The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 08, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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:2rd: itotes Co.
Exclusive agents for .
Banner - Patterns
: M"1' and '
Dr. Warner's Rust
Proof Corsets. ,.,
' Perfect Tit Guaranteed.
'' I K " ' rif u 4
-Ball Bearing
Sewing Machines.
Sold on installment plan.
$5.00 down, $i.oo per week.
1 lie list of bargains we submit for your approval today is but a Bagatell compared to the many others you'll find displayed at the store, "Except on contract Goods''
positively every dollar yOU Spend means from 25C tO 50C Saved, Get out your shopping bags and come here prepared to participate in the greatest money saving oppor
tunities ever ,
During this sale no goods sent on approval, no money refunded, every transaction made for cash only. Read on!
" ""
By buying an Inunensa quantity ,w have secured the agency for
the celebrated We'ven ttrand. XmWtran manufacturers and Importer,
of the Nl Ofnnwi and !Hh linen. Svery Atorla houaewlfe will do
well lo lake advantage of the exceptional' money saving opportunity
thin anniversary ule affords. Lack f "pace permits of but a brief
description." You'll' find even twlteY value's' at ' th store thsn we quote.
14-Inch wide blenched luble Hmm. neat floral design. Good value at
tha former prk-f S5c. f Hclnl during . , ,
' - Anniversary Week, yd, 24c
11 naVklim to match. t pr 1 'Mo
-lnch l-n hed tulilw linen, gunmnteed all pure linen, neat dlgna.
Pany, Klu.r de or bow knot, with open worke.l Itord-r. ld every-
where at 11.26 to $1.50. Our prlca ,
Anniversary Week, yd. 99c.
j:x!2 napkin to match, at pt'r do t2-9
70-Inch tra heav' bleached tabla linen, guaranteed absolutely free
from cotton, ltt-fiutlful pattern, and a bargain t Ihe former price of
$1.50. On Male
Anniversary Week, yd $1.19
24x24 napkin to muUh. per do W.95
Extra superior quality atln flnlhd Uble danmek, "2-liti'h wide,
Inlwrat noral 1clgna. Worth In ny tore 12.00. Our prlca
Anniversary Week, yd, $1.46
28x26-lni h niipkln to match, per doaen $3.75
Wonderful Unrgaln thnt no economical housewife can afford to
overlook. In ome cnei the line nre broken and we have, discontinued
the handling, where thl happen th ptlof 1 Jut about cut In halt
In mry oae a purchase mean a aavlng of from 20 to 40 per cant.
A few number elected at random that hould Interest you. "
Genuine China dinner plate, medium l, formerly old at 85c. t
Anniversary Sale Price, Set 49c
Limited quantity cry.tal water et, good Imitation of hand palntlrig.
Formarly $2 60 apd U.00 .; . ? ' i
Anniversary Price set, $1.98
Good quality China oat meal leti, aell regularly at $1.60 .
- Anniversary Price, set, 98c
. American made cup and aaucera, mejlum aixe, regular $1.60 value
'Anniversary Price, set, 98c
Fronted Ola Lemonad aeta, regular value $3.00 and $3,25
Anniversary Price, set, $2.19
Blch American cut gla. lUperlor quality., atlver-plated wea, and
decorated China war at polal reduction! j
LadiesWaists for all
t An elaborate ehowlng of thl neiuion'a newest and mot popular cre
mation direct from faahlon'a cmteij "Xew York," mich a comprehensive
gathering. uch exquisite style were never before seen In our city.
When you've aecn'them you'll wy the Mine.
Former price almot rut In half aa follow:
La. lien' ahlita, open down front detachable collar, pocket attached;
made of Muderu. C'hambray and Murcerlsed Gingham. Value $1.50
to $1.75.
Anniversary price each $1.29
Ladle' shirts Of pure linen, handsomely embroidered with neat open
worked (lorn) dcxlgn. A burguin at the regular price of $8.50.
Anniversary Price only $495
Fine rich waists of Messelatn, taffeta finished, with IS rows of plaits,
come In all the new colors and black. Regular price $8.50 and $9.00.
Anniversary Price each, $6.48
Walat of fine quality Japanese wash silk In black and white only.
Trimmed with IS rows plaits leg o-mutton sleeves, very neat and a
bargain at the former price of $6.50.
Anniversary Price only $548
Ladles' waists made of superior quality Mechlin allover lace, atlk
linings. Very sllylah and especially adaptej for evening wear. Former
price. $18.95. An exceptional bargain at the
Anniversary Price, only $13.75
Beautiful wnlsts of white crepe de chln trimmed with five large
sunbursts Of Valenciennes, each with Venlae medallions In center. Latest
Hleeve. felling readily In cities at $25.00. Our price
Anniversary week, only $1495
in Notions and Small Wares.
You always read them, and they always suggest some article you
are In need of. You'll not regret It if yoM take advantage of these
suggestions Anniversary Week..
Silk pillow cord, 15c values ioc
Side combs, 15c values ioc
Belt buckies, 35c values 24c
Back combs, 20c values 12c
.Waist Sets, toe values , . ioc
Shoe lacers, good quality, six pair for 5c
Good quality pins, per paper.. 2c
Moth balls, 25c values, box 14c
Darning cotton, 3 spools for 5c
Best quaiity black letter ink, per bottle 4c
Pearl buttons, all sizes, per dozen 4c
Kid curlers per bunch of one dozen, all sizes 5c
Good quality bone hair pins, medium size, per doz. ioc
. Curling irons, any size, each , 5c
Hundreds upon hundreds of other bargains, not enu
merated above, are awaiting you at the store. Special
prices on sheets, bead spreads, blankets and comfort
ers. A full line of fresh groceries, the best the mar
ket affords. ' Prices always the lowest.
Ladies' Spring
Jackets, Dress &
Walking Skirts.
A mammoth gathering of exclusive styles are here awaiting your
inspection and. approval. The women folk, who haven't the time to
make their own garments, will welcome this opportunity.
Ladies' new spring coats, made of Hard Twilled covert cloth, made ,
with Leg 'o Mutton sleeves; front and back trimmed with straps and
buttons. High-grada taffeta lining, a $25.00 value In any store. Our
price, , .. .
Anniversary Week each only $17.75. , ?
Ladles' short length coats of soft twilled covert cloth trimmed with
silk braid around collar and cuffs. Leg o' Mutton sleeves. Value,
regular, $15.00. .... . ,., . , . , .:-.,,,
Anniversary Price $1195. :
, Ladies' $12.50 Coats $9,50.
Ladies $9.00 Coats $7.50.
Ladles' fine skirta of superior quality, black Panama cloth. Wide,
full pleated flowers, overlaid yoke of silk bands, separated by fagoting.
Marked especially for this sale at
Anniversary Price $12.45.
Ladies S2 gored skirts made of silk finished Slcllllan. Come only In
Champaigns color. Strictly man tailored and a bargain at the former
price of $16.50.
Anniversary Price $13.75
$10.00 Skirts $7.50
$7.00 Skirts. $4.35
Cook Stoves
and Air Tight
Big savings for the housewife, cooking utensils and small wares,
also lowly priced. .
The policy of this store Is, and always has been, to let each season
sell Its own goods. After an unusually mild winter we find ourselves
with exactly seventy-three cook stoves and heaters still on hand. The
entire lot goes on sale Anniversary Week at a saving to the purchaser
of from 20 to 40 per cent. -
A new stove at the price twould cost to fix the old one up.
Prices Range from $3.50 to $15.00.
6 qt. Dutchess Granite Kettles 49c.
An entirely new self-draining kettle with lock cover; full I qt.
Regular value 75c. '
Anniversary sate price 49c
14 qt. Granite Dish pans ... ... 49e
One lot Improved Granite dish pans, 14 qt Regular value 75c
Anniversary Sale Price 49c.
Alaska Dinner Pail .......33o
Limited quantity Alaska dinner palls complete, with alcohol lamp,
60c values
Anniversary Sale price 39c. "
A full line of tin ware greatly reduced.
You'll find every article we advertise "Jut as Repressed."
!3 mm
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