UNOAV, JANUARY 1S, 190S. SPUDS ARE :WAY UP Onions are Strong and May Get Stronger. MLS Vi0:. AV": WINTER COLD rVssh Meets and Poultry Ars High Price and earoa Smalt Ara About Out of Marktt, and Salmon Oolng. In Mb Ion, lt, Coffee-Mocha, 26 0 23c: Java, fancy. 20 32ci Java, good, 2024c; Java, or dlnary, !720c; CoiU Rica, fancy, II Vive; coma Rica, good. 16Q18o; Ar- numies, ut.ZS per 100 noun do: Lion. H5.ZB, Nuis-Walnula, No. 1. soft shell. IIc; No. 1, hard hell. U'ic: Chile, lc; almond, 17018c; filbert. 1416c; nratlia, 16c; pecans, 13tt016c; hick ory, Ic; Virginia peanuts. lOiUc: Jumbo Virginia peanuta, Ic: Japanese peanut, 6 06c: chestnuts, Italian, He; chestnuts, aaattrn. drum, 34.S0: PnAa nuts A . I ftlna lmnMl.l f.MM 4 . . T I . lame rp 111 111 wi mo nn u . , f ,, t, . a , . - .... .... IV.. ,.M I v, UIVMII pronuiw inn"i vi. . " ihmd 4c ' rrovlslons-Hama. to alia. . In a great drgree. The snippers who httm, ... W.B ,,. - .k. ...l),u.n . r -. -. . s"nt. mir "" bacon, breakfast. 14011c: drv marina will reap tne aqvamag- 01 a .id,.,, ,0c; back, dry salt, 114c: lard. J9e to nc advance mai 1a now quoirq ),.,, rendered, tlorcod, 8e, In Ban Francisco, union are Ding Flgs-Whlto, pound. IU06c: black. held by the farmers ana soutnern amp- 607c. ments are likely to be ugnt on acrouni Dates Qoiden, 60-Jb. boxes, 107c: of the good prices that are now on In Mb packages, Ic; Fard, 16-lb boxes, thl market. wi Fresh meata. eggs and poultry are nil . li I. .1 I U... UIJ o.- on a firm bae. ana price n 1 ""hw wi ni, m, in ha the beat that have ruled for aome Hope-28029c. iimn. Fresh flh are scarce, also, and Wool-Valley, 20011c; Baatern Ore .,.!( are h.ird tm get. Cold atoroge gon. 14eilc. lmon atork la alio running very low. Tallow-IVlm. pr pound, 21404c Ruirar la holding lt own. and the ei- o. ana grenae. ?Hc. (lorllni. haa not come, moia i.-irjr ., no. 1, is pounaa . . .. ...ii..- win lu. ul mil land UD. HKBHU.C nound: Arv kin Nn are low ana w 1 - ' ' " 11, b 10 j pounaa, uitf MVic; ary can, rro ,7. ' "."' Z I" hard to get rid of and unlea. 20 Lib. L. I.: f; I" . and careful attention may I '-' It .-...u in D.. !. tr-...i.j- ath Hitters 1 a ladir among medicine to prevent Chill and Cold. It keep the aytem In a atrong, healthy conJI tlon and thu Inaurea you agnlnat the moat Inclement weather. Then It aim cure Oeneral Debility, Kidney irouDiea, uyiptpua, indigtition an Comtlpatlon. W urge a trial. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Woret of All Experience. Can anything be worae than to feel that every minute will be your laat? Such wa the experience of Mr. 8. IL Newaon, Decatur, Ala. "For three year," ahe write, "I endured Inalt erable pain from indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed In evltable when doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was inJuced TRAVELER? GUIDE. alifornia! The land of fruits, flowers and sun nine, wnera an to summer sports may be enjoyed In winter. 55 PORTLAND to LOS ANGELES AND RETURN. reached via THE SHORT ROUTE Beautifully Illustrated booklets and t .folders, descriptive of the many charm naT win ra . 1.. mtri. nut... ..4 it.. Hi.. '"' ui. u ecorva -7 , . 7 ' : from any Southern Pacific Agent, or marvelous. I Improved at once and m7 now I'm completely recovered. Fori j ( v eaa VVPinilf 0. P. An Portland; Ore. an few tmve u'k. Grain Produota, Feed. , wh.iit-WalU Walln. lc; Valley ISc; blue-tern, Mc. Oat-Whlte, 2; gray. 127. narley-HrcvHiig. 121: feed. I22.KO ifav-Tlmothy. Il4flli; clover, U All: cheat. $11012. Mir.atuffa-narley. rolled. $23t0; mlddllnga, 124025; chop. $11; bran 12021: ehorta, I2JC25. Flour Hard wheat, atralght. 14.15 i.lft: hard wheat patenta, I4.7504.M; vaiiav. I4.20a4.78: graham, $4; rye. 15; whole wheat flour, 12.10. Preduee. natter Fancy creamery, tlITHc; dairy. llOlItt; cooking. ll12He. Cfe-Toung America, ltHUc;; Oregon full cream. imC14c. Vmwm rtreeon ranch. 80c; eaatern, t402lc No. 1, undor S pound, l&H'c: dry aalt ed bulla and atag. a third Ice than dry flint; altl hid, teer, aound. 60 pound and over, t9c; CO to 0 pound 7f 7c; under 50 pound and cow, (t1c; atag and bulla, aound, 404Hc kJp, ound, 15 to 20 pound, 7c; under 10 pound. 8c; green (uimnlted), le pr pound le; cull, Ic per pound less home hide, aalted, each, $1.50; dry each, 1Q 1.50; cot' hide, each, 250 50c; goaUkln. common, each, 1 JO 15c Angora, with wool on, 25cG$l; aheep pelts, aa to wool. 10040c each. Liveitook. Cattle 22.7504.00; hogs, $4.5905.50 aheep, ll.2S04.2S. LOCAL PRODUCE. Prlees Furnished by Ron, Higaint Company Th, . . ... ....11 .... rouiur-..a """""-tr:. ". on local produce yesterday: rin. nouna. noi.'Ac; IlflllHc; gee. IQtc; turkey. Uva 15017c: turkeys, dreaaea. xowc; ducks, old, dosen, $4flS; spring ducks, II AT. Honev-Dark. 10Hllc: amber. 120 12c; fancy white, 15c. EM, per dosen, ISc; butter, beat, per rou. i&c; cnicaens, oreaaed. per pound, lie; mallard ducka, pair, II; apples, box. 75c$1.25; oranges, box 12.5048; potato, sack. 11.40; turnip. ck, 80c; carrota, aack, fl. Wild Game. : wild aeeae. 18.60; mallard ducka, 02.51; widgeon ducks, $202.25; ducka, tl.SO. CRITICIZE FRENCH. tl teal Fruits and Vegetable. Fears-tlOl 2. Cranberrlea Per barrel. $11. Apples Ortton, 80c 121. ' Tropical Frulta Lemona, fancy, $3.25 1.50; choice, $3.26 per box; orange, l.!6412.S0: banana. lOSHo per pound; pineapple, I3.S0O4 per doien. Potatoes, Oregon, 100 pound. 10 He: tomatoe. California, per crate Japanese Are Miffed Over Entertain ment of Bajtict Fleet. Toklo, Jan. 14 (Nooii).Tii French are aharply rrltlclxcd for Hriiilttlng the ahlp of the Southi-rn pacific quadron of the Rulan nuvy to imike a .prolongiMl stay . at Mudngiiftciir, Heretofore the JupanwprfHa and peo ple, realising the pecultur ponltlou In which France waa placed,' wri not dis posed to Judge her action too m-veivly, but the Aeahl today auyo: "It la no longer ponlble to overlook the French non-observmice of neutral- 1 in- lumlni nr nftck. 80O70C: cab 1m. ner nound. lK2c: carrota. per nor her dleregord for the obliimtions ck. to atkc. beets, per doien bunches neutral nation. ... r,im in ner Bound: Oregon "Coaling the ahlp of the Second ma f,.ini ii.00M2.2S: aweet Pacific squadron In French ports hue potatoes. I1.60U1.7S per juo pounae Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel trobles Electric Bitters Is tte only medicine. Only 60c It's guaranteed by Chas. Rogers, druggist Sickening Shivering Fits of Ague and Malaria, can be relieved and cured with Electric Bitters. This Is a pure, tonic medicine; of especial benefit In malaria, for It exerts a true curative Influence on the dlaeaae, driv ing it entirely out of the system. It much to be preferred to Quinine, hav ing none of this drug's bad after-ef-fecte w S. Munday of Henrietta, Tex., writes: "My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice, till he took Electric Bitter, which saved his life. At. Chas. Rogers' drug store; price 50c. guaranteed. A BIG RUSH. A large number of Bargain hunter have already crowded Herman Wise's Clothing Store; fortunately Mr. Wise's stock of fine overcoats and suits for Men and Boys Is so large that a great many more smart buyers can get suit ed without trouble; this Is certainly the greateat sale of tint goods In Ore l on. Don't wait too long and be sorry later. NOW Is the time to get spe cial Bargains at Herman Wise's big Clothing shop. WISE knows how. D Schtltx's beer made Milwaukee fa cnou. and is having the same effect on the Grotto. Nothing better on the market THE STAR THEATER Astoria's Fashionable Vaudeville house in eonneotion with 8tar and Ar cade theaters of Portland. Change of Program Monday. Chang, of Aota Thursdays cauliflower, per doaen. 75c4J$l: celery, per dexen, 6505c Fresh Meats snd Fish. Fresh Meats Veal, SHOSc; pork, WittMc; beef, 35c; mutton, 8 5c Finn Crab, per dosen, $1.25; Shoal water Bay oysters, per sack. $4; oy ters. xallon. $2.26; halibut, 7c; black cod, 7c: salmon, Bteelheada, 8V4c; her ring, 6c; flounJera, 6c; catfish. 7c lobsters, per pound. 12Hc; silver smelt, 6e: shrimp. 10c; perch, 6c; sturgeon, 7c; Columbia river smelt, Ic. Oils and Lsad. Coal OH Pearl or aatral oil, casea, 21c per gallon; water white oil, Iron barreU,16Hc; wood barrels,none;cocene ell, case. 25c; elalne oil, case, 28c extra star, cases, 20c; headlight ell 175 degrees, poses, 24Vac; iron barrels, 18c. (Washington state test burning oil, except headlight, Ho per gallon higher.) Benzine Sixty-three degrees, cases 23c; Iron barrels, 15ttc. Linseed Oil Pure raw, In barrels, 62c: genuine kettle-boiled In barrels, 64c; pure raw oil, In cases, 67c; genu ine kettle-boiled in caaes, 69c; lots of 250 gallons, lc less per gallon. Turpentine In cases, 85c per gal Ion. Gasoline Stove gasoline, caaes, S4Ue: iron barrels, 18o; 88 degrees vaaniine. cases. 82c: Iron barrels or drums. 26c. Lead Strictly pure white lead and red lead In ton lots, 7c; 600-pouna lots, 8c; less than 600 pounds, 8V.C Grooerlss, Provisions, Eto. Sugar Golden C. 35.66; powdered, $6.36; patent cube, $6.60; cane, D. G., $l.'.5; fruit sugar, $8.16; beet augar, $1.05; extra cwt 10c; kegs, cwt, 25c; boxes, cwt, 60o (less c per pound, if paid for in 15 days). Salt Bales of 7S-28, bale $1.60; bales of 50-88, bale $1.60; bale of 40-4B, bale culminated In allowing near Admiral Rojeatvensky to remain for, 12 diiyn awaiting reinforcements and In the u of Madagascar a a base of operations against the Japanese lleet. now re ported In the Indian ocinn.- "Such action Is little lens than hostile, and if France Is sincere In her promises of strict neutrality the ships of the Second Pacific squadron ought long ago have been sent away or dis armed. 'Further temporising for the pur pose of rendering assistance to thi Russian vessels, must be considered a serious breach of neutrality." MATINEE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M MONSTER BILL Week Beginning MONDAY, JANUARY 16, NEW YORK COMEDY FOUR In a laughable aketch entitled "Froman's Troubles." HALL AND DAVIS America's greatest sensation "The World's Roller Champions In their Cycle Racing Treadle.' EDITH TALBUT Singing and dancing Soubrette THE FLETCHERS Comedy Sketch Artists ROB KENYON Plutured melodies singing "My Martha Jane." EDISON'S PROJECTOSCOPE. "Hero of Lat Yang.' Admission 10 cents to any seat. EUGrmrjL route avlight ride IZZY CRAGS EEP CANONS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Bee nature In all be glorious beauty, and then the acme of man's handi work. The first Is found along the line of the Denver ct Rio Grand Railroad. tnr latter at the St Louis World's Fair. Your trip wll' be one of pleas uremake the moat of It For Infor nation and Illustrated literature write W. C McBRlDE, Gen. Agt. Fortland, Or. ASK THE AGENT FOB TICKETS TRAVELERS' GUIDE.' Steamer "SUE i. EIFJ0RI The Largest; Staunchest, Steadiest and most Seaworthy vessel ever on this route. Best of Table and State Room Accommo dations. Will make round trip every five days between A S TO R I A AND TILLAMOOK Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railway & Navigation Co. and Astoria A Columbia River R. R. for Portland, San Francisco and all points East For freight and passenger rates apply to Ssmnel Etasre & Co.. Gea'l Agts. Astoria, ore. OB TO A. & C. K. IL Portland, Oregon Pacific Navigation Companj, Tillamook, Oregon O.R.&X. Company, Portland, Oregon VIA Ski TIDE TABLES, JANUARY To Spokane, St PauL Minneapolis Duluth, Chicago, 8t Louis, and all points oast and seuth. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Q The Flyer and The Fast Mail Z SPLENDID 8ERVICE UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT ' C0URTE0U8 EMPLOYES Daylight trip across the Cascade and Rooky Mountains. For tickets, rates folders and full In formation call on or address H. DICKSON, City Ticket Agent 122 Third Street Portland, Or. a a. yerkes. a w. p. a. 112 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. WE GIVE EXPEDITED SERVICE ON FREIGHT ROUTE YOUR 8HIPMENT8 VIA GREAT NORTHERN Full Information from WM. HARDER, General Agent Portland, Ore. Tho WorlcTa Fair Route. Famous Trains The Southwest Limited Kansas City to Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul to Chscago, run via Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Each route offers numerous attractions. The principal thing to insure a quick, comfortable trip east is to see that your tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. :ul Railway. US ROVE. General Agent 134 Third Street, Portland A. & C. R. R. TIME CARD. EFFECTIVE SEPT. 4, 1904. Leave PORTLAND Arrive owm.m 1 roniaoa union 7,00 p.m I depot for Astoria 9.40 p.m Leave ASTORIA Arrive .45 a m ( 610 p.m i for Portland and way points 11.30a.m 10.30 pm SEASIDE DIVISION Leave High Water. JANUARY, Date. SUNDAY ....... Monday Tuesday Wednesday 4 Wednesday ... Thursday .... Friday Saturday . . . . SUNDAY ... Monday 8 Tuesday lei Wednesday 11 Tnuraday 12 Friday ..........13 Saturday 14 SUNDAY IB Monday it Tuesday ...17 Wednesday 18 Thursday 19 Friday 20 Friday 20 Saturday 21 SUNDAY 22 Monday .........23 Tuesday 24 Wednesday 25 Thursday J 8 Friday ...27 Saturday 28 SUNDAY .......2 Monday .........80 Tuesday 81 1905. A. M. ft Hi 8.7 8.9 8.9 8.0 7.0 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.3: 7.3 7.3 7.4 7.4 14 7.5 7.8 8.1 8.6; 9.0 7.2 9.2 7.7 8.0 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.5 8.3 8.21 1.1 h.m 9:02 9:68 10:501 0:0 11:38 0:49 1:80 2:08 2:44 8:20 3:61 4:24 6:00 6:42 6:28, 7:24 8:24 9:25 10:20 11:12 0:25 11:59 1:09 1:50 2:81 8: 121 3:64 4:40 6:29 1:23 1:28 3:80 9:83 P.M. h.m. 10:12 11:10 12:2 ..l:P 1:4 2:20 2:67 8:36 4:22 6:11 6:12 2:.2? a: t 9:49 10:48 11:39 . ; JANUARY, 1905. Low Water, ft. Date. V4 SUNDAY ..... 6.7 Monday ... Tuesday 9.0 Friday .. 8.8 Saturday 8.6 SUNDAY 8.1 Monday . 12:45 1:32 2:19 3:09 4:04 6:05 6:06 7:34 8:84 1.810:05 8.411:06 7.1 Wednesday 6.6 Thursday . 6.1 Friday ... 5.6 Friday ... 6.4 Saturday . 6.4 SUNDAY 8.7 Monday it 6.3 Tuesday 17 14 6.8 Wednesday . ... Thursday ., , .. Friday .... . .. Saturday .. 9.3 SUNDAY . 9.2 Monday . . , 8.9 Tuesday .. 8.9 Wednesday 7.8 Thursday .. 7.2 Friday .... 6.6 Saturday ,. 6.1 SUNDAY . 6.0 Monday ,,, 4.2 Tuesday ... 15 . ...18 ...19 ...20 ...21 ...22 ...23 ...24 ...25 ...2J ...27 ...28 , . . 29. I A.M." P.M. h.m. ft. h.m." ft 2:52 2.5 3:49 0.6 ! 4:00 2.7 4:68 -0.1 I 6:00 2.8 6:60 -0.6 I 6:64 2.8 6:38 -1.0 i 6:40 2.9 7:20 -1.0 ! 7:25 3.0 7:59 -0.9 ' 8:06 3.0 8:84 -0.6 t 8:41 3.1 9:08-0.1 9:16 3.1 9:37 0.4 9:61 3.1 10:05 0.9 10:32 3.0 10:35 1.4 11:19 2.9 11:09 1.9 12:10 2.7 11:64 2. 1:12 2.4 0:49 2.9 2:20 1.8 2:00 8.2 8:24 1.2 8:11 3.4 4:26 0.4 4:21 3.4 6:16-0.3 6:25 3.2 6:02 -0.9 6:13 2.9 6:48-1.3 7:00 2.6 7:311-1.4 7:44 2.4 8:14 -1.2 8:28 2.2 8:65 -0.9 9:15 1.6 9:39 -0 1 10:06 1.7110:22 0.3 11:04 1.611:11 1.1 12:08 1.5 0:08 1.9 1:18 1.3 1:18 3.5 2:31 1.0 8:35 3.0 8:41 0.5 3:47 3.1 4:41 0.0 "Best by Test" A trans continental trav eler says: " I've tried them all and I prefer the North western Limited It's the best to be found from coast to coast" It's "The Train for Com fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. Before itattlnv on & trln no malt where write tor Intenwtlng informa tion about comfortable traveling. H. L SISLER, General Agent 133 Third Si Portland. Oregon. T. W. TIA8DAU, Oeneral PeMenirer Agent bt. Paul, Minn. ASTORIA Arrive 11.35 a.m for Seaside Direct f 6:20 p.m Leave ASTORIA. Arrive TSJ5 for Warrenton, WW ' nammond, a-a.eaU4UVUUf 1 5.60 p.m (Stevens, Seaside n, ) f ude) 7:40 a,m Leave SEASIDE Arrive r tad WS Oregon San Francisco and Portlands. S. Co. 79 hours from Portland No change of can. to Chioago. Depart Chicago rorutnd ipclai .lAa. m. via Huut-I ington 4 :30 p.m for Astoria Direct 1 12 :30p.ra Leave SEASIDE. Arrive 6.15 a. m 9.30a.m (for Warrenton Ft) Stevens. Ham- I mond,Astoria j 9 25 am 7.20 p.m. Additional train leaves Astoria dally at 11:30 a. m. for all points on Ft Stevens branch, arriving Ft Stevens 12:30 p. m., returning, leaves Ft. stev ens at 2:00 p. m., arriving Astoria 2:45 m. Sunday only. Through tickets and close connec tion via. N. P. Ry. at Portland and Goble and O. R. & N. Co., via. Portlani . J. C. Mayo, a P. A. NORTHERN PACIFIC rime Card ot Traius PORTLAND Leaves Arrtvas fuget Bound Limlted.7:36 am 4:41 pm TIME SCHEDULES From POKTJLAND alt lake, Denver, Ft Worth. Omaha. vin wCltj.8t Louis. .oicago ana the East Arrtve (dSpai Atlantic ISS5L ri : K: 1 "rl", umaoa, Kan via llunt- jas City. Ht Louta, Ington iChlcmgo and the East Walla Walla, lewis. BUPanl FajtMail ;ton,8polDe.Mlnn. ;anaasi kane 7:iai 80pi OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDOLST From Astoria AU sailing dates subject to change. For iSan Frnnriern every five days. Dally ex cept sun day atTum Columbia River to runiana ana Way landings 4 m Daily ax-eeplMott Kansas CIty-8t Louie special U:l am 6:46 pa North Coast Umlted 8:89 p m T:99 a Tacoma and BeatUe Night Express 11:46 pm 8:06ypm Take Puget Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Grays Harbor points Take Puget Sound Limited for Otym pla direct Take Puget Bound Limited or Kan sas Clty-Bt Louis Special for natati on South Bend branch. Double dally train serrio oa Oray'i Harbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland, Taooma aad Matttw t jj Steamer Nahcot'a leaves Astoria ea ' the Ude DALLY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR ILWACO. connecting there with trains for Long Beach. Tioga and North Beach points. Returning ar rives at Astoria same evening. Through tickets to and from all prin cipal European cities. Q. W. ROBERTS, Agent. Astoria, Ore. Ms Sontal-Fepsio eapsslss POSITIVE CLT.E Var lDfluomittleii or Catarrh of the Buddcr aad OiMa Kldoaj,. io eare ao fr. Curat anlcUy 4 Parata. aantly lfi wont euaa ot 44nrrh aadtilaat, ao Biath-rot kovkiBf aaa. Inf. Ahaolataly karala. f.i2 ' late. rrta Sl.Ou. or av M.n mt.A aujteoTaia, iba old by Chas. Rogers, 4E1 CfcnKnsrcial