WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 19W. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. 5 DON'T COOK! Cook's Flaked Rice Made Instantaneously PER PACKAGE 20 CENTS ROSS, HIGGINS CO. Local Brevities, Home-msds sauerkraut, 6a per lb. Astoria Grocery Co. Special Inducement offered In dress and walking aklrt thl week at Foard A Stokea Co. The (1. A. II. and W. It. C. will hold a joint Installation of officers tonight at their hall. Our large etork of fine dry gooJs, clothing, furnishing rood and all will be placed on reduced ale prlcea dur ing the nest SO day. C. II. Cooper, the leading houee of Astoria. Kvery oinull boy la coasting In the front-laden sidewalk the lust few morning. There are many absence from school, and the drug store are making their winter clean-up on ur- nli a. There la a large amount of baggage and package accumulated at the A A C. rallroud depot for which the own- There la no complaint about bnalneaa at the Star saloon, Oood goods and counsou treatment will draw trada to any flrat-elaaa saloon. Tbat'a what make buslneaa good at the Star. Tbe beat la none too good for our customer. It I reported that Mr. E. Olaser will build an aJdltlon to the Bay View ho tel In order to accommodate the fast Increasing business. The Bay View, under the management of Mr. Olasser I becoming a popular stopping place, The Oregon state board of pilot com missioner held their regular monthly meeting yesterday. Licenses were re newed for I'llots Krlck Johnson and A. A. Cann and the river branch held by Captain K. Sullivan. No other busl tiPHN whs transuded. Dr. O. R Kates has a fine collection of surgical Instrurrfcnt nml all late Inventions and yesterday added a Heinze X-ruy machine, which was In stalled by M. Itlssllon of Portland. It Is the finest one made anJ took first prlxe at the Ht. Louis fair. NEW COURT HOUSE Work to Be Resumed As Soon As . Legislature Passes New Law. CONTRACTORS ARE SATISFIED Bank Will Cash Warrant a 8oon a the Legislature Pte Law Em powering the County Court to Levy a Special Tax. ' at Foard 8tokea Co. Cha. Hellborn ha received a num ber of poem from those competing for Our large stock of Itellable Footwear will be sold this month at a great re duction. Don't ml It, Wherlty, Bal aton Co. Great reduction In dry good and clothing will be made during the month of January at our annual sale, now go ing on. C. II. Cooper. County Judge Trenchard left for Sa lem last night, where he goes to se cure speedy action on the bill to be Introduced giving the county court au thority to levy a special tax of S mills running through a series of years to build a court house. An effort will be made to have the bill passed this week. It being a local bill the legisla ture usually passes them through both houses In one day under suspension of the rules. The contractor had a consultation with the county court and agreed to commence work as soon as the bill becomes a low. It Is understood that the bank will take the warrant ai heretofore and when the work Is again commenced It will be rushed through The January run of steelhead art;,,, ,.,,, for a few dliy b.fore arnl. n" r !""ble and effort Is being coming In the river d are report e. ,, lon ln lm, ho,, ,, h mnv reeover I 10 complete the building within to be of fin quality. The price paid ,, ,.B(.(h. ,n,.nr, .,. , ,h(. ay. the time mentioned In the contract Is from 3 to t cent. uln, As soon as the law Is signed by th.) governor, a meeting of the county court I will be held and the tax levied. A fund will be created known as the "court house fund." upon which all warrants At the Installation of officer of the Eastern Htur, Mrs. Cleveland was pre sented with a past matron' pen, em blematic of the order. The presentation was mode by G. W. Lounsbury. Mrs, Special Inducement offered In cook U c railroad deoot for which the own- Oveland. although surprised, respond- stove and alr-tlght heater thla week,,rll hlV, ftt)M , ,, A1, ot the pr0,,. cd appropriately and feelingly. erty will be sold at auction the latter ; port of the month. , w)lge ,.;fl)(.r the Worrenton man - arrested for Insanity. Is still In the A number of fishermen are out oii.u,.,v lai i imdv d.mientert .tote the Monarch range to be given a i river and report fairly good catches ! though he knows where he Is. He will prise. Work on the new si'tinolhouse on tile Ij-wIn and Clark In school dlsertet No.' 17 will be commenced In a few Jays Thi lumber and material ore on the ground and It will be completed In time for the next term of school. I. I. Jones was arraigned In tile Justice court yeiiterdny morning on n charge of obtaining money under false City Auditor Anderson Is still con fined to his home with an attack of grippe. Burveyor Tee Is otTlclutlng n auditor during Mr. Anderson'a shknes Our annual aale commence on Tues day. January Id: every article In the store reduced with a few exception. C. 11. Cooper. The report that a meeting of the clli sen of the west end, a mob would throw the two saloon In the rlvef unle aJosed up, Is Indignantly de nied by the people of Unlontown. They are a law-abiding people and have con fidence that the proper official will see that the law la enforced. They are opposed to being called a mob. MesNrs. Jack Johson, Frank t'ook Hob McLuIn and Iem Howse left on the boat yesterday morning for Woody In land after snipe. They took along u refrigerator boat for the bird. It wa seen coining down the river about dunk heavily loaded. amlnatlon. He was bound over to tha circuit court with bonds fixed at $300 Not being able to furnish bonds he wai committed to jail. will be drawn. The warrants will draw 6 per cent lnte,.-t and are considered a good Investment. Funeral Next Week. A typographical error In Rundaj morning' Astorlan made the headini Mrs. Thomas Peterson now has the of Prmnn Wlse',i reader read ... B. I contract for feeding the prisoners at nulte when t ,hou)(1 ave read A THIRD ANNUAL Clearance iSale GREAT BARGAINS IN WAISTS suit selling In Astoria, Our entire waist .tock to go at ,18 0 8u,u at M .tr h 1U0 8nlt at jne-nair pneo. .. 20.00 Suit at 11 JO 11.00 Waists -50 25.00 gu,u at HM 1.60 Waists .75 so.OO Suits at 17.50 2.00 Waist. 1.25 CHILDREN'S COATS 2.50 Waists 1.75 One-half Price on all Mlsse 1.00 Waists 2M and Children' Coata. Wa are BOYS' CLOTHING " to carry nothlnf BOYS CLOTHING So com. early and get th Great selling of boy winter cream of the coat tock at one- clothlng. Prices reduceJ lower half price, than tver. $10.00 Coat ....... tSJOO' $6.00 Suits $4-00 J.00 Coat 4.50 6.00 SulU 3.50 1.00 Coat iOO s-00 Suit 2.50 7.00 Coat ZM 1.00 Suit 1J5 1.00 Coat ....s&OO 2.60 8ult 1.48 6.00 Coat ...iv 50 GREAT BARGAINS IN SUITS JZfL n- AND COATS ment of laces from I to inches Unrestricted choice of our en- wide that always retail at 10c to tire Un of ladles' Coats and 16c and 20c a yard, your choice Suits at price never before heard of the lot and a many yards as of In the history of cloak and you want 5 yard Norse Department Store 50S-310 Commercial St. Where Everybody Likes to Trade K. Itolfe of Hkumokuws, a brotn- , clerk In the ator to attend to the cus Among the new defenses suggested tomers, but everyone was waited on for Pacific coast port Is a wireless promptly, and were more than pleased nary rumor that are often annoying If people would only tell what they know, It would aave a lot of trouble In thl world. Special Offer! White Maple Bed Room Suits U s II a 1.... . v .1 1 ' cuumy are rcjU.t.,. (f RuHh ., Everyone who knowg H(ir. greatly thereat. Mrs. Peterson secured ,,, wlfMS and hl, mannw of donf the contract at a higher rate than was ibuMneM knowll ,hnt when he ,tartf given the restaurants, and there Is , a Mle ,t mennl a b(f ruh and ,hf hi mi ilaiiKer I hp nrlaonera mnv trv to1 . . . ... . .. er-ln-law of Mrs. Marie Baylor, wnol ,,, " af.' they are released 1 ale no Pn . drnrd In .hat l,u-e. was in thebW'k re r'?tt'M,' rule. It required the efforts of ever3 city to Investigate rumors that she had leen seen In Astoria. People who have no knowledge of any event or nerson busy themselves by circulating Imagl- t6U,ru,h Major Langfitt and wlth the bargains they secured. These nary rumor that are often annoying, CftP,aln Hellner of the lighthouse erv- aale ore conducted on trlctly busl- ice have been Instructed by the navy hes principles, and deceit Is not prac department to make an investigation tlced or allowed. When Mr. Wise ad and report at the earliest practical mo- J vertise anything be does Just as he ment. The service will be put In op- advertises and lives up to the very let eratlon at Cape Disappointment, con-ter of Inducements offered. He Is not netting with prominent points and In business for a day or a month, bu' lighthouse bout at the mouth of he has been in business for 26 years and Columbia. expects to be in business for 25 yean longer. Wise ought to be rich, and The action of the common council In n woulJ b w're 11 not for th facl ordering the sign boards removed meets, hat he divides his profits among hlf with unanimous approval of the public (customer and the people of Astoria It Is probable that Councilman Belland, Clatsop county In contributing lib will Introduce an ordinance at the to all public enterprises. He ha.' meeting of the council next Monday Contributed more money to build up A nlght declaring them all a nuisance torl 'ts industries than all the and providing for their removal. They 0,her merchant combined, and this li are not allowed In any other city and n0 "ruse." It I a fact, which every the general opinion prevails that theyn Astoria well know. Wise I should be removed In Astoria. iher 'r business and he is doing It and will continue to do It. You can't keep a good man down. The funeral of the man who made the mistake wilt occur next week. Clearance Sale... ON BOOKS AND PICTURES These Bed Room Suits are all well made, have French Plate Mirrors and are a bar gain for the prioe. CHAS. HEILB0RN a SON For Fine Furniture. Come and See! WARRENTON NEWS. Councilman L. Lebuk was suddenly stricken with an attack of paralysis yesterday morning while superintend ing some work. He had a light attack once before una remising mat u was coming on. he sat down. Dr. Pinch v , u ..... , . yi inn xieriutt iiuubuii lias vtvu vibii wan Hillrd and he wan conveyed to , . . . i-i il,lK the Misses Dawson for the past Vila h,ni. I rt Want Aatnflil iJiiar- llr I ' (. H. Kstes was culled, he being the! family physician. Dr. Estes report! that the attack Is a light one and a ; message received fSom Mr. Lebuk's home last evening stated that he wn getting along nicely and there was no doubt of his recovery. It will be worth your while to call and examine our stock. We will sell all our II And Broken Lots at 25 per Cent. Wherity, Ralston Company Money Savers in Footwear. A BIG RUSH. A large number of Bargain hunters have already crowded Herman Wise's Clothing Store; fortunntely Mr. Wise's stock of fine overcoat and suits for Men and Roys is so large that a great many more smart buyer can get suit ed without trouble; thl Is certainly the greatest sale of fine goods In Ore gon. Don't wait too long and be sorry later. NOW is the time to get spe cial Bargain at Herman Wlse'a big Clothing shop. WISE knows how. c. She returned to Astoria on ! Monday. i Dr. Van Poole of Ft. Stevens was calling professionally In Warrenton Tuesday. Hiram Gray has moved to Flavel He will not rebuild on his property In Warrenton. Both mills are running at present The Warrenton Shingle Company shut down for a few days on account of d- luy In getting a raft of logs. J. W. Townaend has been confined to the house for a week with grip. He Is Improving and will be at his place In the store In a few days. Jake Kahn was In Warrenton Mon day buying hides, etc., at the slaugh ter house. The Misses Hallgrimson ' were shop ping' In Astoria Monday. Mrs. J. W. Munson made a trip tr the city Monday. 3 J " 1 Jit') -..ei " v; THIS WEEK ClCilCCllfC DIsfll CTAnF OVLiioLni 0 DUUi 3IUUL $10 REWARD We shall give $ in gold as a first prize, and $5.00 as a second prize, to the boy or girl under eighteen years of age writing the best poem of two or more verses, using the MONARCH RANTiE as subject of the poem. Al poems to be handed in before 6 P. M. on February 16, 1905. CHARLES Complete House Furnishers HEILBORN (SL SON 590-592 Commercial St. T7HE holiday season over, the Big Store, with its immense corps of efficient helpers, is busily engaged in the work of readjust ing stock preparatory to our annual stock taking, which takes place the last of this month. You'll find this a very oppor tune time to supply yourself with every household need at a considerable saving. We haven't the time nor the space to enumerate the many bargains that are here awaiting you. Just drop in and take a look. You will find a perfect cavalcade of irre sistible values Here to greet you. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS offered in Cooking Stoves and Air-tight Heaters; . Let us send you a Bonetia Sewing Ma chine on trial. Your credit is good. Price$30.oo; $5.00 down, $1.00 a week. foard u mum G. Astoria's Greatest Store J