TIIE MOnNiN0ASTORlAK' ASTORttVOttEGONr $10 REWARD Import! band that has ever played In the city. There will be no Junket oo$o$o$oooo$oooooo$oro$c ing trip for young nm and their lady friends, but th regatta will be con- SEMSATIO NA L ' a1 - I ducted along the lines of an advertise- I .nHt . -.....-I.. ..MJA . .. . . We Shall give $10.00 in gold as a tirSt pnze, and f5.00jr.d Its various resources. Everyone S a Secona pnze, 10 ine duy or tin uuucr tiguiccu ca douDt ,hlU it wiu h . Emnd :U1 -TV .7 ",v f"T 't . l Went of All Experiences, jp theMdNAKl H KAWlili as StlDieCt 01 tne DOeni. All jm.ua- wum ian ;q lMi poems to be handed in before 6 P. M. on Febrnary 16,1905. s tn experience of i . 1 w ": ' t , Newton, Decatur, Ala. - " 1 .-,..,.,.,,.. . .v. writ "T that every minute will be your last? un a h. Tor three CHARLES HEILBORN 01 SON fw-. Lnil Ksiarsll tMitKU TWiV'ftAAN. lea Complete, House Furnishers.'"' (It 59059a .Commercial St. tvltabl when doctors and all remedtea , f .... . - l" f failed. At length I waa Induced, to THE MORNING ASTORIAN i Established 1873.'- Published Daily (Except Monday) by THE J. 8. DEtUNGER COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. CALIFORNIA RESTAURANT. By laall, per year $ 00 By mall, per month 50 By carrier, per month ........... 10 THE SEMI-WEEKLY ASTORIAN. Br nail, per year. In advance . .11 00 Reopened Under New Management John Blaalch haa leaaed the Califor nia Restaurant and Oyster Houst and la now prepared to aerro the public. The best oysters and meala In the city. Family trade supplied. Good cooks, polite waiters and prompt ser vice, , Entered at the postofilce at Astoria, Oregon as second-clasa matter; HTOrden for the deltorinjc of Tas Morxiko Ajroaua to eittwr naMton or place of boKioras mhlj be made by postal card or through Xit rhoae. Any Insularity la dfllTury ahould be InflMdUtely reported to the offlc ot publication. Telephone Main 661. Today'e Weather. Portland, Jan. 25. For Oregon Thursday, fair; Washington, fair In eastern portion; ahowery In west. DOOMED , NATION. Teh Tacoma Ledger referring to the uprising in Russia says: The throne of the csar is tottering. The monarch himself Is prostrated with grief and on the verge of collapse. He is a weak man to wear the crown, and In spite of all his traditional and inher ited authority, be occupies today s most unenviable position. - The cause Is deep-seated. Waen Nlcbolas grandfather, , Alexander H was assassinated in 1881 by the Nlhl ista, the seeds of the coming revolu tion had long been sown. The policy of repression that has been followed ever since has not removed the cause of the- disease which haa now reacbeJ the acute stage In Russia. The maaeet of the people have never Joined the re form movement in Russia, but for years they have been preparing, as It were, for participation in it. "When thousands of worklngmen with their wives and children went to the palace on Sunday to present In per son their petition to the czar there wer but few of them who did not cling to the Inherited tradition of respect, sub mission and reverential regard for their sovereign. They were loyal even in tribulation. But when the czar's troops poured a volley of leaden bullets Into that , throng, when Cossacks charged upon them with drawn sabers, when the blood of men, women and children stained the snow-covered streets, then the affection of the populace for their ruler changed to hate. The "tittle Father" whom they had been taught to venerate as God's own representa tive and their anointed ruler, was then transformed In their minds Into the personification of tyranny which he is. Soldiers may re-establish order, but they cannot beat loyalty into the hearts of thousands who are henceforth rev olutionists. There will be a Danton to lead the patriots of Russia to liberty, fraternity and equality. Feformers like Tolstoi have sown the seed; martyrs for the cause have suffered Ignomini ous death or the horrors of Siberian exile; but the crimson blood that flowed in the streets of St Petersburg on Sun day, will be the baptism of a new na tion. Autocracy may see Its doom writ ten on the determined faces of the Rus sian masses. "Revolutions are a part ot the evolu- try Electric Bitters and the result was municMtion he attempts to criticise! oiarveious. I improved at one and the Astorlan In aii article on local op- now rm completely recovered. For tlon In which It waa stated "that the "ver. Kidney, Btomacn ana BOwei Astorian would not suroort any meas- trobles Electrlo BIttera to tat only ure espoused by a class of people who! medlclnt. Only 80a lt'i guaranteed Jo not contribute one cent toward the by Chae. Rogers, druggist. support of the city and county govern ment." He wants to know who they are. After a careful examination of the assessment roll we are unable to find where Rev. O. E. Haahetm pays any taxes. If he does not, he does not con tribute one cent to the support of the city and county government Evident ly he espouses the cause of prohibition. The Astorlan Is in favor of local op tlon. It is in favor of temperance, and the strict enforcement ot all laws. If u law Is obnoxious to a large majority of the people. It will not be enforced, ami if not enforced It ought to be amended or repealed. We fall to find the name of Rev. O E. Haahetm on our- subscription list, and are informed that ha does not sub. scribe for any of the local papers. When he requests the Astorlan to publish church notices or churcn socials, or entertainments, his request Is granted without any charge for them. We are willing to contribute this to the good work in which the reverend gentleman Is engaged. Not being a producer then, he must necessarily fall within the class of non-producers. With all due respect for the esteem ed follower of the Meek and Lowly One, REPORT OF THE CONDITION THE OF I First National Bank At Astoria, In the state of Oregon, atl the close of business, January 11th, 1905. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 1316,213 60 1 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 4,(31 03 U. 8. Bonds to secure cir culation 12.500 00 1 Bonds, securities, etc 73,380 00 Other real estate owned.... 6,000 00 Due from national banks (not reserve agents) 4,2(6 St Due from state banks and bankers 90.120 (8 it mignt do a wise precaution not to oe Due from approved nKry, , uuiaguniauc wuu me presa ana .. . lift IT 7J Checks and other cash Items times the press "blteth like a serpent Noteg ot uhn national '7 v CIS OTHING NEWS! Han Sctuffna I To make room for our Spring and Summer goods we have placed on sale suits ranging; in price from $xo to$i8, togo at ..-Mi V .... ANY SUIT IN THE WINDOW. These suits are made by the Hart Schafftier & Marks. Crouse Brandagee People and man wearing these garments is wearing the best that of high class tailors can produce Swell Togs for Men. P. A. STOKES Men's Quality Shop. 5O$OOOOO0OOO$O0OeOO$OO$O&OS6(SOOO and stlngeth Uke an adder.' banks Greatly in Demand. Nothing is mors in demand than 66 15 medlclnt which meets modern require ments for a blood and system cleanser, 35 00 such as Dr. King's New Life Pills, They The Astorian maintained that de- N,ckel, and cenU 43s if art Just what you need to curt stomach ceptlon and fraud were practiced by the advocates of the local option meaa- Lawful Money bank, vis: Reserved in ure during the June campaign. One c4 Specle $130,000 00 and liver troubles. Try them. At Chat. Rlgers drug store, 26c, guaran teed. the prominent leaders, In fact the pres ident of the prohibition party, admit- ted, that the election waa called in Multnomah county, not with any hope of winning, but to annoy the liquor dealers. It is a well known fact the orators of prohibition stated that the local option measure was not prohlbl tlon, but simply an opportunity to give the people residing In residence dis tricts a chance to vote whether they Legal-tender notes 25 00 130,025 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 625 00 1 uimmmmt:iiimnnms3 Total .' $778,855 67 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ 60,000 00 Surplus fund 50,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid 23,980 88 1 Next Time Saloon Men, Attention! wanted saloons In tnat district or not National bank notes out- when as a matter of fact, the local standing 12,600 00 1 option measure was an absolute pro-1 individual de- hlbltlon measure. The local option I posits subject amendment carried in the state by 80001 to check $474,774 22 majority in June. Waen the deception I Demand certlfl was discovered Oregon gave 18,000 ma-1 cates of de- Jority against the amendment in No-1 posit' 167,527 47 vember. This of Itself Is sufficient evl-j Certified checks .. 63 00 642,364 49 1 dence that fraud and deception wan practiced on the voters. Total $778,855 67 THE REGATTA. The actions of the grocers' associa tion In moving for a regatta in. Astoria this year, and the action of the cbam ber of commerce in appointing a com mlttee to call a mass meeting of the merchants and tax payers to make ar rangements for the regatta, shows a commendable spirit among the merchants. desire to take the management of the regatta away from any particular as sociatlon, or to discredit the work done by the committee but year. The com mlttee as originally appointed did all within its power to make the regatta a success, and it is not Its fault that one or two petty larceny thieves worked themselves in on the committee and stole some of the proceeds of the con cessions. Had one particular young man, who left the city as soon as the regatta was over, accounted for the money he recelveJ, there would have been no shortage. As It was, the com mittee ran behind about $1600, not- State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss: 1,88. Gordon cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that 1 the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. S. GORDON, Cashier. fiuhw-rlhed .nil swnrn to hefara m. I or enterprise!, utm ,v Tnn mnr. UilD lift Vi tfCIIUUi, AVtf mere is no J. H. MANSELL, (Seal) Notary Public. Correct Attest: O C. FLAVEL. w. f. McGregor. JACOB KAMM. Directors. You need a pair of Men's, Women's or Children's SHOES , Honest, Durable Shcis - For less money than you have been paying try S. A. eiKlRE 543-545 Bond St. tlon of liberty. For a quarter of a! withstanding they collected more century Alexander HI and Nicholas nj money than at any previous regatta. have had the opportunity to right the In view of this fact, and to Inspire wrongs of the Russian people. They confidence and Insure the success of the have failed to do so. They can em ploy only one method now. They can not hope to succeed without great sac rifice. It may take years. It may be a matter of months or days. But Rus sia has been roused to a sense of her wrongs. The people of that country hi? ' . are coming Into their own. Nothing can prevent the accomplishment or their purpose. St Petersburg may run rivers of blood, but agitation will rock the country until autocracy falls and democracy Is established. Thus It Is written. 0 JUDGE NOT THAT YE BE NOT JUDGED. A' communication was received at this office yesterday from Rev. O. E. Haahelm, accompanied with a threat that If his article was not published it would appear elsewhere. In the com INTERESTED SPECTATORS regatta, a committee of responsible bUHlness men will be selected to man age the regatta this year. It will prob ably be conducted along different line than previous regattas, so far as the land entertainment is concerned. There is no doubt that several prominent gen- .... ey. - . eceDt b, uemen woo nave served on committees bunch of Agtorla People who TOOre Dtiore, win te asKea to serve again, ,..... , ..,.. TlooV and there will probably be no change in the personnel of the committee on sports. The only change that will be made will be In the manner of handling the finances. There will be no $50 or $75 banquets given to the high collared mlttee to banquet themselves. No 25 per cent off Children's bills will be contracted unless there 11 107 BOOKS. money , in the treasury to pay them. No imported bands at $300 a day will be employed, when Astoria has a band equauy as good, ,ir not superior to any! etc ennw WIIPOW Good reasons for It too $1.25 Padded Leather 55c 50c, 40c, J 5c Henty Books for Boys,. and Girls 25o Special 25c and 35c line now 15c J. N. GRIFFIN ANOTHER WONDER OP SCIENCE. Bloloar has Prtved (bat DaadrsC is Caaaed by a Germ. Science Is donlg wonders these days In medicine aa well as In mechanics. Since Adam lived, tht human race has been troubled with dandruff, for which no halt preparation has heretofore proved a suc cessful curt until Newbro's Herplclde was put on the market It Is a selentlfle prep aration that kills the germ that makes Candruff or scurf by dlgirlng into the scnlp to get at the root of the hair, where It saps the vitality; causing Itching scalp, falling hair, and finally baldness. With out dandruff hair must grow luxuriantly. It is the only destroyer of dandruff. Sold by leading druggists. Bend 10a In stamps for sample to The Herpl clde Co., Detroit Mich. Eagle Drug Store, 851-353 Bond St, Owl Drug Stort, 548 Com. St., T. F. Laurln, Prop. "Special Agent" First National Banh of Astoria ESTABLISHED 1886 Capital and Surplus $100000 Now is the time to have your places of busi ness made neat and attractive. No one is better prepared to do this class of Decorating than we. We have the materials and the competent workmen. ' BETTER SEE US IMMEDIATELY! B P. ALLEN (a SON FISHER BROTHERS COMPANY Agents The Linen Thread Co. - SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, ROPE Fishermen and Cannery Supplies A Grim Tragedy, is dally enacted, in thousands of homes, as Death claims, in each one, another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia But what Coughs and Colds art prop erly treated, tht tragedy is averted. F. G. Huntley of Oaklandon, InL, writes: "My wife had the consumption, and three doctors gave her up. Finally she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which cured her, and today sbt is well and strong." It kills tht germs of all dis eases. Ont dost relieves. Guaranteed at (Oe and $1 by.Chas. Rogers, drug gist Trial bottle free. , YOU CAN TAKE MY HAT If Allen's Cold Cure is not the best thing on earth for a cold or the Grippe. Avoid imitations. Sole Agent. " Frank Hart. Corner 14th and Commercial St a. ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Pre., and SnpU A. L. FOX, Vice Prmldput K.L BISHOP, Secretary AhlOHIA 8AV1NOH bAHK, Tress Designers and Manufacturers of ? THB LATEST IMPROVED CANNING MACHINERY, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. ' CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. -'. Foot of Fourth Street, . - ASTORIA, OBEGON. Q o D OB r o o o o o f m o 9 O 9 O M