The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 26, 1905, Image 1

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Gar's'Govcrnment Makes
i Advances.
f '
Cur Said to be Framing Better
Ltwi for the Working
A! Men.
British Oovtrnmtnl U Acouitd of Hav
ing Hand In th Labor Wart
Explanation Will Ba Aikad of '
tha Poralgn Minlatar.
Bt. Petaraburg. Jan. IS, Contrary to
axpaclation tha flrat mova of tha nawly
appolnt4 governor nrl of BL Pat
raburff la paclrto In charactar. It takaa
tha form of a proclamation, jointly
Ignad by Ocnaral Trepoff and V. Ko
kovafT. mlnlater of flnanca, talllnf tha
atrlkera thy nava ban lad Into
trouble by evil dlapoaad paraona and
thalr bat Intartat will b aorred by
paacaful rapreaentatlona to tha f0V'
rnmnt, Tha workman ara aiao ,aa
aured tha emperor haa ordered tha
framing of certain lawa for thalr ban'
aftt and tha creation of a aval em of
aUta Inauranca to protect them from
want In caao of alrknaaa or dlaablllty.
Tha feare of awloua trouble In Moa
cow yeaterday were not reallaeX Tha
only authenticated Inatanea of anyth
nf approaching violence there waa In
tha dlaperaal of a crowd of about 8000
workmen by Coack". So far aa la
known there were no caaualttca.
From Finland antl-nuaalan demon
atratlnna ara reported and a collision
betwaan a crowd of lt.000 paraona and
troop raaultlng In wounding about 10
In Finland tha agitation haa nothing
1o do with tha labor queatton, but la
purely political In character.
Political, educational and mercan
tile boillea of Ruaala ara adopting
declarntlona In favor of elective rep
reeentatlvea to a leglalatlva body, and
denouncing tha mlrule of the auto
cracy. - ' '
in ii -, , a .
Great Britain Aoeueed of Having Hand
In tha Trouble.
St. Peteraburg, Jan. 15. It la ex
pected the proclamation laaued by Oen
Trepolt and Mlnlater Kokoyaaff win
be followed either by an Imperial
manifesto along the aame Hnea In hope
of preventing a epread of the atrtke oi
by apeclflc proclnmfttlona by local au
thorltlea whenever atrlkea ara In pro
tr reea.
By promlaln't to yield tha queatlon of
houra of labor, which are now legally
11 In Rusala, the autborltlea believe
they can meet the grlevancea of the
workmen. Thla, together with a guar,
antee of protection, the authorUiei
tiope, will Induce them to, reaume work
The atrlkera Are Indifferent to political
demand, and thla clnia, the author!
tlea declare, conatitutea the treat bulk
of the men. It la certain In many cam
atrlkera were forced out agalnat their
wlahea, but the general effect of th
proclamation la atlll problematical
Though the atrlke- haa been spread
ing through various towns, tha situa
tion tonight, while disquieting, la not
acute anywhere. Sir Charlea Harding,
the British ' minister, - received from
Captain Qrover,. the. British conaul at
Moacow, confirmation of the Associated
preaa dispatch from Moacow announc
ing public' poatlng of a telegram im
puting British influence In the atrlke
and will aak for explanations from the
. foreign minister, today. It la not ex
pected the affair will lead to a serious
dtplomatlo Incident ,
Seditloue Demonatratlon Leade to ty any
. Arrests. .
Klshlneff, Jan. 25. A seditious dem
onstration during the performance led
to a panto In a theater here last night
A crisis In the hostility, toward the
government was raised In the crowjed
auditorium by Incendiary proclama
tions which were showered from the
gallery, The audience became panic.
trie ken and considerable time elapeed
before order wee restored, .
Twenty arrests were made," Includ
ing four Jewish soldiers.
Pneumonia Threatene the Heir to tha
Ciara Troublse.
New Tork, Jan. f5-The Infant
Csamltoh Is seriously ill of pneumo
ola at Taarsltee-Scl accordlnf to, an
American . dispatch from 8L Peters
burg. ,
The heir to the Russian throne Is
said to bar been taken ill at the Rio
ter palace last week and the removal
to Taarskoe-Selo caused complica
tions. Nurses are said to have been
summoned from London,
Workmen Pisperaad.
Moscow, Jan. ' 25. A ' squadron 0
Co mm ck it was called out this evening
to die per ie about 3000, workmen who
had gathered near tha river and were
growing obstreperous. Some of the
rioters were Injured, but there were no
Dieeuaeien Refused.
Bt. Peteraburg, Jan. 25. At today'
aeaston of the municipal court a reao
lutlon was moved protesting against
firing by troops upon the defenseless
workmen on Sunday. The president
prohibited discussion of tie . resolu
Hon. " i .
, River Palls. ; ;,' '-t
Seattle, Jan. 25. Hundreds of peo
ple are practically cut , off from all
communication with the outside world
and the steamboat drlggs Is an entire
wreck as the reeult of unprecedented
tow water In the Columbia river above
Objectionable Clause In Protec
: tion Measure.
Sheep Men Want to Recover from the
8tate for ' Depredations of Un
known Vandala en Their Flooka..
Little Show for the Bill.
Salem, Jan, 25. The moat Important
business in the senate today waa the
passage of the bill abolishing the state
health officers at Aatorla," Gardiner
Taqutna and Brownsville.
In the house a concurrent resolution
to Investigate the alleged holdupa of
land and timber by the rallroada was
adopted. , i
There waa excitement In the house
when the forest f re protection meas
ure came up. It was schemed to push
the bill through In a hurry, but the
clause requiring persona clearing .land
to procure a permit proved a etumbUnt
block, and consideration went over un
til Friday. ' s
A bill has been Introduced that haa
attracted considerable attention from
atockmen. It provides that the ownera
of aheep slaughtered by unknown per
sons may rocoved 50 per cent of their
value from the atate, but Inasmuch aa
the aheep men have recourse at law
for the prosecution of or recovery from
persons committing such depredations
It Is deemed unlikely that the bill win
reach passage.
Canned Horse Sweata.
Chicago, Jan. 15. Captain Asa F.
Fish, chief commissary of the civil de
partment of the Philippines, is In Chi
cago for a conference; with the heads
of the, packing ; houses relative to
changing the manner of canning meats
used . by the constabulary and police
of the Islands. He 'complained that
the Intense heat In the Philippine
caused a sweating of, the cans, which
almost spoiled the .meats, and his
mission is to secure the adoption of
aome new process) to make canned
meats teat proof. . Practically all the
meants used in the Philippines are sup
plied from Chicago
Lodge Champions Cause of'
Haughty General.
Baker Takes an Ineffectual Fall
'irn Out of the Protective l
Tariff. I
The Houae Passes the District of Co'
lumbia Appropriation ' BUI, Which
Raleed a Row Yeetarday and
Teachers Get Salary Raise.
Washington, Jan. IS. In connection
with the consideration of the army ap
proprlatle-n bill there was an animated
discussion In the senate today over the
assignment of General Nelson A. Miles
to service In charge of the Massa
chusetts state militia. t
The controversy was begun by Lodge
who criticised In very sharp language
the provision In the army bill which
prohibits awarding extra pay or allow
ancea to relieved officers who ara as
signed to active service when tbey ex
ceed those of a major on the active
Hat. Lodge declared that 'this J, pro
vision was aimed cirectly at Miles, ana
that It was moat unfair. Following
Lodge, Piatt (Conn.), Spooner, Bailey,
Patterson, Cor mack and Money took
part In the debate and a number of
amendmenta were suggested. None of
them, however, found much favor, and
action In the matter waa postponed fot
the day. It la the general opinion that
the provision of the bill which la
deemed objectionable will be allowed
to stand.
Bailey Gingers Up House With Verbal
Washington, Jan. 25. The house to
day passed the District of Columbia
appropriation bill, and the military
academy appropriation bills. The dls
trlct bill carried an Increase of the
salaries of school teachers In the 'dis
trict which was made the subject of
considerable contention at the session
of yesterday. ' .
Except for a apeech by Baker of
New Tork assailing the protective tariff
pesley of the . republican party, the
proceedlnga were devoid of Interest.
Por Prao Wheat
Washington, Jan. 25. Secretary
Shaw has sent a lotter to both houses
of congress recommending a refund of
duty paid on Imported wheat when it Is
for use as seed. ''." ' -
Many Pensions Granted. -
Washington, Jan. 25. In the sen
ate today considerable time was given
to the passage of pension bills, of
which there were over 200.
New York Bunds to Assist Russian
New York, Jan. 25. Three organ
isations In this city which In the past
are said to have done much In aid of
the revolutionary party In Russia, are
reported . to have secured a powerful
ally. Prior to a conference held by
a secret - committee of the three or
irantxntlona on the East Side' the mem
bers received word that the Polish
socialists in this country would like
to offer their co-operation In tho work.
A cordial welcome was at once extend
ed to the organisation. " : v
The three old organisations are tha
Bund, which largely represents the
Jewish revolutionists, ' the Russian
revolutionary party and the Russian
social democrats. . ' a f "
The Polish organisation has about ,80
branches In the United States with a
large membership. : At a meeting held
at an East Broadway hall, the police
were called to drive oft U number of
so-called anarchists who attempted to
convert the meeting Into, a scene of
disorder. After some difficulty the of
ficers entered the hall, cleared out the
objectionable element and the meeting
Severe Fighting Between Outlaws and
the Constsbulary. (-..
Manila, Jan. 27 In a battle thla
morning near gllang between a detach
ment of scouts and constabulary and
190 ladroiws, who attacked the town
of San Francisco de Malabon Tueaday
night. 10 ladronea were killed and
seven made prisoners. There were no
casualties abong the scouts and con
stabulary. , v . , , i , :. ... -
Severe fighting continues. In the at
tack Tueaday night the ladronea cap
tured the wife and two children of
Governor Trlaa. Theae, together with
several native women prlsonera were
aeen with the ladronea this morning,
but an attempt at rescue was unsuc
cessful. : , .,
. - Suits Dismissed.
San Francisco, Jan. 25. The two
suits of the governemnt against Cash
ier W. K. Cole of the U. S. mint of this
city for sums aggregating 125,000 have
been , dismissed In the U. 8. circuit
court on omtlon of the district attor
ney., The money which represents a
portion of the sum stolen by bis for
mer chief clerk, Wmmlck, has "been
paid by Superintendent Frank Leach,
and it waa under instructions from the
solicitor of the treasury that the mo
tion for dismissal waa made.
Pioneer Texan Dead, j
Fort Worth, Tex., Jan. 25. Colonel
Duke Goodman,' adjutant general and
chief of staff to RL M. Van Zandt, ma-
Jot; general Texas division united con
federate veterans, died of heart disease
this morning at 2 o'clock, aged 2 years.
Colonel Goodman was one Of the moat
prominent veterans In Texas. .
Catholic Clergy Subjcribe to the
',.: Fund. ..
Resolution Introduced in the Prussian
Diet to Fores the Mine Owners
Into a Mors Embarrassing Po
sition Before the People. ,
Berlin, Jan. 25. The center party, In
a resolution to the president of tha
Prussian diet today asked the gov
ernment to appoint seven members of
the diet to Investigate the coal strike
This Is done in the Interest of the
strikers, who hope to force the' mine
owners to a still more dlffcult position;
as they refused the invitation of the
commissioners1, appointed by the mln
later of tha Interior to discuss the situ
ation. The commission asked for by the
center party would have the power of
summoning persona and calling for pa'
pers which the Interior department does
not have. A
The higher Catholic clergy Is sub
scribing personally to strike funds and
Is announcing subscriptions. In Essen
the subscriptions for strikers In ana
outside the district aggregate about
$300,000. - The effect of the prohibition
of s local authorities from carrying
around subscription papers has been
to Increase voluntary contributions.
. Nearly 250,000 men are out in th
coal fields. .
Supposed to Be a San Francisco Block-
.n ada Runner.
San Francisco, Jan. 25. M. A. New
ell, the . marine. . Insurance adjuster
here, has received a telegram from
London , announcing ,that a steamer
with block' funnels and two red bands
Is ashore near .Vladivostok. She Is
supposed to be the M. 8. Dollar, which
la owned here and which left this port
November 21 with a cargo of flour.
Her clearance papera read for MoJI,
Japan, as her port of destination, but It
It rumored; that ah wag chartered to
carry a" cargo of flour to Siberia. ;
New York Completely Snow
Trains and Shipping at a Stand
still and Many Steamers ;
A Number of People Lose Their Lives
From Exposure to Cold and Hos
. pitala and Polios 8tationa Are
j Crowded to Their Capacity. '
. New Tork, Jan, 25. Nat since the
blizzard of 1888, by which all storms
are estimated, great or small, has New
Tork been so completely snowbound
as tonight Tha city Itself is lying
under a foot of snow, which, in many
places Is banked by the wind to a
height of several feet x
Surface travel early in the day was
abandoned, overhead transit . was Ir
regular and It remained for the under
ground roads to carry . home, as far
as possible, the hundreds of thousands
of workers. . '
The entire coast line from the Dela
ware .capes north has been In the
grasp of the storm, which, because of
the heavy fall of snow, Intensity of th
cold and the force of the gale, exceeded
In severity anything' experienced In
years. Throughout the New England.
states and the middle Atlantic statea
all reports indicate a most complete
winter tieup. ,.. s
Far Into the west snow and a re
markably low temperature are report
ed, and everywhere railroad traffic is
delayed; reports of disasters to ship
ping are coming In, and with a rapidly
falling thermometer much . suffering
must ensue. So severe was the storm
In this city that several persons were
rrocen to death or died from ex
haustion. Tonight the hospitals, police
stations and houses of refuge are
crowded to their capacity. Tonight a
bulletin was posted In the New Tork
Central station that no more trains
are expected tonight The notice re
ferred to both local and express trains
on the New Haven system. Trains,
which arrived, were from four to eight
hours behind time. ' Not a vessel of
any kind has sailed from or arrived
at this port in more than 24 hoars, and
at Boston only one arrived. , At Sandy
Hook and Quarantine the gale blew
(0 miles an hour, and a number of .ves
sels are reported at anchor there. The
steamer Meanomee, from, London; the
steamer Rotterdam, and the Germania
are all In Sandy Hook bay, and a dosen
or more steamers overdue, have not
been heard from.
Even tha South Feels the Grid of the
' Storm. ' ;
Chicago, Jan. 26. Practically every
town In the Mississippi valley is In
the grasp of the cold snap. . In this city
there was a snowstorm and gale. The
wind quieted down tonight but it U
predicted the mercury will fall to 10
degrees below this morning.
Kansas and Missouri are colder than
for years; the Ohio valley registers 8
above to 10 below, and therei Is severe
weather in the south. At Mobile the
wind blew the water, out of the . slips
and many ships are aground, ; I
New York Firsmen Fight Fire; in Worst
" Storm for Msny Winters, j
New Tork, Jan. 25. While the worst
storm that has occurred In many win
ters raged around them, a dosen fire
companies under the personal direction
of Chief Croker, for eight hours today
fought a stubborn conflagration In the
Kips Bay brewery..' " - ' - .
AU the men suffered more or less
from the long exposure, and five were
badly injured by being caught under a
falling wall. The lire was finally
brought ondjsr control. - '" t ) f
. 1 1 ii ' 1 1 " 1 ; 'i i
i I I Robbers Escape,
Saa Francisco, Jan, 25, Two young
men entered the salooa kept by John
SnelUng, late last night, held up Mr
8n!Hnjgt an wo - customers; ,at the
points of two revolvers and relieved
the UU of $30 and' one; of the custom
ers of 17. The three men were t'atn
forced into a closet while the robbers
made a hasty retreat They are still
at large. ,v-: "j
Grand Master Dead.
New Tork, Jan. 25V Principe Ceachi,
grand master of the Knights of Malta,
Is dead, according to a Herald 'dispatch,
from Rome. ; He-was elected lieutenant
of the grand master of the Order of the
Knights of Malta in 182 and became
Kiauu luasLcr ill joiv.
Wounded Reach Franca.
, New Tork, Jon. 25. Fourteen
wounded Russian officers arrived at
Cannes, France, cables the correspond
ent there of the Herald. Tbey were met
at the station by Grand Duke Michael
Klkhallovlch. . ,
, ; Cheerful Prospsct
Vienna, Jan. 25. The parliamentary
elections which will begin Thursday
are expected to take place amid un
precedented scenes of rioting and
bloodshed.- ..:.,,.!' ;".. . '
' Tennessee Stakes. 7
Grand Junction. TeniL. Jan. 25. The
second heat in the champion stake
was run off with only one brace, Adams
and Duryea's Tony Man and Hobart
Ames Alambaugh. Tony Man finished
a little stronger than Alambaugh.
After Rejanvsntaky.
Toklo, '' Jan. 25 ($ p. muK-The nary
department announces the formation of
a special service squadron. , No details
are given,, ,.!-. ;., r .:V-.;. V ' '"'
Hutton Removed for Grossly im
moral Conduct.
Complaint Alleges That Commission
er Hutton Misconducted Himself
, With Young Girt and There 1 .
Are Other Charges.' ." -
caui rrancisco, jan. z a. Mayor
Schmidt caused a sensation in the po
lice department this afternoon by sum
marily removing from Office Police
Commissioner Hutton. The mayor as
signs as reasons grossly Immoral con
duct and improper practices as a pu
blic official. .- ; , ;
.' The mayor gives minute details' of
alleged improper conduct by Hutton,
and mentions the name of a girl whom
he declares recently wore short dresses.
Hutton was recently active In the mat
ter of suppressing public vice. He was
foremost in the campaign against a
certain section of the tenderloin dis
trict and some months ago had him
self appointed "special chief of police"
to arrest the Inmates of a notorious
place and served an injunction against
Chief Whitteman.
Hutton tonight denied the truth of
the mayor's allegations. -
8eattle Men Drown.
Seattle, Jan. 25. James Casey and
two companions known as "Tattoo
Cockney" and "Jonsey," are believed to
have lost their lives in the gale which.
raged over the sound last night A
sloop belonging to Casey, In which It
ts known the men Intended sailing i
from here for Port Blakeley, was found
drifting between Rolling Bay and this
city this morning. , . ;
, Nebraska Fire.
Lincoln, Neb, Jan. 25. A fire which
started at. midnight' In the furniture
Mock burned fiercely for several hours.
When it had been brought under con
trol the furniture.;, block and . Halter
building, with their contents, had been
etitirely destroyed and ' considerable
damage done to adjoining buildlnga
The loss Is estimated at $110,000, prob
ably well Insured, .