I SAY, FIBRUARY 21, 1905. TIM MOKXIM ATORI AN, ASTORIA, OREGON. o e o e e o o o o o .4 4 t" V ar - for OF The J. S. Dellinger Co; Astoria, Oregon. Fine Line of Samples Now Ready. Wo furulsh all the latest" designs at prices lower , .than, Eastern Houses and save you the freight. - , i O it r',i COME AND SEE US PRAEL'10 C00H TRANSFER CO. , Telephone CI." Draying and Expressin AH good shipped to oar cure will receive .pedal attention. 709-715 Censnerclsl Street. oaioooooooooa;ooooo0(i)oootso M O I'M I O o o 1 0 LI S A 1 CIGAR. PIPES, TOBACCO. ETC. WILL MADISON 0 330 ''OMMPRCIAHST.- l-l ' 114JELEVENTII ST. & offiOonoooaooooooooooooo ... ..... COAL HOD that won'tjspill coal all over at ' W. . C. LAWS (Si cb'.'. 'as. We sell Stoves also. , KiixiixmxiiiTnmimiiiimmnuiiniiiiiiiixH Staple and fancy Groceries FLOUR. FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Supplier of all kind, at lowest prloea for Fithermen, Farmer. arLogjjera D Branch Unlontowo, Phones, 711, Uniontown, 713 A.V.ALLEN, Tenth and Comraeroial StreoU. ASTORIA, OREGON. iTTTtTlf illlllllTTTTTTTXriIlHIlXIIllTlIITTTTTW "'' THE QRAV WOLF. 1 ' la Caaalav I Marvalasa, m4 Ha Sa -.-j DlaTtovtl f Catofc. ' -.f : Thi cunolnf of Uie gray wolf l mar velooa, and It la most dltflcull to catch tuppUif. , II fomeliow aeeina to know that Iron la aaaoclatod wlti man. A piece of Iron anywhere will keep blm at a distance. If 70a .hoot an aateJope, for lnitance, and just put your .pur on the carcaa. 70a may leare It aa long aa yem like and no wolf will touch It A pocket handkerchief will do a. well . hobo, , a treat rJ .. wolf who waa the king of the pack at Curmmpaw, a ?aat cattle range In New Mexico, waa a thinker aa well aa a ruler. Ilia pack ate nothing but what they had killed themaolvea, and thus poison waa bo good. At laat a thousand dollars waa aet upon hla bead. Thla brought a noted wolf hunter from Texas, with hla pack of great wolfhounds. But again there was failure. Then two other hunters cam with subtly devis ed polaona to work hla undoing. Then I catue on the eceoe, , first I tried poison, and there waa no combination of strychnine, arsenic and pruaslc acid which I did not ntttt. I put the poisons In cheese melted together with kidney fat, and during the whole proem wore gloves ateeped In bot blood. And I scattered the bait all over the ranch. The next morning I went out and found Lobo's tracks, with the bait gone. I waa delighted. I followed the track and found another bait gone and yet another. Thoo I found the three baits piled upon another one and covered with filth. Lobo had evidently carried the first three In hla mouth and had taken this means of express ing his otter contempt for my devices. But Lobo'a downfall came about through a big white she wolf who waa always with htm. I managed to catch her In a trap. Then I knew we should soon have Lobo. Klght after night be cam around the homestead and mourn ed his mat In long, plaintive bowls. I knew he would try to find her body. I set 130 strong steel wolf traps, and in on of these I caught him a mar tyr to constancy. And that waa the end of Lobo. Interview With Ernest Thompson Beton. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. The easier people make money the easier tliey want to make It , - t Among the many mysterlee of child hood la why grown people cry when they r glad. r . .. r . t. v There are some people who think they bave discharged their full duty to you by praying for you. What do you use most during . the day! Do you use the Uttle wblte lie al most aa much aa your shoes? Whan a man makes one rnlntak he usually follows it up with three or four before be recover his balance. Don't be conceited; get any map of the United States, and do you find any mark on It to ahow that you are on earth? " Every one admits that rich people are not happier than the poor, or aa happy, yet every one la striving to become one of the miserable rich. Atchison Globe. Twa Wars at Data; Bastaeaa. I bare aeen In London only on office where there la any real enthualaam. And the employee seldom have any In terest In the buainesa beyond drawing their salaries. In most of the factories, and even In the office, they are taught a certain round of duties, and they are allowed to do nothing else They sel dom suggest improvements for fear of loslug their places, where In America they'd soon lose their places If they didn't make suggestions. Her lfs the firm In Its private offices and every body els doing aa Uttle as possible and never stepping out of the rut they're put In, and there If everybody work ing together, coats off, and the head of the concern glad to listen to the office boy and to do aa be says If it means re sults-Vanity Fair. TNirieerw t all. rm too good na tural to quarrel, and be't too Indolent." Exchange, ' , , ; HUTTON'8 ONE RECIPE." K laclo a Paaar Cattar, lak , Erasa aa Kablxr Baada. Perhaps the most Ingenious and the most original of all scheme for pro coring autograph was from a lady la a western town. She waa raising funds for the building and support of ft public library, and ab bad conceived tbe Idea of issuing a volume to be called Tb Authors Beeip Book." Author, from II over tb country, the most distin guished of sutbors always author with a capital A-had been good enough to send ber list of tb favorite dlsbe of their own construction, with their method of making them. , Tbe cookbook waa one of tb many form of literature to which tbe recip ient bad never turned hla attention, H bad no more Idea of cooking than be bad of milking a cow or of harnessing ft bone or of setting a hen or of build ing a dynamo. He did not even, car wbat was cooked for blm so long as It contained none of tbe Ingredients of trip and none of the essence of toma to. But be was asked to contribute a paper, which she would have repro duced In facsimile, stating what b could prepare most to his liking upon a kitchen range or In a chafing dish, with bis manner of procedure. This quit nonplused blm until he bethought himself of one particular and peculiar delicacy In the evolution of which be could safely trust his reputation aa an expert In reply, for which be received no thanks, he said: "Take a long paper cutter; attach to tbe same by means of rubber bands, and securely, an Ink eraser; Insert tb ink eraser firmly into a marsbmallow plug and bold the same over a student's lamp or atudy fir until the marsbmal low begins to alzz, drops Into tb ashes, put out the light or burns your band. And eat while hotr II baa never seen ft copy of "The Au thor' Recipe Book r Laurence Button in Critic ' ' BULGING GUN BARRELS. Aaoleat Baa fa Chlaa, A German epicure comes to the rescue of tb Chinette In regard to their al leged habit of eating rotten eggs. The eggs, he aays, are simply preserved In lime until they get a consistency like that of , hard butter and they taste somewhat like lobster. He declares them one of the choicetit delicacies he haa ever , eaten. He thinka there are no better cooks In the world than tbe Chinese. When he went to live among them hla friends predicted he would starve, but be bad a good tlm and gained weight-more than he wanted to. ... . Balkr .learn Botlei. ' ' According to au engineer, though there may be every rensou present why ateam boiler should steam there are occasion when it simply will not It refuse duty and sulks without any cause that can be detected. On such occasions every one take a hand at the fires, but tbo result Is tbe same no steam or only enough to keep three quarters speed. Marine and stationary boilers are both ihua afflicted. - There are "good days" and "bad days" In the performance of each. Chicago News. Tlia Rata That la Wroaarht br Oaa laaa BaaSJlav. I bare sold gun for ten years, and in that, tlm four of them bave bad tbelr barrels bulged, one by snow, one by dirt, one by ssud and one by some thing else getting into it One man crawling through a fence got a little snow in tbe muzzle. He could not re move it with bis finger, so concluded to wait and-shoot It out which he did. but be found a bulge like a pullet', egg on the end of the barrel. Another got aoine earth In the muzzle and shot It out ud be, too, found tbe same kind of bulge on the end of bis gun. An other fired bis gun at ducks, which knocked him over on hla back and fair ly got away from blm. When be pick ed up the gun he found a narrow raised band around the barrel fourteen Inches from the muzzle. ; In thla case ft wad had probably lodged there. This cus tomer .think the manufacturer ought to give blm a new set of barrels. I tell blm If the barrels bad not been good one it would bar been a burst In stead of a bulge,-which might have maimed or killed him. Another manly lug on a point brought down a duck with ft broken wing which scurried for tb water. Tb man raa and struck the duck with the muzsl of tbe gun and in so doing got sand in it He blew most of it out and abot out the rest of it Well, after that abot be found Uttle blister two inches from the mux- ale about the size of ft man's little fin get. Morel Do not shoot obstruction, of any kind out of your gun if you value your life or gun. Uncle Dan in Ama teur Sportsman. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. BATES: First Insertion, One Cent a Word. . One Week, Each Line. toe. Two Weeks. Each Line, 45c. Oae Month, Each Line, 75c. r 1 As tori an Free Want Ads. Anyone Desiring Situation can Insert an Advertisement in thi. Column of Three Line. Two Time. Frea of Charge. HELP WANTED. WANTEDGIRL OB WOMAN TO do general housework; small family. 125 tb street MEN WE TEACH THE BARBER trade in the shortest possible time at small expense and guarantee posi tions; writ for satalogue. Moler Sys tem college, San Francisco. ' . WANTED ENERGETIC ' TBU8T ,, worthy man or woman to work to Oregon, representing large manufac turng company; salary HQ to 190 per month, paid weekly; expenses ad vanced. , Address, with atamp, J. a Moore, Astoria, Ore. ROOMS WANTED. WANTED HOUSE OF OR FIVE OR 81x rooms, suitable for small family; must b close In. Addres K, Aster. Ian, giving location. " " . " FOR RENT ROOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE Keeping. Inquire at 15 Ninth t FOR RENT-FOUR NICE SUNNT rooms. Inquire at Star theater. 8UTUATI0N8 WANTED. SITUATION WANTED BT LADT who will Invest some money in the business if satisfactory. Address N. E., Astorlan. JUNK DEALERS. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of old Junk. Bought and sold 171 Tenth 8t FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT A FURNISHED HOUSSl centrally located. Inquire of Taa Dusen k CiT ".""; .. FOR SALE M 1 8C ELLAN EOU S. INCUBATOR FOR SALE 08 EGOS capacity; also three 100 capacity brooders; flrtt-claas condition. Ad dress A. Astorlan Office. : HORSE; BUOOT AND HARNESS for sal. Address M. Aatorlan. MISCELLANEOUS. OLD PAPERS FOR SALS AT THIS Office; zSe per hundred. X;. -!i M Somethiaa; Wtatci, A bachelor, old and cranky, was alt ting alone in his room. His toe with the gout were aching, and bis face waa o'erspread with gloom, no little ones' snouts to disturb him from noises tbe house waa free. In fact from cellar to attic twaa aa still aa still could be. No medical aid waa lacking; his serv ants answered his ring, respectfully answered bis orders and supplied blm with everything. But still there waa something wanted, which be could not command the kindly words of com passion, the touch of gentle band. And he aald, aa bis brow grew darker and be rang for the hireling nurse, "Well, marriage may. be a failure, but tBl is a Jolly sight worse." Gat' Baar. " Tb successful man is usually busy and the busy man la usually success ful. The young man, whatever his vo cation, who haa not learned to econo mise hla time and keep busy haa bot got the lesson most essential to a pros perous, useful and happy llfe.-Ch!cago Tribune, A Great Ceatalaatloa. You and your husband have lived together twenty-five year and never bA&l .oJi&rrei?. WhAt'ithQAecret?" . 1 A Wain Caadlrittck. A glass of water makes a fine emer gency candlestick. Weight one end of the candle with a nail just large enough to hold the candle In the water so that the water touches Its top edge, but does not touch the wick, and then light tbe candle. It will burn until tbe last vestige of wick Is gone and the flame will not flicker. The melted tal low that runs down but serves to hold the candle more stationary, Black smith and Wheelwright Twe Vlem, "A man's vote Is too precious to be aold," said the patriot. "Perhaps" Vuswcrcd Senator Sar ghuui. ult'mugh a number of people of my acquaintance regard it us too valu able to be given a way ."-Washington Star. A Secret BHletj-. Carrie I've got a dandy Idea for a girls' secret society. BelleA secret society! Do you think It would be practical? Carrie Surely. We wouldn't keep secrets; we'd swap them.-Puck. Lot 1 never afraid of overwork. Chicago Tribune, . . ; The Old Way of doing the family washing is not only laborious and unhealthy, but 1. altogether out of keeping with the idea of modern living. v . .at eiacoNTSNT Laundry Trays ruakeit possible to do the "wash- ' Ing'withthelcastlaborand best results to bcth mistress and ser- -vants. Isthereanvreasonfornot having a modern "SWJtod Laundry in yoar home? If you thihkthecosth?sh,corisu!tusand ! you will te sresjibly surprised. ' J. A, MONTGOMERY, Astoria, Or. Scow Bay Iron 8 Ems Vcrlis Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings. General Foundrymen and Patternmakers. Absolutely firstclass work. Prices lowest Corner iiateestli tzi UszlYa, The MORNING ASTORI AN 60 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper Guarantees to its Advertisers a a Larger Circulation than any Paper Putlished in Astoria. Our BooKs are Open to Inspection by Our Advertisers. A. First Class Concert Hall THE LOUVRE , - FinestjEesort In Tbe City ADMISSION FREE ATTRACTIVE PROGRAM CHANGE WEEKLY Seventh and Astor Streets CHARLES WIRXKAIA PrcD. 1 I w