WEDNIIDAY, MARCH I, 1905. THE MORNING ASTORIA,' ASTORIA, ORKGON. N S MrjmERQFtiEM.m mm mm ranis Absolutely Puro HAS 110 SUBSTITUTE PRODUCE IARKETS ? Prcccnt Supply Needed (or Home Consumption. It la Believed That Eggs Hava Rsachsd tha Lowest Notch and That From Now en tha Price Will Increase. 1,'ulfaa egg com In mors fii(i(ul than at present, very f-w will lw tui In cold storage this eeaon In Port land. Em today advanced to It riu and there la no likelihood of their get ting any cheaper, Although a lrg amount of vegetables were brought up on the Inst steamer, there la only enough for home consumption and will be none for shipment. Grain Produete, Feed, Wheal Walla Walla, lc; Valley. HQ lie; blueatem. IttflDc Oata White, $27021; gray, 127. Barley Brewing, 124; feed. 124. Hy Timothy. U4 004J15.00; clover, $11.006 12.00; cheat, 111.00012.00; ah folfa. 111.00. MlllatufTsnarley. rolled, $24.40; mldJllnga. $24.00925 00; chop, flfl.OOt 31.00; bran, $19.0020.00; ahorta, $22.00 024. Flour-Hard wheat, atralght, 14.15 4.30: hard wheat patente, 24.oiJ4"5; Valley. H.204J4.75; , grnham, $4.oO 4.25; rye, $5.00; whole wheat flour. 13.90. i Produoa. Butter Fancy creamery, 27 lit 30c: dairy, 17ff20c; cooking, U4jl2c. Cheese Toung America, lVc; Oregon full croarn, 15c. Eggs Oregon ranch, 18Hl"c. Poultry Mixed chkkena, per pound, 1212Hc; spring, pound. 14fl5c; bene. 13014c; geese, t44Jc; turk eys, live, 1517c; turkey, dressed. 18t22c; ducka, ol3, dosen, $89; aprlng durka, $99.50. Honey-Dark, lOHcftllc; amber. 12 012c; fancy white, 15c. Wild Game. Wild geese. $4.0004.50: mallard ducks, $3.003.50; widgeon ducka. $1.7I2.00; teal ducka, $1.50; snipe, 75c$l. ! V Fruita and Vegetsbles. ..Cranberries Per barrel, $12. Applea Oregon, 60c 1.50. Tropical Fraulte Lemona, fancy, $8.00; choice, $2.75.0O per box; or ange, ll.762.00; bananaa, 5o per pound; pineapples, 22.604.00 per Co. Potatoea Oregon, 100 pounda, 90c 1.00 tomatoaa, California, crate, $2.00; turnlpa, per aack. $1.00; cabbages, per pound, 1140114c; carrots, per aack, $1 01.15; beete, per aack. $1125; Ore gon anions, 100 pounda. $2.75 $.00; aweet potatoea, $1.60 1.75 per 100 pounda; coullflower, , per down, 90c 1.00; celery, per dozen, 5fi6c. , f i , ' ' if f i ' Oils rd Lead. ' r Coal Oil Pearl or aatral oil, caaea. J-c per gallon; water whits oil, Iron fcarr,tl. 15Uc: wood barrels, none; eo cene ctl, casea, 24 He; elolne oil, cases, 27Hc; extra star, caaea, 2514c; head light oil, 175 degreee, caaea, 24c; Iron barrela, 1714c. (Washington atate teat burning olla, except headlight, Ho per gallon higher.) Benilns Sixty-three degrees, cases, 22c; Iron barrela, 15 Ho. Llnaeed Oil Purs raw, In barrels, " 6c; genuine kettle-boiled" In barrels. 88o ; puM raw oil, In cases, lc genu , lne kettle-boiled, In caaea, 3c; lota of ; 250 gallona, lo lss per gallon. Turpentine In coses, 85c gallon. gasoline, caaea, 32c; Iron barrela or , drums, 28c , . . . Lead Strictly purs whits lead and r.l lead In ton lota, 714c; 600-pound lota, 7e; less than 500 pounda, gc. Cpoeeriea. Provisions, Etc. Bucar-Golden C, $545; powdere.i 18.15: patent cube, $.$0; cane, D. O ..01: fruit augar, $IU; beet augar, is is-, extra, cwt. 10c: k"ga, cwt., 25c boxes, cwt., 50c; (leaa 14c per pounj If paid In 15 daya.) Salt Dales of 75-2, bale, ll.eo bale of SO S, bale, $1.0; bales of 40 Oaaollne Stove gasoline, cases 24 Mo: Iron barrcla, 18c; 86 degree 4a. bale. $10; boles of 16-10, bule 1.0: baea. 50. fine, ton, 811.00: bag 50 lbs., genuine Liverpool, ton, $17.00: lbas. 50 lbs.. H ground, loon, ton 17.m: R. R V, P., 20 6-lb, cartons tiSK: H. 8. V. P, 24 S- cartons 11.75: Liverpool lump, ton, $1150. Rice Imnerlal Japan. No. 1, $5 37; No. 2, $4.25; Carolina head, $Se; broken he-ad. 4c. Coffee Mocha, 2lb28c: Java, fancy 2s22c: Java, good, 2024c; Java, or dinar. 174120c: Coata Rica, fancy, 18 O20c: Coala Rica, good, Utile; Ar bucklea, $1411 per 100 pounda; Lion 114.11. Provlalona Hama, to aixe, 12Kc; hama. Picnic. I He; bacon, regular. lOUc: bacon, breakfast, 14tlSc; dry salt aldea, 914c; baeka, dry aolt, 9e lard, kettle rendered, tlerced, IHa Nuta Walnuts. No. 1. eoft ahell 13c; No. 1, hard ahell, l$14c; Chile lie; almond. 17 lie; filberte, 14 15c: Braslle. lc; pecans, 12HC15c; hickory, 8c; Virginia peanut. 70714c; Jumbo Virginia peo,nuta,,9c; Japanese neanuts. SUffSc: chestnut. Italian 14c; cocoanuts, doson, 90c. Flare White, pound. 6V40c; black, 6 fi 7c. Pates Golden, 10-lb, 6$fttc 1-tb nackairca. 8c; Ford. 15-lb boxes $1.40 box. . Fresh meat and Fish. ..Fresh Meat Veal, 78o pork, 7g 7Hc; baef. '4f9li6c; mutton, Ssf.c Fish Craba, per doxen, $l.!i; Shoal water Bay oyster, per sack, $4.00 oyster, gallon, $2.25; halibut, 5c; hi'" cod. 7c; salmon, steelhead. 9c pet pound; Sllversldea, (Vic; ban, per nound. 1214c; herring, 8c; flounder, 5c; catfish, 7c; lobsters, per pound, 12Hc; silver smelt, 6c; ahrlmp, 10c; perch, 6c; aturgeon, 7c; Columbia river amelt, 6c; Chinook salmon, lHc. Livestock. Cattle $80 4.25; hogs, $5.008'.60; sheep, f4.25O4.60. Hope, Wool, Hide, Eto. Hops 2324o per pound. Wool Valley, 2021c: Eastern Ore gon, 14 18c. Tallow Prime, per pound, SH4c; No. 1, and grease, 24 3c. Hldce Flint dry cow and ateer, 14 TIDE TABlvE, t MARCH. MARCH,:1905. High Water. I P.M Date. h.m. 1 R. n.m. ft. Wednesday 1 9:10 7.91 10:13 8.0 11:08 8.1 0:15 7.4 11:55 8.2 0:50 7.8 1:19 7.8 1:45 7.9 1:10 7.9 1:38 7.9 1:67 7.8 1:28 7.8 4:02 T.7 4:44 7.8 8:88 7.5 8:44 7.8 8:08 7.4 9:82 7.8 10:88 8.2 11:25 8.8 0:14 8.4 0:65 8.8 1:84 9.1 1:12 9.1 2:50 9.1 8:83 8.8 4:20 8.4 6:14 8.0 6:18 7.6 7:81 7.3 8:44 7.2 9:51 7.4 Thursday 2 11:35 Friday Saturda 4 Saturday 4 SUNDAY 6 12:35 Monday 8 1:10 1:42 Tuesday ......... 7 Wednesday 8 2:16 Thursday t 2:49 Friday iu Saturday 11 8:26 4:10 SUNDAY 12 4:57 Monday ....... ..13 Tuesday 14 4:67 7:28 Wednesday 16 8:51 Thursday 9:56 Friday 17 10:49 11:33 Saturday ...... ..18 SUNDAY .......19 Monday iu 12:16 Tuesday ........ .11 1:05 1:65 2:45 8:88 4:36 5:42 7:00 Wedneaday .22 Thursday zs Friday .. Saturday 25 SUNDAY 28 Monday 27 Tuesday 28 8:17 Wednesday ...... 29 Thursday 80 9:26 10:20 11:05 15c; flint dry calf, 14015ci salted, Ttt ffllUc: rreen and grubby, 67o; aheep pelts, ai to wool, 100c; Angora, with wool on, 25c$1.0. LOCAL PRODUCE. Prices Furnlehed by Rom, Htggine A Company. The following are tha rataJl prices on local proJuc yesterday; Eggs per dosen, 22 He. Butter Bent, pr roll, 70c. Chickens Dressed, per pound, lc. Mallard ducka Pair, $1. Apples Box, 76c$$1.25. Oranges Boi, 1202.25, Potatoes Sack, $1.35. Turnlpa Sack, 80c. Carrola Sack, $1. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Probably the easiest thing In tb world la to bs a bora. You waste half your time. There' reform work for you. It I iHmalblrt to laogh at trouble, but the luiigbter doesn't mean It Whst a dlsaareeabls world this would be U people were perfectly candid. It is easier to talk s man out or a tblog than It is to fight him out of It Thnre l one thing sure about a fuss- it docs not do any good to talk It over. witon men talk together, it is oi prices at which things can be solo. Women talk of price at wmcn wing can be bought. Tha sentiment seems to be always in favor of abusluit the man who oo Jects to cost when It comes to funeral! or wedding. Atchison Globe. iBraiasr to Uotce. Wall Street-So your eon la atudylng law. Do you expect that us win suck to it? BDeculator-Ob. no! 1 Just want blm to know enough about it so tnai be will be sWe to evade it successfully. -Detroit Fr! Press. The Omalbns. The omnibus i probably the slowest, tha leu st comfortable and the inoxt uncertain type of vehicle built alues the ark.-London Express. HAIR NATURALLY ABUNDANT. Wfcea It I Frea f DaadraC It Grew Lasarlaally. v.i nrnirtlons and dandruff cures, as a rule, ar atlcky or Irritating affairs that do no earthly good. Hair, when not dtsmuied. grows naturally, luxuriantly. Dandruff la the cause of nine-tenths of all hair trouble, and dandruff Is caused by a germ. The only way to cur oono ruff la to kill tha germ; and. so far, the only hair preparation that win positively destroy the germ la Newbro'a Herplcide absolutely bannlesa, free from grease, sediment, dye matter or dangerous drugs. It allaya tuning instantly; maxesoair glossy and eoft as silk. "Destroy the rause, you remove the effect" Bold by leading druggists. Send 10c, In stamps for sample to Tb Herplcide Co.., Detroit, Mich. . Eagle Drug Store, 351-851 Bond 8t, Owl Drug Store, 549 Com. St, T. F. I-aurln, Prop. "Special Agent SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. CO. Steamer Leaves Astoria for San Francisco Every 5 Days. Connects at SsnFrancisco with Rail and Steamer Lines for Southern California. (. W. UOIJKKTS, Agent. Astorln.Orcgoii. MARCH, 1905. LowWater. Date. lA.M. 3Jh.rn.lft P.M h.m. ft 6.6 Wedneaday 1 3:81 T.1 Thuraday 2 4:38 ... Friday 3 6:35 ... Saturday 4 6:22 3.3 4:24 0.3 0.0 0.1 3.0 6:12 2.7 6:56 1.4 6:35 -0.1 ... SUNDAY 61 7:00 2.11 7:0S 7:36 0.1 1.8 Monday 61 7:85 1.9 0.6 8.0 Tuesday , 7 8:05 1.8 7:68 1.0 7.7 Wednesday 8 8:31 1.7 8:16 1.3 7.4 Thuraday 9 8:57 7.2 Friday 10 9:80 6.8 Saturday 1110:05 8.4 SUNDAY 1210:47 1.6 1.6 8:38 9:05 9:36 1.7 1.1 2.5 2.9 1.4 1.8 10:15 6.1 Monday 1311:44 11:05 S.S S.l Tuesday 14 12:48 1.3 1.1 0.8 6.9 Wednesday ...... 151 0:15 1.7 2:00 6.9 Thuraday 16 1:66 1.7 3:14 6.6 Friday 17 1:82 3.3 4:18 0.4 7.2 Saturday 18 4:40 7. SUNDAY 19 6:83 2.7 1.9 1.2 0.6 0.1 6:10 6:56 6:40 7:21 8:01 8:45 1:23 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.9 1.6 2.3 2.9 0.5 0.7 0.7 .... Monday 20 6:22 8.8 Tuesday 21 7:10 8.8 Wednesday 22 7:58 8.8 Thuraday 23 8:45 0.1 0.1 8.3 Friday 24 9:35 7.7 Saturday 2510:29 7.1 SUNDAY .2811:87 0.0 0.3 3.3 3.1 10:19 11:18 112:30 6.6 Monday 27 6.8 Tuesday 2S 0:27 8.3 Vivlnesday . .' 2D 1:50 1:40 2:46 6.6 Thursday 80 8:10 9.2 1:47 0.7 7.0 Friday ....81 4:18 2.3 4:40 0.7 TRAVELERS' GUIDE, ASK ANY TRAVELER and hs will tell yen the m mum it Electric Lighted. s the Crtck Tra'a of them ill Ur COMFORT Ml ELECAHCE. The ticket office at Portland I at 55 Morrison St., Cor. 3d. A.D. CHARLTON, Assietaut Oem ral Pumeuger Agent. PORTLAND, OREGON. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH YOUR JOURNEY. If your tlcketa read over the Den ver and Rio Grande Railroad, the "Scenic Line of the World." BECAUSE There are so many scenic attrac tions and points of interest along the line between Ofden and Den ver that the trip never become tiresome. If you are going East write for in formation and get a pretty book that wlU tell you all about it W. C. McBrlde, General Agent, 124 Third Street PORTLAND. OREGON. A trans continental trav eler say?: "I've tried them all and I prefer the North- Western Limited It's the best to be found from coast to coast." It's " The Train for Com fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. i Mnr suiting on a trip-no matter H where write tor nteretlng informa tion about comfortable traveling. H.LSISLER, Central Agent 132 Third St Portland, Orejjon. T.'w. TBA8DALE, General ruuMwer Agent, bt Paul, Mlun. A. & C. R. R. TIME CARD. EFFECTIVE 8EPT. 4, 1904. I "Best B I by Test" I Leave PORTLAND Arrive 8 00a.m I Portland Uom 11.10a. ni 7,00 jvm depot for Astoria) 9.40 p.m Leave ASTORIA Arrive 7745 a-m ( for ForUlmdliml lLSOTin 6 10 p.m way points j 10.80 pm SEASIDE DIVISION Leave ASTORIA Arrive ll.35a.Dj for Seaside Direct 6:20 p.m Leave ASTORIA. Arrive t8.15 a.m ( for Wsrrenton J l0:45a.ui . Hammond. Ft 5.60 p.m (Stevens. Seaside) 710a,ro Leave ,. SEASIDE Arrive 430 p.m j for Astoria Direct 1 12 :30pvn) Leave SEASIDE. Arrive 6,15 a, ni I far Warren ton Ft) 9 25a.m i Stevens. Ham- 9.30a.m ' - mond,Astoria ) 7.20 p.m. Additional train leaves Astoria dally at 11:10 a. m. for all polnta on Ft Stevens branch, arriving Ft Stevens 12:30 p. m., returning-, leaves Ft Stev ens at 2:00 p. m., arriving Astoria 2:45 p. m. Sunday only. Through tlcketa and close connec tion via, N. P. Ry. at Portland and Qoble and O. R. 8t N. Co., via. Portland. J. C. Mayes Q- P. A. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Ste ner "SUE The Largest, Staunchest, Steadiest and most Seaworthy vessel ever on this route. Best of Table and State Boom Accommo dations. , Will make round trip every five days between A ST OR I A ANr . TILLAMOOK Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railway & Navigation Co. and Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for Portland, San Francisco and all points East. For freight and passenger rates apply to Samuel Elmore & Co.. Gea'l Agts.. Asterla, Ores OH TO A. & C. E. II. Portland, Oregon Pacific Navagatlon Company, Tillamook, Oregon O. It. & N. Company, Portland, Oregon . Famous Trains The Soathwest Limited Kansas City to Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul to Chscago, run via Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail Each route offers numerous attractions. The principal thing to insure a quick, comfortable trip east is to see that your tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. I'cvl Railway. H. S ROWE. Genera! Agent alifornia! The land of fruita, Cowers and sun shine, where all the summer sports may be enjoyed in winter. PORTLAND to LOS ANGELES AND RETURN. reached via THE SHORT ROUTE Beautifully illustrated booklets and folders, descriptive of the many charm ing winter resorts, may be secured from any Southern Pacific Agent, or address W. E. COMAN, Q. P. A, Portland, Ore. ASK. THE" AGENT FOR TICKETS VIA To 8pakana, St Paul, Minneapolia, Duluth, Chicago, St Louis, and all, pointa aaat and south. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Q The Flyer and The Fast Mail Z SPLENDID SERVICE 1 UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES Daylight trip across the Cascade and Rooky Mountains. For tickets, rates folders and full In formation call on or addresa & DICKSON. City Ticket Agent 121 Third Street Portland, Or. 8. Q. TERKES. O. W. P. A C12 Flrat Avenue, SeatUe, Wash. WE GIVE EXPEDITED SERVICE ON FREIGHT ROUTE YOUR SHIPMENTS VIA GREAT NORTHERN Full Information from WM. HARDER, General Agent Portland, Ore. The Werlde Pair Route. ft. EOW wav 134 Third Street, Portland OREGON Short im and UrXiOEACIFlC San Francisco and Portland S. S. Co. 79 hours from Portland to Chicago. No change of care. viio L.7O u TIME SCHEDULES Depart From Arrive PORTLAND Chicago Portland Halt lake, Denver, Ft Special Worth, Omaha, Kan- 1 35 p , :15a. m. sasClt),8t Louis, via Hunt- Chicago and the East Ington Atlantic hxpres ,Salt lake, Denver Fl 8:14 p.m. ! Worth, Omaha, Kan- 7:tias via Huut- sas City, Bt Louis, lugton Chicago aud the EBt -1 . 8U Paul jWalla Walla, tewls- t'aMtMall ti)U,lokue.Miniie- (:18p. m. iapolis. m faal, Duluth gxiOa m viaSpo- .Milwaukee, Chicago, kane land tut i From Astoria All aaillng dates subject to change. For San Francisco every five days. Dally ex Columbia River to 4am Daily ex oeptatoa cept Sun fortiana and ay Ijiudiuga day ai.ani Steamer Nahc'la leavea Astoria oa the Ude DAILT EXCEPT SUNDAT. FOR ILWACO, connecting there wttfcv trains for Long Deach, Tioga, aat. North Beach points. Returning ar rives at Astoria same evening. rhrough tlcketa to and from all prtav clpal European cities. Q. W. ROBERTS, Acenf, Astoria, Ore. A POSITIVE CU8 Vorlctamraatlm or Catarrh of tb H-vlder aa-1 UImu ( Klducrs. oure lf. dm rcleLlf aad Ira tfiitly the ort tttm f Cnr.-h8r in.) tilMk o mt'- rof how lom mut- fol-1 br lueg'lit. t-? i 'O. it Y-9 :r,- ft. T,aeUM,a. f ami ;)!, Bold by Chaa. Roerrm, 451 CommartftsJ jam '- tuT Friday 81 7.8