SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1906. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. w o o o o o o aooaoattntio UK Palace Cafe The Best Restaurant RtfuUrMcali, 29 Centi Sunday Dloncri i Specialty Ewythlnf the Market Afford! Palace Catering Company I attooaanonoattaooooooBBatiaaaaaauttttOttoTi WARRENTOtl LUMBER CO. Mnufaoturare,of and Dealers In LUMBER Fir, Spruce and HemlocH Submit us your specifications on any bill you wish and we will give you best prices. We make a apecialty of Spruce Bevel Siding and Factory Stock. Shipments Ma as Either h Rail or Wster. Capacity 79,000 feet par day. Warrenton, Or, Fisher's tera House L t. ofcLlu, - - lessee and Manager Thursday, January 12, 1905. Ikoadhurst & Curric, Introducing The Two Kmpcrors of Gcrniauy Rudolph and Adolph The Laughlest Ever Everything Up-to-Date A Great Cast of Fun Makers Prieest Reserved aaata 79 aantai gal lery 60 oents.. Seat sal opens at Crlf . fin'a book atora Wednesday morning. Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works manufacturers of Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings. General Foundryuicn and Patternmakers. Absolutely firstclass work. Prices lowest Phone 2451. Comer Eighteenth and Franklin. PRAEL 0 COOK TRANSFER CO. Telephone 221. Draying and Expressing All goodsahipped to our care will receive special attention. 709-715 Commercial Street. FOR ASTORIA GIRLS The Use of the Telephone Not Commended for LoveTales. BUSINESS AND SOCIETY DIFFER Dorothy Dix In tha San Franolaoo Bui latin Glvee Coma Qeod Advloo ae to tha Uao of tha Talaphono Which Should Ba Headed. 00000000000000000000 W W Hf H . M . . II ffi o 8 W II o I'e sa 1 e . CIGARS. PIPES. TOBACCO. ETC: WILL MADISON 114 ELEVENTH ST. O KW 'OSIMFKCIAIST. HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel In the Northwest To tha thoughtful obaenrer there are a treat many modern Improvement, that don't aeem to Improve thing much, and that are doubtful bleeslnga. One of theae la the telephone. Of courae we almuly couldn't get alone; with out It now, when we all live on the end of a wire, no to apeak, and I am not arguing agalnat Ua ueefulneea or con venience In buslneaa and aoclety. Dut whenever I aee a young girl at the telephone I wish will all my heart and aoul that It had never been Invent ed. A girl and a telephone make the worat combination of Idiocy, India cretltlon and bad tame that waa ever devliied. and If I had daughter. I would no more keep a telephone handy In the houae than I would keep pruanlc acid lying around looae. Thla sounds like a .weeping state ment, but I defy anybody to deny It. Justice. Juat Ilaten to the next girl you happen to aee talking over the tele phone. lWsn't her eonveraatlon run about like thla: "HpIIo, Central! Gimme 112I-S2. Hello! ta that Mr. Blank', office? Say, can I apeak to Jim Smlthers? Hello! I. that you. Jim? Hello! Say, can't you gueaa who It la? Tou don't know! He he he! Say. lt'e your little bridle. Don't you recognise the voice? Oh, aay, you are Jollying me about my voice. He he he he! Tea, It'a Lulu. Wasn't the Jlnklne ball perfectly grand j yesterday? Say, now, you are atrlng- Ing me about your heart being broken. It waan't me. It waa that red-headed Drown girl, though what people aee In her to admire I don't aee. Say, I Juat called you up to aak If you were com ing up tonight Tou haven't been up In a long time. Not that I care, of course. Tou'Il come? And bring a box of candy. Oh. aay, but you are too awet for anything! If your mouth waan t no far off I'd klaa you. He he he Hello! Hello, Central! What made you cut me off eo? I waan't half through with what I waa going to aay." Thla la a verbatim report of a conver- .Atlon that I waa recently privileged to hear, and Ita like can be duplicated In million American home., and the etrange part of It la that the gtrla that talk thla sort of flub-dub nonaenae that aounda ao bold, and braien, and vulgar, do not mean a thing by It, an) do not realize the folly of which they are guilty. One would think that when girl apoke to a man over a public wire ahe would at leaat have enough aenae and good taate to couch her com munication to him In formal and digni fied language. Inetead of thla being the caae, gtrl'a aeem to regard talking through the telephone aa giving them a certain llcenae, and they any things to the man In a dlntance that they would not think of anylng to hla face. It Is a common thing to henr them addreaa a man aa "denreat," or "darling," or honey." or "love," through the tele phone, nnd auggcat kUftlng him. when they wouldn't think of doing such a thing If the man were on the apot, ready take advantage of the Invitation they extended. If the girl, though, mnkea herself common nnd Immodest by telephoning young men, ahe does the young man practical wrong, for ahe frequently loapB him hla Job. Nothing puts a young man In worse light with hla employer than to be continually called away from hla work to convera with some fool girl over the telephone, nnd If young women had any Idea of the terror nnd anger that fill the breast of the average young man when they call him up by wire, and of the awear words he thlnka, they would In mercy forbear. To the Idle girl It eeema great fun to flirt over the telephone, but to the poor young mnn who feels the cold hard, unsympathetic eye of hla em ployer boring Into hla back while he tries to answer the girl at the other end of the wire, It Is a situation full of acute misery. He doesn't want to offend the girl by ringing off. nnd he doesn't want to lose his Job by talking, and earning the sobriquet of a telephone Romeo. Perhapa there Is no way to atop the telephone nuisance unless you gag the girls, but It la a pity that when one does call a young man up nnd talk nonsense to him over the wire that ahe can't realise how much she la cheapen ing and vulgarising herself, and In juring him. " If Livers Go Wronf act them right it'a simply and easily done. Without pain, without trouble, without nause atinjr, in fact it's only in the beneBdal effects that you notice you have taken Beechams Pills Sold Everyvaera. la box. 10e.andX. Hummel, and E. II. Kaffenburgh, one of hi. partner., are reported to have been served with subpoenas calling them aa wltneaae. before the grand Jury In the Investigation of the chargee in the Dodge-Morae divorce ecandal. Hummel and Kaffenburgh claimed to be Dldge'a attorney, when ha waa brought recently from Texaa. They at temped to see him, but were not allowed to do ao, and Dodge aatd he retained other counsel. ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Capital Paid io $100,000. Surplus and Undivided Profit. 25.000 Transact, a general banking bnaineea. Internet paid on time deposits. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, O. L PETERSON, FRANK PATTON. J. W. OA NIK, President Vio President Cashier. Aaet Cashier IftS TENTH STREET. ASTORIA, ORE. First National Bank of Astoria ESTABLISHED 1886 Capital and Surplus $100,000 HIS APOSTOLIC MAJESTY. Till ! tha Eaftrw of A stria m Klaar f Hsarr. The title of "apostolic majesty" Is boruo by the emperor of Austria a. king of Hungary. Hungary waa ruled by dukes from Its conquest by the Magyars to the year l'XX), the regal title being assumed first by Valk, whose education bad ben intrusted by hla father, Geyza, who liud married a Christian princess, to Adalbert, bishop of Prague. On suc ceeding lil father Valk embraced and established ChriNtlunity, applied for and received from Pope Sylvester IL the title of "apostolic king," wa. crowucd as Stephen I. and afterward Vuowu os 8L Stephen. The title was renewed by Clement XIII. in 1758 and, though abolished In 1848, was reaxKiimeil as "apostolic maj esty" in 1851 and restricted In 18C8 to the Austrluu emperor In bis character as king of Huugury. The privilege of being preceded by a cross bearer was granted with the original title. Loa don Standard. ASTORIA IRON WORKS Designers and Manufacturer! of THE LATEST,, IMPROVED CANNING MACHINERY, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Foot of Fonrth Street. .... ASTORIA, OREGON. A foaversloa. A country circus advertised that "at 12 o'clock the cannibals will be fed." A largo crowd assembled, bat to every body's disappointment the aavages ate potatoes. In reply ta some Indignant questions the manager said: "Bat, gen tlemen, don't you see that their diet Is evidence of my skill T I bars con verted them into vegetarians." Flle gende Blatter. WeU rrrpared Fr Dlaaar. Hicks So you went home with Stlnglman for lunch today, eh? What did you get? Wicks An appetite for llnnar. Philadelphia Ledger. BLOOD ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Having Installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of the latest pattern I am prepared to do all kind, of work io that Hoe at reasonable price., Telephone 291, CORNER TWELFTH AND DllANE STREETS. FISHER BROTHERS COMPANY Agents The Linen Thread Co. SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, ROPE Fishermen and Cannery Supplies to Columbus, Ohio, May 19, 1903. Borne four years ago I waa Buffering from impure blood and a general run down condition of the ayatem. I had no appetite, waa losing flesh, and had an all gone tired feeling that made me misera ble. I began the use of S . S. S., and alter taking seven or eight bottles my akin was clearedof all eruption! and took on a ruddy, Healthy glow that assured me that my blood had been restored to ita nor mal, healthy condition. My appetite was vaivitu. u a tuuiu cat anvmintr nut n. fore me, and aa I regained my appetite I increased in weight, and that 'Hired feel Ing" which worried me so much disap peared, and I was once again my old eelf. I heartily recommend S. S. S. as the best blood purifier and tonic made, and Wrongly advise its use to all those In need of such medicine. Victor Stubbins. Cor. Barthman and Washington Ave. Wheeling, V. V., May aS, 1003. AN ASTORIA PRODUCT Pale Bohemiaii Beer Best In The Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. My ayatem was run down and my joint, ached and pained me considerably. I had naed S. S. 5. before and knew what it DODGE TANGLE. Attorney a Are Drawn Into the Divorce was, ao I purchased a bottle of it and have taken several bottlea and the achea and paina are gone, my blood has been cleaa ed and rov general health built up, I can testify to it as a blood purifier and tonic. '533 Market St. John C Stbik. If you have any aymptoms of dis ordered blood write us and our physicians will advise you free. Onr book oa blood and skin diseases sent free. The Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, 6a. naaattonona Bnaananaunatt Our Drugs Are Pure We compound prescriptions with great care from a complete stock of fresh and pure drugs. We also sell all the standard home remedies and all kinds pf Proprietary Articles, Combs, Brushes, Razors, Soaps, all kinds of Toilet Articles, Etc. We Charge no Fancy Prices. Corner of Fourteenth Corner of Fourteenth II net' a n... 0 and Commercial Street nBn S mUg olOFB aaaaaanaaaaaa Dr. C. Gee Wo TONDERPUL HOMB TREATMENT Tala wwidmfai (.w ufw Soctur eilral 1 ! hMn k. ram Mopl wtlhoal 'j ilea (bat urr in n;. ., ' " to al. Ho cm lb thaM nm hart, bvli UlM know, fen HMllrmJ art. nc In Iht emiatry. I'bnMifU the w ot ihom awmlMa rttfuMH ibtn f.nioua donor know tao ar.tla of o-r !1 aiSmat rm ftMv, which be .ncmaunlly um In diffctnmt dlMMxn. H gnamiiuov to cur cMtnia, wta n, lung, thmst, rovumatistu, MrvoMij, nomacb, livrr, kiaufya, ic i m qmui W tmUinoalalft. (hurim ntaViaiA. lUI aaa him. Patient, out or in at? writ ft Mull and rlrmlnra. Hon .uiub. TAT10N TUCK. ADIkf.n.H The C Gtc Wo Chines EcJkbt Co. 3 - M 1 .' W. if a womlorOil t in- F.Vi .r.TI!r.K . rh, nu. hu.l. C'AVSOf 1 am numi nu ' ; it. x :.l MaBBWaaaaaas yaaaawkaTwaaVaw (FIVE DIFFERENT MAKES TO SELECT FROM Thii variety ii so large that you can earily find one juat suit yon. All are reliable makes and covered 1 substantial guarantee. We also have heating stoves, cook stoves, air-tight stoves; all sold at the very bottom prices that we always sell at, because of the fact that la buying and selling for cash we can save you the usage on the money. L. H. HENNINCSEN CO. KSni!lC CENTRAL MEAT MARKET G. W. Morton and John Fnhrman, Proprietors. CHOICEST FKE3H AND SALT MEATS. PROMPT DELIVERY 54a Commercial St. Phone Main 321. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager Hacks, Carriages Baggag Checked and Transferred Tracks and Furniture Wagons- Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. r Weinhard's "-g PORTLAND , Imbroglio..,,,, , , , New York, Jan. 5. Attorney A. H. IH Al1rr Si.. OREGON. Beer.