TU1IOAV, JANUARY t, 190 I rilK MOUSING ASTORIAN. A STOMA, OKKfiON. il ', I 3 1! t -1, rTTfflffBrIWiilll AYORS MESSAGE The Gty Affairs Art in Good Condition. LITTLE PENDING LITIGATION City Fathers Seat Councilman Stangt land and Put Away Soma Routin Business at the First Meeting of the New Year. The council held Its first meeting ol the new year at noon yesterday and settled upon the seating of new mem bers, heard the mayor's message, and then adjourned, after a short amount of routine business had been transact ed. Mayor Suprenant's message. In full, is as follows: Astoria, Ore.. Jan. !, 1905. Gentlemen of the Common Coum ll: It Is customary for the mayor at the beginning of each year to commu nicate to the council by message, set ting forth, as far as practicable, the general condition of the city's affairs, and making such recommendations and suggestions as he may deem proper. Owing to the fact that the yearly re ports of the city officials are not at hand. I cannot go Into details, but only treat of them In a general way. The affairs of the city as a whole. In my opinion, are much better than they nave been previously; the various of ficers of the city are performing their duties In a very satisfactory manner, j and their worlt has been Increase toj S. very great extent by the vast amount of Improvement made recently, b! which I am sure the public generally feels proud and thankful Of course there afe some dissatisfied, but while you are sure that you are serving the public honestly you can continue to do so without fear. At our city is growing quite rapidly, there will be a neces sity for more improvements during the present year, and I hope the pre liminary work will be taken up during the dry season. I would urge the strict est economy in all departments, but not to the detriment of necessary im provements. I cannot tomptaln of lack of care in the past, for I have not been able to find where any of the public funds have been wasted through the lack of proper care. The streets throughout the city are our greatest source of expense, and necessarily require great care and at tention, for the repairs on old streets must be kept up to avoid danger to the public In building new streets, of An appropriation of IJ2 for repairs to wblrh mn will har arni m the roof of engine house No. 1 was of which there are very many that are not now paying license. The year IMS bids fair to be one of more than usual prosperity, and a great deal depends on the round! so as to keep up with the march of events. 1 take this opportunity to express my thanks to the gentlemen of the city round! and all the city officials, for their uniform courtesy to me and their prompt performance of their sev eral duties, and I hope to merit the same treatment during th, balance of my term of office as your mayor. J. W. Surprenant. The message was well received by the members of the round! who are In accord with the mayor's views. Hunts, Hansen and Nordstrom were constituted a committee on elections and retired a moment to prepare their report on the seating of Mr. Statute- land, the new member from the Third word, who succeeds Mr. Nordstrom. After the presentation of the report Mr. Stangeland was escorted to his seat by Mr. Nordstrom, and cast his first vote approving, himself. The mayor then announced the com mittees for the ensuing year, as follows: Ways and Means Helland. K.-ttvth and Burns. Police Morton. Lebeck and Holland. I Streets Hansen. Robertson and Stangeland. Fire and Water Llnenweber. Mor ton and Robertson. Public Property Kaboth, Furns and Lebeck. Wharves and Waterfrontage le beck. Relland and Robertson. This left Jack Hums without a chair manship, which looked peculiar to the spectators, of whom there was a large numbed, until, upon Mayor Surpre- nant's suggestion, the council elected Mr. Burns president of the council for 1905. Messrs. Prael. Jones and Carney, who were understood as contemplating ap plication for confirmation as members of the police commission did not ap pear, nor was any reference made to the matter. The report of the city attorney was hOrt and reported a good condition. Out of $300 appropriated for purpose of litigation last year he stated that It had been necessary to only use $5. There Is but one case against the city pending that of a man who was In jured at the foot of Sixth street about three years ago. On motion It was decided to hold the meetings of the council until the new city hall Is completed. In A. O. V. W. hall, and the date of the next meeting was set for January 9. The petition of J. V. Burns for 40 days' leave of absence to enable him to attend the next session of the legls lature, was acted upon favorably. The mayor asked the permission of the council for the expenditure of $100 for strengthening the trusses under the roof of the new city hall, and the mat ter was delegated to the committee on public property for favorable action. PECIAL Laces and Embroideries TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1905, 8 A. M. EVKR on the alert to our patrons' interests, a store whose policy is not for today only but for tomorrow and all the great future, we've reccutly concluded a mammoth pur chase which means to our patrous the greatest money-saving event ever planned and perpetrated in Clatsop County. A large Eastern importer of Laces and Kmbroiderics became overstocked, and, not wishing to carry them over another winter, offered his entire surplus stock at 43c on the dol lar. We heard about it aud took advantage of his misfortune. The result is here awaiting your inspection. Very finest Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Kmbroiderics, Insertions and Headings, two to eighteen iuches wide, and worth up to 75c. will go ou our Hargain Tables -Tuesday morning in one grand assortment, at yonr choice a yard, only . . , IOC Good quality Torchon and Mcdecine Laces and Insertions, ouc to five inches in width and worth up to 15c, at your choice a yard, only Be I would recommend that provisions be made to have someone clothed with full authority to superintend the construc tion of same, to see that the materials and labor are furnished in accordance with the plans and specifications fur nished by the engineer. If a compet ent person is employed for this pur pose. It will Insure faithful work, and avoid a great deal of trouble to the street committee. me nre aepartment I and in very good condition, but its efficiency Is somewhat hampered by the lack of a few more extra men. I believe that the employment of four more men for this purpose would be good policy, and the cost of such additional help would be not more than $34 a month. The police department I find Is effi cient and well regulated, and the funds passing through the hands of the chief are all properly accounted for. The auditor and police Judge Is per forming his duties in a very satisfac tory manner, and T believe the council and public generally agree with me In this. I also wish to say that the city treasurer, city engineer and street su perintendent are doing all that could be expected of good and faithful pub lic officers. I would call the attention of he coun cil to the necessity of creating a tr-;et cleaning department. While I would not recommend going into a very ex pensive outfit, I believe that the em ployment of two men with one horse and cart, would be sufficient at pres ent. At least you might try this, or some other plan whereby the streets may be cleaned up and made more pleasing to the eye and more Inviting to strangers. To meet the necessary expenses that would occur if these recommendations are adopted, I would suggest that reasonable licenses be imposed on all classes that the charter provides for also made. Councilman Belland asked for a rule compelling the filing of ordinances by 10 a. m. on the day of their presenta tion to the council to enable the mem bers to give them fuller consideration. No action, however, was given the suggestion. The council adjourned. We have also purchased recently a very large and handsome assortment of Ladies' Dress and Walking Skirts, Tourist Coats and Jackets They are a drummer's sample line. We got them at a discount of 3J 1-3 per ccut. During this sale you get them the same way. SKIRTS $1.00 TO $15.00. COATS $2.50 TO $30.00 All this Season's Styles. During this sale on the articles mentioned, positively no goods eichingf d, no money refunded, and every transaction made for cash only. SEE LARGE WINDOW DISPLAY. Shop early and avoid the afternoon crush. FOARD & STOKER CO. AUTHORS ANGRY. SECOND ANANIAS. Thrilling Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor Last Night A mournful looking German sailor last night blew Into town with a heart rending story of death and devastation that could hardly have created more excitement If he had been the sole sur vivor of the Kroonland. He told his tale In one or two plarea and an Astorlan reporter nearly found ered himself getting to the restaurant where the tar was hoisting aboard a cargo of ham and . He poured into the reporter's ear a narrative of how they were on the Ger man bark Mary, 131 days from Hom burg. Captain Davles, general cargo. lurch! down on a havy swell, struck a buried derelict and went down in ten minutes, three miles outside th bar. So related this veracious mariner; there were IS of the crew, and they fought like tigers for the boat, only one being serviceable. He said he and the captain, by superhuman effort. managed to stave off the onrushes of their frenzied fellows, and with three others, made their way In over the bar, I point upon which there Captain wasn't at the Occident, the pilot's office, nor the Parker house; Martin Foard had gone to a dance, and Mr. Cherry hadn't seen him; neither had he notified his owners by cable. The reporter began to doubt not the sailor. Oh, no, but he feared for his ability to And the captain, and re doubled his efforts. No good. Onp. still missing. On going down th line, however, he found a man racing around In a circle with the story looking for a man from the Astorlan. The reporter snuggled up to him like a hobo to a square meal and aicertalned that It was the bark Emily. Captain Thorson, with a cri-w of Scandinavians, and that they had struck on the bar and the sailor had swum all the way up the river. Notice Is hereby served that any mariner that wants to saw off a yarn on the Astorlan stiff wouldn't be be lieved If he wanted to swear to the authenticity of the New Testimony. "Kor Mothers Sake." with the Intl. sunbeam. Mario Heath, will br thr matinee attructlon at the Kniplre thr ir this after noun. The latrst perfor mance will b gltvn tonight. Il l a pity there are not mot pluys of l.n character, a It shim thr grrat love a child can have for his root her. and what a mother will do for her child. reacning Aswna at 5 p. m., wet, ex hausted, hungry and despairing. ine reporters hair arose with the horror of the fight for the yawl, and when the sailor asked for "two bit w a '"Km s jogging, ne was so moved he gave him an order on "the office" for four bits, and then tore off to find the captain. OO IO REWARD We shall give $10.00 in gold as a first prize, and $5, as a second prize, to the boy or girl under eighteen years of age writing the best poem of two or more verses, using the MONARCH RANGE as subject of the poem. All poems to be handed in before 6 P. M. on February 16, 1905 CHARLES HEILBORN Complete House Furnishers. & SON 590-592 Commercial St. American .Copyright Law .Causing Troubls Abroad. London, Jan. 2. The Standard hav ing o)-nea in columns to a discussion of th,- all-gwi iriJuHtlcc don to Itrltish iaw, numerous prominent wrlt'-m art- ex ir-nrilriK their opinion on the sub Ject, without, however, displaying any unanimity regarding the remedy. hir Artnur (,'oniiii Iioyle Is strongly for and Hall Calne as strongly against retaliation. Andrew Lang confesses the whole question of protection is too metaphysical for him. The single Is semblance of agreement Is in a suggestion by Mrs. W. Clifford, approve by Hall Calne and others, that a clause should be Inserted In the American law giv ing British as well as foreign authors the privilege of copyright within one year. "For Mother's Sake. Is scheduled to play at Fishers' opera house next Friday evening. The cast is composed of actors well known in the profession, not a stick among them. This Is a refreshing innovation when we stop to consider that most companies carry a lot of dead wood and try to make up in numbers what they lack in talent. The play holds a uistinguisnea place among the better class of theater goers, and the verdict rendered by the public has established Its reputation beyond a doubt. The plot is not confused, Its characters are well discriminated and In the hands of a most capable company. In speaking of the play the Oregonlan of yesterday says: That delightful pastoral ldvl. CUTICURA Soap, Ointment and Pills the World's Greatest Skin Cures. PRICE THE SET $1 Complete Treatment for Every Humour, from Pimples to Scrofula. The agonizing Itching and burning of the skin, as In eczema; tha frightful scaling, as In psoriasis the loss of hair tod crusting of the scalp, as In called bead j the facial disfigurement, as In pimples and ringworm the awful suffering of Infanta and the anxiety of worn-oat parenU, aa In milk crest, teU ter and salt rheum, all demand a rem edy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully cope with them. That Cutlcora Soap, Ointment and Pills an such stands proven beyond all doubt Ho statement Is made regarding them that Is notjaitlfled by tbe strongest erldence. The pnrlty and sweetness, the power to sfford Immediate relief, the certainty of speedy and permanent core, the absolute safety and great economy, have made them the stand trd skin cures and humour remedies of the clrillxed world. The grandest testimonial that can be offered the Cntlcnra remedies Is tbelr world-wide sals, due to the personal recommendations of those who bare e4 tbem. From a small beginning In the simplest form, against prejudice nd opposition, against monled host, countless rivals, and trade Indifference. Cntlcnra remedies have become the greatest curatives of their time, and. fact, of all time, for nowhere In the history of medicine la to be found another approaching them la popularity and sale. la every clime and with erery people they bare met with the same reception. Tbe confines of the earth fe the only llmlu to tbelr growth. "- cuuqucrea ue world. s Something Going to Happen At . Uonzlger & Co THE CLOTHIERS They will be closed all day ne Thursday and Friday Jan. 6 and 1905. There are Reasons for It. WARRENTON LUMBER GO Fir, Spruce and Hemlock Sub Wc tnak Manufacturers of end Dealers In lumber! it us your specifications on any bill you wish r and we will give you best prices. e a penalty of Spruce litvc! Si.liK .l Factory Stock. ! Warrenton. Or . Shipments Made Either n Rail er Water. Capacity 73,000 feet per day. a moke the New Size LA IMPERIAL CIGAR ALL HAVANA. (N0 imitation goca with us.) Save the Bands And get the diamond in Seymourt window, or the 120 cold rlW!fi nr a fm ..: V.J BURNS, J. 1 "..M,,M,WMM,MOM, ) : i