THE MORNING ASTORIA N, ASTORIA. OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1906. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. J. A. REGAN Dentist. Oftee over A. V. Allen's Store, Office hours, to IS and 1 to JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Acting Assistant Surgtoa r s. Marine Hospital Service. Office hours: X0 to U a.m. 1 to 4: SO p.m 77 Commercial Street. Snd Floor, Dr. RHODA C. HICKS OSTEOPATHIST MaaaeU Bldf . 57 Commercial 8t PHONK BLACK 9MR. C. W. BARR D.0.8, Hm Opened Dental Parlors In Rooms 817-818, Tha Dekum. PORTLAND, OREGON. Where ho will bo pleased to moot Friends and Patrons. Dr. VAUGHAN, Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. Dr. W. C LOGAN DENTIST 678 Commercial St, Sbanahan Buildinn MISCELLANEOUS. C. J. TRENCHARD Insurance. Commission and Shipping CUSTOMS HOUSE BROKER. Agent Wella-Fargo and Northern Trifle Exuresa Companies. Cor. ELEVENTH and BOND BTS. JAPANESE GOODS New stock of fancy goods just Arrived at Yokohama Bazaar. Call and see the latest novelties from Japan. BEST 15 CENT MEAL. Toucan always find the best 15-ent meal in the city at the liking Sun Restaurant 612 Commercial St FIRST-CLASS MEAL, fct 15c; nice cake, coffee, pie, or ioughnuts, 5c, at U. S. Restaur ant 434 Bond St WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, ihs transfer man. 'Phone 2211 Black, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house. BAY VIEW HOTEL E GLASER, Prop. Home Cooking, Comfortable Beds, Reason able Rates and Nice Treatment ASTORIA HOTEL Corner Seventeenth and Duane Sts. 75 tents a day and up. Meals 20 cents. Board and lodging f 4 per week. THE COMFORT SALOON Franteovich & Francisovich Proprietors. Logan Building Patrons will be furnished withthe best the market affords. Only the best goods kept in stock. When you buy canned clams ask for RAZOR BRAND Cleau and wholesome and a home product. For sale by ail lendiug grocers. Warrention Clam Com pany, Warrenton, Or.'iin L 1 These tiny Capsules are superior C4l to eaisam or copaiDa, fta V tubebs or Injections and. CURE IN 48 HOURS the same diseases with out inconvenience. l.iuiJI J A WOMAN TO BE PRETTY Hut Rave LasarUat aai Glossy Dale, Ne Hatter What Color. The finest contour of a female face, the sweetest smile of a female mouth, loses something If the head Is crowned with scant hair. Scant arrd falling' hair. It Is now known, la caused by a parasite that burrows Into the scalp to the root of the hair, where It saps the vitality. The lit tle white scales the gvrm throws up In burrowing' re called dandruff. To cure dandruff permanently, then, and to stop fallnjr hair, that germ must be killed. Newbro's Herplclde, an entirely new re sult of the chemical laboratory, destroys the dandruff germ, and. of course, stops the falling bnlr, and prevents baldnesa 8old by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Eagle Drug Store, 361-S53 Bond St, Owl Drug- Store, 649 Com. St., T. F. I-aurtn, Prop, "Special Agent" A Grim Tragedy. Is dally enacted. In thousands of homes, as Death claims. In each one, another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. But what Coughs and Colds are prop erly treated, the tragedy Is averted. F. O. Huntley of Oaklandon, Ind writes: "My wife had the consumption, and three doctors gave her up. Finally she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which cured her. and today she Is well and strong." It kills the germs of all dis eases. One dose relieves. Guaranteed at 60c and $1 by Chas. Rogers, drug gist Trial bottle free. HOARSE COUGM YdJFFV (B0QJ) QUICKLY CURED BY Foley's Honey and Tar There is no case on record of a cold resulting in Pneumonia, or other serious lung trouble, after Foley's Honey and Tar bad been taken. It will cure the most obstinate racking cough, and heals and strengthens the lungs. Foley's Honey and Tar has cured many cases of incipient Consumption and even in the last stages will always give comfort and relief. Foley's Honey and Tar gives quick relief to Asthma sufferers, as it relieves the difficult breath ing at once. Remember the name Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse substitutes that cost you the same as the genuine. Do not take chances with some unknown preparation. Contains no opiates. Cured of Tirriblt Cough en Lungs N. Jackson of Danville, 111., writes: "My daughter bad a severe attack of La Grippe and a terrible cough on her lungs. We tried a great many remedies without relief. She tried Foley's Honey and Tar.which cured her. She has never been troubled with a cough since." Consumption Cured. Foley & Co., Chicago. Dana, Ind. Gentlemen: Foley's Honey and Tar cured me ot consumption after I baa suffered two years and was almost des perate. Three physicians failed to give me any relief and the last one said be could do me no good. I tried almost every medicine I beard tell of without benefit, until Foley's Honey and Tar was recommended to me. Its effect right from the start was magical. I improved steadily from the first dose and am now sound and well, and think Foley's Honey and Tar is a God-send to people with l nroat and Lung Trou- Dle. Yours very truly, MRS. MARY AMBROSE. Three sizes 25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and the 21.00 bottle al most six times as much. SOLD AID BECOMKEIDED BY CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist .Every Woman II Interested ana inoald know Sliollt llie wonnerf ul MARVEL whirling Spray The WW V1ul ;rta. ln)K L don and Hurtiim. Hett Haf- tMft Convenient. i.t mr dnW for H. If r-nnnolgupply the Mailt t.l.. ac'iil no omer. tint iwml iL&inD for tl)tiDtratltook-rM. HcItm full uartictilarfl and 1ir-1i',rm In Taluable to bullet M 4 KVt L CO-, I rarkww, set lark. I'lione 2175 Ileit. Opon lay and.Night. The Astoria Restaurant MAN MING. Proprietor. Fine meals served at all hours. Oysters served in any style. Game in season. tot Bond Street, Cor. 9th. Antorla, Ore. t-H"HwHi'M mm mil WHEN BESSIE f CHURNED By BLANCHE SEYMOUR CnpyriffM, Wot, b T. a XeChtre A t m m : n 111 1 1 m i nni Bessie Martin was the only daughter, gnd only child for that matter, of Farmer Martin and bis wife. She bud come borne from the academy on ber summer vacation, and at nineteen years old she was handsome enough and cute enough to turn the beads of a doten young men between daylight and dark. Ever since ber sixteenth birthday she had been "somewhat engaged." as she expressed it, to Will Burt, son of the village merchant, and previous to ber going to school he bad driven oat to the farm once or twice every week. Farmer Martin and bis wife bad looked upon It as a case of "calf love" and had neither encouraged nor dis couraged, but when three years bad passed In the same fashion things bad "OOOD FOB TOTJ, OALl" EXCLAIMED 1 BOCOB VOICE AT TUB DOOB. begun to look more serious. The en gagement was announced, with the consent of the parents on both sides. Love did not run smoothly, however. Bessie wanted to put In one more term and graduate, and Will insisted on marriage In the fall. Both being quick tempered and impulsive, they bad bad many a small quarrel before, but on this occasion it threatened to degener ate Into something serious. Will bad driven out to the farm la the forenoon to urge the matter from bis standpoint, and as Bessie bad that day been chased by a cow, stung by a bumble bee and fallen down the back steps she was In no mood for gentle argument. It wasn't long before the pair were at loggerheads, and when the young man left the house to Jump into bis buggy and drive furiously away It was with the understanding that if he never returned no heart would be broken. "La me, but how silly!" exclaimed the mother as she came in from the kitchen and found Bessie kneeling on the floor, with her head burled in her lounge and sobs choking her utterance. "Do do you you suppose I'm going to let Will Burt boss me around as If I were a child."' exclaimed the girl as she sprang to her feet and dashed the tears away. "I don't think he wants to boss." "lie does. He not only wants to boss, but he's selfish. I told blm I'd almost been hooked by a cow, was stung by a bumblebee and had a fall, but did he sit down and bold my hand and pity me? Xot a pity! He Just went on to tell me that he could buy a house, and all that, and that we'd be married In October. He talked as if I bad no voice in the matter." "Oh, come now." "It isn't as if I couldn't have forty other beaus if I wanted 'em. I don't like bis saying that he's going to do this and he's going to do that, Just as if be ran the earth. He knew I'd cry when he was gone, but did he even turn to look at the house when be drove away? He knows bow it hurts to be stung by a bumblebee, but when I showed him the swelling on my left arm did be say It was too bad and kiss itr "He probably forgot," soothed the mother as she banded over ber ging ham apron as a tear wiper. "I know one time when your father was courtln' me I fell off a fence and" "But I'm not talking about you and pa. Interrupted Bessie as a fresh a sortment of sobs threatened to stick 1 in ber throat "Will Burt finds me a sufferer, and what does he do to cheer me up? Nothing. On the contrary, he makes me miserable and drives me into saying that I could marry some one better than him before sundown. I know I could, too, but I I" Well, now, you go and lledown awhile ' until that bee sting gets better and yon git over beln' nervous. Will will prob ably be out bere tomorrow to beg your pardon and tell you that be la awfully sorry. I'll wet a rag in camphor and put It on your forehead, and If you can sleep for an hour or two you'll be all right Tour father and I bad fifty dif ferent spats afore we were married, out never a one since. Come, dough tor. The girl slept not only for nu hour, but for three. She was then awakeued by her mother, who explained that sin and the father bad to drive to town to see atmut some legal business and that Bessie must uilnd tbo bouse for the afternoon. A quarter of au bour later they were off, and, after taking a little walk lu the garden nud rending a story, Utuslo happened to remember i thnt the cream was In the churu ready to be beaten Into butter that evening, so she decided to go ahead with It. The churn was placed near the open kitcheu door, and when she flrst sat down she bad a book lu ber left band, 1 noughts of Will Burt were upper most, however, and gradually the book sunk down to her lap, and she worked the dasher and reflected at the same time: "If I hadn't beou chased by a cow, and stung by a bumblebee, and fallen down the steps and rolled over among the weeds, aud was feeling all broken up It wouldn't have mattered, but be never pitied me, and be didn't ask to see the sting, and he wanted every thing bis way, and when he knew I was getting mad-and I say I won't atand It I won't 1 won't-I won't! If Will Burt doesn't come back and say he's sorry be can Just go to pot, and I'll-yes, I'll marry some one else." "Good for you, gal!" exclaimed rough voice at the door, and she sprang away from the churn with scream to And herself facing the toughest looking tramp she had ever seen, "No call to git skeert, gal," be said as he entered the room and closed the door. "I was lyln under the hedge when the old folks drove away, and I kuow you are alone In tho house, ain't half bad unless I'm riled. When I'm riled, then look out. Now, then ! don't make any mistakes. Firstly put some wlttlca on the table. Do as I say and you shan't be harmed. Do some other way and I pity you from the bottom of my heart." The girl placed a meal on the table. and after ordering ber to sit opposite to him the trump fell to and satisfied his appetite. When he shoved back from the table be said: "Now, theu, I'm goln' through the crib. I might ask you to go along and p'lnt out where the valuables are kept, but I shan't take any chances. I see that there are wooden bars outside the pantry window, and In there you go till the old folka come borne." Bessie entered the big pantry with out a word, glad to be out of the pres ence of the man. He fastened the door on her and then went on a prowl through the bouse. There waa another door, however, which be bad closed, but not bolted, the outside kitchen door. He waa taking his time to make up a bundle of plunder when the door was softly opened by a sturdy young man. Will Burt had gone away angry, as many a lover baa done before, but be hadn't driven a mile before be wished himself back. Out of sheer pride be drove on to the village and tried to make himself believe be didn't care, but an bour after noon be was return lng over the same road. He would not call, be said, but just drive by the farm and give Bessie a chance to call blm In. He bad driven up and down three or four times when the silence of the bouse began to mystify blm and be forgot bis dignity and bitched bin horse. As he opened the kitchen door be saw that the pantry door opposite was fastened. Crossing the room, he pulled the stick from over the catch aud was rewarded by a voice Baying: "Oh, Will, but I'm so glud-so gliid!" "I -I meant to kiss that bee sting," be replied, "and I was a brute not to. In fact, my dear, I was all to blame, and I beg forgiveness, and" "And there's a tramp In the house!" "Waal, I should say!" exclaimed the mother as she entered the house an hour later. "Two fond hearts have been reunite, and here's an old tramp bound hand and foot and ready to be carted to jail and leave nuthln' but happiness Li this family!" Bock Caves as Homes, A large number of the natives of Tenerlfe dwell In rock caves at the present time, while those who have made more progress Inhabit huts that resemble the caves. The dwellings of these Islanders are simply large boxes, often built, if such a term can be used, on the rock. They have three completed sides without openings of any kind; the roof Is prac tically flat, except that In the center It "dips" a little In order to catch the rain water. The front of the but baa a door, which forms the only ventilation, and often the only means by which light can enter. This door Is generally open, and the family sits either Inside the but quite elose to the door or outside In the open. Tbey usually have a kind of cellar, which is a natural or art! flclal excavation In the rock founda tion, and In this cellar tbey keep a pig Sanitation Is decidedly primitive. Ancient Bankers, Among the most valuable evidences of the life and customs of the people of Babylon and Nineveh 700 years II. C. were found, during the excavations 1 at various times, veritable letters of credit bills of exchange, with and with out warranty, money obligations of all kinds, sight drafts made payable to In dorser or bearer. Theae denote tha existence at Babylon, 000 B. C, of a bank which must bave done a con siderable business and sbowa that It Is not only In our day that capital is used to give Impetus and keep alive In dustrial pursuits. CLASSIFIED It ATI. Si First Insertion, One Cent a Word. One Week, Each Line, 30c. Two Weeks, Kach Line, 45c. One Month, Each Line, 75c, Astorlan Free Want Ads. Anyone Desiring a Situation can Insert an Advertisement in this Column of Three Lines Two Times Frcs of Charge. HELP WANTED. BOT WANTED OOOD CAPABLE and active boy wanted. Apply at Aatorlan office. THE ORIGINAL JOHN A. MOLKR has opened one of the famous bar ber colleges at 644 Clay at, Ban Fran cisco; special Inducements this month; positions granted; tuition earntd while learning. Write correct number, 44 Clay St., San Francisco. SUTUATIONS WANTED. WANTED SITUATION AS 8TA- tlonary engineer, or wilt take place ns nreman. Apply at 131 Astor 8t. WANTED SITUATION IN HOME established business; will Invest some money In business If same Is atlsfitctory. Address A.. Astorlnn. WANTED8!TUATtON AS CHAM ber maid by lady of ability. Address F. ft. Warrenton. WANTED-POS1TION AS CLERK. by a lady; three y-nrs' experience. Address Q. B this office. WANTED-rOSITION AS CHAMB- ermald by lady of experience. K. W this office. L08T. LOST REX; A COLLIE; WITH A white breast and white face; liberal reward for return to Astorlan office. JUNK DEALERS. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL Bought and sold. kinds of old junk. ITS Tenth St. FOR RENT ROOMS. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping. Inquire at As - torlan Office. OLD PAPERS FOR SALE AT THIS Office; J 3c per hundred. THE LOUVRE First Claw Concert ilnll . - Finest iort In The City ADMISSION FREE ATTRACTIVE I'lKXJUAM Seventh and Astor Streets The TROY Laundry Is the only White Labor Uundry in tho City. Does the Host of Work at very reasonable Prices, and is in tivcry way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE STS. Phono 1991 FRjESH AND CURED MEATS Wholesale and Retail Ships, Logging Cumps und Mills supplied on short notice. 2 LIVE STOCK J50UG11T AND SOLD g WASHINGTON MARKET - CHRISTENSON a CO. Reliance Electrical Works H.W.CYUfJg, ManBgrr NEiYZEALANDFlRE INSORANCE COMPANY Of New Zcolnnd W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Has been Underwriting on tho Pacific Coast for twonty.fivo years. IISlUMMIiniMHItllliaiflllilMUIHlim ELMORE a CO., Sole Agents Astoria, . . Oregon. ADVERTISING. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. INCUBATOR FOR SALB-400 BOOS capacity; also three 100 caoaolt brooders; flrst-claaa condition. As. dress A. Aatorlan Office. HOR8K. BUOOT AND HARNESS for sale. Address M. Astorlan. "For aaltAt 'OaatonVfeiiatabii, No. 105 Fourteenth street; on LandhVa harneas machine; one Smlth-Prsmler typewriter; one 10 hp motor and belt lng; 1000 good sacks. PERSONAL WANTED OENTLRIIAN TO As sist middle-aged business woman (widow), In business. Address B. As lotiiin. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. FOR HALE PARTLY IMPROVED place of 19 H acres. V mile from Knappa; cabin, etc.; handy for fisher men; can laud at any slnue of the tide: will sell chenp, Apply to F. Hnrlman K imp in. Ore, BIOS WANTED. BIDS WANTED -BIDS WILL BE RE- celv.d by the rounly eourt for fur- nlahlna- lux collecting register and tag recelpia for the year 1904. Bids to be filed hy 10 o'cloi k n. m. Saturday. Jnnu- ry 7. 195. Information can h had at the county court room. The court re serves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the County Court. J. C. CLINTON. Clerk. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBT ODEN THAT the co-partnership of Hop Hlng Lung Co., doing business as merchants and contractors for Chinese labor at No, 370 Bond street. Aatorla, Oregon, la this day dissolved by the retirement of I Ten Jin Song. Womg Hond, Lee York. The business will hereafter be conduct led by the remaining members of the company. Chew Gone-, manaarer. left on tha FM.r tnr v. -v. v. 'will embark for China. Ha will retur. 'next year. Ill, nartnara l-n. r-w .. V awaaap W mM Johg Hop, will manage the business 1 during his absence. HOP HINO LUNO CO. AH DOCK. Chairman, CHANGE WEEKLY CHARLES WIRKKAl A We are thoroughly prepared for making estimate! and executing order for Bll kinds of electrical installing ant repairing. Huppliej in stock. Wt sell the Celebrated 811 EIJJY LAMP, Call up Phone 1161. 428 BOND STREET