TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1905. THE BIORNING ASTORIAK, AifTORIA, ORJXJON. Profit 1 Sale H I Sharing Sale 'Mlie.lKie;&vlii Comc Now On nouickccpera . Early Great American Importing Tea Co. a" Our 100 Stdres Help Ui to Help Yon Kl Commercial 8trt, Astoria. THE HOP MARKET Very Slight Chang in Produce Market. Baft Balss of 75-2. belt 11.60; bales of tO-li, bals 11.80: bales of 40-4S, bals 11.10; bales of 11-lOs, bala $LK0; bags. 10a, flnt, ton. $1.60; bags 60 lbs., genu In Liverpool, ton, 117: bag 60 lba, ground. 100a, tona, 15.26; R. B. V. P. tO (-lb. cartons. 12.28: R. 8. V. P 24 Mb cartona, IU6; Liverpool lump, Ion, tit. - ; Coffee Mocha, llT2le; Java, fancy, 2lf tlcf Java, good, 2024o; Java, or dlnary, 17020c; Costa, Rica, fancy, II OtOc; Costa Rica, good, 1691lo; Ar Holdsrs of Hops Ars Hsnglng Out for bucklM m ii p,r 10u pounds; Lion. Blfl Pries, But Osslsrs 8sy Prloss Will Fall. 116 16. ! Nuts Walnuts, No, 1, soft shell. 11 lie; No. J. hard shell llc; Chlls, lie; almonds, 17011c; filberts. 14016c; Braills. lie: pecans, 12U01to; hick orr. Ic: Virginia peanuts, t0IHc; Those who have hop to sell arue Jombo yirctnl peanuts, tc; Japanese that there Is a short us? In consequence peanuta! IV4c: chestnuts, Italian, they demand a larger prl . IJuyers j; chestnuts, eastern, drum, $1.60: claim there will be no ahortug e and the conoanuts, dosen, 10c Indlratlons are that there will be a Rtca Imperial Japan, No. 1, I6.I7H: lump In the market. No. 2, $4-26; Carolina heal, Ic; broken The produce rnnrkct Is quiet and no head, 4c material chimes are noted. .1 Provisions Hams, to else, 12 c; hams picnic, Ic; bacon, regulars, He; bacon, breakfast. 14011c; , dry salt Valley Mt9i 10c: backs, dry salt, lc; lard. ksttle rendered, tlerced. I He. 117. j Figs White, pound, Itttblc; black. Grain Preduots, Feed. Wheat Walla Walla, 17c; 11061c; bluestem, 14015c. Oats White. $27021; ray, Barley Brewing, 124; feed, 124. 107c, Hay Timothy. $14016; clover, $11 Dates Golden, 10-lb. boxes. 107c; 011; cheat, 111011; alfalfa, $11. Mb packages, Ic; Fard, 1Mb boxes. MIlletulTs Barley, rolled, $24.00; $1.40 box, ' middlings, $14016; chop, 111011; bran t , $11020; shorts, $22024. 4 , f - . Llveatoek. Flour-Hard wheat, straight, $4,110 Cattle $3.00 0 4.26; hogs, $4.60 0 6.60; 4.10; hard wheat patents, $4.1004.76: sheep, $4.25 0 4.50. Valley, $4.1004.76: graham. $4; rye I - 1. $1; whole wheat flour, $1.10. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc, i Hides Flint dry cow and ateer, 14 Preduee. 1 015c; flint dry salt, 14015c; ealted. Butter Fancy creamery, 27H01Oc; TUOIftc; green and grubby, 107c; dairy, 17H02O; cooking, 11012. Cheese Toung American, 1$H; Ore gon full cream, 15c Poultry Mixed chickens, per pound. llflllKc; spring, pounds, 14015c; bens, 11014c; caves, IMi0$; turkeya live, 15017c; turkers, dresied, U022c( ducks, old, dosen, $9; spring ducks $1 150. Honey-Dark. lOHOllc; amber, 120 Vic; fancy whit. 16c Wild Cams. Wild geee, $4 0 4 50; mallard ducks, $3 0 3.50; widgeon ducks, $262.25; teal Jucks, $1.60. . , Fruits and Vegetables. Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, $11" $.78, choice, $2.7501.00; oranges, $1.75 02.00; cananaa, 6o per pound; pine apples, $3.60 0 4 per dosen, Potatoes, Oregon, 100 pounds, 9Oc0 $1.00; tomatoes, California, per crate, $2.00; turnips, per sack, 60070c; rab bages.per pound, lUOiHo; carrots, per bags, per pound, lU01Ho; carrots, per sack, 10075c; onions, 100 pounds, $2.4001.60; sweet potatoes, $1.5001.75 par 100 pounds; cauliflower, per dosen, 76c0$l; celery, per dosen, 65065c sheep pelts aa to wool. 10060c; An gora, with wool on, 25C01.OO. Hope 27tb2le. , Wool Valley, 10011c; Eastern Ore gon, 14011a, Tallow Prime, par pound, SVs04o; No. 2 and grease. IViOlo. LOCAL PRODUCE. Prloea Furnished by Ross, Hignins A Company The following are the retail prices on local produce yesterday: Eggs, per dozen 22 ftc; butter, bent per roll, 70o; chickens, dressed, per pound, JSc; mallard ducks, pair, $1; apples, box, 75c0$1.26; oranges, box $2ff2.25; potatoes, sack, $1.35: turnips, sack. 10c; carrots, sack, 11. Polsona In Food. ' . Perhaps you don't realise that many pain poisons originate In your food but some day you may feel a twinge ol dyspepsia that will convince you. Dr. Klng'a New Life Pills ars guaranteed to cure all sickness due to poisons of undigested food or money back. 25c at Chas. Rogers' drug store. Thy them. , Agonising Burns, are instantly relieved, and perfectly healed by Bucklen's Arnica Solve. C Rlvenbark, Jr, of Norfolk, Va writes: '1 burnt my knee dreadfully; that It blistered all over. Bucklen's Arnica Salve stopped the pain, and healed It without scar." Also heals all wounds and sores. 25c at Chas. Rogers, drug One-Third of all the Champagnes Imported Into America Is tiiat of O, II. Mumm, ssgregatlr.g 131,330 cases. The recognised and superior quality of their Extra Dry, made of the finest cuveeo, Is responsible for this phenomenal showing, and the novel package of half-pints or splits for sick rooms, etc.. will fill a long-desired want. ' TRAVELERS' QUIDS. 0jk 1M ASK ANY TRAVELER and ha will fell youths 1" Electric Lighted, la the fall of 1895 Iosntracted that fear ful disease. Stood Poison. It gained such headway that I was forced to resign my position and seek relief st Hot Springs. After spending all tbe mesne I haul went to Memphis. In less thsa three weeks ! wss in a hospital, and after nine weeks of suffering; I was dischsrged as cured. Ia less than a month every bone In my body teemed to be affected and felt as If they would break at the least exertion. Again I was compelled to resign, and I returned to the hospital for a seven weeks stay. When I came out I was advised to try fanning. When I first went on the farm I prevailed on the only firm who handled drugs to get me one dozen bottles of 8. 8. 8. At that time both of my hands were broken out with blisters and I was covered with boils snd sores. In the meantime my drugtrUt had gotten two dozen bottles of S. 8. 8. for me and I began its use, and after taking the thirteenth bottle not a sore or boil was visible. R. B. Powsu. East oth St., Little Rock, Ark. , Of all human diseases, Contagious Blood Poison is the most hideous snd hateful. The victim is tortured with eating ulcers, sores snd abscesses, unsightly blotches, eruptions and other symptoms of the mis ermble disease, 8. S. S. has been used successfully for nearly fifty years fot umiagious jmooo Poison. It con tains no mercury, potash or other mineral. Oar home treatment book gives all the symp toms of this dia ease. Medical ad rica free. Til Swift Specific Casjpaay, Atlanta, fit I aaS fkouM knew mm a r. u-t a Irm . i' -Zy n- As W m l Us wofiiWf rjl MAKVTL wtskUsf Spray -Mo cnnitniMI. MAMthl.. mrttfl no AIh, Bil Mnr1 ttjuna for Uliuumtnl luuk-MiM In ritll Mniiitilm and iliwilnn, I SI firkkw, Mm Iwk. Schedule of quartermaster steamer Howard for the month of February, 1905: Date , a p. o 5 Z Fresh Msata and Fish. Fresh Meats Veal, $M8o; pork, 8H06Hc; beef, $05c; mutton, 401c Fish Crabs, per dosen, $1.25;' 8hoal. water Bay oysters, per sack, $4; oys ters, gallon, $126; halibut, c; black cod, 7c; salmon, Steelheads, $V4e; alt vsrsldes, IHo; herlng, 6c; flounders So; catfish, 7c; . lobsters, per , pound. 12Hc; silver smelt, Sc; shrimp, 10o; perch, 6c; sturgeon, -7c; -Columbia river smelt, to; bass, 12 Ho. , Oils and Lead. Coal Oil Pearl or astral oil cases, llo per gallon: water white oil, Iron tarrels,lSKos wood barrel s,none;cocexis oil, cases, 25c; elalns oil, cases, lie; txtra star, cases, llot headlight oil, 171 degrees, cases, 24H: Iron barrels. llo, (Washington stats teat burning oils, except fceadllght, Ho par gallon Wgher.) . Linseed Oil Pur raw, la barrels, llo; gsnulns kettle-boiled In barrels. 64o; pur raw oil, In cases, 67c; genu- In ksttls-bolled In cases, 6le; lets of 250 gallons, lo lass par gallon. Benslns filxty-thres duress, cases, 22c; Iron barrels, lf.0. Turpentine In cases; $5c per gal lon. ,, Y ir ,-( Qaso;ine gtove v 'gasoline, cases, 24Hc; iron barrels, llo; ' II dogrees gasollns, cases, lie; Iron barrels or druma, 26c. ( . . , T , Lead Strictly pure Vhlts lead and red lead in ton lota, 7Ho; 600-pound lata, lo? Mss than top. pounds, IHo. i . I Qroosrlss, Provisions, Etc Bugar Oolden C, $8.65; ' powdered, $6.25; patent cube, $6.35; cane, D, 0 fimir. mntmf tS IK; h( 'llftAl'. VWB , ' - 15.85: extra cwt 10c; kegs. cwL, 25c; boxes,, cwt, too (less He per pound, If paid for in 16 days). Important Natlee. , We have made another progressive step. We now carry at our branch store In the Flavel brick building on Bond atreet a complete Una clothing and rubber boots. Bros. Company. of oil Fisher Dead Hair , Grow beautiful hair. . New method, scientific and natural cure for scalp and hair troubles, glx weeks' Bothen Hair Culture Course by mail with rem edies. Results guaranteed. Send 10 cents ( postage for trial treatment Bothen Co., 15 Ajak B1J.. Cleveland.O. Thursday 2d.. 8: 00 10:15 2:46 Saturday 4th.. 1:30 11:30 2:45 Tuesday 7th. ..8:00 10:16 2:46 Thursday $th..l:00 10:16 2:45 Saturday 11th. 1:00 10:18 !:! Tuesday 14th.. 1: 00 10:16 2:48 Thursday llth.8:00 10:15 2:48 Saturday 18th.. 8: 00 11:00 1:46 Tuesday list.. 8:00 10:18 2:48 Thursday 21d..l:00 10:16 2:46 Saturday 25th. .8:00 10:15 2:30 Tuesday 28th. 7:00 10:16 2:45 4:00 4:00 4:tiu 4:00 6:11 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 5:16 4:00 Trlpa marked Include Ft Canby, Wash. Tuesday and Thursday mornings the boat will lay at Ft Columbia wharf for one hour. Subject to change. The boat will leave Astoria Mondays and Wednesdays for Ft Stevens and Ft. Columbia at 8 a. m. Returning, leave Ft Stevens at 10 a. m, remain lng at Ft. Stevens until 1:40. TIDE TABLE, FEBRUARY FEBRUARY. 1009, Low Water. Date, Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 4 BUNDAT ....... Monday ......... Tuesday 7 Wednesday 8 Thursday 9 Friday' ...........ltf Saturday .,,.M.ii SUNDAT .......111 SUNDAY 12 Monday r.v.ll Tuesday ....... ..lei Wednesday 15 Thursday 16 Friday ,,,...'M.17 Saturday .18 SUNDAT 19 Monday 201 Tuesday .........21 Wednesday ..,,,,22 Thursday 23 Friday ..........24 Saturday 25 BUNDAT .......2 Monday .17! Tuesday , ..28, A.M. h.m. I ft 4:631.1 6:46 1.8 C:I5 1.8 till 7:62 8:21 8:64 9:23 9:68 10:35 11:18 m 9:65 8:02 1:67 1:42 7:27 9:00 8:18 9:6r 10:48 11:49 sea 0:60 1:11 2.fl 7:17 l. 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.8 1.2 2-1 1.4 1.6 1.6 8.1 85 2.0, 1.6 0.8 1.11 0.7 0.8 0.81 ... 1.0 3.3 P.M. h.m. 6:86 6:211 7:01 8:07 8:84 8:56 9:18 1:441 10:18 10:67 12:19 i:i8 f.4t 8:47 4:47 5:37 6:34 7:08 7:49 9:10 8:28 9:651 10:431 11:41 12:65 2:08 3:17 ft FEBRUARY. 1905. lllgh Water, It tie Crick Train of tbeo ill for COMFORT iti ELEGANCE. Thc'ticket office at Portland h 255 Morrison St., Cor. 3d at A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Fafsenger Agent. PORTLAND, OREGON. im I Pi -A IMHlWifli kmmmi TRAVELERS GUIDE. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH YOUR JOURNEY. If your tickets read over the Den ver and Rio Grande Railroad, the "Scenic Line of the World." BECAUSE There are so many scenic attrac tions and points of Interest along the line between Ogden and Den ver that the trip never becomes tiresome. If yoa are going East, writs for in formation and get a pretty book that will tell you all about It W. C. MoBrlde, General Agent 124 Third Street PORTLANO. OREGON. 1 "Best by Test" A trans continental trav eler pays: "I've tried them all aud I prefer the North western Limited It's the best to be found from coast to coast." It's "The Train for Com fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. Before itaiUnfon a trip no matter where write tor interartlng informa tion about comfortable traveling. ILL SISIER, General Agent 132 Third St Portland, Oregon. T. W.Ml8DAIJt, 0neral liui!i?er Agent oi. Paul, Minn. ate. 0.4 Wednesday 0 7 Thursday ,, 0.T Friday .......... 0.5 Saturday '....4 r0.1 SUInDAT o.l Monday ..,,. 0.8 Tuesday 7 1.2 Wednesday ...... 8 1.7 Thursday 9 11 Friday 10 1.8 Saturday 11 1.8 SUNDAT 12 8.0 Monday 13 1.1 Tuesday .....,,,.14 1.8 Wednesday 15 0.6 Thursday 16 0.0 Friday ...17 0.1 Saturday ........18 -0.9 Saturday 18 -0.9 BUNDAT ....... 19 0.7 Monday ..201 0.1 Tuesday 91 0.4 Wednesday 22 0.9 Thursday ,.23 1.6 Friday .., 24 2.4 Saturday 25 0.9 SUNDAT 261 0.8 Monday 27 0.6 Tuesday ,.,..,...28 "Tftm. I ftl h.ra I ft iil0:80l".5 30, lll:2SJ 0:37 1:16 1:47 JU11 2:46 8:11 8:88 4:10J 4:44 6:27 6:20 7:28 8:40 9:48 10:48 0:02 11:41 0:44 1:25 2:04 2:44 8:21 4:05 4:51 6:461 6:60 8:00 l. 7.61 3.61 7.6 7.6 7.7 7. 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.8 1.2 1.71 7.4 9.0 8.0 8.4 8.7 8.9 8.91 8.7 8.4 8.2 7.9 7.8 li:65fo9 eve 11:121 12:61 1:28 1:04 2:87 1:11 3:65 4:34 6:26 8:30 7:68 9:20 10:25 11:17 see 12:32 1:20 2:07 2:691 3:52 4:52! 6:00 7:18 8:40 9:531 e 8.6 8.6 8.8 1.0 7.6 7.1 1.7 8.8 5.8 5.4 5.4 5.1 1.1 6.8 9.2 9.2 8.9 8.4 7.9 7.2 1.5 1.1 6.0 6.2 A.& C. R. R. TIME CARD. EFFECTIVE 8EPT. 4, 1904. Leave PORTLAND Arrive 8 00a.m i Portland Union) 11.10a. m .OOp.m depot for Astoria) 9.40 p.m Leave ASTORIA Arrive 6 10 p.m 7.45 a'm j for Portland and way points 11.30 a.m 10.30 pm SEASIDE DIVISION Leave ASTORIA Arrive 11.35 a, m for Seaside Direct 50 p.m Leave ASTORIA. Arrive tai5.m f for WarrentoD, l0:45a.m j Hammond, Ft 5.50 p.m (Stevens, Seaside) 7:40a,m Leave SEASIDE Arrive 4 :30 p.m for Astoria Direct 1 12 :30p!m Leave 8EASIDE. 6.15 a. m ( for Warren ton Ft Dtevana. Ham 49.30a.m ' uond,Astoria Arrive I. 9 25 am ,20 p.m. Steamer "SUE fcfflzm The largest; Staunchest, Steadiest and most Seaworthy vessel ever on this route. Best of Table and State Room Aawmiira. g dations. Will make roc ad trip every five day between j rrilIAMOOK Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railway & Navigation Co. and Astoria & Colombia River K. E. for Portland, San Francisco and all point" East For freight and passenger rates apply to Samuel time & Co., Gen'l Aftts., Atsrta, Ore. OB TO A. & C. IC. II. Portland, Oregon Pacific Naragation Company, Tillamook, Oregon O. K. & Jf. Company, Portland, Oregon Famous Trains The South wesi Limited Kansas City to . Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul 1 to Chscago, run via ' , , . - i ( ... k ,. ,.fr f..- '..&! ' .v.,':-. Chicaeo. Milwaukee & St. Paul E&ch route offers numerous attractions. The principal thing to insure a quick, . comfortable trip east is to Bee that your tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. I'-ul Railway. n. s rows. General Agent 134 Third Street, Portland fl II alifornia! The land of fruits, flowers and sun shine, where all ths summer sports may he enjoyed In winter. ill r $55 PORTLAND to LOS ANGELES AND RETURN. reached via THE SHORT ROUTE Beautifully Illustrated booklets and folders, descriptive of the many charm- lot winter resorts, may be secured from any Southern Pacific Atrent or address ' W. E. COMAN, G. P. A, Portland, Ore. ASK THE AQKNT VOH TICKETS ' TU lTfvS a mm in ti A.s v 84yJ VlJkBi9a4sj i J . U j i uu -Oregon Shoitline akd uniowPacific? San Francisco eo Portland S.S. Co, 79 noun from Portland to Cbioago. No ehanga of cars. v Additional train leaves Astoria daily at 11:80 a. m. for all points on Ft Stevens branch, arriving- Ft Stevens 13:30 p. m., returnlnf, leavea Ft Stev ens at 2:00 p. m, arriving- Astoria 2:46 p. m. Sunday only. Through tickets and close connec tion via, N. P. Ry. at Portland and Goble and O. R. 8t N.-Co, vja. Portland. J. C Mayo, 0. P. A. To Bpekana, 8t Paul, Minneapolis, Ouluth, Chioago, 8t Louis, and all points east and south. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Q The Flyer and The Fast Mail L SPLENDID SERVICE UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOU3 EMPLOYES Daylight trip aoross ths Cascade and Rooky Mountains. For tickets, rates folders and full In formation call on or address H. DICKSON, : City Ticket Agent 122 Third Street Portland, Or. & O. YERKES, O. "W. P. A., Ill First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. WE GIVE EXPEDITED 8ERVICE ON FREIGHT ROUTE YOUR SHIPMENTS VIA GREAT NORTHERN Full Information from WM. HARDER, General Agent Portland, Ore. The World's Fslr Route. TIME .SCHEDULES Depart From PORTLAND Chicago Portland sn Lake, Denver. Fl Pril Worth, Omaha, Kaa :Ula.m. atCit,8t Louis, via Hunt- Chicago and the East Ington AlanUc .xpreea Salt Lake, Denver Fl 8:15 P. m. Worth, Omaha, Kan via Hunt- a City, St LouU, inxtOD Jt'hicago and the East . i 8U Paul j Walla Walla, tewis r act Mail I ton. Spokane. Mlnne e:15p. ru. apoll. 8t Paul, Duluth viabpo- Milwaukee, Chicago, kane and ast Arrive 7:11 8:00 paa ' From Astoria- All sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco every five days. Dally ex- oept 8un day attani Colombia River to rortiua ana Way lAndtugs saat Daily ex cept Horn Steamer Nahc'a leaves Astoria on the tide DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAT. FOR ILWACO, connecting' there wt trains for Long Beach, Tioga ac4 North Beach points. Returnlnr ar rives at Astoria same evening. Through tickets to and from all prin cipal European cities, G. W. ROBERTS, Acent Astoria, Ore'. fell's toMtq& Op!ii rosmvz cuss PrIc3unsittoaerClrT Cum oirlcklj and Pri. Butlr in wont tt it Canarrbor nd so matter of hmr Ioik r..i4. Aixsluul huna. Sl.W, tr fcf b,u poatoMit, T!:i lAKTAl-fJPSIl CX "Aa'k. .i'w'-'. BSUCPONTA14IC.OH1&, Bold by Chas. Kogrrs, ict OommercUi