The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 21, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1908.
A Clean Up Sale
We have a few dozen bottles of
Jams, Jellies, Preserves, Etc.,
All First Class Goods,
Odds and cuds that have accumulated and nc will sell them at a
very low price to close.
No MoreAfter This Sale. See Table Display.
Amuiiminti Tonight.
Star Thenlor Vauilevllltt, ,
Coming Attractions.
At Hodiliks, January 85 Tho Jef
fersona In MTh Two Rlvala.
Lodgo Mooting Tonight
HuUw Unli A, U. V. V.
Local Brevities.
Hjiecliil Itiduimmints offered In dress
nd walkluc skirts this week at Foard
8tokis Co.
A ( tit id wnnta a i hurtcr In tho In-i-ri'itin
of economy mid thr H-opln und
iol In tli lnl'TfHti of it tKilllk'&l trust
lomliiiiifd ly ojip num. AnioHii la rwt
i (mi' mini (own.
For ante At Gaston's feed otablo,
No. 10$ Fourteenth atreet; ono Landla'a
harnoM machlno: ono Bmlth-Protnler
typewriter; on 20 hp motor and belt
Inc; 1000 good aacka.
Wo have few boxfs of Northern
Spy applies at "5c pnr box. Aatorla
flrocery Co.
Oir"iit'in Imvc Ih-imi Iuh fur svv
nil duyo niiiklnx xtiilvc repairs lo
tin? Wflln. I'iuko illy nitlce.
For good Initial to cut mil nt 523
Commercial or phone Main 6S1.
Tho Imperial oyster house In pre
pared to fumlNh Bhoulwater buy oys-
ter In quantities of pinto nnd quarts
to supply the family trade. Colonial
oysters always on hand.
Cttlli-ndar Company In maklno; some
extensive repairs to Its fleet, and with
the fitting of some new boats going
Into commission the merchants orv
getting coimlderobbf unexpected busl
ness during the dull season.
A rortiand hypnotist has been at
Hknmofcttwa tho past few days. He
claimed that he had the power to lo
cate the body of Mrs. ftaylor, tho wo
man who was drowned. Like all other
fukes ho lost the combination. Mrs.
Baylor's body hag not yet been recovered.
Secretary Metcalf has recommended
that 140,000 be expended In repairing
the lighthouse tender Manwuilta, an4
the recommendation will be embodied
In a. bill to be, piiMHcd by congress. This
amount will be sufficient to entirely re
build the vessel.
At the meeting of the common coun
cil next Monday night, the bill for
building a public thoroughfare will
cmne up for approval or rejectlgn, It
Is expected that friends of the-measure
will attend the meeting In toe In
torests of the bill. If It Is upprjved It
will be forwarded at once to the rep-
renentatlveN ill Kllll'lll.
i! in
Written by an Astorian to the
popular Tune of
AmoiiK Home of the iiiont
meimiiieM Introdiii'-1 In the li-itlxlature
I a bill by Kepresentuttve Carter of
lleiilon, providing for school lltirarlex.
It Is not a bill, dimply a huliliy,
A junty of Astorlaus will leave the
lty this morning for Knnppton where
they will be i-iitertulned by Mrs. Chun
Callendor. Tlie party will consist of
Mr. and Mrs. t U Houston, Mr. and
Mrs. Jt, U. I'rat-I, Mr. and Mrs. V. K.
foullKh ist,.hhiii.rr III- mi. I Mm fl T lIIL.,-
ton ii n. I Mr. und Mrs. Cullender. The
party will return to Antorlu Monday,
llln h & Jai'obmin expect to complete
the foundation undi-r the bulldlnK oc
cupied by H. Iiuiixliter A Co. today.
Our lurgo stock of fine dry goods,
clothing, furnishing goods and all will
be placed on reduced sale prices dur
ing the next 30 days, C. 11. Cooper,
the lending house of Astoria.
Tickets for "The IUviiIk" will be on sale
at 1 Ic-lt Ii-K'm theater after 10 o'clock
Buturday morning, I'hone main 2221.
Mr. Palmer, representing Hluke, Me
Fall A Co, nt Portland, returned home
last evening loaded with an attack of
The Ch I iii-it.. me Im-k I iiiiIiih to look
expectant-a sure elgn of the ruining
of New Year, ginger preserves and fire
cnu kers.
The Occident lonsorlal parlorn and
liiitli fm llltlin are equalled by none.
Everything modern and up to dato.
Hee Peterson.
The story about someone seeing Mm.
H.iylor and a man leaving Skamokawu
In a boat Is not due Until next Monday.
Evidently the lunm y coiuiiiIshKiii has
been lax In Its duties during the pant
two weeks,
It I evident from teimrts from Ku
lent that the cltl.ins are not to have
all the say about making itux-mlmi-nts
to the charter at Hulein. What th
peoplt' f Astoria want Is a chartet
which will cut out some of the elec
tions, and n, it to make a life tenure
of some (tolltlcal olllces held by men
who believe a public olllce Is a private
A few nice things for your Sunday
dinner, due to arrive this morning, Nice
Cauliflower, some fine Imh Ahgcle
celery, hothouse lettuce, sweet potatoes
und lots of other good things to eat.
Astmla ijroii-iy.
The legislature udjoiirned yesterday
until next Monday In order that the
stuto printer can ditch up with the
printing of bills.
For wagons, buggies, plows, harrowa
and all kinds of farm tools and ma
chinery seo R. M. Oaaton at 105 14th
atreet, Astoria, Ore.
Sweet naval oranges from 15 to 45c
per doion. Plenty of good cooking bp
plea at 60c per box.
If you have freight arrive In Astoria
and leave It there over 4$ hours, at the
warehouse, you will be compvlled to
pay 23 cents a ton storage. This was
decided Un yesterday by the local
freight association,
For pure drugs, and prescriptions
compounded by a manufacturing chem
ist go to Dr. C. E. Linton's drug storo,
I4t( Franklin avenue. A complete
stock of everything pertaining to
drug atoro la carried. tf
Itev. I.. O. Muhoiie returned from Hu
lein yesterday, where he went In the
Interest of the local option measure.
He Is of the impression that the
amendments will not puss, lie con
tends that the amendments will render
the law Inoperative. The amendment
will simply make It a local option
measure Instead of ahxolute prohibi
tion, as at present.
The Papers boast of many towns,
Chicago and New York,
Parisian styles, Its marble Piles,
Old Ireland's town of Cork;
Of Portland and Us coming Fair,
And 'Frisco, Victoria,
Let me acclaim the town I name,
I love every Inch tjl her wooden streets
Each tree on flV mountain side;
I love every drop of the water clear,
That flows In her river wide.
I love every spot, every drop of rain;
Through her streets I love to roam
The town of them all Is the place that
I call
Wise offers now a clearance sale
On Overcoats and Suits
Of latest slylcB, Wise haa big Piles;
His Garment,) they are De-tut a.
And then hj sells things very cheap.
You ask the reason why?
8o I will say. It is "Wise's way"
A fact that none deny.
He sells everything within his store
Ko low that you'll be glad.
So do not delay, but buy right away.
If not you'll wlsa you had.
ii you neea a uwji, OVEKCOAT or
Underwear, or Sox, or Ties
The Dosg of them all Is the man that
they call
The Reliable HEHMAN WISE.
Christian Edward Io was granted
first citizenship papers today by Coun
ty Clerk Clinton, Mr. 1k is a na
tive of Finland and Is no lm lio.
The Mirror Invites the public to Its
annual clearance sale of fine liquors.
The finest goods and best treatment
Family liquor store. P. E. Peterson.
A large number of people from the
country were In the city yrnterduy lin
ing shopping. Merchants report busi
ness unusually good for this time of
the year.
Mrs. Wise, wife of Marcus Wise of
Ilwuco, formerly a resident of Asto
ria, died at her home In Ilwuco yes
terday. The remains were brought to
Astoria yesterday and tnken to Port
land for Interment, Mrs. Wise resided
In Astoria, a number of years nnd leaves
many friends to mourn her loss.
There will be a meeting of the
teachers of Astoria this morning at
9:30 o'clock nt the Khlvley school.
County Superintendent Miss Emma C,
warren win talk to the teachers on
the icwls and Clark fair.
Kenator Tuttle jesterduy Introduced
a bill In the senate providing for an
appropriation of ixnfio as n Lewis and
Clark memorial fund to be used In
erecting a monument at the site of the
"salt calm," at Fort Clatsop.
There Is no complaint about bnslness
at tho Star saloon. Good goods and
courteous treatment will draw trade to
any first-class saloon. That'a what
makes business good at the Star. The
best la none too good for our customers.
Considering tho personality of the
Joint fisheries committee appointed by
the Oregon legislature to confer with a
like committee, to be appointed by
the legislature of Washington, It Is
doubtful If the Washington legisla
ture will appoint a conference commit
tee, It being contended that people
knowing more about fishing than farm
ing ought to have been appointed.
by saving money on everything
yon buy. We onn help you to
do it if you select whatever
you need in furniture from our
largo and up-to-date stook.
To buy at these pricea means
to oave a Rood percentage of
the money you intend to spend.
White Maple (MP AA
Bed Room Suits&liJiUU
Complete House Furnishers.
REWARD We shall give (10 In gold
as a first prize, and 15 as a second
prixe to tne hoy or girl umier 18 years in the city
of og. writing the best poem of twj
or more verses, using the MONARCH
RANGE as the subject of the poem. All
poems to bo handed In before 6 p. m.
on February 16, 1905. Charles Hell-
born & Son, Complete House-furnishers,
690-692 Commercial Street
11. H. Allen of Portland Is registered
James G. Doyle, v. ho was once booked
at the city Jail as a vug, has turned up
In Minneapolis, where he has been ar
rested for murder. Chief Hullock yes
terday received a letter from the su
perintendent of police of Minneapolis
asking far particulars about Doyle,
who claims to have committed murder
In Astoria. About the only murder
thut Doyle was accused of committing
In Astoria was attempting to kill
Itlds were opened yesterday by the
committee on streets and public ways
tor building a sidewalk on Duan
atreet. Three bids were submitted a
follows: J. A. Fastehund $32", Hlrch &
Jacohson $327, L. Iluggman $330. The
contract was awarded to J. A. Funte-
band. The lowest bid was $20 iiMove
the estimate of the city surveyor, but
the amount was ho small that it would
not JuMIfy the council In readvertls-
Ing for bids.
F. Shlpmun of Chinook was In the
city yesterday.
Howell Iew!s of Fern Hill was In the
city yesterday.
Miss Madge Sovey Is visiting rel
atives In Portland.
J. E. Stead of Ilwaco was a visitor
In Astoria yesterday.
Howard Lalghton of Seaside re
turned home last evening.
Martin McLaughlin of Hammond
was In the city yesterday.
J. Miller and wile of Portland are
visiting friends In the city.
G. A. Taylor of Portland was In the
city yesterday on business.
C. F. Overbaugh of Portland was In
the city yesterday on business.
E. Rockfellow of Cleveland. O..
Is registered at the Occident.
J. A. Imbrle and wife of Hillsboro
are visiting friends In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. David Tweddle of Mis
wuukii was In the city yesterday.
Mrs, J. C. Rlerson of Elsie was, in
the city yesterday visiting friends.
Waren Storm, member of the com
mon council of Hammond, was. In the
city yesterday.
I.ein On, a promlucM Chinaman of
Astoria, employed by the combine bs
foreman in the Eureka cannery, Is ex
pected to return front San Francisco
on tne 24111, bringing with n I m a
blushing bride of tho Flowery kingdom,
named Lee Wo Ky, whom he married
In San Francisco. He paid $3000 for
his wife, who is 18 years of age. He Is
a member of the Lem company nnd
Dark W coinpany. A great reception
Is being prepared for him on his re
turn and a number of white people
1. .. .... ...1 ..1 t....i. .. 1...... . . 1
iiuve uet-ii cMnuiHl in iiituoiin n luddl'ess
The indications are that work will
not be resumed on the court house for
some time to come. There Is a legal
question Involved In levying a tux
and creating a court house fund, that
will have to be -adjusted by the su
preme court, and u friendly suit will
probably be instituted to determine
the rights of the county. If It Is held
that the warrants drawn on the court
house fund Is a part of the Indebtedness
of the county, It wdl settle the building
of the court house. The supreme court
haa already held that any Indebtedness
created In excess of $5000 Is uncon
stitutional. The opponents of building
the court house and who oppose any
Improvements In Astoria are back of
the measure to kill the court hous
Our large stock of Reliable Footwear
will bo sold thla month at a great re
duction. Don't miss it. Wherlty, Ral
ston ft Co.
Church Notices.
liabtist church, Sunday: Morning
services, subject, "Our Duty to the Un
saved." Evening. "The Marriage a:
Cana." All other regular services will
be observed as usual. AH not engage,
elsewhere are Invited to worship with
this church.
German Lutheran church, Grand
avenue: Sunday school 10. services
11. Instruction in German every
Saturday nt 11:30.
Today is St. Agnes' day; the St.
Agnes Guild of Grace church observes,
the day annually, and there will be a
special service In ihelr interest Satur
day evening at .:Z0 0 clock with an
by the rector. The offering
will be for the pipe organ funl. Serv
ices Sunday as usual. At 11 and 7:30.
Sunday- school at 12:30 nnd nt Holy
Innocents chapel nt 3:30,
Services at the First Lutheran Sun
day as follows: Sunday school at 9:3).
Morning service in Swedish at 10: tn.
Subject, "The Savior's Love." Even
ing service In English. Subject, "Faith
as the Indwelling Power," Preaching
by the pastor, Gustat E. Rydquist at
both services. All are welcome.
Schltta'a beer made Milwaukee fa
mous, and la having tho same effect on
the Grotto. Nothing better on the
Great reduction in dry goods and
clothing will be made during the month
of January at our annual sale, now go
ing on. C. H. Cooper.
Special Inducements offered In cook
itoves and air-tight heaters thla week
at Foard & Stokes Co.
Our January Clearance Sale
Hundreds of happy buyers have taken advantage of
the many bargains offered. Why? Because they
know from past experience that what we advertise,
we mean. Now comes a mark down in our Suit and
Coat Department that should be taken advantage of
by every lady in Astoria that is in need of a Suit or
Coat. Prices are positively the Lowest ever asked
or stylish, well made garments.
Lot 1, $4.75.
Coats and Suits that have been selling
at $7.50, $9.00 and $
Lot 2, $9.75,
. Coats and Suits that have been selling
at $12.00, $15.00 and $18.00,
Lot 3, $14.75.
Coats and Suits that have been selling
at $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00,
Morse Department Store
508510 Commercial St.
Where Everybody Likes to Trade
Clearance Sale...
1 . V n R. i
We Have Just Received
a fresh shipment of
Bacon and
They are the Best.
Have you tried the
American Biscuit Co.'s
Extra Pilot Bread and
Royal Soda Crackers
We make a specialty of
Keeping our stock fresh.
Mr A 8 SteEies Co.
Astoria's Greatest Store.