The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 16, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1909.
We have just received a barrel of nice
and we recommend same to oar custom
ers to be of the very Highest Quality.
8c per pound. Better get in line.
Amusement Tonlgh. 1 '
Star Theater Vaudeville.
Ledge Meeting Teatght.
Degree of Honor, Charity lodge.
I. O. O. r.. Heaver lodge.
Modern Woodmen, Astoria camp.
Native Daughter of Oregon.
Boval Arcanlunv Clatsop council.
Local Brevities.
Wafer Bllced Dried Beef. Ready foi
Hold In any quantity.
llshermen wanting lead call at 118
Troth afreet; the Junk houae; alao
100 aacka for aale.
It Corruthers l building two stores
on hla property on Dunne street weat
of the lldrlck theatsr.
For good things to eat call at III
Commercial or phone Mala ML
Tht Columbia will leave out this
morning fur Destruction Island wltn
men and supplies. Work of making
repairs at several atatlona wilt be com
memed. Courteous treatment an ubunJaiu.v
of amusement, together with a lino of
all popular brand of liquid refresh
ments, haa mude tha LaTowca a popu
lar resort
The Orotto will supply patrone wttb
deltcloua Tom and Jerry every day.
The eu parlor quality of goode which
l-aa made the Orotto popular, will be
ajppllod. e
For aala At Outon'a faad aUble,
No. 101 Fourteenth street; on Landle's
harness machine ona flmltli-Premler
typewriter; one JO hp motor an bait
In ; 1000 good aacka.
At 2:30 thin afternoon rm-morlii'
service will be "held In the Metno
dint church In honor of Francis Wll
Hard. The W. C. T. V. haa prepared
an Interesting program. Everybody 1
cordially Invited to be present
R. M. Gaston, at hla atable, No. 101
Fourteenth street offer for aale a
Land la harneaa machine, one Smith
Premier type writer, one 10 horae
power motar and atarter box and 500
good aacka. Will be aold cheap.
A logger named William Doslrom,
employed In Olaen'a logging tamp on
Deep river waa brought to the hospital
yesterday suffering from a broken leg.
The accident waa c-nusvd by the ruble
(dipping, milking him on the leg.
The Oregon legislature w aJJourn
tomorrow tilght at midnight. Consid
erable, danrngn la expected to be done
during th next two dayii. The ses
sion haa been charnctei lxe by much
bltternea and peraonal animosities.
Thera la no complaint about bnalneaa
at the Star saloon. Good gooda and
courteous treatment will draw trade to
any first-class aaloon. That'a what
makes business good at the Star. The
beat la none too good for our customers.
Dry Sole Ona bottle of dry-aola In
aufflclent'to make waterproof several
palra of ahoea and add considerably
to their life and usefulness. Sold by
Peterson ft Itrown. t
Mr. Urunoid haa moved to Hi Ex
change atreet to the house formerly oc
cupied by Watson Kinder.
J. A. KolgWe Uolden Oalo brand of
gplcea and Extracta are the beat.
We have juat received a ahlpment of
fine Norway Herring and A no no vie.
Mlaa Florence Reynolds haa been
aelected aa a teacher In the Aatorla
public achoola by the achool board.
The Imperial oyater houae la pre.
pared to fumUh Shoalwater bay oya
tere in quantltlea of pints and quarts
Great preparations are being made
for the maaquerade ball to be given
next WedneaJay night by Teutonla
lodge, Son of Hermann. Nine beauti
ful price will b given, the beat music
haa been secured and a god time la
assured all who attend.
Conalderable Interest waa manl
feated yesterday In the result of the
Tuttle charter bill. The Aatorlan of
fice waa vlalted by a number of promt
neiu cltlxena making Inqulrle aa to
the result. The matter will probably
be definitely aettled thin afternoon.
to supply the family trade.
oyeUra always on hand.
The county clerk, sheriff and coun
ty judge have no grievances against
the legislature. They have all had their
salaries mined, it Is to be hoot
m. u. vurry or I'ortlund Is a guest
t the Occident.
F. P. Relman of South Bend was In
the city yesterday.
Will Madison was In Portland yes
terday on business.
Stephen A, Miller of Warrenton was
In the city yesterday.
Mrs. Thompson of Skamokawa was
In the city yesterday.
Arthur Houchen of Cathlamet was
In the city yesterday.
Collector W. L. riobb has returned
from a visit to Salem.
Thos, w. Jenkins of Portland was
In the city yesterday.
Mr, and Mrs. V. V. Keutner returned
yesterday from Portland.
H. W. Chrltnsen has returned from
a business trip to Portland.
Mr. McAvoy of Skamokawa. visited
friends In Astoria yesterday.
w. w. curtis returned from a trip
to the Jsenalem yesterday.
cugene u. Aiuen of Portland waa In
the city yesterduy on business, 1
Manager Gervurts of the Star the
ater is In Seattle on business.
Mrs. Thos. Crane of Urookfleld vlait-
ej friends in Astoria yesterday.'
Charles Drown returned from a bust
ness trip to Skamokawa yesterday.
H. R. Hoefler returned from a bus.
ness trip to Portland last evening.
Mrs. Nelvllle of Bkomakawa did
some shopping In Astoria yesterday.
W. 8. Paige, representing Wad hams
ft Co. of Portland, is In the city on
Geo. A. Nelson and wife will leav
today for a month's vialt with friends
in California.
Mr. Palmer, representing the Blake,
Mcraii Paper Company of Portland,
la in the city on his usual business
Rev, Oustaf Rydqulst of the First
Lutheran church left for Seattle last
evening to attend the general confer
Proposals for grading and construct
ing rocdways and sidewalk around
the hew building at Ft. Columbia are
advertised for In this Issue. Thj bids
will bo opened on March 7.
ixionisi.tnnt lnc are- wn not be changed
again. These streaks of economy are
productive of much trouble and contention.
Adolph Uramare, a native of Fin
land, declared his Intention of becom
ing a cltlsen of the I'nlted States yesterday.
Schllts's bear made Milwaukee fa
nous, and U having the same effect on
the Orotto. Nothing better on the
market ,
The Occident tonsorlal parlors tad
bath facilities are equalled by none.
Everything .modern and up to data
Bee Peterson, ---v.
Watson Binder has movel from 44
loxehahge atreet to l7 Grand avenue
In ths house formerly occupied by
Frank Spittle.
If you have a cought or cold be sure
and get a bottle of White Pine Coug'j
Syrup. The best to be bad. For sal
at the Owl and Eagle Drug Storea, at
21 and BO cents per bottle
Dry-Solo Physicians state that
many ailments are traceable to wet
feet Especially is this so in a large
percentage of female cases. IS cents
a bottle. Peterson ft Drown.
For wagons, buggies, plows, harrows
and all kinds of farm tool and ma
chinery see R. M. O as too at 101 14th
street, Astoria, Ore.
Sweet naval orangea from II to Uc
per dosen. Plenty of good cooking ap
ples at 00o per box.
The raffle for a doyle will take place
at Harfa drug store Friday morning
at o'clock. All persons Interssted
sre requested to be present.
Dry-Sole Will preserve the soles of
the shoes and causa tham to wear
longer than they would without It. It
cents a bottle. Peterson ft Brown.
W. J. Hess haa opened the cleanest
and best appointed restaurant in As
toria at 110 Eleventh street Ths best
In ths market, and the promptest serv
ice, u ' - ... - -v U
The bill Introduced In ths house by
J. N. Laws to Increase the salary of
the county Judge of Clatsop county to
11000 passed the ssnoto yesterday
will go into effect on March 15.
Since there ore from 100 to 100 sups
of tt to the pound, why pot drink the
best? We bar ths best grades In ah
the leading Varieties. " ' "
Mrs. M. J. Fox and Mrs. K. V. Hold
en entertalnej a number of thel
friends yesterday afternoon with i
tea at the residence of Mrs. Holden
A very enjoyable afternoon was spent
The salmon market. Is unusually
quiet. Very few fishermen have been
out on account of the severe weather.
The price remains about the same,
cents for steelhead and 0 cents for
Captain Thos. Latham of the Ger
ald C reports business very dull in
the coastwise trade. Nehalem mtr
chanta have not begun to lay In their
spring stock and very title merchan
dtae la being shipped.
The deputies In the sheriffs offlw
are kept busy notifying tax paysrs of
ths amount of their taxes. It is esti
mated that 2500 postal cards will be
requlrej. Tax payers residing In the
county are not notified.
On sale Tuesday Morning,
500 remnants of Carpet
and Matting from one yard
to ten yards in length at
One-Half Price.
See Window Display.
Complete House Furnishers.
The circuit court docket Is published
on another puge in this issue. There
are 99 case on the docket, but very
few of them will be for trial. A num.
ber of them have been argued and sub
mitted and are awaiting a decision by
Judge McBrlde. The docket is tht
smallest for years.
A good quality of coal Is the most
satisfactory and economical fuel you
can use. Poor coal, like poor wood, is
only an aggravation. High grade coal
is far cheaper than any other fuel El
more ft Co. sell only the best and de
liver it In any part of the city, in sacks
or lumps. Ring- up phone llfL
REWARD We shall give 110 la gold
as a first prise, and II as a second
prise to ths boy or girl under II years
of age, writing the beet poem of twj
or more versos, using the MONARCH
RANG 8 as the subject of ths poem. All
poems to bo handed la before I p. m.
on February It, 1901. Charles Ben-
born ft Son. Complete House-furnish-rs,
SI0-5I1 Commercial Street
A meeting of SeaslJe lodge, A. O.
V. W. has been called for Saturday
night to consider some Important busi
ness. It is reported that the question
of organizing under a separate lodge
and to cut loose from the grand lodge
will be one of the matters to be con
sidered. Every member Interested In
the order Is requested to be present
At the meeting of the common coun.
ell next Monday night, the ordinance
for the improvement of Franklin ave
nue from the Clatsop mill to the Adah
line will be passed. A resolution will
also be IntroduceJ to Improve Ex
change street from Seventeenth to
Twenty-third street Both improve
ments will be badly needed. Under
the ordinance Improving Franklin ave
nue, the atreet will have to be closed
for traffic during a portion of the day.
J. I Washburn of Duluth, repre
senting a large syndicate, which has
purchased large timber tracts in Clat
sop county, is in the city looking over
some of the timber. The syndicate
doea not intend to cut the timber,
but will hold it It la possible that
some time In the future the company
may engage in the lumber business,
but it la very remote. The purchase of
timber lands by these syndicates Is of
no benefit to Clatsop county, but on
the contrary will greatly Increase ibe
price of lumber when the timber comes
in demand.
A very pretty wedding was solemn
ised yesterday afternoon at the First
Lutheran church, the contracting par
ties being John Frye and Miss Selma
Anderson. The church was crowded
with friends of the couple. The cere
mony occurred at 1:10 o'clock. Rev.
Oustaf Rydqulst performing the mar
riage ceremony under the beautiful
and Impressive services of the Luther
an church. The bride waa attended
by her sister, Miss Nellie Anderson, as
moid of honor, and Miss Laura Ander
son waa bridesmaid. The groom was
attended by J. C. Clinton and A. T.
Anderson officiated as best man. The
church was prettily decbrated for the
occasion. The happy couple left last
evening for a short wedding trip and
on their return will make Astoria thelt
epitome of Anneedotes and Incidents
With Comments by s Lsymsn.
Astoria has been so quiet and or
derly this week that the police have
been unable to arrest their shadows.
That resolution of confidence in Sen
ator Mitchell was picked before it was
ripe. The late returns had not been
When a woman goes visiting she in
variably secures a copy of her hostess'
cake recipe but she never uses It
The question as to whether Asto
ria is to have one or three police com
missioners will be settled in the legis
lature today.
Very few bills passed on their merit
during the lost days of the legislative
session. Everything depends upon
what combination can be made.
The days are growing longer and
brighter. Rosea are in bloom and
gardening wilt commence in the near
The people of Oregon like a con
demned murderer are counting the
minutes when the curtain will be rung
down on the legislature.
Gen. Kuropatkln has Just defeated a
Japanese army of 60 men. It was all
along believed he would perform some
great exploit if the cxar Insisted upon
And now ora of the professors say
it will be 10,000,000 years before the
light of the sun dies out For this re
lief, much thanks. We are in need of
Just that sort of consolation every time
we are called on to settle the gas bill
A New Jersey county persists In re
malning unrepresented in the state leg'
Ulature because it doea not wish to
go to the expense of holding an elec
tlon. Is this decision to be condemned
as an exhibition of political apathy or
commended aa an example of patriotic
frugality T
The following sgn appears in front
of a Seaside store: "Postal cards, side
meat stamped envelopes, corsets, new
molasses, coffins, school books, hard
ware, home-made cheese, Webster's
Unabridged Dictionary and first-class
A cold day It was for the Billvllle
prisoner, under the sentence of death,
who said to the Jailer: "Will you please
put some fire in the Jail this cold
weather, or, If you can't do that, send
the parson around to give me a lec
ture on the hereafter?"
It Makes Whiter Bread,
It Makes Lighter Bread,
It Makes More Bread,
Than Any Other Brand.
From 1-4 cent to $2.50.
New Styles, Fine Assortment.
Commercial and 12th Streets. U
There will be a change of program
tonight at the Star. Several new fea
tures will be produced. The trained
bears, which have delighted the pub
llo the paat week, will continue their
marvellous feats. The Cardownle sis
ters will Introduce new specialties and
the program promises to be one of the
best The theater was crowded again
last night and everyone who attended
was well pleased with the attractions
How true to the name
are our,
$3-50 and $4.00
Men's Shoes.
Perfect IIWorksMsSiip.
Perfect In Fit.
Perfect ioStjle.
Wherity, Ralston & Company
The Leading Shoe Dealers.
First Clan Csnnsd Soups.
Griffin brand, put up In six varieties.
Three cans for 25c.
Pale Bohemian Beer
Best In The Northwest
North Pacific Brewing Co.