UNOAV. JANUARY 'IV ItM- the MoitKitfo Asf orW 'AstokiaV oregon. SOME i OP - THE "57" Heinz Tomato Catsup, none better, bottle ajcti. Indian Relish, a winner, buttle 40CU. Dill Tickle, Dutch, dozen J5CU. ' Tolly Muitard, nice, bottle 15CU. " Muitard Dressing, bottle 5ct. ' Mince Meat, bulk, pound - 15CH. I.oti of other go d things. ROSS, HIGGINS (& CO. Good Goods Our Specialty, Local Brevities. Home-made aauerkraut, to per lb. Aatorla Orrery Co. ' Hid will opened next Friday at 2 o'clock for ilolnr tht city printing. Special Inducement! offered In dreae and walking aklrta this weak at Foard Stoke Co. Special inducement offered In cook atovaa and air-tight heaters thla week at Foard 6 Stokea Co. There will lm ervlce In nil the churches today. A general Invitation U extended to everyone to attend. Dr. I'ulinit wiim summoned over to llwuro yestcrduy to visit Mr. Murcu Wine, who I reported u very low. ! The .ep Jtlver Hall Association will give a grand bull on Saturday even Ittg January 21 to dedicate their new nun, 1 n simmer nnamrocK will entry Astorlan to the dunce, The commit tee will spare no pain to make the dunce a grand ucces. A marriage waa aolemnlsed at the court house by Judge Seara or Port land yesterday the contracting purtlea being George Hood and Mary Oswarld of Hun LHego, Cal. They arrived on the ateumer Columbia. Judge Retire waa also 11 rmssanger on the el earner. One of the men who have been en gaged In grappling for the body of Mr. Wilson, who was drowned near Oyster vllle last week, returned to Ant or In ye The body of Phillip ConJit of Sea elde, who died at Jacksonville, will ar rive on the noon train today, A dele gallon of the Pioneer Society will meet the remain at the train at noon Phillip Condlt waa a eon of Mr. A. C. Wirt of Wurrenton. HI mother died when he wo an Infant and he wne adopted by Alva Condlt, a reeldent of Cluteop plain. HI mother waa the flrat peraon burrted in the old Clataop cemetery, the grave having been dug by the father of T, It. Morrliion of thla 'Ity. An accident occurred at the logging camp about a mile outh of the Heaslde saw mill by which George McCauley Nuffered a fracture of the right leg be low the knee and hi left leg at the ankle. !! I the engineer of the don key engine ued at the camp and while lug wu being hauled out of the wood,, the butt chain broke and wound uround McCauley' leg with NUfflclent force to break both. McCauley waa brought to till city and taken to the hoepltul. It will te aeveral week be fore he will be able to be out. A convention of the county ae or ha been called to meet at Port land on January 23. The object of the meeting I to dlcus and formulate a more uniform system of a tenement. If an agreement can be reached, a bill will be drafted to preent to the legls lature. It I doubtful If the legislature will tackle any assessment and taxa tion legislation at thi eeion. It will probubly follow the suggestion 0 lerdiiy. They were unuble to find any oovernor Chamberlain and appoint a Our large stock of Reliable Footwear will be aold thla month at a great re duction. Don't ml It Wherlty, Rat aton Co. The Mirror Invitee the public to It annual clearunett ante of fine liUor The fluent good and beet treatment Family liquor atore. P. E. Police Judge Anderson did not come down to hi office yesterday, although he waa able to be out. He will be on hand for business Monday. Superintendent Kearney hue had a force of men repairing the crowning at Sixteenth and Duune treet, where the embankment waa recently wanned out The Imperlul oyater houe 1 pre pared to furnUh Mhoalwater bay oya ter In quantities of plnta und quurta to aupply the family trade. Colonial oyster atwaya on hand. For ealt At CNurton'i feed stable, No, 105 Fourteenth atreet; on Landle'e hajrneas machine; ona Smith-Premier typewriter; ona ! tip motor and bait tng; 1000 good sacks. trace of the body. HuspU Ion of foul pliiy I very alrong and effort will U nuide to ferret It out. The regular meeting of the common council will 1 held Monday nlgiit. An ordinance providing for the Improve ment of Franklin avenue from Twenty fourth atreet to the Ad;ilr claim will probably b panned, ulno a resolution providing for the Improvement of Kx- change street from Seventeenth street to the Clataop mill. commlanlon to druft a law to be pre nented at the session two year hence, No arrangement have been made for the funeral of Phillip Condlt. but wilt probably be made upon the ar rival of hi widow today. He wan a member of the Pioneer and Historical Hoclety of Clataop county and he will probubly be buried under the uunplce of that aorlety. It la probable that (he funeral will take place Monday ut Astoria.' , 4 Our large atock of fin dry goods, clothing, furniahlng gooda and alt will ba placed on reduced eale price dur ing the next 10 daya. C. H. Cooper, the leading houae of Aatorla. The Huotnl Temperance society will give a masquerade ball at Suoml hull, t'nlontown on ftuturday evening, Jan uary 21. Good music und a good time. Admlnnlon 50 rent, mitaqucruder nnd lectutor. A civil service examination win held yealerduy afternoon nt the custom boune by Secretary Croaby for the po sition of day Inspector In the customs eervlce. Jnme H. Met'rue wo the only applicant for the position. ,. The irrepreaalble Dell Scully, who ha been soliciting for the AMorlun In Pacific county, returned yeaterday. He reporta having been royally enter tained by the hospitable people of the county. That hie trip waa a success la atteated by the fact that he turned In 213 aubacribera, which I a greater number than ail the paper of Aatorla combined. The euggeeilons made by the Aato rlun for the annual regatta are reced ing almost unanimous approval by the merchant and all Interested In t.) building up of the city. The plan out lined and the suggestion of the names of prominent men to manage It, meets with unanimous approval. Severa persons whose names were mentioned have agreed to asaume their share of the renponalbllltles. According to the report of Chief of Police Hallock, there are 110 nlckle-ln-the-lot machine In Astoria. These machines pay 11 quarterly license of 37.50 each, amounting to 3125 per quar ter or 3330O a yeur. There I no complaint about bnalnesa at the Star anloon. Good gooda and courteous treatment will draw trade to any flrat-cloaa aaloon. That'a what makes bualneaa good at the Star. The beat la none too good for our customer. At a meeting of the Astoria Women' Club yesterday, It wa decided to com mence Immediate action for cleaning and beautifying the city. Report of the effort of civil Improvement leagues in other cities have stimulated the women ta renewed efforts. The action of the club 1 to be commended and I they should be accorded the unanimous support of the people of the city. According to the newly established grades on Franklin avenue from the Clatsop mill the atreet will be Improved four feet higher than at present, so as to conform with the grade of Commer clul street. Exchange street will be imnroved three feet higher. Thla fill necessitate the raising of all the build tugs on both streets. At the North Purine, brewery It will be necessary to raiHe the wharf around the building. FOR A RAINY DAY by saving money on everything you buy. Wo can help yon to do it if you aelect whatever yon need in fnrnltura from our largo and up-to-date (took. To buy at theao price mean to save a good percentage of tho money you intend to spend. White Maple ftfC AA Bed Room Suits tDlt)aUU CHAS. HEILBORN $ SON Complete House Furnishers. aalAtaia444t4a44 A'A AAA at H.-ven.l of the school directors of t'lutnop county failed to report t.ielr tax levies In time to have them entered on the tux roll. Every paper In the ounty published the date at which the levies must be filed and atlll there are school directors who know nothing about the law. Some of the districts are anxiously waiting to see If the luw passes extending tte time to the nrst of February. Even if the legisla ture should extend the time to Febru ary 1 the bill could not be passed and approved In time for this year. The legislature will not adjourn until Feb ruary 15 and all school law Introduced are referred to a committee which never report until almut a week before the adjournment of the legislature. Those who, huve failed to make their school levies will have to wait until next year. Representative Mayger of Columbia county has Introduced a bill In the leg islature repealing the district attorney law and providing for a prosecuting at torney In each county. According to the bill the salary of the prosecuting attorney for Clatsop county Is fixed at 31000. or the same salary os Is paid a foreman In a Chinese laundry. There Is not an attorney In Clataop county who would accept the position at any such a salury. After contriouung 10 campaign exines. paying rent of an tiiivinir from three to a doxen tickets u day In local entertainments, raffles and loaning out a few dollars occasionally to Impecunious consiliu ms, the prosecuting attorney would have to telegraph home for more money to buy u aquare meal. A competent at torney ought to be puld as much as a Chinaman who awump out saloons or carrlea In wood. The discrimination Is too apparent. PERSONAL MENTION. Dr. Lewis of Seaside waa In Astoria yesterday. : i ' . I t?4 I Benator jay Tuttle will return to Salem tonight, Howell Lewi of Fern Hill waa In the city yeaterday, Ike William of Seaside waa In the city yesterday, F. O. Kelley of Knappa waa In the city yesterday, T. A. Longdon of Dayton wa In the city yesterday. C. F. Taylor of Seattle I registered at the Occident, T. H. Surtls was registered at the Portland yesterday. E. P. Ostburg t4 Blind Slough was In town yesterday. V. G. Uenater of Portland arrlvej in the city lost evening. John Larson of Ferndale waa a visit or In town yesterday, Representative J. V. Burn will re turn to Salem tonight. 8. M. Ramsey of Oregon City la reg istered at the Occident Harry Nelson of Seaside waa a vis itor In Astoria yesterday. Frank Scott of Seaside waa In Asto ria yeaterday on business. V. J. Carney ha returned from buaines trip to Portland. Geo. W. Kaiser of Portland was In the city yesterday on business, Cuptaln A. W. Gray of Knappton was In the city yesterday on business. Howard Lulghton. bookkeeper at the Seaside sawmill, was In Astoria yes terday. F. W. Jackson of Sun Francisco was among the arrivals In the city yester day. Edw. Johnson, a prominent restau runt man of Seaside, was In the city yesterday, Councilman Lebak was able to be out yesterday, and expects to attend to business Monday. F. W. Itaumfartner and wife and Mrs. Carl Stubbe of Portland are visit ing friends In the city. James McDonald of ScotlanJ was a passenger down on last night' train and la stopping at the Occident. B. Vun Dusen returned from Port land, where he attended a meeting of the Lewis and Clark fair directors. 4 . Real Eatat Tranafer. F. Schmidt et a! to 8. Schmidt Co. lots 1. 2 and 7. block 1, Mcciures, 3100, S. Schmidt to 8. Schmidt & Co frontage of late 6 and 3, block 1, Mc Clures, 3100. Slule of Oregon to Nora FlUpatrlek, C9.82 acres In sections 13 and 18. town ship , north of range and 7 west $179.46. C. A. LlndeH et al to Peter Schnltx, 140 acres In section IS, lownsnip o north of ronce 6 west, 3560. William Joplln and wife to Charles Vernchueren. lot 4. block 111, MeCIuree 3600. Sawdutt Law. The following I the text of a bill Introduced In the legislature that Is of especial Interest to Astoria: it shall be unlawful for any pro prietor or operator of any aaw mill or other lumber manufacturing con cern, or of any pulp mill, woodsaw or other woodsnwing or manufacturing concern In this state, or any employe thereof, or any other person, to east sawdust, planer shavings, or other lumber waste to be thrown or dls- harged In any monner Into any wat ers flowing Into the Pacific ocean wtth- n this state, or the Columbia river. or to deposit the same where high wat ers will take the same Into any such waters, or the Columbia river. Any person or persons, firm or corporation lolatlng any ol the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of n misdemeanor, and upon couvlction thereof shall be lined In a sum not les than 350 nor more than 3500. and costs for each and every offense OH, GIRL8I Everybody sings, hums or whistles the ne and popular song. "Teasing;" In bia original way Herman Wise bead his ad, on the last page of today s Aa torian with a. couple of new verses. Girls, when your best fellow calls on you have him join you In singing those two new verses; It will make him feel Jolly and susceptible of your charm ing Influence. In the meantime practice Mr. Wise's verses, so that you will know them by heart, and your Heart will be ready for the occasion. THIRD ANNUAL Clearance iSale GREAT BARGAINS IN WAISTS Our entire waist stock to go at jne-half price. 31-00 Waist 0 1.50 Waist J5 2.00 Waist 125 2.50 Waist 1.75 1.00 Waleta ZOO '; BOYS' CLOTHING Great selling of boys' winter clothing. Prkea reduced lower than ever. 33.00 Suit H0O, 1.00 Suit 150 4.00 Suite ISO 3.00 Suit MS LM Suit iM GREAT BARGAINS IN SUITS AND COATS Unrestricted choice of our en tire line of. ladles' Coats and Suits at price never before beard of In the history of cloak and suit selling in Astoria. 115.00 Sulta at ....$8.00 17.60 Suit at 9.50 20.00 Suits at 11.50 25.00 Suits at ............ MM 30.00 Suits at ............ 17.50 CHILDREN'S COATS One-half Price on all Misses and Children's Coats. We are determined to carry nothing orer. So come early and gat the cream of the coat stock at one naif price. . r., if $10.00 Coats'. 15-00 1.00 Coat k 4J0 1.00 Coat. .;...t.:4.A',.iV.. 4JQ t.0 Coat 180 ; ,i-M Coat 3X0 (.00 Coat '. IBO FINE LACES This lot comprises an assort ment of laces from I to I Inches wide that always retail at 10c to 15c and 20c a yard, your choice of the lot and as many yards as you want ................So yard Horse Department Store 508-510 Commercial St. Where Everybody Likes to Trade Clearance Sale,.. ON BOOKS AND PICTURES THIS WEEK , . la ... ''! j SVENSEN'S BOOK STORE Church Notices. German Lutheran church, Grand avenue Sunday school 10, services at 11. Instructions In German Saturday at 11:30. The First Baptist church will ob serve Its usual services Sunday anj extends a cordial Invitation to all not otherwise engaged to attend. Service at the First Lutheran church, 1717 Franklin avenue, Sunday as follows: Morning service In Swed ish at 13:45; preaching by Rev.Leonard Alexander; evening service In English at 7:30. Preaching by the pastor, Rev. Gustaf E. Rydqulst. Subject, "Wise Unto Salvation." Everybody cordially invited. First Congregational Preaching at 11:30 and 7:30 by the pastor, Rev. Lu ther D. Mahone. Morning service, "Christ's Foes and Friends;" evening, "The Church and Its Relation to the Laboring Man and His Material Wants." Sunday school at 12: 20. Chris tlan Endeavor at 6:30. The regular services at the First Presbyterian church today, the pas tor preaching both morning and even ing. Special music a feature of those services. Miss Stella Stevenson, solor- Ist for the morning service, while Mr, Frank Carnaham Is expected to sing in the evening. A cordial welcome to all. ANNUAL BOOK SALE - Another Annual Clearance Sale, all new goods that we have only one of a kind or wish to close out for some reason at 25 to 75 per cent discount. See the show window, then come in and look over the Bargain Counter. J. N. GRIFFIN PEOPLE LIKE A HUSTLER! Greatly in Demand. Nothing la more In demand than a medicine which meets modern require- menta for a blood and ayatem cleanser, such as Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are Juat what you need to cure stomach and liver troubles. Try them. At Chas. Rigers drug atore, 25c, guaran teed. People like an aggressive man, whether It be at baseball, football or business; hence there is no secret about Herman Wise's popularity, whatever he undertakes, Mr. Wise puts life and ginger into the work. Every movement proclaims him a master in his work. Take this clearance sale for In stance. While some clothiers excuse themselves for their alleged Reduc tions, because they are going to do this or that, Herman Wise comes bold ly out and tells the public that he has a real sale, because this Is the month for sale and because his stock Is en tirely too large; in fact, as large as any two clothing stocks in Astoria com bined, and then he puts the knife into the price of every arti ie In his fine store; not only on a few odd, out-of-date things. When you go Into Herman Wise's store, you feel confident that you will be treated equitably and you go away satisfied and you are a "WISE Customer" for keeps. j Saloon Men, Attention! Now is the time to have your places of busi ness made neat and attractive. No one is better prepared to do this class of Decorating than we. We have the materials and the competent workmen. BETTER SEE US IMMEDIATELY! B. F. ALLEN . SON Come and See! It will be worth your while to call and examine our stock. We will sell all our 1 He Foil 1 n i And BroKen Lots at 25 per Cent. Wherity, Ralston & Company Money Savers in Footwear.