The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 12, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 1905.
Wc SliKD a chance to TKIUMI'll over competitor by handling
PKKKI.KSS in funlity, and It wa thus wc KOSli from obscurity.
Wc may not be KINdS or rule I'.Ml'IRKS, but you can (bur)
HANK on getting the best when you buy from us.
Keminds u it U time to PLANT YOUR GARDEN.
Headquarter for Sccdn
There will be service In nil th
churches of the city today, and resi
dent iiii'l strufifcer H re udmonlsbed
Unit salvation Ik free.
For Kale At 'Jaston's feed stable,
No. 105 Fourteenth street, one landle's
harries machine; one 20 home power
motor and belting;: 1000 good sack.
Blar Thsater-Vaudtvllls.
lodgt Mtatingt Today. order lamlcs, Asioila
Indue No. IV. II . 111.. Social mniitiiii
mid Initiation.
John, it native df Finland, v.-'IP
m null-. I (lint cllUeiislilp J ..i i i h by
County t'l.-ik Clinton yesterday.
Local Brevities.
Co. aia oprn for bul-
We have In stuck bulk sweet an lll
pickles, Uuil urn the ftn.-t put up.
The usual ii-cent matlucc
lvi'ii ut the Star this nfl'i
which th; entire performanc'
will be
will be
Jut received, aiiik fmicy smoked
bloaters. A8TMA GROCERY.
Just received today, a fresh ship
ment of fiincy creamery butter
Wutnotivllle brand. Foard &. HtokiM
W. J. Hess haa opensd th cleanest
and best appointed restaurant In A-
lorla at 120 Eleventh street. Th best
In the market, anj the promptest serv-
Ice. tf
n. M. Gaston carrlea a full and
omplote line of wagons, buggies,
plows, hnrrowa and all klnda of farm
tool and machinery at 105 Fourteenth
street, Aatorla, Ore.
Families desiring either Colonial
or Khoal water bay oysters can always
secure, them fresh at the Imperial
oyuster houe, which make a apeclally
of supplying families or partlea.
Captain Jordon of the Vanguard re
xirla that ii i i number of fishing
bout art- on Ihe ilvcr and nil report
fulr cntcln-M, The salmon rn'vt with
it niidy sale, both here and In I'orl-luuil.
Iloma-made auuer kraut, Do per tb.
More White Tine cough ayrup haa
been sold In Ataorla thla winter than
any other kind, becauae It gives In
Ntiuit relief. The Owl and Eagle drug
tonaorlal parlor and "l"r" Br B"'1" ,or tt" lne "1
Tha Occident
bath facllltle are equalled by none.,
Everything modern and up to date
See Peterson.
Judge McBride 8aya Defendant Had
Fair Trial.
The cum- of the alatc of Oregon
agaliurt John Heridrlckaon charged
with selling ll'iuora cotitray to the pro
vlalona of the local ontlon law Ii
L'nlontowr. came up before Judge Mc
Bride yesterday afternoon on a motion
for a new trial. The Judge decided thai
the defendant had a fair and Impar
t lt I trial and that no errora were torn-rnltt.-d
iluring the trial, and the motion
w:ia overruled. Next Monday wna et
aa the time for pacing aentenee, and
It will be determined at thatlinw If
an apnal will be taken to the aupreirw
court. The rjiji-Ht ion aa to what co:i
atltuled the ahore line wa held, that
while Hi.. Ktnr line followed the bank
of the river, yet when building wure
built out ti'-ynMd that line, the wharf
or building followed the line and would
naturally 1- within the deacrllied
boundarl'a of the precinct.
In the circuit court y.'nterday for
mal ordeiM were handed down aa f-il-fowa.
The ( ;ie of Marion T. Copeland
ugulnal II. F. Flndley and John Ie
waa dlwmiHeiJ. Teatlmony of Fred
Woolley In tile ae of II. V. Cyru
agalnnt J. S. Ieilnger waa taken am)
th cime of J. W. Walker againat V.
It. Ieed waa dlamlaaed.
U"e ut
nil. ed dried beef, ready for
J The Moinc department tore ha re-
Iceivctl a liitii. Iiii'itlri. f,f lieu? Hlif'lni
l,..i.... . ...i ..... ..... ..i - ...
Do you know that the M Cf -a -Ford ' " "" '
I'oAltl) & HTOKF.8 CO.
Amlieu i iiMd.imi id Ii, ii
AllKlla, Bill Klllliteil lllHl
lun'tm yeiil.'tdiiy.
native of
i It l.elinlllti
jCo, 63 H Commercial atreet, rue making
a big reduction on oil
Muling the I.ehN'it neanon
Kama, Thla Htore I a xtrlctly home
pholiigraphn ! 'Iml" '"Inn ""d deiw-i'vlng of a har-
or i in- public pationage.
1V0S flower aeda now on dlaplay at
Atorla (Irocety. Come early and got
your pick.
Itemembrr we kcop a full line of
Dial china canned and amoked meat.
Ianlger Co. are open for bul
neaa, although the refitting la not at
yet complete.
Home fine queen ollvea at 25c per
pint at
Damlger and Co. are open for bual
nea, although the workmen are atlh
In charge of the (tore.
Martina F.ctutern Cream, Tillamook
Full Cream and brick Cheeae alwaya
on hand.
FO.HD it 8TOKF.8 CO.
Try a can of Khelllug'a bent Spice ;
every can guaranteed. Your inoncy
back If It don't ault.
I'ndeitiiker I'ohl la
Hi'lllng out, The city mi lonlthy
that no (liatha have occurred fur near
ly tWH Week.
Now Ih the tluie lo order your clothe
,i to haw i hem by fcanter Sunday.
Call at C. II. Co.,.-i'h on Wediieaday,
Tliuimla) and Friday, and wb-ct youi
Hult and have It ruade to peae your
contemplating'""'" """" ""1 mtM-u
County Judge Trenchard I erneatly
endeavorlrlng to n.fur the Irnprove-
meiit of tin- Smith point road, aa It I
the only practical,),, outlet for the
Voting river farmer bringing produce
to AMoria. It I ulao irnpOHHlble for
the nasi- and door fiudory to reaume
operation :is long aa the road la block
ed by Klld.-a. Th.- council will endeav
or to have Hie Mn-et Improved In the
near future.
Jup-a-ljic, the fineat llnlali for floor
haa proven both durable and make a
fine flnlah. U. F. Allen U 8on have r
celvej a complete aaaortmeut.
It. M. Luther building a gawdlnc
bout for the Columbia Itlver I'aiker'
AaatMlalton uud expect to have It
completed during the proaetit month.
The Fraternal Order of Ivigiea will
give a aocl.'il Hi la iifternou at their
hall. An appropriate program ha
been prepared; there will be good
mualc arid refresh ment a will be nerved.
GoCartts !
Our spring stock has arrived. Wc con
trol three of the best makes of folding
and reclining carts.
The Hey wood, The Wakefield
and The Gondron.
In order to control these various lines wc arc forced
to buy a very large assortment, and to dispose of
same we arc offering them at $2.50 and up.
They arc all of the very latest patents in the combi
nation folding and reclining carts.
See Window Display.
Astoria's Foremost House Furnishers.
W. Whyte of Koine, Idaho, haa
taken charge of the Mc 'rea-Ford
atU'llo for a time, and for the next 30
day will make the bc-st 15.00 photo
graph for J3.S0. See our work. liml
In the city for caah money.
t'p to tlii cloae of bulni.-a Utt
evening Sheriff Llnvllle reporta that
about tTfi.000 haa been collected on the
Clataop county tax roll, which la far
In cxci-bh (f the amount colected laat
year during the aame time.
A h i lal meeting of the water m
mltodon tt.tK la-Id yesterday afternoon.
It having bun reported that the con
duit leading from the reservoir to the
head woiks needed repairing, Kngineer
lierawlck wan employed to make an
examination and r('lort aa oon a
completed. About 20 men will be em
ployed and It will require about a
month to uncertain the Improvements
For something nice for breakfaat,
try our cream rolled oata, free from
flinty or Imperfect grain. Wc have
nothing but the beat. Only 5 centa
per pound.
lr. Henderson who haa been at
tending tildf Anderson during his re
cent Illness, stales that his patient will
be able to be out next week, but will
not be permitted to resume the duties
of his olllce until (lie week following.
Are you ready for your spring
clothes, if you are get your menauiv
taken at C. II. Cooker's by the cutter
from Messrs. Strauss Itrna., Chicago.
1'crfect lit and satisfaction In all le
sK'i ts guaranteed.
How true to the name
are our
$3.50 and $4.00
Men's Shoes.
Perfect In Workmanship.
Perfect In Fit.
Perfect In Style.
Oeputy Sheriff Clark I.oughery re
turned from Clifton last evening where
he went to arrest Carney Ix-mon, who
Is accused of shooting Joo Nick last
Tuesday evening. Nick Is In the hos
pital and It Is understood that little
hopes are entertained of his recovery.
It cost the city of Astoria $109 to try
th. case of Oavldson against the city,
and about $150 in the Bock case. In
the Davidson case It la doubtful If th
costs can be collected as he la an Ir
responsible person, und small hope
are entertained of colectlng the costs
In the Hock caae. The city la frequent
ly nut to expense In trying trivial dam
age cases against the city, and some
method ought to be provided eompell
Ing persons bringing suits to pay the
The license proposed In the bill
board ordinance Is none too high. The
council must remember that the ex
penses of the city are constantly ln-
reaslng, while the revenues from tne
IHiiice court are decreasing. The estab-
shment f a street clearing depart
ment means an additional expense of
about $2200, and revenues must be de
rived from source, or the city will be
In the hole. An exclusive bill board
franchise la cheap at $73 a year and
there are plenty of men who would be
willing to pay It.
A new lot of Australian lump coal
Just received. There Is no fuel so con
venlent, satisfactory and economical
ns first class coal. Australian coal
burns freely with little ash and no
clinkers. You can have It sacked 01
In lumps. Free delivery. Ring up
phone 1961. ELMORE & CO.
John Harry, one of the I'nlontowii
saloonkeepers, has accepted the verdict
of the Jury In the Hendrlckson case.
and closed up hla saloon. Ho has leased
the building at the corner of Sixth and
Astor. formerly occupied by John
Stephenson, and will move his busi
ness there.
Messrs. Strauss Tiros., Chicago rep
resentative will be nt C. IT. Cooper's
on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
March 15th, lfith and 17th, with the
largest and best line of woolens evet
displayed In Astoria. No trouble to
show goods. Look them over whether
you wish to order or not.
Wherity, Ralston Company
The Leadirig Shoe Dealers.
First Congregational church, preach
ing 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. L. T.
Mnhone, pastor, Rev. C. M. Smythe of
Portland will preach nt the morning
services The pastor will preach In
the evening, subject, "Harmony of
Communion with public worship." Sun
day school 12:20 p. in. Reception of
members at the evening service.
There were seven cases In the police
court yesterday. The bail In four gam
bling cases amounting tn $100 was de
clared forfeited. Iva Arnold forfeited
$3 ball for being Intoxicated. Alfonse
Mind, who created a disturbance at the
corner of Ninth and Commercial, and
who knocked down a woman In a down
town resort, was fined $20. Jennette
Price, a woman who has given the po.
lice considerable trouble, and w'ho at
tempted to commit suicide about a
months ago, was fined $100 or 50 days
In Jnll nnd was turned over to the fa
therly protection of Captain Oammel
who will look after her spiritual wel
fare for the next two months.
The mystery Is solved. The carv
ing of the name "Elliott" on a stone
near the corner of Twelfth and Puane
streets was done In ISO" by Joe Shlv
ley. Joe was somewhat of an artist
and amused himself In carving names
on rocks. In the roar of Foard &
Stokes' store Is a largo rock upon
which Joe carved the wreck of the
Industry, with the names of all the
crew that were lost. The wreck oc
curred In 1S67. Shortly after that Joe
went to soa with Captain Coma and
was drowned oft the Columbia river
bar by being struck on the head with
a spanker boom. Ills body was never
recovered, but funeral services were
held. An empty coffin was taken into
the Congregational church where the
funeral exercises were held. Milton
Elliott was an uncle of Joe, and this
Is probably why he carved the name
Elliott on the rock.
You are cordially Invited to call at
our store on Wednesday, Thursday amt
Friday, March 15, 16 nnd 17, to see' the
beautiful display of new woolens in
the piece sent expressly for the ocens-
slon by Strauss Bros., Chicago Master!
Dress as Well as You Can.
By having your spring suits made b
Strauss Bros., Chicago. Great display
of new spring styles at C. II. Cooper'r
on next Wednesday, Thursday and Frl-tlay.
Danzlger & Co. are open for business.
The Special Sales we offer for this week,
are far superior to any that have .been
offered by any of our competitors.
Ginghams- 8,30 a. m. to IO a. m.
We will sell best apron check
gingham every day this week at
Hosiery- IO a. m. to ll:30 a. m.
We will sell Ladies' 25c Grade
Cotten Hosiery every day this week at
18C. Per Pair
Prints- 1,30 P. M to 3 p. m.
We will sell Standard prints, 12 yards to a
customer, every day duriug this week at
2C. Per Yard
General Items from All Over the Store
Cjc grade corsets, all colors 45c
11 5o ladies, black sateen pet
ticoat at 9oc
65c. ladies' shirt waiat, - - 43c
5oc men's 2-in-one shirt - 35c
2.V table oil cloth . 15e
lies! C cord spool thread, two
spools for - - - - 5c
Embroidery silk, 3 skeins for loc
Lustre crochet cotton, spool 3o
iorse Department Store.
! II
OUR MOTTO-Everything down to date. No old
. or shop worn goods
Ribbon Sale
! Foard StoEes
Where Ribbons Reign Supreme
Dame Fashion predicts that this will be the great
est ribbon year the world has ever known.
We predict that
Will witness the greatest ribbon sale that Astoria
has ever known.
We haven't the time or space to enumerate in this
issue. Watch Monday's and Tuesday's papers.
Aatoria's Greatest Store.
w i akj.q rr 537531
Bond St.
Tullors. C. II. COOPER.