The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 21, 1905, Image 1

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Russsian Students Demand
Spirit of Revolution Takes Pos
session of St Petersburg
I University
Professors, Directors and Student
Unit In Demand for. Liberty
; and Cessation of Hoetilitlat In
tha War With Japan.
f. Petersburg, Feb. to. Tha aplrlt
of revolution had complete possession
C, tha great meeting of professors
atudents and directors of the St. Pet
ersburg university, whJrh Mumbled
today to dlsuisa the question of Join
lug the strlk Inaugurated by similar,
Inailtutionx in lluiwla. BI1a derided to
lo th university until fall. Squad
r ofComMrk again paraded, tm
wtfeets when tha meeting broke LP,
specially the Nevsi prop44 Aiul
- tht tittghborhood of tha Ka c4in4-
ml. which la at a point wbara atudent
demonstration usually occur. .
The meeting waa held In the audi
torium of the university, a sprawling
pile of yellow bulldlnfa on Basil la
land, Neva boll being comparatively
amall and Inadequate to hold one-fifth
of the large throng present.
The cathedral was packed, and the
doorways and windows embrasures
vera banked with students. It waa a
at range gathering. Moat of the atu
dent were poorly clad, and all were
In a atate of Intenae excitement, their
very eye burning with seal. A amall
n-etrum In a corner waa occupied by
tha speakere. A bell, with which the
atudent who presided tried to atop the
thundera of applause with which the
orator were greeted, was completely
unavailing. Prom the outaet atudent
orator aet the Imagination of their
auditor aflame with the aplrlt of lib
erty, particularly denouncing the
greealve demoralisation ' of Rula
undnr th influence ,'& , aa obeolut
regime, aUo of' freedom of
lech, preaa and, oonacbKica with tha
right of MHOctAtlona. Large" number
favored etidlng.Jhe war. A atrong
revolutionary failing , waa manifest,
lied floga were waved end afcreelllalae
and other revolutionary jon'ga were
clmn'.ed. . A large portrait of tha env
peror the great aadft2Hum of the
unlverelty where meeting waa held,
waa torn Into atrip. Tha police did
not Interfere.
Washington Legislature
Tikes Action
courae of the, government, declaring
that proinlNei could not avail, and that
the only aatlafnctlou would be freedom
of apeech, and the convening of a na
tional accembly. Thla waa coupled
with a demand for ending the war. Al
most every orator went back to the
French revolution 'for parallels. Again
end again waa Ruaola declared to be
on the eve of revolution.
With burning word, on atudent de
acrlbed the affair of January t2, which
he ald at laat aolldlfled the Inters t
of the liberal. Amid a storm of cheers
fie announced that a continuation of
etddy was Impoaalble while auch a
struggle wa In proceftft, and aald It
waa the duty of the young mon there
anlcmbled and other like them to re
turn to their homo In the provinces
and spread the agitation. ." ' '
Result of a Boiler Exploslan In a Ohio
. Taw. ,i ,
8t Clalra Ilia .Feb.4 four 'men
dead and 14 Injured, five seriously, Isj
lie result of the evt1r"'oQ o' a stalon-
ary boiler In No. 1 tblna of tha Proii-
dent Coal Company, near here. The
mine shaft bad been recently com
plated but bad not Men operated dally
on account of Installation of new ma
chinery, but tba employee reported
every day to leara If their services
were needed. Today wo wet and cold
and the men congregated fn the bolter
house need la sinking the shaft With
out a moment's warning; the boiler
ploded, burling the men In all dlrec-
tlona gad blowing' the building to
fragments. ' ' '
To Select Suitiqle Gift it bunch
ln$ of Washington Armored f
, Cruiser ; !
; Denied Admiaaion. ,
Ban Franrlaco, Feb. 20,LiUte Mary
Drelbllbler, 2 yeora old, born of Chi
neae parents hi the province of Klu
Klang, 10M miles up the Tang Tee
river from Knanghal, has been denied
a landing In this country. She arrived
here on the ateamer Siberia aa the
adopted child of Mlas Carrie DrelhU
bier, 'mlmtlonary, who the past Ave
years baa been In Klu Klang and Is
now on her way home to Pennsylva
nia to visit her dying father.
Attempt U teetira fteeenaiderationl
of the Veto to Rsmeve tha State
Capital i from Olympia Was
, Voted Down in Heuaa.
, Loaded frJ5er,
Vienna, Feb. II. A dispatch from
Zemiln on tha Anatro8ervtaa frontier.
ays that 20 car loaded with gharpoal
and other amrannltlon peed today
bound for Sofia. Bulgaria.,
ft -
SUndard . Oil Company Jo Rt
slst Investigation
. - ' .J-ti.); m. A ... . .'.a-
Olympia, Feb. 20. At the meeting
or the Washington legislature today a
resolution wag adopted providing for
the purchaee of a suitable gift to be
presented to tha armored cruiser
Washington, which how nearly com-
tSSfi. iJjWJ'J&unjAftLJkt .th
New Jersey ship yards in a few
months. Under the resolution a com-
T J PtllteoJ waa alpolnte to select ihaglft
The committee will hold a meeting lin
medlaU'ly.'Upon tba adjournment of
the legislature and decide upon a suit-
A , half-hearted attempt was made
today to secure a reconsideration of
the vote by which the caoltal removal
IS INItKVltWtU bill passed tha houae laat Friday. There
waa no discussion of the question and
the resolution waa voted down by a
viva voce vote
Tne bouse defeated the bill today
requiring mining and manufacturing
companies doing business In the state
to pay lta employee semi-monthly In
cash, which prohibits the Issuing of
time check. It passed a labor bill re
quiring all employers to pay forth
with all discharged employee aa soon
Debate on the Statehood Bill Occupied
Coneiderabie Time.
Washington, Feb. 20. Whether the
senate conferees on statehood bill rep.
resented the party that defeated the
Joint statehood bill for Arizona and
New Mexico; or the party that fought
for the retention of that provision was
debated at length In the senate today
but no decision was reached. The
artrumefits were, Interrupt HI by the
convening of the senate aa a court to
hear the Swayne Impeachment charge
but were continued until Tuesday. The
bouae managers In the Bray no trial
rested their caae today and the de
tense opened.
Resolution on Death
Congressman Baker of New York
Hurls Defiance at the
I House-;
i t
if i i
Will Take No Chances.
San Francisco, Feb. 20. It la stated
that the British steamer Glen Turret,
which haa been loading at tbie pon
with a cargo of barley, which it was
rumored was to be delivered at Vladl
voatok, haa abandoned her intention
of running the Japanese blockade and
has her cargo consigned to Yokohama.
Over One Hundred Miners Lose
- Theli Lives
ReDresentative Campbell of Kansas
Hss an Interview With Rooee
vettStandard Company te
Raise Price of Oil.
Wnnhlnirtnn. tih. SO. TtPnriiuntft
I am 1I.imIm a it - - i ...
tlve Campbell of Kansas, author of -"-"" " " -.,vty-. qu.
the resolution providing for an Inqulrj wor voiunianiy. wereiorore all men
Into the operations of the oil Interests at wo'k ho were either discharged
f h,l .n .Ttn1.4 a. u,l ,mTe una o m uniu ine
V VJ X' , I - ...... -v.. .
f.rani.. wiih rmi.iai tn. I KUiar pay flay.
day regarding the pending investiga
te senate adjourned until Thurs-
tlon by congress. Campbell Informed d"V? WM th' hUM t0 CtCh "P
w I tt-iftV Ha ntk. a. its
miii us wuik. im iiouac win meet
Bt. Petersburg, Feb. 20 With i
TCHOlutlon the student body of the
great unlvernjty of St. Petersburg yes
terday suspended studies for the re.
malnder of the year and the whole
educational system of Russia la In
volved In a period of stagnathn. ' The
students . protest against bueraucracy
and other government grlevancea.
Other unlversitlea In Russia, the gym
nasiums and even the grammar schools
are already on a strike and the mili
tary at different portions of the em
pire are obliged to resort to force to
restrain school boys or tender ages
from Joining the movement A meet
Ing of St, Petersburg students was
held at which over 3000 were present,
and voted unanimously to suspend
studies until September and adopted
a aet of resolutions demanding tht
formation of a constitutional assembly
and characterised the proposed assem
bling of the aemsky sobor aa Inade
quate to the emergency..
The resolution declared for, a pro-
the president that he had received a
telegram from the Texas legislature
urging him to request the president to
make Inquiries concerning the methods
of the Standard OH Company In the
Heaumont oil fields of Texas. Camp
bell Informed the president that the
company was preparing a defense with
the Intention of resisting to the utmost
Boya From Indian School Arrive in
Chicago. Feb. ?0. A dispatch to the
tha proposed government Investigation. Chronicle from Santa Fe, N. M., says:
The company has decided to resume s"""" rrom the Indian school,
the Purchase of Kansas oil with a view four mlle" out- have ved Santa Fe
of offsetting the action of oongress In from tructlcfi ' by , flra, Flames
requiring an Investigation. He stated ProKe out m tne flnet business block
further that It would be no surprise ,n w Pce, Bpreaa to other stores
to him If the price of crude oil would ana nrealnea the entire commercial
not be advanced on account of the destruction. The local firemen seemed
present agitation. unable to check the Are and called on
me inaian acnool ror assistance. Tha
STRATTON WON. Doy responaeo quickly, dragging a
hose cart through the mud for four
Important ease Deolded Today by the m,Ie" arriving at ft critical time
An explosion in tha Virginia Mine Near
Birmingham, Ala Results in a
Fearful Loss of Life, and Great
Damage to Mine.
United 8tates Court
St. Louis, Feb.
States court of appeals today handed
down a decision In favor of the de
fendant In the case of the Stratton
Independent Company of London, Eng
lad, against the estate of William S
The fire was . brought under control
I aftAK It 1. rl .1 n r . c A M 1 . ma
SO Tha United vcmocu a ius m iu,uvu.
i wo nremen were hurt by falling
Cardinal Sstolli Siek.
York. Feb, 20. Cardinal
Stratton to recover 10.000.000. It was tolll, formerly apostolic delegate In
claimed by the English company that the United State, who has nearly en
during the life time of Stratton that tlrely recovered from his recent at-
he made fradulent representations In tack, of bronchitis, has suffered an-
a sale of a mine to the plaintiff. other .elapse, according to a World
dispatch from Rome. Some fears are
Biihoo MoLaren. entertatnea about his condition, , the
New Tork. Feb. 18. The condition correspondent adds, aa he Is now
of Bishop . McLaren of Chicago, who threatened with pneumonia.
haa been 111 for several daya. Is report
ed tonight to be hopeless. Announce
ment of his death Is expected hourly
Bound for Rome.
New Tork, Feb. 20. It la reported,
cables the Herald's Parla correspond-
Five Days too Muoh. ent- tnat Father Gopon, leader of the
Manila, Feb. 20. Major Carrlngton, workmen In the recent St. Petersburg
convicted of falsifying vouchers of the disturbances, arrived at Marseilles on
civil government to 'the amount of way t0 Rome, tn company wltn
$1500, waa today sentenced to a total everal students. Th Russian police
of SO years and five days' Imprison- affents are making Inqulrlea In Italy as
mant.... . ........ . to his residence In that country.
Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 20. An ex
plosion occurred In the Virginia mine
IS miles from Birmingham, at 4 o'clock
thla afternoon in which between 110
and 135 union miners were entombed
and It is believed that the entire num
ber suffered an awful death. Scores of
vigorous rescuers are at work trying
to relieve their friends and comrades.
The explosion is believed to have been
caused by an accumulated amount of
dust, although It wua believed that
the mine' had been, entirely free from
dust. It la also believed that aa all
of the miners are killed the cause of
the explosion will never be known
The class of miners employed were the
best in the district and all belonged
to the union mine workers 'of America.
Since the strike has been on in the
Birmingham district many of the most
Industrious and thrifty miners of Pratt
City and other' Important mining
points' were removed to the Virginia
mines so that the mines were being
worked to their fullest capacity by
mostly skilled, miners. ReMef trains
with surgeons and workmen were dis
patched to the scene as soon as news
of the disaster was learned. '
At midnight the rescuers had not
dug half way through the mass of
dubrls. It is thought that it ylll be
10 o'clock tomorrow before an' entry
of the'stope will be reached.
, : Rst Causes Fire.
, New York, Feb. 20. A rat caused
a amall fire in the Hotel Windsor,
the largest public house In, Trenton
N. J,,, The rodent gnawed a lot of
Insulation from an electric light wire
In the dining 'room ceiling and when
the fire was discovered It was eating
Its way into the second floor rooms
All the guests "were quickly warn-jd
and those who had retired were hur
ried down stairs. The blase was ex
tinguished with small loss. '
Hudson River Frozen,
New Tork.-Feb. 20. From Tarry-
town to New. York, the Hudson river
is froien over solidly for the first time
in 10 years. In the channel at Dobbs
Ferry the Ice Is eight inches thick.
President Roosevelt Sands Message of
Condolence to St. Petersburg on
, tha ' Assassination . of ' Grand '
Duke Serigua.
Washington, Feb. 20. The' house- to
aay, after , a aeesioo hurting : seven
hours, passed the naval appropriation
bill carrying a total of $99.14,25. The
provision In the.bllLXQr two battle-
ships waa retained. Both majority and
minority members were badly divided
Over the proposition., At least 40
members of the latter 'went over to
the republicans, while about an equal
number of republicans voted with the
Several times during the debate the
assassination of the Grand Duke Sert
gus waa referred to, the subject being
brought up by Mr. Baker of New York
who condemned the action of the
president In sending a message of con
dolence to Russia, expressing the sen
tlment that the government and the
American people viewed with abhor
nec the assassination. Baker declared
that the people did view with abhor
ence the massacre at St Petersburg
on January 22, but the president had
not aeen fit to send a message of con
dolence on that occasion.
Orosvenor of Ohio replied to Baker
taking the ground that regardless of
the character of Serlgus or the ques
tion of right or wrong the Russian
policy toward her subjects, the pres
Ident In sending the message he did.
had done exactly what civilisation rec
ognlxed aa his duty.
The climax came later. in the day
when Baker read a resolution on the
subject' which he had subsequently
introduced and which In effect was
reltteratlon of his remarks previously
made. He explained that it had been
suggested that In the event of his of
ferlng such a resolution, a motion
would be made to expel him. He shout
ed defiance to any member of the
house who dared to make the motion
as ha deposited the resolution and took
his seat, amid confusion which the in
cldent created. ,
Celebrate One Hundredth Anniversary
of the System.'
New York. Feb. 20. One hundred
ears have elapsed since the first steps
to establish New York's public school
system waa taken, and today the an
niversary will be celebrated In all the
schools. In the evening special ex
ercises will be held in Carnegie hall.
On February J9, 1805, a doaen citi
zens met and discussed the question of
public schools. It was the sense of
these gentlemen that the poor children
should' be griven a "Virtuous educa
tion," as they were Inheriting vice from.
bad example. . ' '
The Incorporation of the New York
Free School Society of which Dewitt
Clinton was the first president, was
the outcome of the meeting. It was
more than a year after the meeting
that the first free school was opened.
New York at the present time has
546 school buildings and other school
property valued, at 280,000,000. There
is a registration of 622.000 children and
13,000 teachers are employed.
t To Be Non-8ertsrien. ; ..'
Washington, , Feb. 20. The Indian
appropriation bill as agreed on by th
committee on Indian affairs waa
adopted today with an amendment of
fered by Bard of California aa follows.
"No portion o the funds, principle or
Interest and Indian trust fund of the
tribal funds held by the United States
for the benefit of any Indian tribe shall
be available or expended for the sup
port of any sectarian or denomina
tional achofcV Another amendment
appropriating 11,600,000 for the open
ing of the Colyille Indian reservation
was adopted. '
Dispatches from , Various , Russian
Cities Predict Trouble.
, Kleff, Feb. 20. The employes of the
Southwestern railroad today decided
to call a strike, but without recourse
to coercive measures.
' Lodf, Fab. 20. Slight dlsturbancsf
occurred tn different sections of the
city today. Large mills close gtown
wd many persons are leaving the city
owing to a report of the mobilisation
of the reserves. Additional troop ar
rived today. . v-;
St Petersburg, Feb. 20. Martial law
was declared at Tsarskoe Selo today
owing to numerous threatening letters
being received at the palace. Chief of
the secret polio has ordered special
precautions to prevent aay outrage on
me imperial xamuy.
prisoners today led to serious disturb
ances in court of which several per
sons were killed or Injured,
Portland Man Invests $10,000 In
Gold Mine
Two Confidence Men Sell a Worthless
Gold Mine to an Old Man Who la
Now at the Point of Death,
From Heart Failure-
Portland, Feb. 20. Lying at the '
point of death at his home 25 miles
south of this city, a man 75 years old,
who last Friday was victimized out of
10,000 by two confidence men who
used the antiquated "gold, brick" trick
Saturday. When the old man becamo
aware that he had been swindled, he
had an attack of heart disease. His
relatives today reported the matter to
the police, but refused to make the
man's name known, as they stated that
publicity would kill him. The confi
dence men, after scheming several
weeks, managed to sell the old man a
gold mine. The first installment be
ing $10,000. After securing that sum.
as usual, they posted a letter to him
stating that they presumed he knew
he had been swindled. , The : letter
stated that it would do the old man no
good to make any fuss, aa ho would be
Jeered by his friends, and concluded
by advising him to keep quiet and
make the best of It
When the old man got the letter.
according to a statement of his rela
tives, he fainted and became delirious.
During his lucid moments, they say
he would beg plteously that his nama
be kept a secret The detectives have
little hope of capturing the two men
owing to the meager description.
Strike Ordered.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 18. Workmen
have Issued a proclamation summon
ing all railway men to strike on Feb
ruary 20 and March 3.
Fire in the Hoosso Tunnel Docks at
Charleston Today.
Boston, Feb. 20. A fire, causing an
immense loss broke out on pier four
of the Hoosac tunnel docks at Charles
ton early today. The origin of the fire
has not been determined but Is be
lieved to have been from spontaneous
combustion. Flames spread . with
startling rapidity, communicating with
the furnaces. The Deyland steamer
Philadelphia, which was tied alongside
the pier, caught fire and In a few mo
ments was In flames from stem to
stern. It Is feared that two men lost
their lives. From the Philadelphia
the flames Jumped to the steamer Dal
ton Hall of the Antwerp line, which
waa soon in flames. The loss is esti
mated at $1,000,000.