SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1905. THE MORNING ASTOUIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON, Fresh Oregon Ranch GUARANTEED PER DOZEN 35 CENTS. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. Good Goods Our Specialty. Local Brevities. Herman Wit' SALE It th rl thing. That'i WISE'S wayl Nine o'i Im k 1m the hour. Wanted An Intelllif.'nt boy of good ixMrcMd lo net an usher at the HI nr. Aily lo the mnriiiKxr today. Nine oVI'x k In the hour. Home-made sauerkraut, Astoria flrorery Co. 6c per lb. For Rent Furnished housekeeping room, 16$ Tenth street The water rate are due and payable next Tuesday, January 10. If not paid the usual rule will be enforced. Our annual sale commences on Tues day, January id; every article In th tore reduced with a few exception. C. II. Cooper. DanxlKer's Orewt A Ignition HI. Special Inducements offered In dress and walking skirl thin week nt Foard A Stokes Co. ftteclnl Inducement offered In cook stove and alr-tlitht heater thl week nt Foard A Htoke Co. The county court will be In session today and will adjourn lo the lust of the month to tlx the tax levied. The time f the county court whs oc cupied nil day yesterday selecting 200 Jurors for the circuit court. No other business win transacted. The matlnet at the Star this after noon will be given by etar performere, but no leia heavenly feature will be the boa of candy the management will give eaeh lady and child attending. Are you coming? Road Master Frye, who haa been at Heaalde Investigating the Klk creek road, reports that the road haa been cleared of log and brush to a width of 40 feet and a portion of It haa been graded and graveled. The work done ha coat $8000 and to complete the road The Ralaton fhyalclal Culture Club' wl" cW,t ,'out more. The coun. will reume work next Monday evening, January , at Flahera' hull. Member ar requested to be en hand promptly nt I o'clock. All Interested persona ar cordially Invited to attend this meeting. Word was received from Judge Mo llrlde yesterday etntlrig that he would come to Ax tor la some time next week to try the rases against the t'lilontowr nloonkeciers. He will notify IMstrlcl Attorney Allen of the day he will tw here. The IriKglrig rnmpa on the Columbia river are stll closed down so fur a cut ting logs Is concerned. Most of them are tinny getting their logs Into the booms ready for market. The camps will resume nitrations us noon as this Is done, Dunxlger's great alteration sale starts this morning at 9 o'clock. Don't forget to get your. What? Why th box of candy that will be given away to each lady and child at the matinee at the Star thii afternoon. Dui'Xlger'a great alteration sale starts thl morning nt 9 o'clm k. Our large stock of Reliable Footwear will be sold this month at a great re duction, Don't mis It, Wherlty. Ral ston & Co. Th regular meeting of the Typo graphical union will be held tomorrow afternoon at Fishers' hall. Election of officer. Danxlger'a (irest Alteration Bale. Great reduction In dry good and clothing will be made during the month of January at our annual aale, now go ing on. C. H. Cooper. Herman Wlao' SALE I the real thing. That' WISE'S way! Our large slock of fine dry goods, clothing, furnishing goods and all will be placed on reduced stale prices dur ing the next 30 days. C. If. Cooper, the lending house of AstorUt. Work on the Cullaby lake cunal Is being pushed forward as fust ns pos sible. N. II. Hull! has about 1,500.00(1 feet of logs ready lo be towed to the mill, but they can be brought ih throuich the old channel. Hnm Btutler, In the employ of W. A. (loodln, haa returned from a visit up th. vulley. When he went to his room he found someone hud gone through his trunk and stole all his clothes, The ottlcers huve n clue to the thieve and arrests are exected to follow. Herman Wit' SALE I the real thing. That' WISE'S wayl The annual meeting of the chnmber of commerce will occur next Monday night, at which time the report of the officer will be read and officer elect ed for the ensuing year. A full attend nine Is requested, as matters of Im portance are to be considered. J. II. Hans.-n has received u new gas machine for heating, lighting and cook ing and will Inetall one In his place of business. It Is claimed that the IlKhts are nti.lor In every way to gis or electricity while the i osl Is at least 7f per cent cheaper. The light Is guaran teed to be perfectly Safe. Astoria has a large number of pau pers to cure for. There was un addition to th- gang yesterday in the shape of an elderly man who halls from Kan sas, who has been solldlcitlng alms He Is reputed to tie well off and has fol lowed begging for a living for a num ber of years. Imported paupers are not a desirable element In Astoria. ty court will probably not make any more Improvements on It this year. The feeling among the member prevailed that the owners of land along the line of the road ought to contribute some thing toward making the Improvement, and unless this Is done, the county court will not make any more Improve ment for ome time. "Rudolph t Adolph," the clever musical farce comedy with Its pretty girls, new specialties, costumes and scenery and a company of clever com edians Including Harry Price, Harr West, A. C. Whale, Kdw. H. Ward. E. A. Kelly, Om ar Luckstone, Louise Mc Cleery, Krnlly Curtis, Dorothy Scott. Helen Harrington, Ada Henry, etc., will be the attraction nt Fishers' next Thursday, "Rudolph ic Adolph" la Just naturally funny. Tou laugh because It la natural, and you are natural because you laugh. It Is one of the brightest and without doubt one of the most en joyable comedies before the public to day. Heat aale open next Wednesday at Griffin's book store. Herman Wi' 8ALE I th real thing. That' WISE'8 wayl Danxlger'a great alteration ante starts this morning at o'clock. Special Offer! White Maple Bed Room Suits These Bed Room Suits are all well made, have French Plate Mirrors and are a bar gain for the prioe. CHAS. HEILBORN SON For Fine Furniture. Come and See! It will be worth your while to call and examine our stock. We will sell all our lili MI 0 P St And BroKen Lots at 25 per Cent. Wherity, Ralston $ Company ' Money Savers in Footwear. A sale that Is, ns advertised, trul) "A Hummer." Is the one that P, A Htokea Is advertising In the Astorlnn The varloua sales of the new year that have been advertised In the page of the Astorlnn have been uniform suc cesses, and this one Is no exception t the rule. Rend the ad on page i. Lnst summer a man nnmed Jonesj who was working for a mill company gave an order for his time check tr Dresser & Co,, and also sold It to I W. Otto. A complaint was filed against hi hi, but he hud skipped out. Word was received from Sheriff I.lnvllle yes terduy thut he had been nrrested near Portland and he with Stlnaon wag brought down Inst night. REWARD We shall give 110 In gold aa a first prize, and $5 as a second prlxe to the boy or girl under 18 years of age. writing the best poem of two or more verses, using the MONARCH RANGE as subject of the poem All poems to be handed tn before ( p. m. on February i, iua. cnaries new born A Bon, Complete House-furnish ers," 590-592 Commercial Street. Dick Meyer, the diver who haa been searching Kor the body of Mrs. M. P. Haylor, who was drowned New Year's morning, was In the city yesterduy. Thd Inferenec Ih that Mrs. Baylor started to go from (he dunce hall to a room be low, where she had her mitso,ucrad(f suits, and In going around the corner, fel through a hole In the wharf. This hole has been In the wharf for some time and several accidents have occur- red before. On one of the caps was found some hair, which Is the only cluej Mr. Meyer has examined every place under the wharf and In the vicinity The tide was ebbing nt the time ind It Is possible the body was carried out Into the river. She had about $3000 In diamonds on her, besides a fine gold watch a lid chain, studded with dia monds. Kh carried 13000 Insurance on her life. PERSONAL MENTION. dnys If necessary. Herman Wi' 8ALE I th real thing. That' WI8E'S wayl For several Jnys imst n number of horses have been running uround th residence portion of the city, breaking Into yards and destroying lawns and shrubbery. The pound master was no- tilled, but was unable to secure the horses, and yesterduy Chief Hullock appointed a special policeman to cap ture them. He succeeded In getting three, and expects to secure a half doz en more today. The horses will be placed In the pound nnd several Hens filed ugnlnst them for damage done It la doubtful If the horses will sell for enough to pay the expenses and dam ages. If the owners can be found, suit will also be brought against them. Nine o'clock Is the hour. Mrs. Johnson, an aged lady living on the Lewis and Chirk, was seriously In jured yesterday In a runaway accident She and her son had started for As toria nnd when neur the county bridge at the Ingalls place, the neckyoke strap broke, frightening the horses and they rnn away. Mra. Johnson was dragged from the bridge to the cemetery, tear ing all her clothes off, and bruising her. Three ribs were broken, a severe gash cut In her head, and her body badly Injured. The son suffered a broken ankle. Medical assistance was sum moned. J. W. Relth and other neigh bors carried her to her home. Whether her Injuries will prove fatal cannot be determined. C. R. Case of Albany was In the clt yesterday. T. S. Meyers of Med ford was In thi city yesterday. Otto Nelson of Chinook was In the city yesterday. A. Plerson of Chinook waa In the city yesterday on business. , J. P. Jones of Portland registered at the Occident yesterday. J. W. Relth of the Lewis and Clark wn In the city lnst evening. George F. Moyer of San Franclsci was In Astoria yesterday on business. Otto Carlson haa gone to Byror Springs and will be absent about tw weeks. Fred Houtchen was a visitor from Chinook yesterday, having come ovei on the morning boat. Mrs. J. N. Laws will leave for Salem this morning. She will Join her hus band In Portland tomorrow night. Senntor Jay Tuttle nnd Representa tives Burns and Laws will leave fo Sulem tomorrow night to attend th sessions of the legislature. John Davis, who hits been visiting In the east, returned from Omaha yes terday, after a three months' absence He will go to Chinook today. YOUNG MEN Who Detirt to Larn Read Thii! Ad. Writing Another Improvement. Wise will put new paper on the walls of his children's department; In order that the pnperhnngers don't muss his Boys' Clothing Stock. Mr. Wise offers a 20 per cent reduction on all Boys' Suits. Strengthening th Foundation. The foundation of Herman Wise's store building needs some new piles. In order to raise money to pay for the work Mr. Wrise offers a 25 per cent reduction on all Men's and Boys' Overcoats. Sarkasm, As Josh Billings used to say: There be Snrkasm and there be Humor. Now. seriously, the above are samples of ads that some of Portland's so-cnlled pro fessional ad writers suggest. The truth of the whole business Is that Mr. Wise desires to reduce his Im mense winter stock, and for that reas on alone, does he mnke those immense Reductions on all Men's and Boys' goods, and they are genuine reduc tions. HERMAN WISE, The Reliable Clothier and Hatter. P. S. And the Price-Cutting still goes on. Danxlger's Great Alteration Sale. Danxlger'a great alteration sale starts this morning at 9 o'clock. There Is no complaint about bnslness at th Star saloon. Good goods and courteous treatment will draw trade to any first-class saloon. That' what make business good at the Star. The best Is non too good for our customers. THIRD ANNUAL amar: Clearance 6ale GREAT BARGAINS IN WAISTS Our entire waist stock to go at jne-half price fl.00 Waist .50 1.50 Wabjts .75 2.00 Waist 125 2.50 Waists 1.75 100 Waist 00 BOY8' CLOTHING Great selling of boys' winter clothing. Price reduced lower than ever. $(.00 Suits $4.00 5.00 Suits 3.50 4.00 Suits 50 3.00 Suits 1.95 2.50 Suits 1.48 GREAT BARGAINS IN SUITS AND COATS Unrestricted choice of our en tire line of ladles' Coats and Suit at price never before heard of In the history of cloak and uit selling In Astoria, 115.00 Suits at ..$8.00 17.50 Suits at 9.50 20.00 Suits at 1130 25.00 Suits at . 1448 S0.00 Suits at 1730 CHILDREN'S COATS One-half Price on all Misses and Children's Coat. W are determined to carry nothing over. So come early and get tae cream of the coat stock at ooe half price. $10.00 Coats 85.00 00 Coat 4.50 8.00 Coat 4.00 7.00 Coat 330 6.00 Coat 3.00 5.00 Coat 230 FINE LACES This lot comprises an assort ment of laces from 8 to I Inches wide that always retail at 10c to 15c and 20c a yard, your choice of the lot and as many yards as you want 5o yard Morse Department Store 508-510 Commercial St. Where Everybody Likes to Trade Clearance Sale... ON BOOKS AND PICTURES t'i ' .11 J IL m iy ' l"il - I'M 1" . i THIS WEEK SVENSEN'S BOOK STORE THE holiday season over, the Big Store, with its immense corps of efficient helpers, is busily engaged in the work of readjust ing stock preparatory to our annual stock taking, which takes place the last of this month. You'll find this a very oppor tune time to supply yourself with every household need at a considerable saving. We haven't the time nor the space to enumerate the many bargains that are here awaiting you. Just drop in and take a look. You will find a perfect cavalcade of irre sistible values here to greet you. SPECIAL ItlDUCEmTS offered in Cooking Stoves and Air-tight Heaters. Let us send you a Bonetia Sewing Ma chine on trial. Your credit is good. Price ,$ 30.00; $5.00 down, $1.00 a week. FOARD 8 STOKES CO. Astoria's Greatest Store 41 i J ,Wn-flAWtirfa