olly Into makiw? some
sort of a choice.''
'Vit 'i minute." The colonel rose
from his deep chair near the tire. There
v,a the slam of the front door and the
sound of quick, light steps In the hull.
'Tome and get warm before you o
home, Jick." culled a voice. "There's a
fire here In the study."
The lonpr, dark green portieres parted,
and Polly stssl In the doorway, tall,
blithely youthful and pink as a rosebud
where the wind had teased the color to
her face. ThcroVere snowflakes clliift
lnK to her big brown hat and to her
furs, but she was merry eyed and hap
py, suspiciousry happy, the two In the
study thotight.
"Hello, dad." Jack's face looked over
ter shoulder. "Awful glad you're here
We've leen for a trot along the drive
Polly end I."
"I thought that yon were upstairs
studying with iVk. Polly." said Mrs
Allau, "but an long as you are here you
may come In. The colonel and I havr
been talking of your career."
Wanted a Blc "Dar'l."
A newspaper tells the story of a
storekeeper hi a country town who,
after twice tcHins a yotiag taaa that
he had no "onions," reverted to the
matter after the customer had gone.
"I declare," he said, "I do' know but
what it was lagans that feller want
ed!" A similar tale is told by a young wo
man who, ireing in search of a barrel to
catch rain water, applied to the village
liitike per.
"Have you a hogshead that I could
buy';" she said, with the careful enun
ciation that she had learned In child
The Innkeeper shmik his head.
"Not any sort of hogshead?" she
asked, with gentle persistence. "1
thought you must have a good many."
"I wonder what set you thinking
that?" said the landlord, looking as If
he considered her demented. "I haven't)
kep' a single hog for ten years back,
and when I did keep 'em I never had
any call for their heads."
It was the young woman's turn to
look horrified.
"Oh, I don't know anything about
hogs' heads!" she said excitedly. "I
want a hogshead, an old molasses
hogshead or something."
The landlord hsked at her, and light I
dawned at last.
"I believe you mean you want a
hugshud," he said, smiling broadly.
"You step this way and take your
choice of what I've got."
HiBrala YaWl.
"Doctor." said a fashionable belle,
"what do you think of tight hieing?"
The doctor solemnly replied, 'Mud
am. all I can say Is that the more a
woman's waist is shajted like an hour
glass the sooner will her sands of life
run out."
h JearMhse W-f&V fPjJ
new ? Ah
Tradc Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Hull kf iuM'TUm mtr upitiiun rrc fitlntr u
MVfiitliii m pri'hahlr p4(nt'trli, mtmm)tr.
Umii HANDBOOK en i'Mfuu
0t'it frtM). i M 1wt Hi; miry fur kn untiir patoiKA,
rtiita (AkiMi Utroutfh Muim A to. rcelve
tptruti mttic4t without chnrvt), in thti
Scientific JImericam
A hnnrliumif!? HlnitnitM wwklr. T.ftfvmt rlr
rulAtlnti t.f mi 7 nriefitiOf 1-iiriinJ. 1rtim. a
MUNNXCo.38'8-' New York
Unuich (imra, KB t SU Wuhlumuii. II. t.
The J. S. Dellinger Co.
Astorin, Oregon.
Fine Line of vSamples
Now Ready.
We furuish xll the latest designs at
prices lower than Eastern Houses
and save you the freight.
u yuLJ
A Very Knnny Joke.
"The head of our firm had a trying
experience one 1'ourth of July," said a
commercial man. "He thought la
would play a funny joke on his family,
so a day or so before the holiday he
bought one of those candy botes made
In Imitation of a cannon firecracker.
He secreted this In the pantry, where
he thought it would be safe.
"Rut his little son, about eight years
old, discovered the firecracker and also
discovered tiiat It was filled with can
dy. He helped himself to the contents
and finally, finding the box empty, he
made way with It and substituted a
real cannon cracker.
"Fourth of July came and the head
of the family, smiling broadly, came
downstairs and placed his big firecrack
er in the middle of the breakfast table.
Then, regardless of his wife's expostu
lations, he touched a match to the fuse,
never thinking but what it was the
candy box on the table.
"His son and heir astutely vanished
from the scene about this time. In
about thirty secouds there was an ex
plosion that wrecked a once happy
breakfast table, and one hour later the
worst spanked boy In Detroit had sob
blngly confessed to an Irate father why
the Joke had failed." Milwaukee Sentinel.
Whr Urate Rara Give Oat.
The principal cause which contrib
utes to the rapid burning out of the
grate bars In a boiler is the action of
the furnace heat, which will In time de
stroy any set of grates, but the want
of a proper flow of air through the
grates will cause overheating, whether
It occurs through too little air space In
the grates themselves or by these
spaces becoming obstructed through
any cause, thus preventing the cooling
effect of the sir on Its passage to the
Dre. Another reason Is found In the
impurities of the coal and especially In
the chemical combinations of sulphur
and Iron, which Impurities arc found
In more or less quantity In all coals.
The Practical Engineer says any coal
which forms an easily fused clinker
will Injuriously affect the grates.
Me Priiiii Plant in km
No Contract too Large. No Job too Small
Book and Magazine Binding a Specialty