The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 08, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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We have some 8 02. cans of
Pacific Cream Baking Powder
and to move same quickly we offer it at 20c per can
for the balance of this week only.
Sur ThaUr Vaulvlll.
Local Brevities.
't lx- lltirl"n In 'tun Oil morning
from Tillamook.
The Alllanm will Wtavs out this
morning for coast point.
Home-made uutr kraut, to per It).
ahtoioa grocery.
Fresh garden and flower seeds. Just
arrived In large variety.
1901 newer seeds now on display t
Aatorla Grocery. Com arly and gt
your pick.
Ths steamer Columbia will leav
Astoria this morning tut Han Fran
lo ut 9 30.
The strainer Homiok left out luiit
evening for Hun Kranrlaco with freight
and puHK.-niitM .
Tlip steamer Ellerlc arrived In yes
terday afternoon from Heattle to loud
hnilcy for Japan.
Dry Sol Will present thn sole of
the shoes and cause thm to wear
longer than they would without It. 25
cent a bottle. I'eUrson k brown.
Courteoui treatment, an abundance
of amusement, together wlih a line of
all popular brands of liquid refresh
ment, ba made the LaToeoa a popu
lar retort
It la a greut tank to prepare .up.
We have the brat In the market al
ready prepared. 81 varieties. Three
ana for J5 cent.
R. M. Gaston, at hi feed atable No.
IDS l4th street, offer for sale a Lftnilln
harness machine; on Smith-Premier
typewriter; on butcher" wall scales,
will be ioIJ cheap.
We atand back of everything we Mil.
Tou'll find our good wholesome
strictly pur and clean, and you'll And
our price low. Tou'll alwaya buy
here If you one make the atttrt.
It la uphill work for the press of
Aatorla to try and build up the city
when the commercial organization
wild out ut town for It printing. It
li a slur at tb Astoria newspaper,
and one that should and will be re
sented. .
No boat being available for the pur
pone of securing the cable to North
Head yesterday, work waa temporarily
suspended. An effort la being made to
secure the Manssenlta for today and
an effort will be made to splice the
We sell coal, good coal, the best In
the market, and the price la a low
c good coal can b sold for. It coat
you, only 17.50 a ton, delivered at your
door. Ring up phone Wl and your
order hall have prompt attention.
The n-v bullying on Dunne street
erected by R. Carruthers have been
completed. HI on Tod Carruthers
will open an electrical supply atore
there and ought to do a good business,
im tlnr-. I wily one other supply
house of the kind In this city, the Co-lumblH.
Dry-Sole One bottle of dry-sole In
sufficient to make waterproof aeveral
pair of shots and add considerably
to their llf and usefulness. Bold by
Peterson A Brown.
Contractor boa been awarded
the contract for the extension of the
O. R. ft N. dock. Work will bo com
menced Immediately and a large force
of men employed.
Some fin queen olive at 25c per
pint at
R. M. Gaston . carrle a full and
complete line of wagon, buggl,
iplow. harrow and all kinds of farm
(tool and machinery at 105 Fourteenth
atreet, Aitoria, Or.
Today la Ah Wednesday, the flrt
day of lent. DWIne aervlc at Orr
church at 10 . m. and at 7:30 p. in.
The Occident tonsorlal parlor and
bath facllitlea are equalled by none.
Everything modern and up to date
See Peteraon,
Try a can of Shelling' beet Spice;
every can guaranteed. Tour money
back U It don't ult
' Auditor Olof Andron ejpects to
be sufficiently recovered from hi re
cnt Illness aa to be able to resume
hi duties next Monday:.
Jap-a-I-ac, the finest flnlah for floors
ha proven both durable and make a
tine flnlnh. II. V. Allen A Son have re
ceived a complete assortment.
The time card for the Cullender
Transportation Company la published
In thl Issue and will be a great con
venience to ahlppera nnd merchant.
The Lenten aeaaon I drawing near.
Remember wehavt everything In the
market In the'fish line, and our etok
la alway fresh.
Work on the Improvement of Frank
lin avenue wa commenced yesterday
by Dill ft Young. Only a portion of
the trm will be torn up at a time
o a not to obstruct travel.
Fimlllr desiring either Colonial
or Shoalwater bay oysters can always
secure them fresh at th Imperial
oy ester house, which makes a specialty
of upplylng families or parties.
Dry -Sole Physician state that
muny ailments ar traceable to wet
feet. Especially Is this so In a large
percentage of female cases. 25 cent
a bottle. Peterson ft Brown.
W. J. Hess haa opened the cleanest
and best appointed restaurant In As
toria at 120 Eleventh street. The beet
In the market, and the promptest serv
ice, tf
Married Tuesday evening, March 7,
at Orore church rectory, Mrs, Lulu O
Webb to C. It. Ilrltt, both of Astoria,
th Rev. Wm, Seymour Short officiating.
A number of members of the local
bulge of Hodmen and Kngles went to
Portland yesterday to attend th fun
eral of their lata brother, Alex. Ohls.
The funeral took place in Portland
and was attended by th organiza
tion of that city.
More White Tine cough yrup has
been aold in Atorla this winter than
any other kind, because It give in
stant relief. The Owl and Eagle drug
store ar cole agent for all the best
For omethlng nice" for breakfast,
try our cream rolled oats, free from
flinty or Imperfect grain. Wo hive
nothing but tha best. Only 5 cents
per pound.
Under the new law passed nt the Inst
session of the legislature nnd which
contained an emergency cluuse. put
ting It Into effect Immediately, the
aprlng elos aeaaon for fishing for sal
mon commence ou March 13 and con-
talnue until April 15. It 1 very prob
able that the season will be observed
by all the fishermen.
The most artistic and
' substantial line of
Carpets Matting's
ever brought to Astoria. We are in
receipt of 100 rolls of fine new Japanese
Matting which is worthy of your im
mediate attention as the patterns are all
new and exceedingly pretty. . ..
A large assortment latest and best
patterns. Prices within reach of all.
Astoria's Foremost House Furnishers.
Astoria need a commercial organ
isation composed of business men who
will work for the interests of the city
and endeavor to build up a sentiment
of patronizing home induetrlea. The
Chamber of Commerce amounts to a
much oa a fly speck on the moon.
The ways and means committee and
the comiiiitt-e on streets and public
ways will meet nt City Attorney
Smith's office this afternoon to con
sider the Whipple franchise ordinance
and to prepare an ordinance to be
submitted to a him.h-.IuI meeting of the
council to be held next Friday ovenltig,
when It wilt probably be pv.ssed.
Vegetable gardens In Astoria or
certainly a paying Investment. Even
with the number now existing it Is al
most Impossible to supply the home
market. Wing ?uen Co. yesterday
purchased a tract of land In Adair's
Astoria and will start another garden.
This Is work that ought to be done
by white people, and would be. If they
knew the money to be made at the
bid for the work complete were re
ceived as follow; L. R. A bercromble
$1060; J. A. Faatabend, $3,150; E.
Oustaison, 12,160. Captain Goodale
baa forwarded the bids to the depart
ment la Washington with the recom
mendation that tb contract be
awarded to Mr. Guatafron, who wm
the lowest bidder. ,
The organization of "The Sunset
Male Chorus" waa perfected last
night The same is composed of tome
of the prominent lingers of this city
and if conducted under the able lead
ership of Mr. John Shield. The object
la training to such a proficiency as
be able to ing in public and to assist
tb local churciies and other gather
ings were the organisation may be
called upon. The officer elected for
one year ar: President A. Schroeder,
Vlca-Presldent H. J. Miller. Secretary
O. Zlegler, Treasurer Robert Whldby,
and Musical Director 3. Shield. The
meeting at present are held Monday
evening at the residence of Secretary
G. Zlegler. The roster at present is:
Dr. T. L, Hail. Wm. F. Oilmour, John
Klnkela, 3. W. Lynch, Geo. W. Lamer,
H. J. Miller, Alfred Schroder, Rev.
Wm. 8. Short, John Shield, Jamea
Vernon, Robert Whldby, Torn Woot
ten and O. ZieKler. The limit of the
membership i 25.
J. M. Avrs of Kelso was In the city
F. A. Tlttoy of Tacoma was In the
city yesterday.
J, It, Burke of Cuthlamet was In the
city yesterday.
Albert Stcne of Cathlamet was in
the city yesterday.
C. C. Caples of I'ortland Is register
ed at the Occident.
P. S. ErlckHon of Gold Beach is In
the cly on business.
Dwlght Skinner of Portland is In
the city on business.
Frank Patton will go to Seaside to
day ou a business trip.
Captain N. H. Webber of Eagle Cllft
was lit the city yesterday.
Mrs. James Leahy and son of Olney
wi-re in the city yesterday.
Andrew Young was In from bis
Youngs river ranch yesterday.
L. Mansur left yesterday for a week's
visit In the Willamette valley.
Walter C. mlth, a Portbtnd capital
ist was in the city yesterday.
Dr. F. J. Fredrlch left last evening
on a business trip to Portland.
E. Z. Ferguson returned from a busi
ness trip to Portland last evening.
Captain Harry Hassalam of Cath
lumet waa a visitor in the city yester-
Woi k on the J"tty will be commenced day.
.n-, .nc th unlwtdM at tae Central
immediately and pushed forward as
rapidly as possible. Superintendent
Heggnrt yesterday received word from
the war department at Washuigton to
commence ImmedlHt!? work, A larg
force of men wilt probably be put at
work by the first of the month aa soon
us the piellmlnary arrangements can
be made.
The report that there was a hold-up
at the corner of Commercial and
Tenth street Monday night In front
of A. V. Allen's, has no foundation In
f.ict. Four young men were skylark
ing on the street and a lady and two
gentlemen were following along be
hind. The young men Jostled Into the
two gentlemen, escorting the young
lady, and It Is possible that during the
i-kylarklng one of the parties might
have lost a watch, but there was no
hold-up, as the reporter of the As
torlan and the messenger boy at the
Western Cnlon saw the whole trans
action, which occurred about 12:30.
Several persons who purchased court
house warrants offered them In pay
ment for their taxes to Sheriff Lin
vllle, but the sheriff refused to accept
them. All warrant Issued on that
fund are Illegal, but should the su
preme court hold that the county
court has authority to Issue warrants
for constructing a new court house,
all of these warrant will be taken
up and new warrants Issued. Sheriff
Llnvllle was instructed by his bonds
men not to receive them, as they
would be liable in the event the court
bouse case is decided against the
Another large house greeted the Star
last evening, many people being com
pelled to wait outside for the second
performance. The bill this week Is
au exceptionally good one and the ap
plause given each number shows that
the artists are appreciated. Every
number on the splendid bill Is a gem.
and Manager Gervurts la being con
gratulated on all sides for the splendid
performance given each night. It Is
impossible to particularize each per
former, as all are of equal merit in
their respective lines, but the lurg
crowd attending every night Is tiie
best advertisement for this popular
play house. Vaudeville is deserving-
ly popular when high class attlsts are
secured, and this Is the reason why
the Star la becoming so popular.
Bide were opened yesterday morn
ing at the office of Captain George U
Goodale, constructing quartermaster,
for furnishing labor and material to
grade and to construct plank road
ways and walks around the new of-
yesterday was Sidney Moon of Blaine,
N. P. Sorensen of Portland Is in tb
city on business. He will go to Sea
side today.
City Treasurer Thomas Dealy re
turned from a business trip to Port
In nd yesterday.
Rev. C. M. Smythe of Portland is
In the city on a visit, the guest of Rev.
Luther D. Mahone.
J. W. Casey, a prominent railroad
man of Portland was In the city yes
terday on business.
Harlson Allen, G. C. Fulton and Geo.
Noland were In Salem jesterda
arguelng the court house case.
Mrs. E. E. Estes, who has been visit
ing her son, Dr. O. B. Estes, left yes
terifjy morning for Seattle on a vlat.
Fraud Exposed.
A few counterefiters have lately been
making and trying to sell Imitation of
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colda and other
medicines, thereby defrauding the pub
lic. This Is to warn you to beware of
such people, who seek to profit
through stealing the reputation of rem
edies which have been successfully
curing diseases for over 25 years. A
sure protection to you Is our name
on the wrapper. Look for it on all
Dr. Klng'a, or Bucklen'a remedies, as
all others are mere Imitations. II. E
BUCKLEN & CO., Chicago, 111., and
Windsor, Canada,
Reopened Under New Management.
John Blaslch haa leased the Califor
nia Restaurant and Oyster House and
Is now prepared to aerv the public.
The best oysters and meal in the
city. Family trad supplied. Good
cooks, polite waiter and prompt service.
Agonising Burn.
ar Instantly relieved, and perfectly
healed by Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. C
Rlvenbark, Jr, of Norfolk. Vs., write:
1 burnt my knee dreadfully; that it
blistered all over. Bucklen'i Arnica
Salve stopped the pain, and healed It
without a scar." Also heals all wound?
and "ores. 25o at Chaa. Rogers, druggist.
Farmer Attention.
We have a large stock of new eed
which we are selling at Portland
prices. Se us before you buy.
What the public would like to know
Is if that brood that occupied a box
fleers' and non-commissioned officers' J in the Star theater belong to Alex-
Quarters) at Fort Columbia. Three ander Fricke, the mall carrier.
Great Muslin
This Big White Sale starts Tuesday Morning, March
7, 1905, and lasts all the week. V
Dainty Chemise.
Of such good quality, made o
well, trimmed so nicely and so
generous in size that women of
taste and refinement will be
thoroughly pleased with them.
Regular 6 5c Gown at. ...... .38c
Regular 75c Gown at 58
Regular $138 Gown at 98e
Regular $1.15 Gown at 89c
Regular $1.75 Gown at $1.25
Musiln Gowns.
Many new ideas shown this aea
aon in Chemise. The finest and
flimsiest of Cambrics ar used
as materials. The garmests are
perfect in every way.
$1.25 enemies i.89o
$1.2$ Chemies 98c
$1.50 Chemle $1.15
$2.50 Cbemiles fU8
Drawers Less.
That's the exact situation in
a nutshell. It's the price that is
less, but the quality of the gar
ments are the same high stand
ard as usual.
Regular 25c Drawer... 19o
Regural 35c Drawer. ....... 2Se .
Regudar SOc Drawers... 39
Regular 75c Drawers ...49e
Regular $1.50 Crawers .95
Regular $3 00 Drawers $1.25
Corset Covers.
It's wonderful how so much of
real excellence in quality and
style can be passed along to you
for so little money. '
Regular 15c Corset Covers., fie
Regular 30c Corset Covers. .19c
Regular 35c Corset Covers. .25o
eguiar 63c Corset Covers.. 45a
Regular 85c Corset Covers. .60
Regular $1.15 Corset Cover 85e
Skirt Specials.
The low prices are of absorb
ing Interest, but wait until yob
see these Skirts you will be de
lighted at their beauty and gen
eral air of daintiness.
The prices are also perfect
Regular 75c Skirts at........45e
Regular $L25 Spirts at...... 75a
Regular $1.33 Skirts at......88e
Regular $1.8$ Skirts at ....$148
Regular $2.50 Skirts at.... $1.98
lorse Department Store.
How true to the name
are our
$3.50 and $4.00
Men's Shoes.
Perfect Workmanship.
Perfect In Fit.
Wherity, Ralston Company
The Leading Shoe Dealers.
of doing the family washing thewsywhich changes it from
dreary drudgery to a cheerful household duty is by using
The New Way
m J. a.
Laundry Trays
Install a modern "iUrhtttxT
Laundry in your home and there
will be no water to carry, no
leakage or damp floors, and do
tubs to empty or upset. It will
increase the selling value of your
MONTGOMERY, Astoria, Or.
433 Commercial Street
Phone Main 121
Sherman Transfer Co.
Hacks, Carriages Baggag Checked and Transferred Trucks an!
Furniture "Wagons- ftanos Moved, Boxed and Shipped.