7III MORNING ASTORIA V, ASTORIA, OREGON. s 3 onfinuesc MnmifiYinn wnm vi QUUUUIIUII ualu Oil Reductions in Everything. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1908. Ireat 0 9 O 0 JMwo ,.. , ff ' Bargains in MEN'S SUITS Men's $7.50 Wool Suits $4.50. ' - Men's $8.50, Wool Suits $5.25. Men's $1100 Sweaters 75c. Men's Cotton Trousers, broken sizes, regular price 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35 and $1.40, ONLY 50c Closing out prices on Men s Hats ond broken Hues of Underwear. J SHOES-Broken lines of Men's Shoes at any old price to close. A few pieces of Apron Check Gingham, 3c. bargains in Ladies' and Children's Underwear. Misses' Hats joc" itc and ud. Ladies' Hats at vour own trice. Greatest Wwainc in .QtnVt 0 4 JT w " W-a.-VAfc COME IN THE MORNING TO AVOID THE AFTERNOON RUSH arm, tw, m- m .1 . j. aa r The Modern Laundry DiK-ird the uie of Jeskj wooden with tub, quit carrying clean water in and wuh water out, by fitting your Laundry with , Laundry Trayi If your Laundry b not modem, don't you think It ihould be? If you make it to, the household du tiei will be pleasantly performed, and in caK you with to sell your borne it will increaie the telling value. Let ui give you prices. . J. A. MONTGOMERY, Astoria, Or. Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works Manufacturers cf j Iron, IStccl, Rrnns ami Bronze Castings. General Fouinlrymeu and Patternmakers. , Absolutely lirsftclnss work. Prices lowest . '' . Phone 243!. Corner Eighteenth and Franklin. PRAEL G COOK TRANSFER CO. ' , Tolopbone 221. DrayinS and Expressing Allgoodshipied toourcara will receive special attention. 709-715 Commercial Street. OOOOO(!O0OOOOOOOOOSOSOOOO o ....... . . . . . . ...... .. ' ( A II TC CIGARS. PIPES, TOBACCO. ETC. WIjL MADISON two '"osniFitcnLwr. : ; t-i iu:i:lhvestii st. , 1 f ' ' o 0000000000(00000000(XSO- COAL HOD . that won'tjspill coal all over at W. C. LAWS & CO; "1 ... f We sell Stoves also. HTTTTTTtlTTTTTITTTTrTTTTTTTXIIlIIIIIIIISITTTTTTTrTTaH Staple and Fancy Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Suppliea of all kind, at lowest prloc. for Fisherman, Farmer. andLogRer. Branch Unlontown, ' Phones, 711, Uniontown, 713 A. V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commeroial Street.. , JASTORIA, OREGON. THE AGENT DIDN'T. KNOW. Th Happr Oo Lnrbr llarkne ! ' A itory of Editor aa4 Llf la the IrUh Mrtropolla. . J anranrc 8ollrltr. Th Dubiiu Jiirvlc ure not what you Tliere nr today some thousands of would call good whips. They drive, as ' varletle. of ll(e insurance policies, each unladylike people say, like the dlvll; of which bns a techulcal name and is thi'y cut around roruers featly enough capable of being made quite unlntel and go tlathlnu up heartbreaking bills, Mhjlble to the average man. Some un but nine out of ten of them drive wltb : scrupulous agents trade on this. Many t loose rein. They talk to the fai, j do not really understand the meaning and the little horse runs on, doing the of term, themselves, but Lave learned best be can and following bis cwn, their lesson parrotlike, and most of dauntless will. I lay no fault upon the Jarry. The Irish horse shares 1'addy'. gragh for independence. Of him, too, them apparently find It unnecessary to describe In plain English to those about to insure what they are contract- It may be said that be serve, without bag for. The result is a mas. of mls- sorvlllty. Tbe Jarvy light bearted lad. be be young or old -gains in tbe run of the day. an average of 0 shillings. Tb fares are Jolly cheap. For "set down" within the boundary the charge for two pcrsou between 0 a. in. aud 10 p. m. Is only sixpence. By time tbe charges are one and six an hour, with an added sixpence for each sue ceediUK hour. Still the Jarvy does fulr ly well. Barney, who l no better than the others, took mo to his home. It was lu Spring Gardens, where there are rows upon rows of neat little red brick cottages, with gurdeus and sta bles. They reut at 20 a year. Own Information and confusion about tbe whole subject For Instance, an agent was trying to Insure an editor on some new plaa Tbe editor had a theory that any fact could be put. into plain, everyday Eng lish If the man behind the fact really knew, what he was talking about Aft er listening to an Involved flow of "premiums," "deferred dividends," "cash surrender values" and "optional choices" he said gravely: "See here, I don't understand what you're talking about But I'll tell you wlint I'll do. If you'll write that prop osition out in ordinary English so that an ordinary man can understand it I'll lug bis car as be does, Barney pays no ' not only take the policy, but I'll putf enr rent to any one, and if be drives1 ,lsI ne explanation as an' article and Lnwler's mare 'tis more for love thuu : Py ru hundred dollars for it" profit Year in and year out be puts by "Will I? Sure, I will." exclaimed the a hit for the "chllder, God bless 'eiu!" overjoyed agent thinking be had in are growing and will have need of edu- i dpftl 8truck an Job- Anl he de cutlon. In his smart little home, with ' Parted, adjuring the editor not to for his smart little wife, there are un- i S01- luckier men thau be. A week passed by. The agent called "If 'twere not for the flghtlnV says CP ou tue tnone to say that be was Mrs. O'ilea, "a better mun than Barney 1 worklug on the thing. There was less never pulled a shirt over bis head." 1 ltatlon in bis voice. Barney, it seems, believes that anl-! Two weeks more elP- Tbe dl" mosltles should bo cultivated. Being a j tor hod forgotten the whole thing, goKl man with bis hands and blithe ; wnea tne Rent's' card came In one and gay in battle, he colors the week's' aa- u wa8 '0,lowl tne man h,m- end with riot-Vance Thompson ln,8eir- Outing. SEA GAZING IN BERMUDA. Well," said tne editor, "got my ar tlcler "N-no," said tbe agent sheeptsbly. "Tbe fact is, I guess, I can't do it the way you want It, after all. ' Let', call It off." It Is hardly too much to say that this Woaderfal Life of Ctrata.1 Dtptaa a Hrrealed to the Obaerrer. It was a llftlo parrot fish that start ed out ao briskly on this summer morn- ,a typical.-World's Work. x lug. Whether he was eager to keep' , an appointment or had been unexpect-i WEDDING SUPERSTITIONS, edly summoned to a distarit part of his! . world ono will never know, but one The bridegroom who carries a mlnla- may be certain that the matter was of ture horseshoe in his pocket wiy always the greatest consequence so far as the be lucky. Utile fish was concerned. Keeping his The bride who dreams of fairies on bright eyes fixed straight ahead, he the night before her wedding will be passed a corner of tho reef where the thrice blessed. coral was Incrusted with mollusk. and Never give a telegram to a bride or sea urchins and where a pair of beautl- bridegroom on the way to the church, ful sqqlrrel fish, deeply engrossed in It la a sure omen of evil. sentimental affairs, turned to look aft-. Marriages on board ship are consid er him wonderlugly through their euor- ered unlucky. If you can't be married UIOUS eyes. Below in a deep pool a nn rtrv lnn.1 mmnln nnnrwl chool of .potted truukush played heed-;, Tbe flndmg of a , Mer on m wed. lessly, while uudera projecting plate ,ung gown by , brUle ,8 cousidcred a of stttghorn coral a uuge grouper wait- Bure tokeu of h&vpa t0 me. ed expectantly, but as the parrot flsh, : flnrInir th nrrlilI?1 emmmr thB warnea or his danger, turned ou ckly Z, 7 ,, . r ., .k ok... , ii. .. , v wedding ring .should Jail down, the away he gave bis attention to a pa r u-.,i.. L k,. . , . . uuuvg ibis V ill uui w nu .utwun of gray snappersgreat quiet, ghostly ngures that seemed like two shadows . .. .... drifUng along far down through the' " ' BT "luia trrpon watAr , coffin a. she .tart, off on her wedding A few feet farther on and the hurry- luurr onm ui tog parrot flsh passed a tall sea fan, ' """ lurn "na ,uiri wvw around which three dainty butterfly ! "gan ' flah, clad brilliantly In yellow, were' . ... . KDLlh ?" 'nd ln "s n8 yo Well, didn't Sh S K Lrt1 WW'f ' Bfl "V encouragement at ober cowfish, with hi. two consplcu- ajjy 1' ,0k !edatly- u Su,d" "N. nt bit. She told me that be- Sffi P0t fl8 tU.rnad .fharp'y, "re n, raider the matter again I.? y k WhT 016 re1 " have to get a Job and prove that I wa. broken by Jutting rock, covered nnd u ta me to support a famUy."- SrMiim ' i? a fich0 Chicago Record-Herald, of bright little tebra striped sergeant majors were sporting, while Just to the 1 , , right an angleflsh. whose blue body GreeneMy wife and. I quarreled ttWied with gold flrst-attracted the at- ,nst nlgbt for firet Um9 ln rear9. tenUon of the mariners so many cen-1 Browne-What about? Greene-She turies ago, sailed from under a purple ( thought the reason we had never done CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. KATES: . First Insertion, One Cent a Word. One Week, Each Line, 30c. Two Weeks, Each Line, 45c. One Month, Each Line, 75 c. Astorian Free Want Ads. Anyone Desiring Situation can Insert an Advertisement in this Column of Three Lines Two Times Fres of Charge. HELP WANTED. MEN THE ORIGINAL XV O. A. Moler". Barber College, 644 Clay SU San Francisco, is the largest lightest and cleanest college ln America; trad taught ln eight weeks; positions guar anteed; tuition earned while learning; expert Instructors; constant practice Write correct number (644 Clay), for terms. WANTED HOUSE OF OR FIVE OB Six rooms, suitable for small family: must be close ln. Address K. Astor ian, giving location." v. WA NTED FIRST CLASS COOK ana nousekeeper for private mess: good wages. Apply at Astorian office. ROOMS WANTED. WAN'TED-i-BT GENTLEMAN. A comfortable, nicely furnished-room, with fire; ln private house. Address R W, this office. BIDS WANTED. JUNK DEALERS. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of old Junk. Bought and soli 173 Tenth St FOR RENT ROOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE Keeping. Inquire at 139 Ninth St FOR 8ALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE AT GASTON'S FEED Stable, 105 14th St., one Landif harness machine; one Smith-Premier typewriter; one 10 h. p. moter and starter box; 500 good sacks. NOTICE FOR BIDS ASTORIA, FEB " ruary 1, 1905. Bids will be received for the grading and excavating for the new St Mary's Hospital Plan and specification may be seen at the office of the architect at St Mary". Hos pital All bids to be In on or before the 14th of this month. Rlgit re served to reject any or all bids. NOTICE FOR BIDS ASTORIA, OR.. Feb. 10th, 1905. BUs will be re ceived until 12 o'clock m. on Feb. 20th for the construction of a two-story frame building; plans and speclflca tlos. for which can be seen at my offlc No. 623 Commercial street The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. . T. L. BALL. INCUBATOR FOR SALE 400 EGGS capacity; also three 100 capacity brooders; first-class condition. Ad dress A. Astorian Office. HORSE. BUGOT AND HARNESS for sale. Address M. Astorian. FOR RENT HOUSES. 1 1 1 1 FOR RENT A FURNISHED HOUSE centrally located. Inquire of Van Dusen & Co. 1 OLD PAPERS FOR SALE AT THIS Office; 25c per hundred. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR rent near Toung' Bay bridge. In quire of A. E. Beard, 269 Grand avenue. MISCELLANEOUS. Notice I " AU persons are hereby notified to not trust my wife Nancy C. Llbke, for any goods, wares, ' merchandise or money for nie, or on my account as I wtJl not from this date, February 4. A p. 1905, be responsible for any debt ot . her contracting. . ' E. F. LIBKE. gorgonia with a dlsdulnf ul alr.-Metro-' politan Magazine. Important Notioe. We have made another progressive .0 before wa. due to her generous na ture, and I thought it was mine. The Deatlat'a Paa "Mr. Dento, I want a tooth pulled- step, we now carry at our branch i l ta P" coward when It come, to tore ln the Flavel brick building on' enuring pajn, and yet I'm afraid of Bond street a complete line of oil 1 Jjz laugning gas ana cniororonn. clothing and rubber Bros. Company. boots. Fisher "Ton might be happy with ether." The MORNING ASTORIAN 60 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper Teachers' Examinations. Notice Is hereby given that the coun ty superintendent of Clatsop county will hold the regular examination 01 applicants for state and county papers at the court house as follows: For state papers i Commencing Wednesday, February S, at 9 o'clock a. m. and continuing until Saturday, February 11, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, history. spelling, algebra, reading, school law. Thursday Written arithmetic, the ory of teaching, grammar, bookkeep ing, physics, civil government Friday Physiology, geography, mental arithmetic, composition, phy sical geography. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, English literature, phychology. Commencing Wednesday, February 8, at o'clock a. m.. and continuing until Friday, February 10. at 4 o'clock p. m.: . First, Second and Third Grade Cer-' tlflcates. Wednesday renmanahip, . history. orthography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, the- ory of teaching grammar, physiology. Friday Geography, mental arithme tics, school law, civil government Primary Certificates. Wednesday Penmanship. orthog raphy, arithmetic reading. Thursday Art of questioning, the ory of teaching physiology. EMMA C. WARREN. Sschool Superintendent Clatsop Coun ty.