4 THE MORNING ASTOK1AN A STOMA, OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1900. $10 REWARD We shall give $10.00 in gold as a first prize, and $5.00 as a second prize, to the boy or girl under eighteen years of age writing the best poem of two or more verses, using the MONARCH RANGE as subject of the poem. All poems to be handed in before 6 P. M. on February 16, 1905 CHARLES HEILBORN SON Complete House Furnishers 590-592 Commercial St THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873. Published Daily (Except Monday) by THE J. 8. DELLINGER COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. one of the most Immoral rltles on the raolfle const; that the dives, saloon keepers and gamblers with their coterie of boosters and ward healers have run the polities of Portland for a number of years. Many of them assisted In the election of Sheriff Word, supocs InK he was their friend. Sheriff Word has proven himself an honest official with the moral courage to enforce the . 1 I laws us they exist on the statute books By mall, per year S 00 j of the state. It Is claimed by the ward By mall, per month 50speelers that If Word should run for By carrier, per month SO snt?rifr j,, he ot be elected. In this they are mistaken. Word will THE SEMI-WEEKLY ASTORIAN. be elected by the largest majority ever given a sheriff In Multnomah county. Jin fact. It would be a deserving compll By mall, per year, In advance 00;ment lf tne rcpublll,uis indorsed him. tt. ; jf the republicans are In favor of en- pr-Ordors for the delivering of Ths Morsino forcing the laws, they will do so. AarosiiN to either wsHlem-e or place of busim. . . , , . mde br r.tl owl or thrv.mh fie-; Among the laws Introduced Is phone. Any irregularity in delivery should be prohibiting side doors In saloons. Immediately reported to the office of publicauon. 1. , u . cm of the respectable saloons w ill noi ject to this measure. It Is only Today's Weather. Portland, Jan. 19. Oregon one All not ob- the dives that harbor petty larceny thieves that oppose the measure. Another law that is proposed will not only be bene ficial to Portland but to Astoria. It Is "" ! a measure to brand with the odium of felony all male persons who live and wholly or in part upon the earnings posed by Senator Tuttle legislate no one out of office, they simply provide for a police commission, something th" people of Astoria have endeavored U. secure and have been prevented by the cltlxens ring. Ta cnarter provide for a police commission of three mem bers. Is there such a commission In existence In Astoria? Certainly not. and there never vr',1 be as lonjr as th politics of the city ure dominated by a political ring who are feathering their nests at the expense of the tax payer. There is a demand among nine-tenths of the people for ti e amendments pro posed by Senator Tuttle and the peo ple propose to haw them. If the cltl xens will not perform their duties, pro visions can and will be made In the charter to compel them to do so. This Is the whole matter In a nutshell, and the people have some rights that poli ticians must respect. ASTORIA CHARTER. first Insertion and 8 cents for each sub- of fallen women. The law covers the Washington Friday, rain. o recalcitrant husband who connives at the prostitution of his wife, and pro vides that she shall be a competent witness against him. The penalty pre- CITY CHARTER, tvntn a ronort current on the streets, additional amendments have been made ""'bed ! Imprisonment from one to to the city charter. It is stated that j ten 'ears- nf ,hP revisions in tile charter This is a law th it will no doubt pass - ----- I , . - . . , . U - 1 ianu ir me onuers nae ioe niurui cuui- present'age t0 enforce w'" r'd tn commu- . i nity or some or tne vnesi specimens , tof humanity. These vagrants who 'live off the earnings of fallen women . ;are harbored and protected by the veiutju uy vxudnu iiinv ...... ....... been Incorporated into the charter. The amendments do not leg Islate anyone out of office, in fact, they keep four of the present officials in s,ffiu tnr air months' loneer. The ,, iV, t iv, dens of Iniquity which they trequent. amendment proposed provides that the,. ...... general election shall occur on the first Monday in June instead of December, as at present. If this is adopted the first election under the charter will oc cur In June. 1906, while the terms of Auditor Anderson, Treasurer Dealy, Superintendent of Streets Kearney and Surveyor Tee expire next December. This will continue all these official in office until July 1, 1906. Changing the elections to the regu lar state and county elections will save the city of Astoria about 500 a year. Of course the citizens will object to this on account of politics. They do not care what the expense to the city Is, as long as they can win all the offi ces. This is all the interest most of them take in the management of city afTairs. By having the city and coun ty elections in June it saves the trouble of registering every time there is an election. Those who register for the June election register for both the county and city election. They are reg istered before the county clerk and re lieves the auditor from keeping regis tration books. The same Judges and clerks of election, the same voting booths, the same ballots and election; supplies are used for the one There are at least 50 of these vagrants !in Astoria and at least 1000 of them In Portland. If It Is made a state law instead of a municipal regulation, there will eb no trouble to drive them out of the city. The police are anxious to rid the community of their presence, but they only have the vagrancy law, and the saloonkeepers assist them in evad ing this law by giving them light em ployment, because If they lose the vags their women go with them, and there Is no opportunity to hold up a man and rob him. This Is the only avocation this class of reptiles follow. When license is refused to these vile dens, it will go a long way in removing the stench that attaches to these dens that harbor criminals. o THE PROGNOSTICATORS. According to the report of the weather bureau Thursday night pre dicting the weather for Friday, "rain1 was scheduled. The 5000 readers of the Astorlan were unanimous in pro claiming the predictions unreliable. In stead of its raining the sun shone bright and clear ail day and it was a model winter day. It has been sug- gested that this "ruessinjr contest" on ity hundreds 0fjweather Predictions be made the day ttocahtt onUln tntk f j. ., ... 7 v m w . after the weather has been experienced dollars. AH elections should be made I , as simple as possible both for the can didates and voters and if voters only have to register once In two years they will take more interest in the elec tions. The other amendment, as we have been informed, simply calls for the election of three police commissioners at the election In 1906 In order to straighten out the present muddle. As a matter of fact, Astoria is today with out any police commission. It is claimed that the amendments sug gested are in the interests of the re publican party. If it means that the republican party Is more Interested in cutting down expenses than in holding the office, the assertion may be true. But whether In the interest of the re publican or citizens party all the amendments proposed are necessary and beneficial to the city and there fore should be Incorporated in the bill to be passed by the legislature. It will so that it may insure us renaDiniy. There is no doubt but the Portland weather bureau Is actuated by honest motives In prescribing the kind of weather that will exist, and they have made some gooj guesses on several occasions. Instarcrs are on record where they have guessed the climatic conditions as often as twice or three times a week. Of course people do not place any rellanec on weather predic tions emlnatlng from the weather bu reau. A man of ordinary intelligence can form a correct idea of what the weather has been after the day Is over and these are the only authentic re ports that It pays to tie to. From the report of yesterday's weather and the weather as it really was, it is evident that a cog must have slipped In tru bureau machinery. Prognoatlcators are up against It in Oregon and o account of the variable climatic con ditlons, they ougat to have another do no good to make a kick on any of,guess "mln the proposed amendments, aa if the legislature wants to pass them, the citizens and democrats have no power to prevent it. All they relle on is a veto by the governor. 0 WHO IS IT? The politicians connected with the citizens party seem to be perturbei because there are other people In As toria who desire lust a word to say about amendments to the city char ter. The Burns-Smith charter is good MORAL AGENTS. The legislative assembly of the state of Oregon seems to be imbued with the enough as far as It goes, but It does idea that "reforms are necessary." It not go far enough. No one objected to is certainly composed of men who are Jack Burns and Tony Smith getting In favor of removing many of the up a charter, although they are not tumbling blocks that beset the weary the only pebbles on the beach. The traveler and to regulate evils that are ' usual procedure In preparing charter considered necessary. All of the re-1 amendments is by a mass meeting of form measures seem to be aimed at the citizens. This Is the first year that the purification of the morals of Port- amendments have been prepared by a land. It is conceded that Portland is political ring. The amendments pro- Senator Tuttle Adds Few Amend merits to the Council's Charter. A great hullaboo has been made In the camp of the citizens party, because Senator Tuttle has added a few amend ments to the amendments proposed by the common council to the charter of Astoria. These cltlxens claim, or at least try to, mat no law should oe passed In Salem affecting Astoria un less It has the indorsement of the 1 itliens ring, with the label blown In the bottle. The cltlxens have been trying to maintain a ollce commission In Astoria for the past four years, with one man, as police commissioner, and one man as dictator. Senator Tuttle proposes to do what the people refuse to do, and that Is to appoint a police commission of honorable men, com posed of S. S. Gordon, K. J. Carney and R. G. Prael. The only change In tho commission is ousting . j. rock, a resident of Portland, a promoter of Nehalem coal, and ". II. Barker, a resident of British Columbia, neither of whom have as much right to the Office as Carney and Prael. The bill provides that all the police commis sioners shall go out of office In July, 1906, and all three of them shall be elected at that time. This Is no more than Just and equitable. It does not legislate a single man out of office, as bci'h Cook and Barker have been leg islated out of office already. It simply ly appoints two men who are resident and tax payers In Astoria and against whom no one has a word to say. The people of Astoria have put up with the petty policies and political chicanery of the citizens party as long as they are going to, and proposes to see that the provisions of the charter are lived up to. The only other change Is changing the time of the election from December to June. This will save the taxpay ers of the city over $300 annually. 1 legislates no one o.it of office, but con tinues In office a majority of the citi zens for six months. Not only will it be a saving to the city, but It will do away with an election every year. It will not be necessary for voters to reg ister every year, as under the proposed amendment registrations will only be required once In two years, and all city and county officers will be elected at the same time. The amendments made by Senator Tutle will meet the ap proval of nine-tenths of the people of Astoria Irrespective of politics, and the only opposition will be the political barnacles and grafters who live off the public. OOvS O O O S 0 O 0 0 iS O 0 O ffi O 0 O O SOSOXfcXfc:0X) A 0 A 0 A O vf! 0 A o 0 I 0 o 0 o 8 O 0 o 0 s o 0 0 o (A 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 Q 0 m 0 0 0 0 SENSATIONAL CLOTHING NEWS! HirtSchilTncr V Marx Ibnd Tailored To make room for our Spring and Summer goods wc have placed on sale suits ranging iu price from $10 to $18, to go at $8.60 ANY SUIT IN THE WINDOW. These suits arc made by the Hart, Schaffncr & Marks. Crouse Brandagee People and man wearing these garments is wearing the best that of high class tailors can produce Swell Togs for Men. p. a. mm Men's Quality Shop. ooso0isoooeo(:oo030ooosok0!$oo O'0o0'0 O'O'O'O'O'O'XyJO ' Our annual sale Is the talk of the town patrons have been waiting for It don't miss It; come early. C. H. Cooper, the leading house of Astoria. HEDRICRiS' THEATRE THE IMPORTANT EVENT Wednesday, Jan. 25 Next Time You need a pair of Men's, Women's or Children's 8 Honest, Durable !h$ F o r less money than you have been paying try S. A. GMRE 543-545 Bond St. First Notional Bank of Astoria ESTABLISHED 1886 Capital and Surplus $100,000 Saloon Men, Attention! Now is the time to have your places of busi ness made neat and attractive. No one is better prepared to do this class of Decorating than we. We have the materials and the competent workmen. BETTER SEE VS IMMEDIATELY! B. P. ALLEN (& SON JOSEPH JR. and WILLIAM W. JEFFERSON in Sheridan's famous Comedy of Manners HT ie Rivals it Supported by Mr. Jefferson's AlLStar Cast. PRICES i 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 lif Come and See! INTERESTED SPECTATORS have their eyes on Russia except a big bunch of Astoria People, who are more Interested in "Grifiln's Hook Sale." Good reasons for It too $1.25 I'added Leather 65c 50c, 40c, 35c Jlenly Hooks for lioys and Olrlg 25c Special 25c and 35c line now 15c 25 per cent off Children's toy cooks. J. N. GRIFFIN SEE SHOW WIN00W Every Woman . U IdwmUmI .nil ihotid know lH!t Hi. woiiil.rf ill MARVEL Whirling Spray WW TW1KM Bjrl.... IWIK- Konanii liurtitm. IKt i Mint (;onvnlnl. IlllOMMIMlantly. i.k fan innW IW to. if ripi-nnnnnnppij in. MAIt.'KI.. j'.J.it no llloatraud houk-mMi ItdTM I '',', full pnrtlcul.ra.nd rilnwflmia In. i tivIiihI.IMoIh.Hh tnlHVVLCO., 41 Vmik Uvw, Jtaw l.rk. It will be worth your while to call and examine our stock. We will sell all our i 11 Kiln' 8 And BroKen Lots at 25 per Cent. Wherity, Ralston Q Company Money Savers in Footwear. HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel In the Northwest PORTLAND OREGON. -T o f o w o o ) o G 0 co 0 o o-o