8 THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 7, IMS. COMMON COUNCIL Considerable Business Transacted Last Night IMPROVE EXCHANGE STREET Th Whipple Franchise Ordinance Re f erred to a Committee to Revise and Provide a Time Limit at to Beginning and Ending. - The common council met In ivguliu session last evening, the jnayor, offi cers and counclln-.en being present, ex cept Lebak. Before the meeting was called to or der the committee on ways and means and streets and public ways, with the Ity attorney, held an Informal meet ing to discuss the ordinance granting V. W. Whipple and 3. R. Clinton a franchise for a telephone, telegraph gas and electric light plant. ' It was decided to segregate the ordi nance making one for lighting and on for telephone, and require that work shall be commenced within a certair time and completed with a time limit, and that the company commence pay ing a license as soon as the franchise was granted, and adopting most of the suggestions heretofore made by the Astorian. It was decided to adjourn sntiJ Friday night to consider the amended ordinance. Petitions from Chas. Wirkkala and Peter Dourell for liquor licenses wert referred to the proper committee. s petition from property owners on fcvfng avenue asking the council to condemn certain land to connect Streets between McClure's and ShlV' ley's was referred to the street com' nittee. Petition from John Stephenson to transfer his license from 233 to 30b A st or street was referred to the com mittee. Communication from the Astoria Lumber and Box Company relative to the use of Hemlock lumber for street work was discussed at some length. Bums favored using the lumber as it would open up a new Industry. John Nordstrom waa present and addressed the council on the question. The mat ter was referred to the street commit tee to amend the street improvement ordinance so as to Include hemlock lumber. . Communication from the county court relative to the Improvement of Duane street was refered to the street committee. Communication from the Oregor Pioneer and Historical society asking the council to exempt two lots owned y the society in Adair's Astoria from street assessments was referred to the committee on ways and means and the city attorney. On the petition of Anna M. Ward and Mrs. Margaret Ball relative to tht assessment for the improvement of KInth street and tendering a certain amount in payment, the committee re ported that the assessment was legal and recommended that the offer be re fused and the checks returned. Bel land stated that they had petitioned for the improvement of the street an l it was Improved as they wanted and now they wanted to get out of payina for it A liquor license was granted Franetovlch and Franciscovltch. The application of the Suomillan Co operative company ror permission to build a warehouse on Taylor avenue was granted. Report of the committee on the ap plication from C. G. Palmberg to dump Jlrt from the hospital grounds onto Sixteenth street was approved on con ditlon that he secure permission from Dr. w. C. Logan, un the communication from the county court asking the council to establish grades on certain street, the committee recommended that the re quest be granted and that the city sur veyor be instructed to establish the grades. On the communication from W. A , , . . viuuum agreeing to repair the street around Smith's point, the committf recommended that the communication he filed. An ordinance appropriating $S03. for the benefit of W. G. McPherson for heating plant for city hall was read a flrRt and second time. An ordinance accepting the improve ment of Duane street was passed. An ordinance appropriating 31209.99 for the benefit of J. A. Fasteband for the .Sixth street sewer was passed. Resolution to establish the grade on Hume avenue was adopted. Resolution of intention to improve Exchange street from Seventeenth street to the Clatsop mill was adopted. Burns called the attention of th council to the number of street as sessments that had not been paid and ft was decided to have an ordinance passed at the next meeting issuing a warrant to the chief of police to sell all the property upon which the as sessments were delinquent. Burns also called the attention ol the council to the existence of large number of old shacks which It wax understood was to be declared a nul sance and have them torn down, and suggested as the plumbing Inspectoi t wns'dolng nothing to earn his ialitry that he be Instructed to proceed and tear them down immediately. x Bella nd raited attention to the ex Istence of bill boards mid wanted to know what had become of the ordi nance and thought the matter ought to be attended to at once. An ordinance introduced last year providing for a street cleaning depart ment Was ngaln referred to the street committee. Morton Inquired If the resignations had been received from the defunct police commissioners, and Tony smiled u smole and before It had disappeared the council adjourned. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETS Will Take Steps to Advertise Astoria at Fair. The Astoria chamber of commerce met in regular session last night, with President Welch, presiding. v.onsioeraoie routine Business was transacted. Propositions from the Overland Monthly, Farm Loans and City BotuU Publication, Chicago, and Minneapolis Journal to advertise Astoria In theli publications were received and aftri considerable discussion as to the b-st method to pursue in order to Insure Astoria getting properly before th visitors to the Lewis and Clark fair were referred to a special committee consisting of President Welch, A. R Cyrus, Mayor Surprenant and Judxe Q. A. Bowlby, with power to act. The committee will meet today at 2 p. m. to consider the matter. The matter of properly marking the place where Lewis and Clark wintered was brought up by-Judge Bowlby and was referred to the legislative commu tes to take up with Senator Fulton, and If possible to secure aid from con gress. A motion was passed Instructing ths president and secretary to purchus? 100 to 200 copies of any local newspa per containing any article setting forth the advantages of Astoria and Clatsop county and acting on these lines 100 caples of the Astorian were ordered containing a recent wrlteu'p. CALIFORNIA RESTAURANT. Reopened Under New Management. John Blaslch has leased the Callfor nla Restaurant and Oyster House and is now prepared to serve the public. The best oysters and meals In the city. Family trade supplied. Good cooks, polite waiters and prompt ser Grave Trouble Foreseen. It needs but little foresight to tell that when your stomach and liver are badly affected, grave trouble Is ahead unless- you take ths proper medicine for your disease, as Mrajohn A. Young of Clay, N. T did. She says: "I had neuralgia of the liver and stomach, my heart was weakened, and I could not eat. I was very bad for a long time, but In Electric Bitters, I found Just what I needed.for they quickly relieved and cured me." Best medicine for weak women. Sold under guarantee by Chas. Rogers, druggist, at 50c a bottle. Important Notlee. W have made another progressive step. We now carry at our branch store in the Flavel brick building on Bond street a complete line of oil clothing and rubber boots. Fisher Bros. Company. It is the MAN ! This is a better country tc live-in, because Schilling's Dcs: is in it. i i Jo G OSG Ol Pneumonia on Elooord There is no case on re cord of a cold resulting: in Pneumonia, or other seri ous lung trouble, after Good - Stationery counts just as much, as good dittoes and costs much less, ami just now much less than usual SEE OUR SHOW WINDOW Regular 50c aud 65c values goods to suit any Of taste, now C For three days only. J. N. GRIFFIN When you're at tea and storms abound And your brui t sinks low, And your knees do shake. And hurrlcans make furious sound, And from stem to stern The ship does quake, To whom do you look to steer you round? Is It the ship? Or the MEN'S steady nerve! When Jap and Russian men of war, Of which Jsp hnd few, And the Rums a score Mot who got that terrible Jar It Just huppened then As It happened bo fore, Sweet Vlcfry cum to the Japanese Tar! It wsm't the ships, But the MEN, who how! kntw When armies meet In fierce array And the sabres flash, And the cannons roar, And the men full prone, while women pray And old Mother Earth Is wet with rd gore, Who does the work that dm-Me the Jay. Is It the gun? Or the MAN'S steady eye! When In tirod of ctothlng or hats, And you are In doubt As to where to trail Don't go where the slow croaker squats. See the nervy mnn Who's not afraid To get the new styles, To clean out old blots. It Is not the store Hut the MAN with the Bush! Do you know, the MAN In this town The Mun with much Push, With great Enterprise; Hits always a smite, seldom a frown Of course, you can guess, It's HERMAN WISE The CLOTHIER, who does things up brown, While he has THE store. He's the MAN with great vim! Herman Wise, The Reliable Clothier and Hatter. to ifiyiiLisu mm 1 't? A 1771 mm OMku ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Capital Paid iu 1100,000. Surplus snd Undivided Profits tio.Out Transacts s general backing business. Interest paid on time deposits. J. Q. A. BOWLBY. O. I. PETEKSON, FRANK I'ATTON, J. W. OA NEK President Vios PresideML Cashier. , Asst. Cashier Jft8 TENTH STREET. ASTORIA. ORE. ttnnonnoanaBnoonnnnannntfBaonaonottnnnH The Palace Cafe The Best Restaurant KtfulirMtili. 25 Ctnti Everytolnf the Market Affords Sunday Dinner! 1 Specialty Palace Catering Company unnttntttttttttfannnttnttttttBttttttnttttttttnttttnttttnli had been taken. It stops the cough and heals the lungs and pre vents serious results from a cold. Do not take chances on a cold wearing away or experiment with some un known preparation that costs you the same as Foley's Honey and Tar. Remember the name and get the genuine. A SiTin Cold for Thru Months The following letter from A. J. Nns baum, of Batesville, Ind., tells Its own story: "I suffered for three months with a severe cold. A druggist prepared me some medicine, and a physician pre scribed for me, yet I did not improve. I then tried Foley's Honey and Tar, snd eight doses cured mi." Three lire 25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent size contains two and ne-balf times as ranch as the small size and the $1.00 bottls almost six timet as much. SOLS 113 IIMKKUD IT CENTRAL MEAT MARKET G. W. Mortou aud John Fnhrnian, Proprietors. CHOICEST FIIESI!' ASD SALT MKATH. PKOMPl' DELIVERY 542 Commercial St. Phone Main 321. HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel in the Northwest PORTLAND OREGON. The TROY Laundry Is the only White Labor Laundry in tho City. Docs the Best of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phono 1991 mwm MIT wwm coi Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHREIIOLDERS Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast for twenty-five years. liiiiiiiminiiHimirtMiHtfiMtitiiHiH ECMORE a CO., Sole Agents Astoria, - Oregon. txxxxrniiixiiiiTniitttiirxxin3 FRESH AND CURED MEATS Wholesale and Retail Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice. LIVE STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD WASHINQTON MARKET - CHRISTENSON ft CO. mxxxmixixiiiiiirmrirrrrrrrrTTTii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . lnag Reliance Electrical Works H.W.CYkCS, Manager We are thoroughly prepared for making estimates and eieonting orders for all kinds of electrical installing and repairing. Supplies in stock. We Mil tbe Celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call np Phone 1181. 428 BOND STREET w einHarcf s Log Beer. charies pooERs,Dmjgisi. Subscribe for the Astorian ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Having Installed a Rubber Tiring Maohine of ths latest pattern I am prepared to do all kinds of work in that line at reasonable prices. Telephone 291. CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS.