The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 07, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1909.
We have the Melrose Brand
fancy packs, put up in one pound
cans and offer same at
Star TheaUr Vaudvlll.
Lodg Mtlng Tonight
A. V, A A. M., Tempi lodge.
1). I'. O. Klk, AlloTla lodge.
Knight of Mtccnlioa".
Ludtwi of Hiti'i'H .
Marlim Engine,
L'wud 'llllN I""otherhKd.
Local Brevities.
tIom-niad anuer kraut, So per It).'
Krh garden and flower nada, Jut
arrive In lurg variety.
Iiula Ekrem, a native of Norway,
win granted first clllamshlp paper
1005 flower ed now on dlplay at
Astoria Grocery. Coma aarly and et
your pick.
Cp to thit ln of bualniaa lust
rvftiliiK about 135,000 In Uira bud
be'n collected.
William II. Jylu. a native "f Finland,
wa made a full cltlwn yeterday by
Judg MiUrld.
8om flnt queen olive at 25c per
pint at
City Auditor Anderaon wa able to
be out yeiterday and expect to re
sum hi dutle thla week.
The Occident tonorlal parlor and
bath facllltlea ar equalled by none.
Everything modern and tip to dat
8 Feterion.
A letter received from Washington
yesterday announrea that Hon. John
Fox expects to leav for hom th laat
of the week.
Regular convocation of Tmpl
Iodue No. 7, A.F. A A. M. will b hel.l
thl (Tuesday) evening at 7:80. Work
In M. M. degree.
The pluto glass la being put In the
new more Of 8. Dunxlger. and when
completed It will be one of the finest
atorv In the city,
Try can of Shelling' best Spleen;
every can guaranteed. Tour money
back If It don't lult.
Jap-n-Lac. the fluent flnlah for floor
ha proven both durable and make n
fine finish. II. F. Allen ft Son huv re
ceived a complete assortment.
W. J. He ha opened the cleaned
and beat appointed restaurnnt In As
torla at 120 Eleventh atreet. Th beat
In th market, and the promptest erv
Ice. tf
Tour grandmother" coffee waa good
coffe. It waa grown, carefully eleet
e l with cere, roaittd p ctly, aoM
pure. Our Golden Qatt Mocca and
lava ha th goodn and purity uted
by your grandoarent. ' A trlnl will
ronvinc you. fM at
To get one of the famous Cunn Sectional BooK Cases
on the very easy terms of $i down and $ifper week.
4 Complete House
Courteous treatment, an abundanc
of amuatment, together with a Una of
all popular branda Of liquid refresh
mtrita, baa mad tba LaToaca a popu
lar retort
Tli court house cu will l arguwl
In lh supreme court toJny. linn, Har
rison All-n and (). C. Fulton loft hint
nlKht for Salem to prcaent the cas to
the court.
It la a great tank to prepare a.up.
We have the beat In th market at
ready prepared. Six varieties. Three
can for 25 rente..
n. II. Caaton, at hla feed atabla No.
10J 14th street offera for aala a Landla
harneaa machine; on Smith-Premier
typewriter; one butcher" a wull scale,
will be avid cheap.
The Lenten season 1 drawing neur.
Remember we have everything In the
imirkrt In the fish line, and our tok
In nlwuys fresh.
R. M. Oaston carries a full and
complete Una of wagona, buggi,
plow, harrow and all kind of farm
tools una machinery at 105 Fourteenth
etreet, Astoria, Or.
, Alex Ohls, formerly a resident of
Astoria, died Sunday night In Port
land of consumption. He waa a mem
ber of Aatorln lodge of Eagle and will
be burled under Ita auaplce.
Famlllea desiring either Colonial
or Shoalwater bay oyater can alway
ecur them freh at the Imperial
oyetter houae, which makea a specialty
of lupplylng famine or parties,
Mor. Whit Pin cough yrup ha
been aold In Ateorla this winter than
any other kind, becaua It five In
itant relief. Th Owl and Eagle drug
(or ar ol agent for all th beat
Th Seaalde Sprue Lumber Com
pany mill I running night and day In
order to fill order.' Two hundred
pruc door are manufactured every
dny. and thl I not sufficient to upply
the demand.
For aomethlng nice for brenkfnat,
try our cream rolled onts, free from
flinty or Imperfect grain. Wo hive
nothing but the beat Only 6 cent
per pound.
Forecaster Ileal, with a tug and a
crew of men waa busy yesterdny en
deavoring to pick up the cable to the
North Head. Nothing satisfactory was
accomplished yesterday and; another
effort will be made today.
The circuit court was engaged yes
terday In hearing the case of A. Perry
igulnst John Hendrlckson, for a claim
alleged to be due In building a saloon
for Hendrlckson In Unlontown. Th
case had not been completed when
the court adjourned last evening.
We stand back of everything we aell.
Tou'll find our goods wholesome
trlctly pure and clean, and you'll find
our price low.' Tou'll alway buy
her If you one make th start.
For Ten
Days Only,
We aell coal, good coal, the beat In
the market, and th prlc la aa low
aa good coal can b aold for. It coata
you only 17.50 a ton, delivered at your
door. Ring up phon 1961 and your
order (hall have prompt attention.
The standard OH Company ha a
portion of Ita material on the ground
for th erection of new oil tank at
th foot of Sixth atret-t. The time will
com aome day when the people will
regret that uch menace to the live
and property of th city were permit
ted to b erected.
The store of Foard A 8 token waa
crowded all day yeaterduy by the Ml
of Attorlu taking advantage of their
icrcitt dry good mile The good are
nil new and stylish, while the price
cannot bo duplicated. It la requested
'.hat people call aa early In the day a
possible, no aa to avoid the afternoon
There la more building going on at
8i-njililn thla aprlrig than In any pre
vious aeaaon. Preparation are being
made by the hospllabl people to en
lertnln the large crowd of vlaltor ex
pected thla aumrner. There will be
umple hotel accommodation which,
wltti a half dozen good reataurante
will be "utile lout for th want of the
Fred A, Cole anil Mine Francla Law
son were married Saturday evening at
the residence of the brlde'a parent.
corner of 8lxth and Commercial atreet
instead of at the Uaptiet parsonage aa
eronlously atated. After the ceremony
it reception waa held participated In
by a large number of friend of the
happy couple.
JolLi M'lKimicll of Mulan, Idaho.
write to the sheriff that In his opin
ion that official In trying to hold him
up by nssrsslng him $15.47 on a timber
Inlm that only coet him $425. The
sheriff ha a purchaer for the claim
at $1000. If McDonnell don't want to
pay tuxo. he had better Ml hi claim,
but then, be won't do It.
Cuptaln IpHen of the bnrkentlne T.
M. Emlght, according to an evening
paper, complain that he wa unable
to secure a tug off the Columbia bar
for two week. There ha been a tug
out there every day thl winter and
if he hud been anywhere In Right, he
could have cecured a tug. The tug
are Just a anxlou to tow him In aa
he la to he towed In.
Attorney Nolnnd submitted a m
tlou for a new trial In the cae of the
tat of Oregon ogalnat John Hen
drlckxon In the L'nlontown aaloon case.
The new trial is naked on account of
alleged error of law occurring during
the trial and the failure to give certain
Instructions to the Jury. A decision
1 expected today. This I preliminary
to taking an appeal to the supreme
P. Luwler was In Seaside Sunday
making arrangements for the building
of a new store on the corner of Main
and Bridge streets. The building will
he 66x75 feet, two stories high and will
be occupied by F. Dresser & Co. aa a
general merchandise store. Fred
Moore, Mr. Lawler'a partner, Is ex
pected from California this week. Work
on the new building wilt be com
menced nt once.
ItUls were opened yesterday after
noon In Portland for building an ex
tension to the'o. R. A N. Co. wharf.
It will consist of extending the pres
ent wharf out 118 feet to the harbor
line as established by the United States
government. A portion of the wharf,
will be covered and a portion of the
center will be left open. Three slips
will be built. It Is estimated that the
cost will be about $14,000. Work on
the construction will be commenced
immediately. 1
Considerable complaint is made by
tax payers In outside districts on ac
count of the Increase In their taxes
this year and they are Inclined to blame
Assessor Cornelius, The assessed val
uation Is about the same as last year,
but many of the districts have In-
crensed their assessment for road and
school purposes, amounting In some
precincts to 20 mills. At Seaside there
Is a 6-mlll town tax. 12-mtll school tax
and 10-mlll road tax, or nn Increase of
13 mills over last year. This is the
reason why taxes are higher, and no
one Is to blame but the people residing
in the precincts that levied the addi
tional tax.
The largest house ever at the Star
since Its Inauguration was present last
evening, and standing room was not
only at a premium, but Manager Ger
vurt was compelled to lock the doors.
Fanny Donnovan, the premier para-
dost, captivated th audience and at
once became a popular favorite. Rose
and Severn are without doubt the most
provlklng mirth-makers ever In the
city and kept the audience convulsed
with laughter and were repeatedly
called out. The DeLacy's In their coon
turn was the best exhibition of the
kind ever seen in Astoria. The bill
at the Star this week Is without doubt
the best ever seen and thl popular
play house will no doubt be crowdeJ
every night. Don't mis thl show.
II. R. Iloefier and wife pent Sunday
In Portland.
II. Flood of Gray river wa In the
city yetrday.
Robert Cray of Hammond wa In th
Iclty yesterday.
Oswald West of Salem waa In th
cltjr yeaterday.
Aug. :arsen of Altoona waa In th
city yesterday.
' William E. Iiurk of Seaside spent
Sunday In th city. i
B. A. Seabourg returned Sunday from
a trip to California.
Mr. and Mr. Henry McGowan wre
In the city yesterday,
C. W. Ragby of Oregon City la In
th City on business.
C. S. Rrown and wife visited with
friend In Portland Sunday.
A. V. Reeves of Nasel wa In th
city yesterday on business.
C. W, Curnaban of Clatsop was a
visitor In Astoria yesterday.
V. H. Coffey of Hammond wa In
th city yesterday on business.
C. Schmidt returned Sunday from a
business trip to San Francisco.
Robert Flnke of Brookfleld was In
th city yesterday on business.
Alex Campbell and wife of Skamok
awa were In the city yesterday.
J. N. Heclcard of Lewis and Clark
wa a visitor In the city yesterday.
Benjamin Sweet, a prominent Mm
berman of Milwaukee, is In the city
Robert Llndenburger returned yes
terday from a business trip to Port
land. Charles Flatman was over from Fort
Canby yesterday and returned last
William Anderson, a prominent mer
chant of Deep River was In the city
Frank D. Shields of San Francisco,
formerly of Astoria, Is visiting friends
In the city.
Marlon Veatch of Cottage Grove
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chaa.
Captain Edwards and G. W. Fuller of
Portland were In the city yesterday
on official business.
A. C. Fisher F. A. Fisher and Mra.
Fisher returned yesterday from an x
tended visit In southern California.
George C. Flanders of the Standard
Oil Company of Portland I In the city
making arrangement to build an oil
tank on the property of the company.
Ral Ettat Trantfar.
William M. Powell and wife to Fred
8. Peterson txist tyilf of southwest
quarter of southeast quarter of north
west quarter and lot I, section 2, town
ship 6 north, range ( west. $1 .
William J. Morrison and wife to
WlUiaut Chadwlck, 71.54 acre In Mor
rison D. L. C. $1500.
Th Central Astoria Land Compan)
to John Erlckson lot 27 to $0, block S,
Central Astoria. $350.
William J. McLoughlln and wife to
M. J. Kinney, undivided quarter of
northwest quarter of section 10, town
ship 6 north, range ( west. $5.
A. M. Smith and wife to Joseph
Schamberger, undivided half In lost 8
block 11, McClure. $5.
Canned Shad.
We atlll have some shad left But
our stock la going very fast 5c per
The Methodist church waa crowded
to overflowing Sunday night at the
union service. Miss Ollphant preached
a very Interesting and Instructive ser
mon and the sweet songs were enjoyed
by all present In this connection It
might be suggested that It la rulable
In all clvliixed communities where
ladle are atandlng for the gentlemen
to offer them a seat This was over
looked by the gentlemen, probably for
the reason that they so seldom attend
church they are not accustomed to ob
serving these rules.
Wm. Bock has had plans prepared
for a new three-story building which
he will erect this spring on his prop
erty on Commercial street adjoulnlng
Foard A Stokes. The building will ex-
tend from Commercial to Duane
street. The front room on Commercial
street will be occupied by Mr. Bock as
refreshment parlors, and on Duano
street by stores. A portion of the sec
ond floor will be fitted up into offices
and the third floor will be for roomers.
Work on the new building will be
commenced ' about the first of next
month and completed within 90 days.
Agonising Burn,
ara Instantly relieved, and perfectly
healed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. C
Rlvenbark, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., writes:
"I burnt my kne dreadfully; that It
blistered all over. Bucklen's Arnica
Salv atopped th pain, and healed It
without a car." Also heals all wounds
and aorea. 25c at Chaa. Roger, drug
gist The steamer Rendondo leaves San
Francisco Thursday for Astoria and
Portland, and will land at th Elmore
General Agents.
Farmer AtUntion.
We have a large utock of new seeds
which we are selling at Portland
prices. Se us before you buy.
Great Muslin
This Big White Sale starts Tuesday Morning, March
7, 1905, and lasts all the week.
Dainty Chemise.
Of uch good quality, made o
welt, trimmed so nicely and o
generous In size that women of
taate and refinement will be
thoroughly pleased with them.
Regular (5c Gown at. ...... .38c
Regular '75e Gown at ...58
Regular $1.38 Gown at......93o
Regular $1.15 Gown at , 89
Regular $1.75 Oown at $1.25
Musiln Gowns,
Many new Ideas shown thl sea
son In Chemise. The finest and
flimsiest of Cambric are used
aa materials. The garmest are
perfect In every way.
$1.25 Chemle 89o
t." Chemles 98o
$1.50 Chemies S1.1S
$2.50 Chemlle 1J8
Drawers Less.
That' the exact altuatlon In
a nutshell. It' the price that Is
less, but the quality of the gar
ment are the ame high stand
ard aa usual.
Regular 25c Drawers 19o
Horse Department Store.
If I
Wherity, Ralston $ Company
The Leading Shoe Dealers.
The New
of doing the family washing the way which changes it from
dreary drudgery to a cheerful household duty is by using
MONTGOMERY. Astoria, Or.
433 Commercial Street
Sherman Transfer Co.
Hacks, Carriages Baggag Checked and Transferred Trucks ani
Furniture Wagons- f ianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
Regural 35c Drawers. ...... .25
Regudar 50c Drawers........ 39c
Regular 75c Drawera..,,....49
Regular $1.50 Crawer.......9So
Regular $2.00 Drawers...... $1.25
Corset Covers.
If wonderful how so much of
retil excellence in quality and
atyle can be passed along to you
for ao little money.
Regular 15c Corset Cover.. So
Regular 30e Corset Cover. ,19o
Regular 35c Corset Covers. .25
egular (3c Cortet Cover..45
Regular 85c Corset Cavers. .60
Regular $1.15 Corset Cover 85o
Skirt Specials.
The low prices are of absorb
ing interest but wait until yob
see these Skirt you will be de
lighted at their beauty and gen
eral air of daintiness.
The price are also perfect
Regular 75c Skirts at. 45c
Regular $1.25 Spirt at...... 75
Regular $1.38 Skirts at......98o
Regular $1.88 Skirt; at ....$1.38
Regular $2.50 Skirt at... .$18
How true to the name
" are bur
$3.50 and $4.00
Men's Shoes.
Perfect inliWorkmanshlp.
' Perfect in Fit.
gre-ifflgjKyKM. gwi
Laundry Trays
Install a modern "itetdawT
Laundry in your home and there
will be no water to carry, no
leakage or damp floors, and no
tubs to empty or upset. It will
increase the selling value of your
Phone Main 121
mil w