The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 11, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    - - - - - - 111 " 1 " "' ' J-- -- - - - - - T-niwir - - r8-"" tinrirTfr-ir im irifiB ttmm in (fir uriiiirn m ir "FT nil iiti ' - - -- y N
Twclvr Thousand Dollars Cap
tured By Officers.
Collector of Cutsoms Seized Diamond
From Apent of Frin:h Firm and
Will Proceed to C.ndcmn Them as
Having Been Stolo.v
sativm called the business wornon's
New York league, which w ill fick to
brliiK the members Into touch for mu
tual helpfulness nnd to provide pi
urable reereattou. This is the tlrs'
eastern branch of nil orffnnlintlon. the
Huslness women's National ttOUKue
which was formed at St. Louis, aftei
the last meetlnit of the Oeneral VYI
eration of Women's Clubs, with head
quarters In VH-nver. Social imetlnss
will be held once a week nnd the pro
motors are endeavoring to work out a
plan broad enouKh and sufficiently In
teresting to prove beneficial and at
tracting to Pales women, stenograph
ers, and others engaged in commercial
pursuits; also teachers, ai lists, lawy
ers, physicians and other professional
Among the schemes under discus
sion is one for purchasing u place dis
tant from the city where members of
ithe le-igue needing rest can live for i.
time at a small expense.
San Francisfo, March IP. -Tvel-thousand
dollars worth of diamonds
hfe been suUed by t''.t co'lertor of
cJ:oms Ht t.Ms port. l.ouU llospidal,
an agent for a rrem h .liamond firm,
hed an assignment of diamonO-s frvn
the firm at Havanj where be was to of then. From Havana. 1K
pldal went to Mexico and thence to
this city, where he was arrested but
upon giving up the diamonds to an
agent of the French house he was re
leaved and promised Immunity from
prosecution by the firm. The collector
of customs then seized the diamonds
In the possession of the agent and now
holds them in his custody. He is about
to begin suit to condemn and forfeit t
the diamonds as smuggled goods on
the ground that the stones are not im
ported by the owners, but as stolen
property. The matter has been re
ferred to the authorities at Washing
ton for Instructions.
Implicated in Assassination of Grand
New York, March 10. Six Russians,
alleged to be members of the execut
ive revolutionary committee cfr Mos
eow, have been arrested In Marseilles
France, according to a Herald dispatch
from that city. A search made in the
rooms occupied by the prisoners is
said to have disclosed the fact that
(they had been charged with the as
sassination of the Russian grand dukes.
Alexis and Vladimir, and that they
should have left Marseilles at once to
execute their plans.
Active Work Will Be Commenced in a
Few Days.
Evidently mindful of the proverb
that delays are dangerous. Major W.
C Langfitt is going ahead with the
preliminary labors on the Jetty nt the
mouth of the Columbia river in anti
cipation of the financial help to come
later from the river and harbor bill
for the completion of that undertaking.
Recently orders were Issued by him to
Assistant Engineer Hegardt to push
the early operations necessary In ad
vance of the start being made to re
pair the damage to the trestle caused
by the storms of last year, when sec
tions were washed out covering a dis
tance of about 4000 feet.
In rebuilding that part of the trestle
no large rock will be needed, as that
first placed there remains, but some
small stuff will be dumped along where
the new piling will be. placnj. The
electric light plant will be o-erhauied
and made fit for service, so the driving
of piles mad continue day and night,
and if ihe weather does not interfere
it is calculated rock will be re !..-!
in less than 50 dajs. Should the ti'ip-"-of
the engineers mttera!ize ir. tbat
respect the entire summer season will
be devoted to the ext-nsii"i work, and
before fall sets in there will be quit'!
a lengthy stretch of new trestle con
structed. TJiat the Columbia river has -t-u
materially deepened by the combined
benefits from the jetty and work done
by the Chinook is admitted even by the
most skeptical, and it is clearly
by the last survey reports, but with all
that mariners generally incline to the
opinion that the required depth will
become permanent only when another
jetty is built out from the north shore.
Alderman Hart of Chicago is Acquit
ted. Chicago, March 10. Former Abler
man Frederick A. Hart, indicted two
years ago while a member of the coun
cil, has been found not guilty by Judge
Barnes of the charge of having at
tempted to solicit a bribe.
Hart was th democratic alderman
from the Twenty-ninth ward. The ac
cusation was that he offered for a con
sideration to get an order through the
city council allowing a bank building
to exceed the height allowed by law.
Believed Russian Defeat Will End the
Pekin, March in. The results of the
recent fighting In Manchuria have
made considerable of an 'impression in
diplomatic circles here and even tie
most sanguine pro-Russians hue been
forced to admit that the prospects for
Russian success is discouraging. From
a Russian point of view It was expect
td that after the winter had passed
the Russian armies reinforced would
avenge their reverses an! retrieve
their fallen fortunes. The recent de
feat has shattered this hope and it is
generally believed that the end of the
war is far distant.
Educational School for Scandal to be
New York, March 10. Women
claiming that they lack wholesome
diversion, owing to the fact that they
ore engaged six days a week in busi
ness pursuits have effected an organl-
Crisis in Norway.
Copenhagen. March 10. The cabinet
crisis In Norway, has been settled by
the formation of a coalition ministry
of which Mlcholben Is the premie.
Loveland, a former minister, will hold
the section of the state council sittin:;
at Stockholm. The other members are
General Olssen and Messrs. Lehmkuhl
Vogt. Hagerup. Bull. Vlnjo.
Wexelzen and Knudson. The distri
bution of portfolios has not ye! been
New Haven Minister Objects to
Marriage Announced.
Berlin, March 10. According to a
semi-official statement given out at
Schweln, the marriage of Crown
Prince Frederick William and Duchess
Cecilia will take place in Berlin on
June 6.
To Receive the Corrupt Politicians
Who Use Money to Cary Primaries,
Conventions and Elections in the
Nutmeg State.
Hartford. Conn., March 19. Rev,
Or. Newman Smythem of New Haven,
who appeared before the Judiciary
committee of the general assembly In
supinirt of a corrupt practise bill. In
formed the committee that after care
ful Investigation he had found that In
the last campaign "money met money
at the caucuses In considerably more
than 10.000 of the towns of the State."
He figured that the total sum used
might have reached 1150.000. Not
withstanding, he said, the notorious
use of money and other valuable con-,
sldemtlons in the last campaign "not
a single stroke of a prosecuting pen
has been made, not a dollar fine Im
Hsed, not a Jail door has swung upon
to receive a single political robber of
He Intimated that such evidence as
was at hand might be laid at the door
of the judiciary committee of the
Fnited States marshal.
Naturalization of Aliens.
Washington, March 10. Secretary
Metcalf has appointed Richard K
Campbell, law nfttre of the bureau of
Immigration n member of the commis
sion to Investigate the general subject
of the naturalisation of aliens.
San Francisco Detectives Goin
to Honolulu.
Result of the Inquest Charging That
Mrs. Stanford Wss Murdered by
St'ychnine Poison in Bicarbonate of
Soda Which She Drank.
Honolulu, March 10. The end of
the inquest with a positive verdict of
murder leaves the police of Honolulu
as much without a clue as when Mrs.
Stanford? die!. High Sheriff Henry
said after the inquest that it was his
opinion that the strychnine Was placed
in the soda in San Francisco by a
member of Mrs. Stanford's household.
At the inquest Dr. Shorey testified that
the strychnine used, as shown by the
tests, was a strychnine such as Is not
used generally for medicinal purposes,
but used principally for poisoning ani
mals. This statement is regarded as of
possible assistance In the tracing of
the purchase of the strychnine.
The Jury returned their verdict after
about two minutes deliberation.
The detectives who are expected to
arrive from San Francisco on the
steamer Alameda tomorrow may be
able to take up the Investigation on
new lines. The local police admit that
they are at sea.
Its Influence Has Been Felt by so
Many Astoria Readers.
The soothing Influence of relief.
After suffering from Itching Files.
From Eczema or any Itchiness of tin
Makes one feel grateful to the rem
edy. Doan's Ointment has soothed hun
dreds. Here's what one Astoria citizen says:
Mrs. Helen Lewis, who lives at No.
52 Astor street, says:
"I consider Doan's Ointment th
best remedy of the kind I ever used.
Every winter for the past 1 or 1.'
years I was trouble with a breaking
i out around my mouth and lips. Some
times the cracks at either corner of
i my lips wei,. ho son- that I could
.hardly speak. I could look for this an
inoyan' ,;- as -loon as mid w-alhor i oip.
Ine ia ed, and il iii.noyed me until warm
j weather s-t in. Nothing 1 could do
ilia l any effe t tn it. I finally read
Jntmut lKian's Hntnc-iit an I iM a box
Jat 'ha:i-'-s Rogers .nr store on i'oiii
! mercial s're.-t. A few a id licatloiis :
ithis wonderful remedy iui"l II up
(completely and I had not had any
(trouble since. It Is now over three
months since I used it."
For sale by all dealers. Price; 50
cents l-r box. Foster-Mllburn Co.,
nuffalo, N. Y.. sob- agents for the Fnit
ed States.
Remember the name -Doan's and
take no substitute.
Vesuvius Getting Hot
New York, March 10. Vesuvius
which has never been completely Inact
ive, has become more agitated, cables
the Xaples correspondent of the Her
ald. Incandescent lava, accompanied
ly Hashes of light was frequently
thrown out Wednesday night.
A few counterefiters have lately been
making and trying to sell Imitations of
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds and other
medicines, thereby defrauding the pub
lic. This Is to warn you to beware of
such people, who seek to profit
through stealing the reputation of rem
edies which have been successfully
curing diseases for over 25 years. A
sure protection to you in our name
on the wrapper, Look for It on all
Dr. King's, or Bucklen's remedies, as
all others are mere Imitations. H. E.
BTJCKLEN & CO., Chicago, 111., and
Windsor, Canada.
Ilave been suffering from Impure Blood
for many years, having Boils and othet
Eruptions. Having heard of S. S. S. I de
cided to try it, and am glad to say that it
baa done me a great deal of good, I intend
to continue to use it, as I believe it to be
the best Blood Medicine on the market.
Cleveland, Tenn. W. K. Dsterb.
For over fifteen years I have suffered
more or lets from Impure Blood. About a
year ago I had a boil appear on my leg
below the knee, which was followed by
three more on my neck. I saw S. S. S
ldvertised and decided to try it, Aftet
taking three bottles all Boil disappeared
tnd I have not been troubled any since
Gho. G. Fertio.
f 14 W. Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky.
Newark, Ohio, May 23, 1903.
From childhood I had been bothered
with bad blood, skin eruptions and boils
I had boils ranging from five to twenty In
number each season. The burning ac
companying the eruption was terrible.
S. S, S. 6eemed to be just the medicim
needed in my case. It drove out all impu
rities and bad blood, giving me perrua
nent relief from the akin eruption ant"
boils. This has been ten years ago, and
save never bad a return of the disease.
Mas. J. D. Atherton.
Write for oui
book on blood and
skin diseases.
Medical ad via
or any special in
formation about
your case will cos
you nothing.
Thi Swift Speclflo Ctnpany, Atlanta, fit
Mlataken Ideality,
Senator i'roelor of Vermont, (tecum
imnlod by Mrs. Proctor nnd n party of
some fourteen persons, wns 01100 mak
ing n tour of the west. A stop was
made at Salt Luke City, niul tho parly
started out for a walk about the oily.
Senator Ptootor ami Ids wife headed
tho proewwiou, niul the Indies of the
party liroucht up the rear, going l
pairs. That very same tiny another
parly of easterners va making the
rounds of Suit Lake City, nnd when
they encountered the Piwtor party In
the main street they stood usUle (0 lot
tliein pass. "Well, well!" exclaimed
one of the second party. "There's n
sight! Look at that old Mormon ami
his wives. Opt for a eoiwtltullount, I
suppose. I wonder," he ndded, "If he
has any more."
Fellow Warn.
Before I-ongfolluw bought the house
lu Cambridge mo associated with bis
memory It was owned and occupied by
old Mrs. Cralgle. Mrs. Crnlgle was a
woman of many eeeout rid ties, Moncure
O. Conway says In his book of "Rem
iniscences." Some one once tried to persuade her
to have her trees tarred to protect them
from caterplllHrs, which also Invaded
her nelghtora' trees. She refuted to be
so cruel to the caterpillars. "They are
our fellow worms." she said.
Baeketor Loslc.
"Old Mr. ltatcbelor thinks be has
proved that there Is uo such thing as
a good husband."
"How's Unitr
"He says that If a man's got sense
enough to be a good husband be has
too much sense to get murrled."
Cleveland Leader.
"Every household ought to have as
encyclopedia," observed the professor.
"I think so, too," responded Mlaa Flut
terby brightly. "They nre so handy
to press crumpled ribbons nnd flowers
and loiters nnd things."--Louisville
Appreciated III Dancer.
Canvasser - You know how uncertnlu
life Is. Business Man -That's so, I
might kill a life Insurance agent any
time nnd be executed for It. New
Tori. Press.
Great Auction Sale
of Shanahan StocK.
Begiutiiiig on Mouday moruing, March 'th, I will sell
. al public auction my entire stock,
without regard to cost. No reservation whatever
will be made and ami any reasonable bid for any ar
ticle in the store will be accepted. Don't forget the
great Auction Sale that will begin next Monday
Morning, March 6th, at lO o'clock. ,
MAX STRAHL,! Auctioneer. r H
Make not thy friend too cheap to
thee nor thysalf to thy friends -Fid lor.
Simple and Reliable.: Latest Cut.
. 6
ln Psrti to Ct Out
ul Order,
Uii Viurlnt', Parti.
More Pimtr with Lot
I'm Uii 0iulin.
Under Pr(t! Con
trot. Quiet Exhiuil.
Any Spd Irwr. 100
to 1000 revolution!
per minute.
Slo I to 10 II. I'.Slnclc Cylinder.
SI .- to IO II. ll.,;ioiillf ( Alliid. r.
Complete External and
Internal Treatment
Consisting of warm baths with
o . ,.
to cleanse the skin of
crusts and scales, and
soften the thickened cuti
cle; CUTICURA Oint
ment to instantly allay
itching, irritation, and
inflammation and soothe
and heal; and CUTI
CURA Pills to cool and
cleanse the blood,
A Single Set, costing but One Dollar,
Is ofUn sufficient to cure the most tortur
ing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood
humors, eczemas, rubes, itchingt, aod
irritations, with loss of hair, from infancy
to age, when all elic fails.
Mil throiiffhfmt th. wurld. Cutlnir. Hmp, 2Af.. Oint
ment, V)c, Juvolvrnt, Mr, In form mI CIidcu!.! VMni
Vlt, ht UI of 'J. Iif?Hrtf IxiMlon, 7 Cliirtr
houM H. ; I'lr., 6 Mil), il I. I'.lx HoMon, ;I7 CuluuiUul
Ave. Podif lime . Clirm. vr.. 1 l'r.,w.
arHtMl for l" fun TurlutUig, iibflgurkif
IJuxRor. from luftuc to Agt."
Steamer Leaves Astoria for San
Francisco Every 5 Days.
Connects at SanFrancisco with Rail
and Steamer Lines for South,
em California.
Vf. W. KOHEItTS, Agent.
Astoria, Oregon.
im a i e
0 .
I w im'a d;i s on
o r.ioyo.MMi Kti.VhisT. :-: iH;i:i.i:vlvnfhT.
Pulo Bohemian I'cor
lU:Ht In The Northwest
North Pacific'BrewiMCo.
Staple and Fancy firor,m'fts
Supulii' of nil kin U at Lurmt urues for Pwhermoo, Farmers unJJLogiem
Branch Unlontown, Phones, 711, Uniontown,7l3
Tenth and Commercial Street. I ASTORIA. OREGON.
Telopbone 221.
Draying and Expressin
All good shipped toourcare will receive ipeolal attention,
709-715 Commercial Street.