The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 17, 1905, Image 1

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VCMU' I'll -
Kansas Legislature Wants
Him to Resign Toja.
Resolutions Will Be Pushed in
Both Houses it Today's
real tent of charity and that social
event like the recent charity ball,
where the display of wealth and bril
liancy I uppermost, tend to "feed pride
rather than the hungry orphan.' for
who benefit they are held.
He aleo criticised the lane expendi
tures neeesaary for luch affaire.
.. Miners Entomb. ,
Ooatur, , III, an. It Five foreign
born miners are dead, and a score of
others are entombed In a coal mine
near here. , Rescuing parties are pre
vented from dels anything on account
of smoke. More than a score of rescu
ers are cut oft by flames, and held
prisoners. They, too, may be dead.
Second Warning as to
Neutrality Agreement.
American Charge Instructed to
Investigate AHejations
of SUys,
Cheeks en Which Kansas Senator Was
Convicted Were Cethed In We in
Ingten and the Ksnsas Court
Had no Jurisdiction.
Tnpeka, Jan. II. A resolution ask
lng Senator Burton to resign was In
troduced In the Kansas house and sen
ate this afternoon, and th matter will
come up for flnal action at tomorrow
session. ; K ( i .
A strong effort will be made to table
the resolutions on the ground that Ben
ator Burton's case Is still before the
courts, and Is not, therefore. properly
a matter of legislative action. '
The resolution recite that th United
Slates supreme court's action In re
rounding the case for a new trial neces
sarily deprives Burton of his usefulness
sa a representative In the senate.
It Is by no means certain that the
resolution will pass tomorrow, but the
senator' enemies, of whom there are
many, will make every effort to push It
Senator Burton was convicted by
Jury of accepting a large bribe to In
fluence legislation In favor of a wealthy
corporation, and hie case has been p
pealed for over a year. The latest In
regard to It Is that the checks which
were used evidence In the Kansas
trial were cashed In Washington, D. C
and the Kansas court had no Jurlsdlc
tUm. This view Is held to be the oor
rect one, and while It doe not clear
Burton of the charge with his con
stltuents, It will annul the finding of
the court which convicted him.
Pork Center Dying of Hesrt Disesss and
Chicago, Jan. 1. lnfluensa Is more
prevalent and more fatal In Chicago
thin winter than at any time since the
epidemic year of 1891, according to
the weekly bulletin of the health de
Twenty more deaths from this cause
were reported during the week.
Investigations by Dr , Robert B.
Preble a medical Inspector for the de
pnrtment, are held to show "there can
be no question that influenza, or la
grippe, I the most Important factor of
the Increase of pneumonia and In con-
sequence of heart disease."
Statistics are quoted as proof that
the deaths from heart disease and
pneumonia have Increased at almost
exactly the same ratio since IMS. The
fuct that the germ which causes pneu
monia also Irritates the membrane
covering the valves of the heart Is
commented on.
Pool Plsysrs Contending for Honors In
St. Louis, Jan. 16. Alfred De Oro and
Grant Ebey have commenced a 600
point match for the pool championship
here. In the opening block of 200 points
De Oro outplayed Ebey, finishing 83
balls ahead. The final score was 208
to 120, the odd three balls being counted
by De Oro in finishing the last frame.
The second block will be played tonight.
Down Purse Proud Psrishoners
for Drsse Psrsds.
' Chicago, Jon. 18. In the Lincoln
Street Methodist Eplcopal church the
Rev. William Halford Pierce has de
dared that "dress parade," Is not s
"Snow In Rome for the First Tims
Ten Years.
Home, Jan. II. Unusually cold
weather Is prevailing throughout the
Mnlnaula. and snow Is even falling In
Rome, where there has been none for MISTCHENKOS LOSES 300 MEN
the last ten years.
On account of tot continued severity
of the weather there Is considerable
suffering among the poorer classes.
from Slnkhotan state that General
Mlstchenko' raiding force, learning
that five Japanese battalions appeared
near Toshlkow, returned northward
and succeeded In Joining the Russian
The loss was about 200 killed or
wounded, the latter being brought
away. .
Senators Nominated.
Albany. N. T., Jn. ll.-Chauncey H,
Depew and Smith Weed were nominat
ed for the office of United States sen
ator tonight at a Joint session held re
spectively by republican and democratic
members of the legislature.
Vi musdef petoedxsuft hvm U8v
talfons Is Costly In Lives Though
the Russisns Suoeeeded In Sav
ing Their Wounded.
General Nog! Gives Exceptional Orders
t His Governor.
Toklo, Jan. II (11 a. m.). General
Nogt has written to the governor of
Nagasaki the following: - "As to the
treatment of General Stoeasel, you will
be advised by the proper authorities,
but It may not be out of place to point
out that Oeneral Stoessel Is now neither
a prisoner of war nor any enemy, but
a foreign gentleman, who meritoriously
served his country and moreover so
honorably performed without unneces
sary delay the complicated task of
transferring the forts and munitions of
Port Arthur that he deserves to be
j accorded full military honors, and I
I commend him to your consideration,"
Washington Will Ballot
for a Senator.
Experts Believe that the Contest
Will Be Long Drawn
WASHINGTON, Jan. II. Secretary
Hay has again called China's atten
tion to the necessity for maintaining
On receipt of Count
Will Not Strike.
Philadelphia, Jan. II. Unofficial re- strict neutrality.
turns from the vote cast by the Broth- Lamsdorffs letter charging that China
erhood of Railway Trainmen employed has repeatedly been violating the neu-
on the Pennsylvania railroad Indicate I trail ty. the Secretary today Instructed
that no strike will result from tht re-1 the American charge at Pekln to make
oent troubles with, the company. 4 Inquiries regarding the situation.
It Is not understood that this govern
Msroonl to Wsd. ment assumes the responsibility of the
Rome. Jan. II. Slgnor Marconi, of Russian charges. Indeed, this govern
wireless telegraphy fame, according to ment nm ot received any Information
La Patrla. is engaged to marry Prince I m Its own representative that the
Mlaclnta R us Doll, aged 21 years, the cnuw lating u rules of neu
vminmt duhtr of Prlnc Francisco trailty. in view, however of Russia
5 r
Russisns Inflict Dsmsgs on Russisns Bills Introduced Repealing the News
paper Libs! Law and Calling for
Adoption of ths Stringent Pre
visions of Psnnsylvanla Ai
and Their Suppliee.
St Petersburg, Jan. II. Oeneral I
Kuropatkln In reporting the cavalry I
raid of January 10 and 11, say:
The Japanese suffered heavy lossea
The Rueslan losses during those two I
days were three officers killed and 10
. .. "j oiympia, Jan. is. Tomorrow noon
wounded." ' 1 .
. , ... .. . , line nouse ana senate in separate ses
The general adds that the cavalrvl
captured a quantity of stores and pris- "on8 WMl Da"01 Ior Lnuea en
oners, and says the captured stores at ator. If the election Is not accomplished
Tinkow were ablaze nearly the whole they will meet In Joint session at noon
night of January 12. Uvr aar until . i. .wti
In Umm'm AIm i ad pruuaDie vuie ior iuc several
Toklo, Jan. II (11 a. m.). It Is re-1 candidates on the first ballot, as tndl-
ported that a Japanese gendarme dls-lcated tonight, is as follows:
a Mormon snd one a Gentile. ,
The Judge said in . ills opinion too
much Importance Is attached to the
church as a political factor, and, as
a matter of. fact, there. la GUIs or no
Interference. 4
Will Not Puroh Property.
A letter received from Samuel El
more relative to the purchase of the Cor
bet and Brown . property bounded by
Bond, Ninth and Tenth street,'' denies
that he is contemplating the purchase.
Mr. Elmore writes as follows:
"Proposition was made to me to pur
chase the property (Main street wharf
dock)! but the price and complications
were such that It did not appeal to
The Astorian published the fact that
Mr. Elmore had concluded not to pur
chase the property on account of not
being able to. secure a good title It Is
claimed that Mr. Corbett made a pro
vision in his will that none of his real
property was to be sold until after fb
explration of 25 years. As to whether
these restrictions applied to Clatsop
county property Is not known.
Oregon Wants Improvements for
the Dalles.
fears the American government Is
ready to do what It can to save China
and th other powers from complica
tions that might result from an ex
tension of the sone of hostilities.
Lamsdorffs letter states that Russia
at the solllctatlon of the United States
has agreed to a localisation of the war,
subject however to China's maintain
lng her neutrality and Japan living up
to ths same agreement
Governor Vstoes Two Bills Tuttls
Gets ths Chsirmsnship of th
Committee on Fisheries and
PIscs en Two Others.
Reussesu Conatrueted Infernal
china in CItv of Crima.
UKUCU IU ALII Seattle. Jan. ll.-Oessler Rousseau
under arrest in Philadelphia, construct
ed an Infernal machine In Seattle three
years ago. The machine was found In
a blacksmith shop, where work was
being done on It Rosaeau was
shadowed, and becoming aware of the
fact, disappeared.
A New Tork, detective was here
looking for Rosseau soon after the In
fernal machine was found, but no trac
was found of his whereabouts.
Salem Jon, II. This afternoon re so
lutlons passed both house of the legis- of Oeneral Trepoff, who was fired at
lature setting forth that the state of while at the railway station yesterday,
Oregon has appropriated $100,000 for Is Poitavatsky, aged II. He was
the purpose of buying a right of way student at the Commercial school at
around the Dalles of the Columbia uoioron. Tne motive or tne attack
river, upon the understanding that the was revenge for the expulsion of Pol
federal government will build a canal tavskye brother for participation In the
and locks. university riots,
The resolutions declare that failure
upon the part of the government to Declare Him Sens.
carry out Its part of the agreement will I Philadelphia, Pa,, Jan. 18. Several
constitute a bad breach of faith. The prominent alienists visited Gessler
resolutions also urge upon the atten- Rousseau today to determine his mental
tlon of the national government the condition. After examination the phy-
vast importance of this work to Ore- slclons said that Rosseau to perfectly
gon, Washington and Idaho. The reso- sane on all points except anarchy snd
lutlons will be forwarded In the usual dynamiting.
course to the Oregon congressional
delegation at Washington. TREPOFF'S ESCAPE.
The governor today returned with
his veto bills amending the Australian lAsssssin 8ixsd and Jailed by th 8ta
ballot law, and providing another Jud. I tion Police.
clal district. The vetoes were sus- Moscow, Jan. II. The man who at
talned. tempted last night to shoot Oeneral
Bills were also Introduced limiting Trepoff, recently removed as chief of
the hours of employment of railway police, was seised by the railway sta
trainmen and other employes, and a I tlon hands and quickly Incarcerated. He
measure to prevent counterfeiting of refused to reveal his Identity or to
railway tickets. make any statement
At the morning seision of the house Oeneral Trepoff had been bidding
Chairman Mills read the appointments farewell to Grand Duke Serjrlus, whose
of committees and clerks. train was Just starting. When the
In the senate President Kuykendall general reached the doorway and was
named the committees, giving Tuttle about to alight his assailant fired three
Astoria the chairmanship of the shots at close range. Two bullets
fishing Industries committee and also passed Into the car and struck a notice
placing him on the committee on coun-1 board In the corridor. The third shot
ties and that of roads and highways, hit the door beside Trepoff.
Bold Hold Up.
Seattle, an. 18. Eleven men and one
woman were held up In a saloon two I Ran Agslnst an Unexpected Fores of
blocks from th police station tonight I Jspsnsss.
Th robbers secured 110 and escaped. I St Petersburg, Jan. 18. A telegram
fevered; a woman about 20, years old
disguised among the Russian prisoners
brought to Nlshlma. She was much
embarrassed at the exposure, and Is
now located In special quarters.
Foster 48, Pile to, Wilson 18, Sweeny
27 The first ballot wlU not be a true
Indication of the strength of any can'
dldate as It Is understood when the
contest reaches the danger 'point sev
eral democratic vote can be called by
the republican candidate If they are
needed. Sixty votes are required to
It Is not thought at this time that a
senator will be elected tomorrow, the
May Be Cleared by Rousseau's maJor"r of the prdIcttoM
Today's session was marked by the
Salt Lak County Clerk Plugs Animafs
Scalps. ' v
Salt Lake, Jan, Jl, Frauds aggre
gating ) if .656 are alleged td have been
perpetrated against the count; gov.
eminent Of Bal Lake and adjotnldf
counties through duplicate payments
of bounties on hides of wild animal
The frauds were made possible by a
system of plugging the holes punched
In the scalps by the county clerk first
paying the bounties. ' .
Ths Mysterious Dynamiter Refuse to
Tslk and ths Polio Is Endeavoring
to Gathsr Information Con
cerning His Movement.
! introduction In the senate of a news
paper libel law which seeks to repeal
the existing libel law enabling a news
paper to escape liability for libel by
publishing retractions In three issues.
The bill is said to be an exact copy of
the stringent libel laws of Pennsylva
Two bills awarding damages to prl
vate persons, vetoed by Governor Mc
Bride, were passed over the veto by
the senate.
The session In the house was short
and unimportant
New Tork. Jan. II. Police officials of
this city hope to have possession of I Packing Plsnt Loss Will Aggregate
Gesaler Rousseau, now under arrest lnl Over $600,000,
Philadelphia, by the middle of the! Chicago, Jan. 18. Fire which broke
week. Inspector McClusky, chief of the out yesterday in the beef storage de
detective bureau, asserts he has suffl-1 partment of Schwartichlld ft Sulsberg
clent evtdence In theUmbrla Infernal er's packing plant Is still burning.
machine affair to convict Rousseau of I During the day 33 firemen were over.
a felony and send htm to prison for a i come by smoke, heat and ammonia
10-year term. The inspector is anxious gas. AU were resuscitated and will
also to see If he can connect Rousseau recover. The loss will be 8800,000.
with the mysterious disappearance I At midnight tonight the firemen
some years ago of the steamer Naronlc, caught their first glimpse of the fire.
in which many lives were lost lit is thought the lard refinery, separat-
At police headquarters the Inspector led by a supposedly fire proof wall, 1
has a bundle of papers and other I in imminent danger. Smoke has al
articles which were taken from Rous-1 ready penetrated the refinery and It Is
seau's room In Mrs. Cu trie's boarding I feared the flames will soon follow.
house at the time he disappeared from
New Tork. The nature of this find has
never meen made public and the in-1 DISASTROUS WRECK.
spector says it may go a long way to
ward clearing up the mystery which Santa F Train Rolls Down an Em
now surrounds Rousseau. The Infernal I bankmsnt In Kansas.
machine sent to the Umbrla has been Wichita, Kan., an. 18. One man Is
preserved and will be brought Into the! killed, two are seriously hurt and 11
Inspector's office today to be used as are more or less Injured as the result
evidence. Inf a wreck of the Santa Fe train north
Speaking of the Umbrla affair the In- bound near Derby today,
spector said: I The train was running 30 miles an
"We found a box of fulminating cape I hour at the curve when the tender
In Rosseau's room In Thirty-first street heft the track, and the entire train of
fter he had disappeared. One of these f0Ur cars fell dowu the embankment
caps properly adjusted was all that
Great German Strike.
Berlin, Jan. 18. The strike of coal
miners which broke out yesterday Is
the most formidable affair of Its kind
Germany has ever had. ! It Is certain to
enforce the idleness of many other In
dustries unless the strike Is speedily
settled. The government to using every .
effort to bring the strike to a conclu
sion. Three hundred thousand men are
Involved.' "-
Statehood Bill Languishes While
Debate on Swsyns's Impeachment Con
tinues in th House Electoral
Vote Will Be Counted on Feb
ruary 8 Smoot Case Heard.
was lacking In the machine to make It I
effective as an engine of certain de
struction We also found In his room I
number of papers and documents,
which may lead to Important discover I
tes now that we have captured him.
"It will probably be four or five!
Judge MeCarty's Views on th Mor
mon Innocenc.
Washington, Jan. 18. Judge Mc-
Carty of the supreme court of Utah
was a witness called for th defense
days before we can go through ths legal ln the Smoot Investigation today, and
he declared there Is a tacit understand-
(Contlanei sa page sifhl). ling In Utah that one senator shall be
Washington, Jan. II. By a vote of
30 to 42 today the senate decided to
consider the cross-town street railway
bill for Washington, but the measure
The statehood measure was discussed
soon gave way to the statehood bill.
tor three hours by Senators Simmons
and Hepburn, both of whom favored
the elimination of Arisona from th bill.
Consideration will be resumed at to
morrow's session, It to stated, but th
end of the discussion will likely be pro
tracted for some time before a vote to
Among other business the senate
confirmed the appointments of Ves
pasian Warner of Illinois to be commis
sioner of pensions and Geo. M. Richer
to be postmaster at La Grande, Ore.
Swayne Case 8till Claims Attention of
ths House.
Washington, Jan. 18. Debate on the
Swayne Impeachment case ln the house
today was exhaustive.
The senate resolution fixing Wed
nesday, February 8, as the date for
counting the electoral votes for presi
dent and vice president, the proceedings
to take place In the hall of the house
were adopted.
8teel Man Dies.
New Tork Jan. 18. Stephen A. Gen-
na, well known In the metal trade, a
member of the chamber, of commerce.
and president of th Vulcan Detlnnlng
Company of Streator, and Sw-
aren, N. J, 1 dead hero from apoplexy.
His bom was In PkUnfield, N, J.