WEDNESDAY, MARCH t, 1809. THE MORNING. ASTOR! AN, ASTORIA, OREGON. 8 f 1 I FOR Columbia BAR Senator Fulton Secures Another Increase. 4' 1 . . . MONEY LT03 EXTEND JETTY The Appropriation Bill as It Passed the House Appropriate $400,000, ' But Senator Fulton Secured an Increase for the Jetty. The river and harbor bill. came time when It vmed as If na ture must give away. She lifted her voice and cVled loud and lonr. Her cry was taken up by others w ho were near and It echoed and re-echoed over the grounds. Then suddenly nil was still. What was the iw of It all? She would lay another tgs tomorrow." "The Pevll as a. Gentleman," In the tUle of a new book. Well,, after U1. It'a ju as we look at him, brethren. The Information is going the rounds thnt "cheerfulness is a sure cure for dyspepsia." We suspect that it was originated by the- very same people who dscovered that hair Is a sure cure for baldness. Grave Trouble ForettenT It needs but ltttle foresight to tell that when your stomach and liver are badly affected, grave troubU is aheu unless you take the proper mejlelw for your disease, as Mr. John A. Young of Clay. N. Y., dll. She says: "I had neuralgia of the liver and stomach, my ' heart was weakened, and 1 could not eat. I was very bad for a long time, but In ElecMc Bitters, I found Just what I need.d,ir they quickly relieved and tured me.". Best medicine for week women. Sold under guarantee by Chas. Rogers, druggist, at 50c a bottle. GOLD ON THE ELOKOMEN. which Jclal.) Black Sand Containing Gold Exists in the River. Cathlamet. Wash.. Mann 7.lSpo- In conversation with Ualph El- X DC 11 CI . . 2 . , . w r,nrovd llott. an old pioneer of the Klokomen by the president, carries a sufficient valley, regndrlng the mineral resources aDorowlatlon to commence and con tinue work, both on the Columbia be of this locality, he stated to the wrltei that many years K while transacting tween Astoria and Portland and also business In the Tutted States land of the Columbia river bar. The house flee at Vancouver, he whs shown some out down the appropriation for the fine specimens of gold-hearing quart bar to 1400.000 on account of the stron by 'James O Kenne. at that time re- cptxwitlon of Congressman Burton, celver of the land omte ana sun chairman of the committee, but when resworn ol " - " the bill went to the senate, Senate Fulton succeeded in having it increaset to $700,000. Although this is not suf r was brought there by the Indians from d Cathlamet Mr. tVKeane was anxious to come to Cathlamet and r Put " " w in1'." - " " ----- i flcient to complete the work, it will be prospecting trip with an old enough to continue the work until con gress meets again, when there will probably not be a much opposition. The Improvement of the mouth of the Columbia river consists at pres ent in the construction of a jetty, known as the south jetty, which, when completed, will extend seven miles seaward. There are now about five and one half miles practically com pleted. The project for this Improve ment contemplates the securing of a 40-foot channel with at least a width f one-half mile over the bar. The in. tended work of the government to pro- Tide this is summarized in tht annual report of the chief of engineers for 1903. In speaking of the project, this report says: ' "To produce a bar depth of 40 feet and a channel of suitable width, not less than one-half mile, and to main- , tain It permanently will. In the opin ion of the board, require a nearly com plete control of the ebb flow across the bar. The beneficial results follow ing from such control are seen at the . present gorge, just within the end of the existing Jetty, where great depths are found, and a depth of 40 feet Is projected seaward one and one half miles beyond the end of the control! hog work. With the extension of the south) Jetty the north bank of the shannel will undoubtedly grow sea ward and increase' In height. Should the growth of this batik in length and elevation be sufficient to give t'je necessary control of the ebb flow, no work in addition to the south jetty will be required. The board is, how ever, not satisfied that this will be tht case. It therefore recommends the construction of a north Jetty at such time aa its necessity becomes appar ent and in case the south Jetty alone falls to produce or maintain a perm anent 40-foot channel." The plan of improvement at this Hm., therefore, covers the ful con struction of the south Jetty, but should that fail to give the d'-slred resul'.s the north jetty will be undertaken. With the comparatively small appropriation for this year it will be Impossible to complete the south jetty this season, but sufficient should be accomplished to insure its completion next year. The Brst w'ork this spring will be the re pairing of the tramway and super structure destroyed by the storms of this winter, following whl'h extension work will be taken up. OUT OF THE ORDINARY. Epitome of Annecdotes snd Incidents With Comments by a Layman. "When the Roses Bloom Again," then will Police Commissioner Cook of Portland resign. Some political scheme appear awkward on their tace.. The plumbing inspector having been authorized to tear down all the old shacks in Astoria, this will afford him an opportunity of securing him his winter's supply of wood. The weather bureau has got the weather conditions down to a science snd they can tell tomorrow what the weather will be today. Weather bur eaus are a great invention and ail It tosts is a dollar a bottle. The lima bean crop has been corned again in California. What the long rufferlng border desires is to see some ne corner the prune crop. The Frankfurter Journal established several hundred years ago, has sus pended publication. But that's all right, the Frankfurter sausage con tinues to circulate. o 'Tenderly she laid the silent, white form beside those that had gone be fore. She made no outcry, she did not weep. Such a moment was to precious to be spent in tears. But soon there rleiul named MoCall, but found upon Inquiry th:it he was dead, and the trip was In definitely poshtponed. In recent years some unsystematic prospecting has been done on the Elokomen creek, ami while Kold bearing rock has been found. It Is evident that the rich quart taken to Vancouver by the Indians is vet to be discovered. Those who have made researches for gold In the creek state that considerable quantities of black sand can be found In the bed oi the stream, and other Indications which would go to show that a rich strike may yet be made somewhere on the Elokomen creek. GARFIELD REPORT Kansas Intimates Garfield Was Paid. REPORT OF THE BEEF TRUST Report of Commissioner Garfield on Profits of Beef Trust Do Not Jibe and the Legislsture Demands His Removsl. Topeka, Kan., March 7. The Kansas senate has adopted a resolution de nouncing the report of Commissioner Garfield in the beef Investigation and requesting the president of the United States to reject this report and appoint some man with experience, lndcend en.e and nerve that shall qualify for the task of investigating this gang of commercial highwaymen, known as th ieef trust, to the end that tiie pub lie may be fully informed as to th sources of their enormous profits am the foundations of their collosal for unes, and the means, Instruments and igreements by which for a generation they have robbed both the producer ind the consumer, to the end that leg islation protecting both may be intel- igently devised, and that the light of publicity, that light that is destruct ve of all trusts and combinations, may be thrown upon ths operations of this Icious and Iniquitous conspiracy." Callender Navigation Go. Stesmers MELVILLE, JORDAN, VAN GUARD, ECLIP8E, WENONA snd LAUNCH QUEEN TOWING, FREIGHTING AND EXCURSIONS. STEAMER JORDAN Will leave Callender Dock, Astoria, for Knappton, Deep River and Way landings, daUy as follows: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9:00 a. m; Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 5:3) a. m. and 2 p.m. Sunday, 12:30 p. m.. return 4:30 p. m. STEAMER VANGUARD Leaves Callender Dock for Cathlam et and Way Landings Dally, except Sunday, at 3 p. m. 8TEAMER WENONA Leaves for Grays River and Way Landings as follows: March 7, 10:30 a. m.; 8, 11 a. m.; 9, 11:30; 10, 12 m.; 1L 1 p. m. Poisons in Food. Perhaps you don't realise that many patn poisons originate In your food but some day you may feel a twinge ol dyspepsia that will convince you. Pr. King's New Life Pills are guarantied to cure all sickness due to poisons of indigested food or money back. I5c at Chas, Rogers' drug store. Thy them. Millions of dollars a year are lost by not using Schilling'! Best coS. tVnmatf txiracti ad and nobody gains by usinjj anything e!se instead. Pointers on Sheet Music. Sale Tomorrow! Great Reduction! Latest Pieces! Many brand new! Some trifle shop worn! See show window ! Three days only! You'll kick yourself! If you don't come! J. N. GRIFFIN D ears A soft, white skin gives charm to the plainest fea tures. Pears' Soap has a mes sage of beauty for every woman who values a clear complexion. Bold wherever Mom art found, THE STAR THEATER Astoria's Fashionable Vaudeville house In eonneetlon with Star and Ar cade theaters of Portland. Change of Program Monday. Change of Aets Thursdays MATINEE DAILY AT 2i40 P. M MONSTER BILL t : All Clothes Bought at WISE'S Pressed Free of Charge Whenever you Wish. FANNY DONOVAN. Premier TarodUt THE DE LACKY'8 King and QtiPt-n of llla.k Fare Knter-miners Herman Wise, ROSK AND SKVTtKMS The Inrubators of Kninltal lyinnvlv CLAl'O RAXFK Wlr" Artist and Juggler Pictured Mclndle by non kkxto.v "Paint Me a Picture of Mamma" Projectoscope showing the Falls nf the Uhlne. the Two Bottle nables, the Pig that Came to Life, the Qunrelsom Washerwomen. Admission 10 cents to any seat. ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Capital Paid Is $100,000. Hnrplus and UndlvMed Proflti f3o.0 Transacts general basking boainea. Iutarest paid on time deosits. J. Q. A. BOW LB Y, O. I.PETEK80N, FRANK PA HON. J. W. OA KEIt, President Vioa Freside'iL Cashier. AnsI. Casliici Jft8 TENTH STREET. ASTORIA. ORI . HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel In the Northwest PORTLAND OREGON NEZEALANDFIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SMEIIOLDERS t Has been Underwriting on the Pucitic Coast for twenty-five years IStlMlltltllSllSSSSSSlSMSSSSSeBlWItSltnil ELMORE a CO., Sole Agents The TROY Laundry Is the only White Labor Lnundry in thei'ity. loe the Meat of Work at very reAwnable Prices, and is in every way worthy ofyourpntronnge. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phono 1991 tzzzxzxxxci Etxxxnxxxzizxxxxzxzxxuxzxzxx FRESH AND CURED MEATS Wholesale and Retail Ships, Logging Camps and Mills nujj!itd on short notice. LIVE STOCK MOUGI1T AND BOLD H WA6H1NQT0.N MARKET . CHRISTENSON ft CO. ZXZXXXX1 Reliance Electrical WorRs H.w.cruos, S1na(r We are thoroughly prepared for making eatimatet snd executing orders (or II kinds of electrli sl Installing and rtpairln. Hupplles Id tM:k. We wll theClutrt4l BI1KLBY LAMP. Call upri.onellOl. 428 BOND STREET Weinhard's Beer. ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Ilaving Installed a KubW Tiring Machine ol tli luttut pattern I am prepared to do nil kinds of work in that line at reasonable1 prices. - Telephone 2til, CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS. Astoria, Oregon. C. H. CALLENDER, Msn3er. 7 The Palace Cafe. The Best Restaurant. Regular Meals 25c. Everything the Market Affords. Sunday Dinners a Specialty. Palace Catering Co. A. G I R. E Has always in stock a fine assortment of I Boots and Shoes I! BALL BRAND RUBBER BOOTS. Call and See. ' Bond Street. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET G. W. Morton and John Fnhrman, Proprioton. CEOICEST FRESH AND SAXT MEATS.. - PROMPT DELIVERY 542 Commercial St. Phone Main 321. 5"