THE MORNING ASTORI AN, ASTORIA, OREGON. WEDNItDAV, PEIftUARY 15, 1905. FISH LEGISLATION Trust company exceeded 110,000. Vhin taken into custody only $300 was found on his person. PROTECT PRESIDENT Clothes Bought at Wise's Pressed Free of Charge Whenever You Say So. SENATE RUSHES BUSINESS. 8 Clatsop County Secures a Fair r Share of Legislation. 125.000 FOR HATCHERIES a . ' .t- i : :. ' - The. Amendments to tht Fishing Law a Rtcomsndsol by th Joint Con foronoo at Olympia Hat Pssssd : and r Approved, i Owing to the efforts of Senator Tut lie la the senate and Representative lUyger In the house, Clatsop county lias secured a fair share of the fishing legislation of the present legislature. ' These gentlemen have been assisted by H. If. Lorensen and Mr. Settum, who have been In attendance on the legislature In thelnterests of fishing legislation. Both being familiar with the wants and requirements of the fish- Ing Interests of the Columbia river, their opinions hav ha weight ywith the fisheries committee and with mem bers of the legislature. I In their efforts they have been as sisted by several members of the legis lature from . Southern Oregon, who save realised the Importance of the fishing Industries of the state. Of course Clatsop county has been handi capped by the fact of not having re publican representatives in the legisla ture who would be In a position to work for necessary legislation, but their assistance has not been needed a most of the members know of the Importance of the fishing Industry and lave been actuated by motives look ing; for its advancement and growth, lestflzing that It was one of the most ftnportant Industries of the state. , The new fishing law, which has passed both houses and been approved by the governor, extends the fishing season to March 15 In the spring and ntU August 25 in the fall This was the main contention of the opposition fed by F. A. Seufert of The Dalles, and F. U. Warren of Portland. So persist ent were they in their opposition, that the legislature was satisfied they were actuated by purely selfish motives. When the bill passed both gentlemen left Salem, taking their political in fluence with them. The article pub lished. In the Astorian some time ago showing how Seufert had always vio lated the fishing laws by seining upon the natural spawning grounds, was need against him, and his Influence amounted to about as much as it would In the Canadian parliament.' In addition to these laws, a bill has been passed and filed In the office of the secretary of state, appropriating gfS.OOfl for the propogation of salmon. A. bill has passed the senate and will no doubt pass the louse, making a suf ficient appropriation for building a gasoline launch for the master fish warden. This has become necessary oa account of many of the fishermer. having- Installed gasoline engines in their fishing boats. The bill appoint ing a deputy water ballff for southern Oregon and allowing the master fish warden a clerk with a salary of $900 a year, was the result of the efforts of Senator Tuttle and Representative Mayger to whom must be given the credit for all the fishing legislation secured. The passage of uniform laws by the legislatures of - Oregon anj Washington will redound .to the benefit ,f the fishing industry of the Colum bia river and make the laws easier oi enforcement. Clatsop ' county hasj fared will and It appreciates the efforts j of every member of the legislature who gave Influence and vote to secure the results attained, : Reads 108 Bills and Has to Adjourn to ' Lot Committee Work. Salem. Feb. 1. The senate expe dited business this morning to such an extent that adjournment until ,10 o'clock tomorrow was necessary In or d to permit committees to transact the volume of business piled upon them. , ' ' , - First and second reading was given 108 house bills which then were re ferred to committees, McLeod's bill regulating the practice of osteopathy was Indefinitely postponed. All house bills will be ready for final action to morrow. The senate does not expect to find It necessary to hold more night sessions. Tuttle's Astoria charter bill, vetoed by the governor, had been made a special order for S o'clock this after noon, but will come up at 10 a- m. tomorrow. Strong efforts are made to line up the. Democrats for the Cascade county DHL . , ., Precautions Guarding Roosevelt ' at Hungarian Banquet. WILL MARTIAL 'LAW A Largo Fores of Polio to Bo Sworn : in to Guard Against Fanatic Who Might Make an Attempt on the President's Life, New York. Feb. 14. Precautions of extraordinary character have been planned by the police department for the protection of President Roosevelt when he visits the East Side tonight .to attend a dinner given by the Hun garian Republican ' Club.. ' While the rrowci authorities believe the chief will be UncolA.c . Nebv'JMk. 14.Ths Ne-; perfectly tney it,, lnat many brass state senate today passed bill fanatics are to be found among the prohibiting the overworking or. mon- foreigner, 0f that crowded section. keys by Italian -nana-orgamsis. uv Tb) district will be practically under refused to Incorporate a clause pronio- law ajter , p. m Itlng the chasing of Jackxabblta. f . inBpector Schmldtberger. In com- C S . i'. f ' mand of the; precinct, said: Women Don't Vote. tj "My men will swarm Inside 'and out- Sacramento, Cai., FeD. A propo- side of Little Hungary. They will be on the roof, the flre( escapes, and In the sttion - to submit a constitutional amendment granting woman's suffrage to a vote of the people at the next general election was defeated In the state senate today. REFORM MISSION Unwelcome Visitor Attempts to Interview President DETECTIVES BLOCK THE WAY A Crank Desires to Consult With the President on Reform Measures An ; Officer Impersonates the Presi dent Reformer Loaves. WHY IT WA8 VETOED. Reasons Assigned by the Governor for Vetoing the Tuttle Charter. Governor Chamberlain In vetoing the Tutle charter bill for Astoria stated in his veto message, that the principal objection to the bill was that it legis lated certain officers out of office and he vetoed it at the request of Mayor Surprenant and eight of the Astoria oouncllmen. Councilman Beland was the only one that refused to sign a pe tion to the governor asking him to veto the bilL It is probable that had the provision cutting off the salaries ol the councllmen and mayor been elimi nated there would have been no oppo sition from the republican councllmen of Astoria. Mayor Surprenant is re garded a a citizen party man by the republicans of Astoria and it was ex sected that he would oppose the bill. ,'" Owen Kelly Pinched. Los Angeles, Feb. 14. Owen Kelly, a wholesale grocer and capitalist of Philadelphia, who has been a fugitive from Justice since October 25, 1904, has been arrested here. Kelly admitted to the police that he was the man wanted, admitting that the shortage in his accounts with the Continental New York, Feb. 14. The first at tempt of an unwelcome Visitor to call upon President Roosevelt slnec his ar rival in New York occurred early to day, when a man who called himself William Waldorf Jackson, Jr., of Lo well, Mass., called at the home of Douglas Robinson, where the president stopped for the night, and asked to have his card sent to the president. The secret service men and policemen on guard about the entrance Informed the man that the president had not yet arisen, and asked him to call again. He was not arrested, but went to a hotel, saying he would return again. In answer to questions as to his iden tity and why he wanted to see the president, Jackson said he wished to confer with the president as to reforms In government, and that he was a self- nominated candidate for the presidency in 1896, 1900 and 1904. He declared that he was the proprietor of the Hotel Hammllton in Lowell. His movements are being watched by the police. Jack son seemed perfectly willing to talk about himself and his plans. , "I wish to speak with President Roosevelt," he said, "with a view to imparting to him some valuable infor mation as to how the office, he holds should be conducted. I came early, so as not to take1 up the president's time, for I know he Is very busy. 'Senator Mark . Hanna, ' before he died, said he believed I was a menace to the government, as I was able to get control of the chief magistrate, and overthrow his style of running things." Jackson, who Is an old man, returned to the Robinson home a second time in about an hour.' He went to a basement door and addressed a detective who was stationed Inside the twisted Iron doer. 'Are you the president?" he asked. 'Yes,, sir. Good morning to you," replied the detective. 'Well, do you know I am William Waldorf Jackson, Jr., and I am very anxious to speak with your. After telling the old man that he was very busy and that he would prefer to have him call tomorrow or the day following, the detective then bade his visitor "good day," and turned inside the door. Jackson returned to the sidewalk and after expressing his disappointment to those standing near; walked slowly away. cellar. Two blocks on each aide of the restaurant will bo absolutely cut off by strong cordons of police. Not a soul residing within that district will be al lowed to either leave their homes or pass through the police lines to reach them. "Coachmen with guests will be pro vided with tickets, which they must show before they can pass the dead line. Every man In each coach will be compelled to show his Invitation ticket These conditions will be main tained from In the evenins; until the president shall have left the district. The same precautions will be taken when the president leaves Little Hun gary. The return route from East Houston street to Broadway, thence to Canal and down to the ferry house will be lined with police. Few persons realise what a nest of dangerous fanatics, many absolutely Irresponsible, filled with all sort of cranky notions, and heinous Ideas. t contained In the first inspection dis trict." he snld. "It Is easy to keen the thousurids in order, but it Is the Indi vidual crank one in a million, per hapsthat Is to be feared. There are in this district alone nearly half a million Russians. , 'But such arrangements have been made, the entire details of which it would be unwis to divulge, that It will go hard with any person who urouset the slightest suspicion by his actions." special orders have been Issued pro hibiting the taking of flashlights any where in the district for fear that the sight of Illuminating powder might create a panic. , 9 Give mc 950. - j What's that? f vj I I say, give me 050 ! i We have no such number. See Herman Wise about that He offers over 300 suits at MHHsMMMMBaBsjBB Which formerly sold at $12.50, $15.00 and $17.00. ; The Reliable Clothier. P. S. Wise a'so has a fine assortment of colored Hats, nice, nobby shapes; worth from $2.00 to $ 4.CX) which he sells at 85c. .Worst of All Experiences. Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your last? Such was the experience of Mrs. 8. H. Newson, Decatur, Ala. Tor three years," she writes, 1 endured Insuff erable pain from Indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed In evltable when doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was InJuced to try Electric Bitters and the result was marvelous. I improved at once and now I'm completely recovered. Tot Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel trobles Electric Bitters is the only medicine. Only 60c. It's guaranteed by Chas. Rogers, druggist. Pears A soft, fine grained skin is a valued possession. Pears' Soap gives title to ownership. , Established la 17, Important Notloo. We have made another progressive step, wo now carry at our branch store in the Flavel brick building on Bond street a complete line of oil clothing and rubber boots. Fisher Bros. Company. ir. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Povdor Cleanses and beautifies th teeth and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement fox over a quarter of a century. Very convenient for tourists. PREPARED BY . kl1 60 YEARS' V f EXPERIENCE D 4 r .v Designs ''Htm Copyright eV& Anrone enHnf a iketrh and daMrlnUon mn Onlnklf Mcoruin onr opinion frM whether tut iBTcntton ! probably paMnUMa, CommnRlm MonaatrtetlTennSdentlaL HANDBOOK on PatanU aent frea. Uldaet agency for aecurlnf patmta. Paten ta taken throurb Munn a Co. raoelTt tptHaX notle, without charge. In the Scientific can certainly lie suited somewhere among our Valentines ! All Styles, all Prices up to the ($3.00). It will be a surprise to you to ! what a nice one you. can get for little money too. 8oo the 8how Windofe then corns inside and see the rest. ' J. N. GRIFFIN THE LOUVRE A First Class Concert Hall . . Finest) Kwiort In TheCitj ADMISSION FREE ATTRACTIVE lI.OM.AM Seventh and Astor Streets CHANGE WEEKLY CHARLES WIRKKALA. Prop. Mttnnnnnnnnns it n n n The s Palace B i i nan n n it flonononnnttttn Cafe ft n n tt it n n o tt n n n a s n a ts a n n r The Best Restaurant: n a IW-Ur Metis. 2S Cut. Siidi DtiaenaSpccUtty J Everythlni the Mirtet Afford. a a Palace Catering Company : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattaa The TROY Laundry la the only White Labor Laundry in tho City. Docs the Beet of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in every way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phono 1031 BALI GIVEN BY THE Sons of Heman FRESH AND CURED MEATS Wholesale and Retail , Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice. LIVESTOCK POUQI1T AND SOLD WASHINGTON MARKET - CHRISTENS0N 8 CO. HIIIlIXXXXIIlIIIIIinmrrTTTTTTTTTTrTTI 1 1 1 1 1 1 fj.yyg Electrical Works --s We are thoroughly prepared for making estimates and executing orders for all kinds of electrical Installing and repairing. Supplies in stock. We "' sell the Celebrated SHELBY LAMP, . flail nn PKnna 111 .CTikOB, . - " "v" Msnsr 428 BOND STREET Weinhard .Lager Beer, Wednesday Evening, roary 22, 1905. Feb- Eight Grand Masquers' Prizes and One Spectators' Prize Will Be Given. A tianrtaomelr lltntra4 waeklr. Turveat dilation of anr ctenttBo Inurnal. 1'ernria. I j ear s f nor month, L BoIU bjrall newedealera. ear s four tnontat, (L Bora Bjrall newedealera, MUNN &Co."'-New Yprli Breach Oflloa, S8 7 Bt, WublDgiua, D. C. Good Music. Elegant Costumes. Refreshments. ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH; EUviug insUlled a Rubber Tiring Machine of the . latest pattern I am prepared to do all kinds of work in that line at reasonable prioes. Telephone 201. CORN ER TWELFTH AND DUANE 5TREETS.