The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 20, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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We shall give $10.00 ill gold as a first prize, akd $5.00
as a second prize, to the boy or girl under eighteen years
of age writing the best poem of two or more vcrsesAising
the MONARCH RANGE as subject of the poem. All
poems to be handed in before 6 P. M. on February 16, i$x
Complete House Furnishers. 590-592 Commercial St.
Steel Corporotion Is Crowded by
lb Orders.
Tube, Bars. Plates and Shapes Get
the Heaviest Run Orders for Sec
ond Half of the Year Are Held
for $1 Increase.
New York, Jan. 19 With some minor
exceptions the markets all along the
line have been rather quiet during the
past week and there are, says the Iron
Age, some alarmists who show symp
toms of uneasiness. The very fact that
the trade is producing and consuming
so enormous a quantity for this sea
son of the year seems to inspire doubts
corporation is turning nearly every
wheel which It controls, the manage
ment is forced In many finished lines
to prorate shipments in the order In
which specifications have bvn re
ceived, being unable to till the demands
of nil. The steel corporation is run
ning 94 per cent of its blast furnace
capacity, has every steel plant except
Columbus, in operation: is operutlng
99 ier cent of the tin plate mills, 98
per cent of the sheet mills and is run
nings' full on tubes bars, plates and
A considerable tonnage of ore is be
ing contracted for. - Eastern furnace
men have taken several hundred thou
sand tons of non-Hessemer Mesabti
ores on the basis of t3 a ton as com
pared with 12.40 a ton last year. The
eastern furnaces already have bought
some considerable quantities of Kuro
pean and Cuban ores, while eastern
home producers are crowded for deliv
eries beyond their capacity.
The event of the week has been the
purchase on the part of the steel cor
poration of 2.'.000 tons of Bessemer pig
at $13.50 Valley furnace. Otherwise
the crude metal markets have been ex
ceedingly quiet In all the distributing
The attitude of sellers and buyers
to the futuer has been indicated by the
outcome of some large Inquiries for the
New York Grafter! Are All Being
Women Grew Hysterical Over the
Situation Palmist Knocks Out
Three Coppers With Her Fists.
Loads of Culprits Taken.
"We httve 100 more student than
ever before, and comparative lncrcn.
In the number of teacher. We hitve
Increased the school course to four In
stead of three years, with a year's post
graduate. To meet th. extra excuse
t shall have to raise $:'0,000 this year.
The endowment fund, now $1, '.'00,000,
ought to be Increased."
Installation of Officers.
At Is last meeting rYrn chapter No.
SS. Order Kastern Star, Installed the
following oltlcers: Worthy matron,
Myra A. Reed; worthy patron, W, T.
Schollleld; associate matron, Mary
Bbinml hnf nf th vpr Thp milkprt
as to the possibility of maintaining the I , . . ....
' , , , !asked an advance of 1 a ton over pres
ent prices, which the sellers decline to
There has been somewhat market ac
tivity and an advance of about $3 a
ton in Suelp. There have been a num-
iber of large transactions in Pittsburg,
the eastern and central Pennsylvania
pace, un me oiner nana, me principal
preoccupation of other conservative)
interests is that there may be danger!
of a runaway market as the usually
busy season, snrinsr. approaches. Pow- I
erful influences are arrayed on the
side of keeping prices of finished ma
terials at the present level, with the
possible exception of wire products, and
this causes hesitation on the part of
smaller manufacturers to book much
additional business when they must
cover the raw material at the present
range of prices. Some of them seem to
look . forward to another period of
premiums over official prices for quick
In spite of the fact that the steel
mills participating in the business.
The steel market is quiet. The mak
ers continue confident, and count on
some very heavy orders later on for
the west and southwest.
New York. Jan. 19. Police activity
continued throughout during the early
hours In the campaign against gamb
ling houses and illegal resorts.
A sqihid of officer closed In on a
suspected v jiouse on West Twenty
eighth street and found gambling in
progress. The frightened players
struggled with -the detectives. All
were permitted to escape except two
men who were charged with conduct
ing the place. The furnishings were
Karly in the night raids were made
on two drinking resorts In Twenty
ninth street near Hroadway and sev
eral wagotiloads of habitues were ar
rested. Two or three slumming par
lies got into the police net and the
women members became hysterical
over the situation. They were liber
Palmists and the like appear also to
nave fallen under tile ban. One wo
man was arrested after laying two or
three policemen low with her lists. A
police matron had given her marked
money in return for pretended service.
Do You Fear Consumption?
"When we take Into conslderiillim the
fact that one nut of every seven In
thin t'llmalu die of consumption, In It
any wonder that It la feared by the peo
ple of Astoria, who have weak lung
and chronic colds and coughs?" said
Mr. Uogers, our local druggist, to an
Astorlan reporter,
"A famous Guidon physician has for
years urged IiIh patients, when l.w
Strenmeyer; secretary, ljuira M. slightest tendency u consumption up
lA'Uiiesbei i'y ; treasurer, Kiln Morton; J poured, tit lake all the cod liver oil
conductress. Utile Campbtdl; associate ; posslbl. Into their systems, and physl
condui tiess, Rebecca Ooodln; chaplain, jcltum everywhere have recognised Its
Kllsti J, Hustler; Ada, Augusta Mc- lvalue for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con.
Oregor; Ruth, Ruth Cornelius; Ksther. sumption and all wasting discuses, but,
Til lie Christiansen; Martha, Kate M. .unfortunately few could lake It ami do
Welden; Klecta, Lucy Morton; warder, rive any benelll from Its use, on nc
ivlta Schults: sentinel Louis Hartwlg: 'count of the Indigestible grease which
marshal. Kate R. Stuart.
Past patron, Q. W. Ijounaborry acted
as Installing officer and on behalf of
Kern chapter presented to retiring
Worthy Matron Isabella Cleveland u
beautiful past matron's pin. The cere
monies of the evening concluded with a
bountiful spread and music In the ban
quet hall.
it contained.
"Now." continued Mr. Rogers, "I
want every person In Astoria to know
the value of our new cod liver oil prep
aration. Vlnol. It actually contains In
a concent rated form all of the body
building elements of cod liver oil uc
t nally taken from fresh coils' livers,
.without a drop of oil or grease to upset
11 " 1 I the stomach and retard lis work.
Worst of All Experiences. I Therefore, wherever old-fashioned
Can anything be worse than to feel cod liver oil or emulsions will do good,
that every minute will be your last?! vlnol will do far more gtsd. We
Such was the experience of Mrs. 8. H. 'guarantee Vlnol will Improve the appe.
Neweon, Decatur, Ala. "For three tie, strengthen digestion, make rich
years," she writes. "I endured Insult- md blood, create strength, cure chronic
erable pain from Indigestion, stomach coughs and colds and strengthen weak
and bowel trouble. Death seemed in- lungs.
evltabl when doctors and all remedies, " haw letters from penplf whu
failed. At length I was Induced to 'have been given up to die In consump
try Electric Bitters and the result was t,.n and claim to have been cured l
marvelous. I Improved at once and, vimd. Among others Is the following
now I'm completely recovered. For from Mrs. J. . Hi own of Anderson
Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel nd,:
trebles Electric Bitters Is the only "'Our daughter was on the verge of
medicine. Only SOc. It's guaranteed the grave with consumption. ur fain
by Chas. Rogers, druggist.
jlly physician said she could not possl
I bly recover. She was So weak wi
Our annual sale commences on Tues
day, January 3d; every article In the
store reduced with a few exceptions.
C. H. Cooper.
The Work Was Never in So Encour
aging Condition.
New York. Jan. 19. At the annual
meeting here of the Armstrong Asso
ciation, Interested in educational work
among the negroes an Increase of near
ly 200 members, making the total 730,
was reported. William Jay Schleffelln
was re-elected president. A recent in
novationthat of holding meetings In
nrirate houses, was discussed. Only
comparative strangers to the work
among the negroes have been Invited
to these meetings which have resulted
in many contributions to the associa
tion funds.
j could only give her half a teaspooiiful
jof toil wine at a lime, this being the
j only thing she could lake Into her
stomach. We tried Vlnol, however, and
Reopened Under New Management
John Biaaicn nas leasea me cauror- nt t,.r ,,1, several bottles, our daugh
nla Restaurant and Oyster House andlter wtta u,, nmj taking her meals rg
is now prepared to serve the public
The best oysters and meals In the
city. Family trade supplied. Good
cooks, polite waiters and prompt service.
Greatly In Demand.
Nothing Is more in demand than a
medicine which meets modern require
ments for a blood and system cleanser,
such as Dr. King's New Life Pills. They
are Just what you need to cure stomach
and liver troubles. Try them. At
addressing the meeting. Dr. II. j Chas. RIgers' drug store, 25c, guaran-
B. Frlssell of Hampton institute said: teed.
ularly, and Is now as healthy as sac
ever was. We hop other dear ones
may he saved as ours was, and word
are Inadequate to express our grati
tude to you and your splendid cod liver
oil preparation, Vlnol.'
"If Vlnol falls to give satisfaction to
our customers, we return your money
without question." Chas, Rogers
Great reduction in dry goods and
clothing will be made during the month!
of January at our annual sale, now go
ing on. C. II. Cooper.
Next Time
You liood a pair of
Moii'h, Women's- or
Honest, Durable Jhccs
For less money
than you havu
boon paying try
543-545 Bond St.
1 1 .tlBf I
r oes farthest.
I because It Is most concentrated; I
Is most nourishing,
because richest In cream;
moil perfect,
became most akillfully
It purity la guaranteed
under forfeit of $5,000 lo
anyone able to prove
any adulteration in our
iJ 2 L Or j?L
0 (Oo
488 and 490 Commercial Street.
Are going to tear this building from Stem to Stern, work will commence early in February or just as soon as this stock is reduced in size so as to allow theworkmcn
6 room to begin alterations.
$15,000 worth of as good and fine CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES AND FURNISHINGS as there is in the state is on
Stein Bloch & Co. and other finest makes, or just a notch better clothing than any other store in Astoria handles. S. Danzigcr & Co. always were Astorias greatest
Clothiers, and when the BIG STORE Pens for SPrinS trade we will be still greater, comparing favorably with the best stores on the entire coast.
There are hundreds upon hundreds of
fine Suits that are so low in price that you
cannot afford to miss this sale.
$6.65 for all kinds of $10 and $12 Suits.
$9.65 for all kinds of $13, $15 and $16.50
$13.65 for choice of hundreds of finest
$18, $20, $22 and $25 Suits.
Our entire line of fine garments are
on Sacrifice Sale at the lowest prices
$6.85 for our great $10 and $12 Overcoats.
$8.85 for all kinds of $15 and $16.50
$11.85 for all kinds of $18 and $20 Over
coats. $16.85 for choice of all our fine $22, $25
and $30 Overcoats.
-the best
More than a thousand pairs -
$1.45 for $2 and $2.50 Pants.
$1.95 for $3 Pants.
$2.65 for $4 Pants.
$3.65 for $5 and $6 Pants.
Mackintosh Coats Just Half Price.
$4.90 for $7.50 Suits.
$7.90 for $10 and $12 Suits.
$9.90 for $13.50, $15 and $18 Suits.
$1.35 for $2 and $2.50 Soft and Stiff Hats.
$2.35 for $3 and $3.50 Hats.
$3 for Hawes Hat. As we are under con
tract not to cut prices on this hat we
' will give each customer buying a
Hawes Hat the choice of any necktie or
suspenders in the house.
Our entire stock of Fine Shoes at sac
rifice. $1.35 for odd lot $2 and $2.50 Shoes.
$1.75 for choice of all $2.50 Shoes.
$2.75 for choice of all $3.50 and $4 Shoes.
$2.25 for choice of $3.50 logger's Shoes.
$3.50 for choice of $4.50 and $5 Pine Log
ging Shoes.
13 to 20 Sizes.
$3.45 for $6 and $7.50 Overcoats.
$6.95 for $10 Overcoat.
$9.95 for $15 and $18 Overcoats.
Our fine new fresh stock must be sold.
Let the loss be what it may. Now, men,
boys and women, your time has come.
5c for choice of white and colored 10c
5c for 15c Celluloid Collars, all styles.
5c for 10c Good Quality Cotton Sox.
8c for 15c Extra Quality Cotton Sox.
10c for ladies' 20c fine Bal. Hose.
121.C for Wool Marino 20c Sox.
17c,3 pair for 50c, best quality 25c Wool
35c for best quality Heavy German Knit
50c Sox.
15c for all 25c and 35c Suspenders.
35c for all 50c, 65c and 75c Suspenders.
Hundreds to Select from. The best
and latest styles.
$1.65 for $2.50 Suits.
$2.35 for $3.50 Suits.
$3.35 for $4.50 Suits.
$3.95 for $5, $6 and $7 Suits.
35c for 50c all wool.
55c for 57c extra good.
5c for 10c stockings.
Largest stock of nobby and fresh
styles in Astoria at less than wholesale
35c for Golf soft bosom or Nobby stiff
bosom, also Black Sateen, etc., worth
50c and G5c.
45c for Black Sateen, soft or stiff bosom,
wilh or without cuffs. Worth 75c.
85c for Monarch and other brands worth
$1.15 for all kinds of $1.50 Shirts.
35c for Broken Lots Derby Rib, heavy,
worth 50c and 65c. '
45c for fancy French Bal. Rib, worth 75c.
85c for Ex. Quality Wool, $1.25 value.
$1.15 for Select Quality, $1.50 and $1.75
$1.45 for $2 and $2.50 Best Imported
2 to 12 Sizes.
$1.65 for $2.50 and $3 Overcoats.
$2.85 for $4 Overcoats.
$3.85 for $5, $6 and $7 Overcoats.