The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 21, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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ETsorts to Build Up the County
" '" . - ' : " ' '
foducsmtnts and Advantages of Cist
sop County Should Bo Published
to th World and Efforts Mads
to Sscuro Immigration.
?Jo- that the political squabble over
the Tuttle charter bill has become a
.matter of history, it is a food time
for the people of Astoria and Clatsop
county to make some effort to adver
tise the resources and grand posai
bQitles of the city and county, to the
end that eastern people may be at
traded here and will locate in Indus
trial pursuits or develop our resource.
tn agriculture and dairying-.
Herman Wise has made a good sug
gestion, which in substanec is that if
the people of Astoria took as much
interest in, building up the resources
f Clatsop county as they did in the
Tntle charter bill, the result would be
more beneficial to the city and county.
If the same energy were spent in in
ducing eastern people to come here
and locate, build up our natural re
sources, inaugurate new enterprises,
cultivate our lands, which are the
most productive of any county in the
state, encourage people to come here
and develop the dairying interests
which can be made wealth producers,
as was used to secure the passage or
the defeat of the Tuttle charter bill
there would be less friction, not N personal antagonism and a bet
ter feeling would exist throughout the
city and county.
There is no county in the state whera
darying can be carried on so success
fully and so profitably as in Clatsop
county. There Is no other section o'crovement of Thirteenth street was
water stating that they had purchased
1500 feet ot hose from three differ
ent companies was .filed.
The ways and means committee re
ported on the petition of Anna Rrakke.
without recommendation and It was
filed. '
On the communication of F. L. Par
ker refusing to pay Interest on street
assessments was filed, - "
Liquor licenses . were granted, to
Johnson & Enjrstrom and Aug. Daniel
son. X " ' - -
In the matter of the petition of the
Suomlla Co-operative Company of
Unlontown relative to building a
warehouse, the petition was so Indefi
nite as to whether the company want
ed to build the warehouse or have the
city build it: that It was withdrawn.
The committee reported favorably
on the removal of the electric light at
the corner of Third and Duane street
and recommended that it be moved
100 feet west of present location. Re
port adopted.
On the petition from K. Osburn for
the improvement of Irving avenue the
committee killed it by having it filed
without recommendation.
A building permit was granted th
Sisters ot Charity to build an addition
to the hospital.
The city surveyor reported On the
grade of Columbia and Alameda ave
nues and It was referred to the street
The city attorney reported on the
petition ot C. W. Shlvley. stating thai
the Hens against his property had been
cancelled and nothing more could be
An ordinance appropriating 9000
for the benefit of Houston & Fergu
son was passed.
Ordinance appropriating $1098 for
the benefit of Leander Haagman and
$1(20 for Wilson Bros for Improvement
of Taylor avenue were passed.
An ordinance providing for a street
cleaning department was laid over as
the council had been too busy at Sa
lem to consider It
An ordinance providing for the tin
proveme&t of Franklin avenue from
Twenty-aixtr street to the Claim line
was passed.
An ordinance extending the time for
the Improvement of Duane street to
May 1 was passed.
An ordinance appropriating 195 for
the benefit of Slg. Venator for the lm
Can of Gasoline ' Discovered in
Building ',
' i.'i'i " '- - i - '
Fir, Said to Bs ef Incendiary Origin
and Is Being Investigated by Po
liceCloth Soaked in Oil Is
the state where the finest dairying
lands can be bought as cheaply as In
this county. There is no other loca
tion where the products bring as high
a price, are as accessable to the mar
kets of the world and where every
thing produced commands as ready a
sale as in Clatsop county. The trouble
is .these facts are not known outside
ofia limited number. Even a large
majority of our own business people
do not realize the grand possibilities
in store for the city and county if they
were only developed.
There is not sufficient population In
Clatsop county to develop these re
sources. A large number of the popu
lation are engaged In the fishing In
dustry and have no knowledge ot
farming or dairying. A large numbei
are engaged In the logging and mill
business, and the result is, there are
not a requisite number of farmers to
produce sufficient products for home
consumption. It Is no credit to the
county or the enterprise of the people
that a very large amount of all the
butter, eggs, farm produce and other
necessaries of life have to be Import,
ed from more enterprising communi
ties. It shows an indifference that
has been characteristic of many of the
people of Astoria. It retards the
growth of the city and county and con
fines the business prosperity of the
elty to the few months of the fishing
season. There is no reason why there
should not be as large revenues de
rived from dairying and farming as
from the fishing industry and there
could be if the people would take
more Interest In these matters and
devote less time to politics.
A requisition for a barrel of blue
stone for, the 1 fire department, was
There being no further business the
council adjourned. ,
Chicago, Feb. SO. A can of gasoline
oil soaked cloth, and a substance said
to be nltro-glycerlne were found last
night when fire was discovered In the
tailor 'shop of Charles Fass. In the
Morrison hotel building, Clark and
Madison streets. The blase. It Is de
clared, was ot Incendiary origin and
the police are making an Investigation.
The fire caused much alarm In the
hotel building, It being the third time
within a week that hotel guests have
been driven Into the street by flames.
Had the fire started later In the
night several deaths might have been
the result. As it was only the prompt
neas of the hotel employes prevented
an explosion, as the blase had almost
reached the gasoline when notk-cd.
In the hotel when the alarm came In
were more than S00 guests. No one
was Injured, but several chambermaids
and domestics on the second floor de
veloped cases of hysterics. .
The Cat Came Back.
San Francisco, Feb. 10. The steam
er Brlnkbum, which left her recently
with a cargo ot supplies for Vladl
vostok returned today. When she ar
rived at Victoria she received orders
not to return here on account of the
danger of being captured by the Japs.
All the warrants ordered paid by the
common council last night have been
signed and are ready for delivery.
from 225 to 275 fathoms: t to 94
mesh. Address J. P. H, Astorlan.
Marine Notes.
The steamer Nome City arrived in
yesterday and will load lumber.
The steamer -Redondo left out for
Saq Francisco yesterday with freight
and passengers. . i
The steamer Homes left out yester
day for Coos bay and Eureka with
freight and passengers.
The steam schooner South Bay ar
rived In yesterday morning from Cali
fornia to load lumber.
The schooners Irene and Virginia
arrived In Sunday from California and
were towed up the river yesterday
morning to load lumber.
The barkentine T. P. Emigh arrived
in from San Francisco yesterday to
load lumber. .
The! schooner Haloj(on arrived in
port yesterday to load lumber.
The steamer Roanoke arrived in
Sunday morning from San Franclsoo
and way ports with passengers and
The fourmasted schooner Virginia
which arrived in yesterday from San
Pedro, left up today.
Short Session of the City Fathers Held
Last Night.
The common council met In regu
lar session last evening, the mayor
and all the councllmen being present
Petition from Franetovitch and
FranclBcovitch for a liquor license
was referred to the committee.
Communication from Margarete A.
Ball tendering the sum of $197 for the
improvement of Ninth street was re
ferred to the ways and means com
mittee and city attorney.
Communication from Anna M. Ward
protesting against an assessment of
$267.50 for the improvement of Ninth
street, when the property was only as
sessed for $70 claiming the assess
ment was Illegal, was referred to the
same committee.
Communication from the county
clerk asking the council to take some
action in improving street to connect
with Youngs bay bridge with road
around Smith's point and to estab
lish the grades on streets In the east
end of the city, so that the county
court can commence necessary im
provements, was referred to the street
Communication from D. H. Welch,
asking the council to widen Commer
cial and Exchange streets, was filed
in the" waste basket.
Report of the committee on fire and
Sickening Shivering Fits
of Ague and Malaria, can be relieved
and cured with Electric Bitters. , This
is a pure, tonic medicine; of especial
benefit In malaria, for It exerts a true
curative Influence on the disease, driv
ing it entirely out of the system. It
much to be preferred to Quinine, hav
ing none of this drug's bad after-effects.
v 8. Munday of Henrietta, Tex.,
writes: "My brother was very low with
malarial fever and Jaundice, till he
took Electric Bitters, which saved his
life. At Chas. Rogers' drug store;
price 60c, guaranteed.
Ivory Woman
U lotiMed am! thond kror
it'&U'Vll l sbwitww wonderful
l.USii S MARVEL tthirlinu Sorav
The nw TiImI tjrti. Inj-e-
ttonanrt tivrittm. Maf.
1.1 jut rftkl fcr M.
M tie I'annot (apply tin
flKi Mi, awii no
cillirr. 1ml wnd atAinD for
HlntlMrllKk-Mk4. ItflTt.
f,!l ttArttmilftm atul rtiwt',mm In.
Tuln.ihl tohuhet fMRVKLCO
Take nutmeg; one is not as
good as another. Schilling's
Iiest, in nutmeg, is ground fine
from difficult nuts to grind be
cause full of oil; the oil is their
virtue. There are dry nuts;
there are wormy nuts. We are
no more careful in nutmegs
than all through.
Your grocer's; money back.
" Beauty and grace from
no condition rise;
Use Pears,' sweet maid
there all the secret lies."
Sold everywhere.
Grateful Letter from the Well-Known
, Passenger Agent of the B, & 0.
R. R., Washington, D.C.
fl , , ,.-Z 1
Clothes Bought at Wise's Pressed Free of Charge Whenever You Say So.
Suit &ale.
per cent
As soon as a few of Wise's customers had got hold
of those splendid fitting, good wearing suits, which
formerly sold at from $13.50 to $17.50 people flocked
by the dozen's to WISE'S store.
There are still a large number of
those suits to be had at $9.50.
Why wait and pay $3.00 and more for similar suits
after while whon you can get the the same thing for
$9.50 NOW
Of course Wise also has more expensive suits as high
as $22.50, $25.00 and $27.50, but about all the medi
urn grades wtrth from $12.50 to $17.50 now 99.50
Have you seen those light and medium colored
HATS worth $2, $3 and $4 which WISE is selling
NOW AT 85c
MerMai- Wise
The Reliable Clothier and Hatter.
Mr. S. B. Hcge, passenger agent of
the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Wash
ington, D. C, one of the bent-known
railroad men of
the country,
sends the follow
ing grateful let
ter: "Thanks
to the Cuticurs
Remedies, I am now rid of that fear
ful pest, weeping eczema, for the first
time in three years. It first appeared
on the back of my hand in the form
of a little pimple, growing into several
blotches, and then on my ears and
ankles. They were exceedingly pain
ful because of the itching and burning
sensation, and always raw. After the
first day's treatment with Cuticurs
Soap, Ointment, and Pills, there was
very little of the burning and itching,
ana the cure now seems to be com
plete. I shall be glad to aid in reliev
ing others suffering as I was, and you
may use my letter as you wish,
(signed) S. B. Hege, Washington,
D.C., June 9, '04."
For Every Humor from Infancy
to Age, Price $1.00
Consisting of Cuticura Soap, to cleanse
the skin, Cuticura Ointment, to heal
the skin, snd Cuticura Resolvent
Pills, to cool and cleanse the blood,
may now be had of all druggists. A !
single set is often sufficient to cure
the most torturing, disfiguring, itch-
ing, burning, and scaly humours, ec
zemas, rashes, and irritations, from
infancy to age, when all else fails. t
Cutifurm Rotp, OlnfflMOt, wcA PI 111 tn tola Ihrourlioul
U world. Votler Vnif k C'Kml. Corp., ik l"rO,BooB.
buid tut " Hew tux tucuiv"
Moonlight, the prettiest in
strumental piece for many
a day.
Teasing," song.
"Ida" song.
"Zenith" instrumental.
"Zenoble" song.
"Fishing" song.
All Sheet Music
One Half Price.
8ss ths Show Window,
Sons of Herman
Wednesday Evening, Feb
ruary 22, 1905.
Elffht Grand Masquers' Prizes and One
Spectators' Prize Will Be Given.
Good Music. Elegant Coitumss. Refreshments.
The Best Restaurant
ReioUr Weill. 25 Cents
Sanity Dlnuen 1 Specialty J
EYtrylblnf t&e Msrtct Affords a
Palace Catering Company 5
The TROY Laundry
la the only White Labor Laundry in the City. Does the Dost
of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy
of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE ST8. Phone 1991
Wholesale and Retail
Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice.
We are thorongbly prepared for making
estimates and executing orders for
ail kinds of electrical installing and
repairing. Supplies in stock. W
veil the Celebrated SHELBY LAMP.
H. w. CYUCB, Call up Phone 1I6L
M.n.g,r 428 BOND STREET
Weinhard's vs.
Important Notlss.
We have mode another progressive
step. We now carry at our branch
store In the navel brick building on
Bond street a complete line of oil
clothing and rubber boots. Fisher
Bros. Compaay. ,,.,......
Having Installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of the '
latest pattern I am prepared to do all kinds o( work
in that Una at reasonable prioei. Telephone 291.