The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 26, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    Thursday, 'January W iwa.
LOATER: MACKIREU Large Fat and Juiey tMt Cents
SMALL MACKEREL Nle (or the Prloe, laoh .....10 Cents
EASTERN COD-Largt Whole Fih, lb .....12, Ctnta
ALASKA COO Strips, N lea and New, tb..... 10 Cants
i; Amusamsnts TenlflM.
: Bur Tbeater-VeudeyUle.
Ledga Meetings Tonight
) Charity lodge, lere of Honor,
Weaver M, I. O. O. Y."
Royal Neighbors of America, -
v International Lonxshoreinen. i . .-
f .Ji. . .. L ,. J.. IM..J ..1 . , ,J
Local Brevities.
Wa have a few boxes of Northern
Vfinv annlUa at TSe tMr box. Astoria
Orocary Co.
Two hundred feet wore of the JeUy
was carried away by tha storm of
Tuesday night
Sweet hivel wane from IS to 48c
par doten. Plenty of good eooklng ap
plaa at Ifte par box.,. -p
Qreat reduction In dry cooda and
clothing will ba mada during tha month
I of January at our annual aala, now go
Diivld Hope Sumervllle, a native of
Scotland, rnJlNll the services of the
county clerk yesterday In an effort to
btf'mi nn American cltlsen.
Special Inducements offered In dress
and walking aklrta thla woek at Foard
A Btokea Co.
No attractions are booked for the
opera house until March, when Ole
Olesen will be produced with Ben
Hendricks In the character rola.
The new court house bill passed t'.u
house yesterday and will probably puss
th senate todny.
Refiilur ntoetlny of Heaver lodge No.
J5, 1. o. O. K. this evening nt 7: SO.
Visitors welcome.
C. K. Mitchell has accepted a position
as shipping clerk with the Cullender
Navlgntlon Company.
Special Inducements offered In cook
stoves and air-tight heaters thla week
at Foard Btokea Co.
The Mirror Invites the public to Its
annual clearance aale of fine liquors
The finest goods and best treatment
Family liquor atore. P. E. Peterson.
Our annual aale Is the talk of the
town patrona have been waiting for
It don't miss It; come early. C. II
Cooper, the leading bouse of Astoria.
John O. Tlberg has fitted up a neat
suloon In the old Liberty hall building
and will give. a grand opening Batur
day night. He will carry a choice line
of goods.
Mra, Carl Strom, who was operated
on at the hospital Tuesday, Is reported
In a critical condition.
The legislature passed the Seaside
charter bill yesterday, also the hill In
creasing the salaries of the county
clerk and sheriff from $1500 to 12000.
and abolishing the health officer at As
, The Callender Navigation Company
yesterday moved their offices from
Fisher Bros office on Twelfth street
to the new wharf building.
For good things to eat call at III
Commercial or phone Main ISL
Schllts'a bear made Milwaukee fa
anoua, and Is having the same effect on
the Grotto. Nothing better on the
August Akerman has opened a shoe
shop In the cigar store, 28S Commer
cial street, and will make a specialty
of repairing.
Our large stock of Reliable Footwear
will be sold thla month at a great re
duotlon. Don't miss It, Wherlty, Ral
ston Co.
' The Occident tonsortal parlors and
bath facilities are equalled by none.
Everything modern and up to date.
See Peterson.
County Clerk Clinton yesterday la
aued a marriage license to Ed Ed
wards and Doretha Webenstad, both
of Clatsop county.
For aale At Oaston'a feed table.
No. 106 Fourteenth street; one Landles
harness machine; one Smith-Premier
typewriter; one 10 bp motor and belt
tag; 1000 good sacks.
The Grotto will supply patrona with
delicious Tom and Jerry erery day,
The auperlor quality of goods which
has made the Grotto popular, will be
The local Western Union office has
received advice that communication
with Panama and Colombia, via Onl
veston, which has been Interrupted, Is
again restored.
If you have a cought or cold be sure
and get a bottle of White Pine Cough
Syrup. The best to be bad. For sale
at the Owl and Eagle Drug Stores, at
26 arid 60 centa per bottle.
The Imperial oyster bouse Is pre
cared to furnish Shoalwater bay oys
ters in quantities of pints and quarts
to supply the family trade. Colonial
oysters always on hand.
Our large etock of fine dry goods,
clothing, furnishing goods and all will
be placed on reduced aale prices dor
Ing the next SO days. C. H. Cooper,
the leading house of Astoria,
For pure drugs, and prescriptions
compounded by a manufacturing chem
1st go to Dr. C B. Linton's drug store,
1490 Franklin avenue. A complete
atock of everything pertaining to
drug store Is carried. tt
There Is no complaint about bnslness
at the Star saloon. Good goods and
courteous treatment will draw trade to
any first-class saloon. That's what
makes business good at the Star. The
beat la none too good for our customers.
The river and harbor bill as greed
upon by the committee carries an ap
propriation of 1600,000 for the jetty,
1400,000 for the Willamette and Co
lumbia river and $260,000 for Celilo,
These appropriations were secured
through the efforts of Senator Fulton
and Congressman Jones of Washing
ton. Thla will Insure the continuance
of work on the Columbia river and bar
for this year, and Is good news for As
13 ays Free Iria
Si llnflfjS!
Then if you are satisfied make us a
payment. All goods sold on easy terms.
Complete House Furnishers. 4
The ens against' John Volrner for
obstructing' a county road was nettled
and dismissed Itt the justice court yes
terday. The county court will fy him
125 for the Isnd used for rood pur
poses, v
f This afternoon the Musicians' union
of this rlty. will give an entertalnemnt
at the Btar theater for the benefit M
Ralph a. Spars, a members of the
union. An excellent program has been
Articles Of incorporntlirot Lewi
nnd Clark Jodg, I. O. O, K, of Ham
uiond, wer filed In the office of the
county clerk yesterday. The Incor
porator are Charles K. Ford, Robert
Oray mid us Campbell. ; . ,
If you notice pfitrulllng policemen
stop with' a jerk every little while and
look long and earnestly In the direc
tion, of the hospital don't -Inquire if
they, have friends there,, That's, the
direction of Salem.' where the charter
amendments are passing and It make
de flnlst" nervous, ,
The Senby Gas Engines are prise
winners of 104 Regatta, i hp t shycb
marine engines, $196; IK hp, 4 cycle,
one cylander, $1G; C hp, 4 cycle, two
cylinJer, 1460. The 6 hp Is built for
small boats and weighs 460 lbs. Sales
man for Columbia River. Ludwlg
Ilauge, Knappton, Wash.
REWARD We shall give $10 In gold
as a first prize, and $ as a second
prise to the boy or girl under IS years
of age, writing the best poem of twj
or more verses, using the MONARCH
RANGE as the subject of the poem. All
poems to be handed In before p. m.
on February 16, 1905. Charles Hell
born & Son, Complete House-furnishers,
690-5J2 Commercial Street
The joint fishing committees of Ore
gon and Washington will meet at Ta-
coma Saturday to formulate , fishing
laws that will be. Identical In both
states. As a rule they make sugges
tions and the legislatures of neither
etate pay any attention to them, but i.
affords a junketing trip for member,
of the IcglHlttture at the expense of t'M
The bill authorizing school districts
In Clatsop, Grant and Douglass coun
ties, which have not heretofore levied
sihool taxes, to make levies before
February 1, passed both houses of the
legislature. It In doubtful, however. If
any school meetings can be called In
Clatsop county to levy a tax before
February 1, as the law will probably
not be signed by the governor before
K. Kkimpk of Ilwaco was In the cltf
ynrterday. 'f , ( ,
Mrs.' Hurah Hon Is visiting friends
In the city.
R. B. Smith of Seaside was In the
city, yesterday, f '
, li ,W, Goff of Seaside was in As.
torla yesterday.' '
Mrs. Thompson of Hkamokawa was
In the city yesterday. ' ' "" '
Andrew Young of Youngs river was
In th city yesterday. f, v ;
William lilac k of IlwaW was in the
city yesterday on business.
J. Wf Cook of Portland was in the
city yesterday on business.
Mark R. Colby of Portland was reg
istered at ttu Occident yesterday.
'If. V. Bain, a prominent ' logger of
Seaside, was, In the city yesterday, .
Charles Honford of Seaside poswed
through 'Astoria yewterday en -route te
Portland, ; ' .
0. C. Fulton is In Salem on bunlnessi
Timothy ' rtlchards of Skamokawa
was In the city yesterday. ; ;f
T. F Cowing, Jr., of Oregon City
arrived in the city yesterday and has
accepted a position with the Western
Union. ,v . '. 'v ..
Some boys removed a large cap from
a hydrant In the east end of the city
and threw It away. Had a fire broken
out in that vicinity It would bare been
impossible to have supplied water. As
It happened, Superintendent Johnson
had Just one cap left, and it was put
on the hydrant. Astoria haa some ot
the toughest kids on the coast and
vandalism is becoming too frequent.
A large gang of hobos are beaded to
ward Atsorlo. At distances of a few
miles, bonfires are burning all along
the road between Goble and Astoria
Hobo camp is located at Goblo and this
Is the rendezvous for oil the hobos
driven out of Sound cities and Port
land. Chief Hallock anticipates that
there will be a large number of these
criminals In Astoria and the proba
bilities are that the police force will
have to be doubled.
Four hobos arrived on Tuesday
night's train. Officers Thompson and
Settum saw the men get out of a box
car. Two jumpea out on tne siae to
ward the d.'pot and, two on the other
side. Thompson nailed the two and
the others, when Settum started after
them ran. There being no light at the
depot it was Impossible to capture
them. Chief Hallock put the two men
through the sweat box yesterday at the
city Jail, and gave them orders to
leave town, which , they will do this
. High Sohool Rheterieals. . '
The seniors of the high school will
hold their usual rhetorical exercises in
the assembly hail this afternoon dl
1:15, to which all their friends are cor
dially Invited. Following Is the pro
gram to be rendered:
Piano Solo "Spinning Song"
Mary Adair
Oration "Mary, Queen of Scotts"
Lois Carnahan
Oration "Ideals of Duty'
George Poysky
Oration "The Sayings of Men"
Emma Knutsen
Oration "A Glorious Page in His
tory Lottie Hess
Oration "Noble Thoughts and
Noble Deeds." Grace Morton
Oration "Should We Build a
Larger Navy?".. Lawrence Rogers
Oration "Our Presidenf.Orls Scovell
Oration "Important Issues of a
New Epoch" Lester Lounsberry
Violin solo Louis Parker
Oration "A Traitor". Pauline Klrchoff
Oration "Heroines of the Civil
War" Lester Larson
Oration "The Power of Associa
tion" Louise Gray
Oration-'The Helghlh of Suc
cess" .... Rose Matson
Oration "Wealth's Footing"
Amy Rannells
Oration "Exponents of Liberty"
Emma Shedd
Piano solo Birdie Wise
Address Hon. George Nolan d
Our January Clearance ale
Hundreds of happy buyers have fakeD. advantage of"
the many bargains offered; Why? Because they . ,
know from past experience that what we advertise,
we mean. Now comes a mark down in our Suit and '
Coat Department that should be taken advantage of
by every lady in Astoria that is in need of a Suitor '
, ., Coat, r Prices are positively the lowest J ever asked
or stylish, well made garments. V
1 1 ,
Lot 1, $4.75 v ';'?,v.. -
9 Coats and Suits that have been selling' ; 1
, at J7.50, $9joo and $16.00 ' . ' 1 y
Lot 2, $9.75, ' V ': I :. : : ;.'
Coats and Suits that have been selling . .
at 12.00, $15.00 and $18.00, , -
y e --. $9.75
Lot 3, 914.75. . '
Coats and Suits that have been selling ,
at $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00,
ilorse Department Store
508510 Commercial St. ,
Where Everybody Likes to Trade
Referrsd to O. E. Haaheim.
The so-called really miscalled lo
cal option law ought to be moderately
amended, so as to make in fact a local
option law. At present the prohibition
element Is paramount In it It should
be amended so that prohibition and
non-prohibition ahould not be yoked
up together. It was carried last June
only through misrepresentation and
deception. Now that it Is known it
would if submitted again be beaten
by many thousands. What ought to
be done Is to amend It so as to make It
truly a local option law. This would
be approved by an immense majority
otf the people. Oregonlanr
A. large number of the tas payers are
opposed' to constant petitions for extra
work at the city hall. If the architect
made a mistake in his plans he should
be held responsible. The big chimney
has settled about two Inches and the
council appropriated f 100 to stranght
en it. The impression prevails that
owing to the soft condition of the
ground, that even the foundation will
not be sufficient to support the build
To Secure Books and
Pictures at Half Price.
Clearance Sale ends February 1st Framed pictures sold
cheaper than ever this week.
Commercial and 12th Streets.
Jailor Allen Anderson says he has
the "best" lot of prisoners in the Jail
now that has been there in hts ex
perlence. Three of them are forgers
and the other obtained money under
false pretences, and none of their
suave smoothness seems to have de
serted them. They don't even kick
about the menu, and so far they have
An effort will be mode by certain
members of the common council to se
cure the location of a light at the foot
of Ninth street as soon as Councilman not Indicated In any way that it would
Burns returns rrom saiem. Tnere is
no question but a light Is badly needed
there. The lights only cost $6 a month,
and if not more than $15,000 or $20,000
is appropriated for extra work at the
Ity hall, the council can afford to put
lights at the foot ot all the streets.
There is more than one way to econo.
Fred Dow, who was adjudged Insane,
was taken to Salem last night by Sher
iff Llnvllle. Dow .has been mentally
unbalanced before, and about a year
ago It took six men to prevent him
from Jumping from a third-story win
dow in Seattle. Borne difficulty was ex
pected In removing him from the Jail
last night, but there was none. Lln
vllle assured Dow that the muffs were
for the purpose of keeping his hands
arm. Dow thought this precaution
waa effermlnate, bat he made no ob
jection to being strapped in. He is in
very bad way now, seeming to be
half dated all the time and little hope
not exactly suit them to stay always,
Allen says he is quite embarrassed at
times and feels It is a shame that he
don't tuck them Into clean sheets every
night and set a glass of wine, a slice
of chicken and some cold storage
grapes where they can be reached if
they awake hungry.
The Astoria Commercial Progressive
Association held a meeting lost night
at the city hall, a fair attendance was
present After the transaction of rou
tine business, a committee of three.
consisting of J. N. Griffin, Albert Dun
bar and G. C. Fulton was appointed on
the regatta committee. A resolution
was adopted recommending that the
county court make a creditable exhibit
at the Lewis and Clark fair. A commit
tee was appointed to draw up suitable
resolutions in appreciation of Prof. H
S. Lyman, who waa secretary of the
association for a number of years. C.
W. Carnahan, A. S. Skyles and 3. A.
Eakln were appointed; such commit
Come and See!
It will be worth your while to call and
examine our stock. We will sell all our
it fin 1 1 a ii
And BroKen Lots at 25 per Cent
Wherity, Ralston Company
Money Savers in Footwear.
U. W. Morton and John Fuhrman, Proprietors.
. 542 Commercial St. Phone Main 321.
Pale Bohemian Beer
Best Iu The Northwest
North Pacific Breviag Co.
The Finest Hotel in the Northwest
entertained for bis recovery.
tee. . : : .-v '' 1