SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1008. THE MORNING ASTORIA, A3T0RIA, ORKGON. 7 t C1VIXTC I If LL 1 U 01 HIGH Sut(ar Men Are Fighting Like Kit kenny Cats. lamt Mad Their Appaarana Yaatar day for the Firat Tima In Thraa Wtaka-Chtokana Ara a Vary oaroa Artiole Price Up. Portlnml, Jan, 4. The local driller ara mu'h exercised over a circular thn. hna been ent out from Hun Krandaeo govrrtilnK the altuntlnn In sugar. The augur altuatlon hiia ben am that the denier have "laid low" waiting for reduction, aa tha fight between tha J'mino and the Hnvemeyer Inter a(a developed. They hava bought no augur and It la a (juration now whether tha warring faction will comhlna tn their own Interest and 'aonk" tha re taller a, or whether their enmity la mora than akin d-ep und they will fight each other. In tha latter event the retailer will he compelled t' uy what the augur men ak. Qulen aub? Truo to their name hoia hava hupped, they did It on the umeiullng aculr, and the prlca today I 20 cent. Three thou nil itniMa unrt. mi.i.i iiv u i ui '.itiiit nrni - . ...... ..... ...... ..,i.M-. V....... ai nun irii c jrvmrriiu y, unu wmi vym o up beer will go Jown hut not In price. Five renin U ailll the ruling quotntlim on "schooner," Kdltura of chicken Journal ure w.p lug teara Ilka unto tha outpouring of Niagara. Any old hen or dbllltattj roomer will aell for whiittivvr tin hungry purthaner can atnnd. They're awful high. Clam, fur the ftret tint.) In thiiM week, were In the market, hut they didn't atay. The 6 a. tn. purchuaer got them all. The aupply will prolmh ly be better In a day or twu unit- nmr atorma dlxturb thi beda. Oraln Produot, Feed. Wheat Walla Walla, lie; Valley, 17c; bluealem, 17c. Oata White, 128; gray, I JO. Barley-Brewing. 122.60; feej, $21.60. Hay Timothy, 14i 16; clover, 111 12; cheat, III!!. Mlllatuffa-narlay, rolled. I2S.89; middling, $Ii25; chop, tiffl; bran IIO011; ahorta. I2SOIS. Flour Hard wheat, atralght, 14.160 4.11; hard wheat patenta, M.76M.I0; Valley. M804.76; graham, 14; ry. II. Produoe. Butter Fancy creamery. 26027Vc; dairy. 1J4J1J4; cooking, 12413Vjc. Cheeaa Toung America, 14ttl6c;; Oregon full cream, lS414r. Kgga Oregon ranch, 2HHc; eaatern, aaatern, !4J!c. Poultry Mixed chicken, per pound, lie; aprlng, pound. llOUHc; hen. lHlllVic; geeae, ?Ttte; turkey, live 17fltc; turkeya, dressed, l022Hc; ducka, old, doien, $496; aprlng duck. $T. Honey Dark. lOViOllc; amber, 12 ISc; fancy white, He. Wild Game. Wild teeae. 12.60; mallard ducka CiS.60; widgeon ducka, 1202.26; ducka, tl.60. 13 teal Fruit and Vegetable. rear a 1101.25. CranberrUa Per barrel. $11. A pplra Oregon, 60c1.25. Tropical Frulta Lemon,' fnncy, $1.26 fliJ.SO; choice, $3.25 per box; orangea, J.2SO2.60: banana, $ot6V4o per pound; pineappie. ij.ouiu per um.-u. Potatoea, Oregon. 100 pounJa, $1.00: tomatoea, California, per crate, $1.26; turnlpa, per aack. 60(0,70e; cab bagea, per pound, lHT2c; carrot, par aack, 4075c; beet, per doen bunchea 16c; egg plant, 6c per pound; Oregon onion. 100 nound. I2.00dfj.26; aweet potatoea, $1.2601.60 per 100 pounda; cauliflower, per doxen, 7BcJf$l; celery, per doxen, 66066c. Lead Strictly pur white lead and red lead In ton lota, 7c; 600-pound tola, le; le than 600 pounda, l!c. Oroeerlee, Provision, Eta. Buger Oolden C, $5.66; powdered, $1.16; patent eube, $1.60; earie, D. a., $1.16; fruit augar, $6.15; beet augar, $111; extra ewt. 10c; keg, cwt., 26c; box, cwt., 60c (leaa 14c per pound, If paid for In 16 daya). Ball Bale of 76-2a, bal $1.60; balea al ll-3a, bal $1.60; balea of 40-4a, bale $1.60; balea af 16-10. bale $1.60; baga, 50a, fine, ton, $9.60; bag 60 lb., genu kaa Liverpool, ton, $17; bag 60 lb., H ground, 10, ton, $5.26; R. 8. V. P., 10 l-lb, carton. $2.25; It. S. V. P.. 24 l-lb carton, $1.75; Liverpool lump, ten, $16. Coffee Mocha, 260'2ci Java, fancy, 26.. U 32c; Java, good, 203524c; Java, or dinary, 1720c; Coat a Rica, fancy, IK 20c; Coata nica, good, 16tHic; Ar buckle, $15,25 per 100 pound; Lion, $16.25. Nut-Walnuta, No. 1, aoft, 13c; No. 1, hard ahell, 1314c; Chile, 13c; almond, 17013c; filbert, 14915c; Praxlla, 18c; pecan, 13tt16c; hick ory, 8c; Virginia peanut, tic; Jumbo Virginia peanut, 3c; Japanese peanut. 6 (lie; chestnut, Italian. 14c; chetnut(, eaatern, drum, $4.50; ro''onnut, dnxen, 30c. nice Imperial Japan, No. 1, $3.37; No. 2, $4.25; Carolina head, 6c; broken head, 4c. Provlalona llama, to alxe, !24c; hama picnic, c; bacon, regular, lie; bacon, brenkfat, 1413c; dry aatt side, 10c; back, dry aalt, c; lard, kettle rendered, tlerced, 4c Mg"Vhlte, pound. 6'40c; black, 6P7c. Date Onlden, 60-lb. boxes, 6tt7c: lb package, Sc; Fnrd. 15-lb box.?, $1.40 box. MR. CHAS. ROGERS OUR LOCAL DRUGGIST. Say That tha Wonderful Popularity of Vinol I Due to Intrlnalo Merit Hop, Wool, Hid, Etc. llop.2tl 30c. Wool-Valley, 20f 21c; Kanturn Ore- gon. Ityisc. Tallow Prime, per pound. 3 4"; No, 2 and grease. 2MiiSv. 11M.'-Iry hldea. No. 1, 1 ound and up, HitVc pound, dry kip, No, 6 to 1 pound. 13ft Hr; dry call, No. 1, under 6 pound. 15'Ae; dry Rail ed bull and tag. a third Icnn than dry flint; Railed hide, Hteer. nound, 60 pound and over, SSc; 50 to (0 pound 7WVic; under 60 pounda and cow, 1 4tT',4-; Rtag and bulla, aound, iitiSic; kip, ound, 15 to 20 pound, 7c; under 10 pound, $c; green (unaalted), 1c per pound leaa; culta, 1c per pound lta; home hide, Railed, each, $1.60; dry, each, $1411.60; colt' hide, each, 25 60c; goatkln, common, each, DftlSc; Angora, with wool on, 25cCTIl; cheep pelta, aa to wool, 10 60c each. "Tha Intrinsic merit of thla new cod liver oil preparation, Vlnol," aald Mr. Hogera, "I beijlnnlrig to be realised by the people of Aatorla. of ioure In my poltlon aa a drugglat I have aeen In numerable medlclnea nd proprietary article lntrolured, but never In my long experience havtf I ever known or heard of a medicine that would proJuce more beneficial reaulta than Vlnol. "I attribute thla to the fact that Vlnol contalna In a concentrated form alt the medicinal etementa contained In cod liver oil, actually taken from freah cod' liver, but without a drop of oil or greae to nauiteate and upaet tha Rtomnrh, and It contain no alckenlng drugs. "A prominent phyalclan write: "Vlnol In the mot valuable preparation of cold liver oil known to medicine. It la of untlld value to creat atrength and build up the general ayatern for old peo ple, weak women and children, and It ha no equal for hard cold, bronchial and all lung affection. "In caae where cod liver oil, emul Hloti and other tonic fall, Vlnol will heal, atrengthen and cure. "There are hundred of people right here In Aatorla who can teatlfy that itheer I nothing eyual to Vlnol to make ricn, rea olooj, to tncreaae tne appe tite, cur atomach trouble, give trength and renewed vitality to the nged, build up the run-down, tired and debilitated, make the weak trong, cure chronic cough, cold and build up the convalescent. "We freely offer to return your money In every caae where Vlnol fall. Try It on thl guarantee.' Cha. Roger, drug-glnt. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. alifornia ! Tha land of fruits, flowers and aun- hlne, where all tha summer sports may b enjoyed In winter. $55 PORTLAND to LOS ANGELES AND RETURN. reached via THE SHORT ROUTE Beautifully Illustrated booklets and folders, descriptive of tha many charm ing winter reaorta, may be cecured from any Southern Pacific Agent, or addreae W. E. COMAN, Q. P. A, Portland, Ore. Livestock. Cattle $2.75414.00; bog, $4.605.60; Rheep, $3.2504.25. pi mm D ELIGimUL IIOUTE AYLKillT HIDE IZZY CRAGS EEP CANONS Sickening Shivering Fit of Ague and Malaria, can be relieved and cured with Electric Bitter. Thla la a pure, tonic medicine: of eapeclal benefit In malaria, for it exerts a true curative Influence on the disease, driv ing It entirety out of the ayatem. It la much to be preferred to Quinine, hav ing none of thl drug bad after-ef fecta " 3. Munday of Henrietta, Tex., write: "My brother waa very low with malarial fever and jaundice, till he took Klectrlc Rlttera. which saved hi life. At. Chaa. Rogers' drug atore; price 50c, guaranteed. I You Can Be Cured. N. II Cedar Terrace, Hot HraiR, Aaa., AprS M, IMS. Whan I ww firttmnrltd 1 found that my itrcagth tad keallh wir gradually dlmlnlihlBf. 1 became nervou and Irritable, and la bed a ok and hdiIIdh Iti dari of f ery month, and had Interne benrlnf down pain. My hntband had the sett phytteiaa for me and I ued hi medicine lor nearly four aumthi, bnt I g radnally grew wonw, bad U itreogU, and Inally, 1 wa aaabl to ! aurbedatall. . .. . A frit nd who wa tiling ea me brought aw a betUe of Vint of Ctedul and mi ao loud la lla Praia thai 1 told her Uitt I would take It to pleat her. " . I wti ivrprtted and pleattd thtt before I had ated tha bttUt I nelly botllM breniht back myloil betllh f - '. . -f tfft aad treafU, aad I bar Ml bad a CAU 7 t''xf lekaay la tUawalh. (J in, St. Aaaaawr I Urtnayta Taataaaaa W Frh Meat and Fieh. Prah Meata Veal, 3V44J$c; pork, 6,i6Hc; beef, 3 5c; mutton, SflSc, Fish- Crab, per dozen, $1.26; Shoal water Bay oyster, per aack, $4; oys ters, gallon. $2.25; halibut, 7o; blnck cod, 7c; ealmon, Steelheads, 84c; her ring, 5c; flounder, 6c; catfish, 7c; lobatera, per pound, 12Hc; silver amelt, 6c; ahrlmp, 10c; perch, 6c; aturgeon, 7c; Columbia river amelt, 6c. OH and Lead. Coal Oil Pearl or astral on, catea, 21 Ho per gallon; water whlta oil, Iron arrets, 16c; wood barrels, none; cocen ell, cases, 26c; elalne oil, cases, 23c; extra star, case. 26c; headlight oil, 175 degree, cases, 24Hc; Iron barrela, 13c. (Washington atate test burning ells, except headlight, He per gallon higher.) Benslne Sixty-three degrees, cases, 22c; Iron barrels, 15Hc Linseed Oil Pura raw, In barrels, 62c; genuine kettle-boiled In barrels, ii., .... raw nil In rntet K7c: renu- liu, yun " - Ine kettle-boiled In caaea, 69c; lots of 260 gallons, lc less per gallon. Turpentine In caaea, 85c per gal- pen. I Gaso jNVic; Gasoline Stove gaaollne, casea, Iroa barrela, 18c; 86 degree asollne, caaea, 32c; Iron barrels or drums. 2c. c it m OTQI3 lira. Finnegan bad little) hep of relief becauae aha knew that every time the bad tboae spells of menctrual sufferinff with attendant beariaf down pains she was weaker. And every month the pain waa growing more Kvere. But Mrs. Finnegan ww cued by Wine of Cardui. She is new ao well that there are few women who would not be glad to hare the health aba ha. And any woman who baa those dreaded bearing down pain ran have the same relief. You can be free from menstrual irregularities if you take this pure regetable wine. Why don't yon take it when you see what It has done for other? Secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui today. Tour drugffiit ba 11.00 bottle. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY tee nature In all he glorlou beauty, and then the acme of man' handi work. The flrt 1 found along the line of the Denver 4 Rio Grande Raliroad, thf latter at the St Loula World' Fair. Tour trip wit' be one of pleas ure make the moat of It For Infor mation and llluitrated literature write W. C McBRlDE, Gen. Afjt. Portland, Or. ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKETS teamer "SUE H. EtMORP The Largest; Staunchest, Steadiest and most Seaworthy vessel ever oil this route. Best of Table and State Room Accommo dations. Will make round trip every five days between A STORIA TIUL.AMOOK Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Eailway & Navigation Co. and Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for Portland, San Francisco and all points East. For freight and passenger rates apply to Samael Elmore 0 Co., Gen'l Agts., Astcrla, Ore. OK TO A. & C. II. It. Portland, Oregon Pacific Navagatlon Company, Tillamook, Oregon O. It. & X. Company, Portland, Oregon VIA 1 TIDE TABLES, JANUARY High Water. DateV SUNDAY JANUARY, 1905, A M. 1 Monday 2 Tueaday 8 Wednesday 4 Wednesday Thursday 6 Friday 6 Saturday ,. 7 SUNDAY Monday Tueaday 10 Wedneday 11 Thursday 12 Friday 13 Saturday 14 8UNDAT 15 Monday 16 Tueaday 17 Wednesday 18 Thursday 19 Friday 20 Friday 20 Saturday 21 SUNDAY 22 Monday 23 Tuesday 24 Wednesday 25 Thursday 26 Friday 27 Saturday ....',,,.28 SUNDAY 29 Monday SO Tuesday 31 h.m. 9:02 9:58 10:50 0:02 11:38 0:49 1:80 2:08 2:44 3:20 8:61 4:24 5:00 6:42 6:28: 7:24 8:24 9:25 10:20 11:12 0:25 11:59 1:09 1:60 3:31 8:12 8:64 4:40 6:29 6:23 7:26 8:30 9:83, ft. 8.4 8.7 8.9 6.9 9.0 7.0 7.21 7.8 7.4 7.3 7.8 7.3 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.1 8.6 9.0 7.2 9.2 7.7 8.0 8.2 8.4 8.5 8.5 8.8 8.2 8.1 8.2 .4 P.M. JANUARY, 1905. h.m. 10:12 11:10 12:22 1:04 1:42, 2:20 2:67 8:36 4:22 5:11 6:12 7:2 8:34 9:49 10:48 11:39 12:45 1:32 2:19 3:09 4:04 6:06 6:06; 7:34 8:64 10:05 11:06, ft. M 6.7 Low Water. DateJ SUNDAY Monday 2 ... Tuesday 3 ... Wednesday ... Thursday 5 9.0 Friday 8.8 Saturday 8.6 8UNDAY 8.1 Monday 7.6 Tuesday 10 7.1 Wednesday 11 6.6 Thursday 12 6.1 Friday 13 6.6 Friday 13 5.4 Saturday 14 6.4 SUNDAY 15 6.7 Monday 16 6.2 Tuesday 17 6.8 Wednesday 18 ... Thursday 19 . .. Friday 20 . .. Saturday 21 9.8 SUNDAY 22 9.2 Monday 23 8.9 Tuesday 24 8.9 Wednesday 25 7.8 Thursday 26 7.2 Friday 27 6.6 Saturday 28 6.1 SUNDAY 29 (.0 Monday SO! 6.2 Tuesday 31 6.6 A. M. h.m. 2:52 4:00 5:00 6:54 6:40 7:25 8:06 8:41 9:16 9:61 10:32 11:19 0:49 2:00 3:11 4:21 6:25 6:13 7:00 7:44 8:28 9:15 10:06 11:04 0:08 1:18 8:35 2:47 ft 2.5 1.7 2.8 8.8 2.9 3.0 8.0 3.1 3.1 P.M. h.m. 8:49 4:58 5:60 6:38 7:20 7:69 8:34 9:08 9:37 3.1110:05 3.0 2.9 10:35 11:09 12:10 11:54 1:1 2:20 3:24 4:26 6:16 6:02 6:48 7:31 8:14 8:65 9:39 10:22 1.6 11:11 12:08 1:18 2:31 3:41 4:41 2.9 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.2 2.9 2.6 2.4 2.2 1.5 1.7 1.9, 2.6 3.0 8.1 ft. 6.6 -0.1 -0.6 -1.0 -1.0 0.9 -0.6 -0.1 0.4 0.9 1.4 1.9 2.7 2.t 2.4 1.8 1.2 0.4 -0.3 -0.9 1.3 -1.4 -1.2 0.9 0.3 0.3 1.1 1.5 1.3 1.0 0.5 0.0 To 8pokan, 8t Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chloago, 8t Louie, and all pointa east and south. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Q The Flyer and The Fast Mail L SPLENDID SERVICE UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES Daylight trip aorosa the Caaoade and Rooky Mountain. For tickets, rates folders and full In formation call on or address H. DICKSON, City Ticket Agent 128 Third Street, Portland. Or. & a YERKES, a W. P. A IIS First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. WE GIVE EXPEDITED , SERVICE ON FREIGHT ROUTE YOUR 8HIPMENT8 VIA GREAT NORTHERN Full Information from WM. HARDER, General Agent Portland, Ore. The World's Pair Route. Famous Trains The Southwest Limited Kansas City to Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul to Chscago, run via Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Each route offers numerous attractions. The principal thing to insure a quick, comfortable trip east is to see that yonr tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee fc St - ul Railway. H. S ROWC. Central AftaL 134 Third Street, Portland A.&-C. R. R. TIME CARD. EFFECTIVE SEPT. 4, 1904. "Best by Test" A trans continental trav eler says: "I've tried them all and I prefer the North western Limited It's the best to be found from coast to coast" It's "The Train for Com fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, St Paul nnd Chicago. Before stattlngon atrip no matter where write for Interetttlng informa tion about comfortable traveling. H.LSISLER, General Agent 132 Third 6L Portland. Oregon. T. W. TKA8DALK, General Patwnicer Agent, t. Paul, Minn. Leave PORTLAND Arrive 8(0a,m j Portland Union) 7,00 p.m I depot for Astoria 9.40 p.m Leare ASTORIA Arrive 7.45 a m j tor Portland and 11.30 a.m 6 10 p.m way pointa 10.30 p m SEASIDE DIVISION Leave ASTORIA Arrive 11.35 a.m for Seaaide Direct 6:20 p.m Leave ASTORIA. Arrive tai5a.m I tor Warrenton, i J Hammond, Ft 5.50 p.m (Stevena, Seaaide) 7:40a,m Leave SEASIDE Arrive 4 :30 p.m for Astoria Direct 1 12 :30p.m Leave SEASIDE. Arrive U5 a. tu I for Warren tonTtT 9 25 a.m j Stevens. Ham- 9.30a,m I moncLAstoria ) 7.20 p, m. l i it i i u j rrw it V OREGON Sao Fronds co end Portland S. S. Go. If houre from Portland to Chlco. No ehanx of can. Depart Additional train leavea Aatorla dally at 11:30 a. m. for all pointa on Ft Steven branch, arriving Ft Steven 12: SO p. m., returning, leavea Ft Stev ena at 2:00 p. m., arriving Aatorla 2:45 p. m. Sunday only. Through ticket and close connec uon via. N. P. Ry. at Portland and Gobi and O. R. ft N. Co., via. Portland. J. C. Mayo, Q. P. A. NORTHERN PACIFIC Time Card nl Trains PORTLAND, Laavaa Antra. uget Sound Limited.?:! am t:4l pm :4S pa T:M a Kanaaa Qty-St Loula Special 11:11 am North Coaat Limited l:M V m 'J'acuma aad Seattle Night Expreaa 11:4a pm t:0t re Take Puget Sound Umlted or North Coast Limited (or Gray! Barber paints Take Puget Sound Limited for Olyxa pia direct Take Puget Bound Limited or Kaa aa Clty-8t Louis Special for aetata on South Bead branch. Double dally train eervioe oa Oray Harbor breach. Four train dally between Portland, rcoma and Satt)e - Alia rule Kxpresa (fcli p. m. via Uunt lngtoD j TIME SCR 10X718 From PORTLAND Ohleaao romana nan Lake, Denver. Ft Special Worth. Omaha, km- Via HUIlt-IChicairounil ih. t. uMn Palt lake. Dmver ml . v. bll, uinHU. H an. BaaCHv.811.nnl. Chicago and the East 81 Paul Fast Mall :15p. to. Walla Walla, l ewis : ton. 8pok ane.Minne- apoli. at pui, Dulutb 'and iTubi Arrive Mlaat 601 pat OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULJB From Astoria All sailing datea subject to change. For San Francisco every five days. Dally ex cept Hun day atTaai Columbia River to runiana and Way landings 4 a at Daily ex cept if m Steamer Nahcot'a leavea Aatorla ea the tide DAILT EXCEPT SUNDAT. FOR ILWACO. connecting there with traina for Long Beach, Cloga and North Beach pointa. Returning ar rives at Aatorla same evening. rhrough tickets to and from all prlax elpaJ European cities. O. W. ROBERTS, A vent, Astoria, Ore. teffs SitEl-Pcpsin Espsoles V? hi j f Zl POSITIVE CURS Vor iBBammittOB er Oatarri d the Bladder and Dlawej Kldnar. No ear aa Mr, Cnnu aaleklr and hrat. bcbUv lh wont cafe 4 Jenarrhara aad 1M ao autt-rof how long naa4 Inf. AbMlutclv haralMa f,lS b' it. ntott 2.07 ?T " mul PCjaaJ. Rdd by Chaa. l.W,lbOlM,Li, THE UftTAl-KPSli fA, Mwirwi i whs VHMaV