The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 25, 1904, Image 1

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    " . ..'.-r.- . o"" , ASSOOIATS0 VRIt IMPORT
Younf. Fiend Has No Mer
cy on Parent.
Boy Gave Himself Up to the Au
thoritlei After Commit
ting Awful Deed.
"You'll Ntver Get the Chancer Wat
Young Brown's Loot Word, Ho
Throw Hlo Quit Up and Com
mltttd Parrlolde.
Chehallt, Wash., Deo. . 14. Thomas
ilrown, aged IT, shot bla father In tht
kljntya last nlf ht on tho Brown (arm
on Daep creek, western Lewis county,
than hunted his woundod parent out
from Itla refuge behind a clump of
buahoa and ahot him through tho back.
Tho latter bullet caused Instantane
oua death. Tho lad then walked homo,
calmly put up hla weapon, and tolJ hla
mother he had killed bla father. He
left tho body lying In the timber.
Toung Brown told bla atory In detail
to a correspondent at tho Lewie county
Jail today. He came to Chehallt at
midnight and gave himself up to the
authorities. He euya thr baa been
trouble between hli father and mother
for two year; that tho former bad
been addicted to drink, and that he "nad
been growing constantly more abualve
toward hla family. The parents hirve
not lived together for some time.
Curses and an alleged threat to kill
bla son brought on the awful tragedy
of yesterday. Toung Brown had been
at school, and was on Ma way borne
when bo met his father with a team
and a load of bay. Tho wagon became
atuck In the mud and the boy advised
unhitching. The Ill-feeling between
them led to a quarrel, In which the lad
says his father swore at him and
threatened to kill him. "You won't
get a cbanco to kill me," replied the
' Both atarted homeward the son to
get a weapon, tho father, ao the boy
claims, for the same purpose. Hump
ered by having to lead the unhitched
team, the parent made alower progress
and his advance was further hamp
ered by his prospective alayer, who
tore up three bridges en route so that
the team should not cross. Thomas
reached home, told his mother he was
going to shoot an owl, got the win
cheater and atarted back to become a
When the father came In sight, he
was walking with his hand on the
shoutder of a younger son and leading
tho team.
"Do you mean what you sold about
killing me?" called Thomas. -?
"Tea, by God; Ido: the man ari
wered. "Tou will never get the chance," the
son hurled passionately back, and
throwing the Winchester to his shoul
der, pulled tho trigger.
The man, In spite of a Jagged wound
through tho body, hurried Into a
thicket and tried to hide himself. The
youth threw a fresh cartridge In hie
gun and chased htm out. As the elder
turned to flee, the second bullet struck
him the back, coming out at the
breao '
Wing Brown told the story of the
kipuig without hesitation or emotional
cllvlny. He does not seem to realise
the magnitude of his act He claims
be has tupported tho family for the
paBt two'years, and that this necessity
has kept him from school until this
According to the boy, tho dead man
was a murderer himself, having shot a
man some yean ago in a saloon brawl
In Texas. He declares he baa often
heard bis parent boast of this affair.
He also says his father's brother had
to nee from Texas On account of hav
ing shot a negro. " 1 "., '
Over 1200,000,000 to Celebrate Christ
mas This Year. '
Chicago, Doc. 14. It la estimated It
cost Chicago more than 122,000,000 to
celebrate Christmas this ear. Never
was money expended ao freely In celt
bratlng a holiday In tho history of tho
Trouble In the Land of tandttormi and
Turbulent Dances.
, Far Is, Dec. 14. The. crisis In Mo
rocco Is assuming a warlike aspect,
leading tho government to consider all
eventualities, Including tho possibility
and oven tho probability of the occupa
tlon of a chain of six or seven of tho
most Important ports, giving Franco
tho control of Moroccan customs and
communication with the outer world.
This will nt bo deflntely determined
until tho sultan responds to French de
mands for redress.
Shot His Wife.
Everett, Wash., Dec. 24. Scott Hev
ley, a rancher, shot bis wife In tho
neck today at the borne of H. 0
Brower, 14 miles from Everett. Re
cently Hevley't wife left blm 'during a
quarrel nevley called at Brewer's
homo today with tho apparent Intention
of a reconciliation, but at the condu
slon of tho noon meal Brower says
Hevley drew a revolver and shot bis
wife and attempted to shoot Brower.
Ho was overpowered. It Is not known
how serious tho woman's wound may
prove. Hevley Is In Jail.
Christmas Packages for the Mil
lions Are There.
Merchants Are Pleased by tho Influx
of Coin to Their Tills, But tho Car
riers Art Not Tlokled a Bit at
tho Immense Shipments.
New York, Doc. 24. Express com
panies and suburban package carriers
doing business In this city have been
swept In an avalanche of Christmas
packages. Mountains of parcels are
piled up In the transfer office and, al
though extra men and wagons are at
work the accumulation seems to grow
larger Instead of smaller.
That many parcels containing gifts
will not be delivered before the middle
of next week Is admitted by the express
officials. Delivery systems operated by
many of the large retail shops will be
at work throughout Sunday and Mon
day In the hopea of catching up.
Chrlstmaa shopping reached Ha
height tide on Friday, and according to
merchants in the retail district the
sales this year have passed all records.
From early In the mora lng until 10
'clock at night crowds of eager buy
ers filled the stores. Articles for gifts
were soon wrapped up hurriedly and
the unprecedented detnand left many
stores short of goods that are ordin
arily left over to be disposed at bar
gain sales after the holidays. ', f ;
"Men who were caught In the, vortex
of a crush of women shoppers In nar
row alales or near the elevators of the
big stores wished they had remained
at home. Sidewalks In the shopping
district were moving masses of human
ity. Surface cars and elevated trains
were Jammed with passengers and the
subway shared In the crush. When
the homeward rush of workers began
at night the crush was frightful.
Merchants of many years' experience
sold that the Christmas buying this
year was begun earlier than usual and
that everybody seemed to have money.
Purchases were made on a liberal scale
and tht sales thli year were of a more
substantial character than before.
Large Jewelry bouses report the best
holiday trade In years and tho fur
trade which .last- year was near disas
ter, It now said to be In a prosperous
Christmas celebration will begin at
tho churches, Sunday schools and clubs
this 'evening: There will bt special
services In the churches tomorrow with
elaborate, musical programs and, on
Monday, many dinners to tbt poor will
bt glvenV' ' ' ' ' V
Liners Going Into Docks
from the Thames.
Many Accidents Have Occurred
In the Past Three Days
On the River.
Mailt Held Up and Package Delivery
Paralysed by tho Worst Fog in
London's Exporienoo Shops
Lose Milllone of Dollars.
London, Dec. 24. Tht fog unpre
codented In tho annalt of tht meter-
ologlcal observance! of the officials of
tbt British tmplrt, bat lifted a trifle
today, and tho lower Thames presents
a tpectable that has never before been
seen on tbt river.
Pilots, and masters of small vessela
have been no leas at a loss than the
masters of the great ocean liners, and
tbo last few days has produced a con
dition of trafflo that has never been
aeen before, even In tho memory "of
tht oldest Inhabitant," and tbt con
gestion of tht enormous trafflo by the
river Into London has been held In a
way that has paralysed the Christmas
trade In tht matter of foreign deliver
lea, no less than the lots that hat been
occasioned London merchants by the
fog that baa been to dense which even
tht lighting of tht street lamps all day
long hat not sufficed to correct
Millions of shoppers that would have
otherwise thronged tbt shops of the
city have not even visited the Strand,
and the loss to the merchants cannot
be calculated except In tht failures
that wlU result
Tht shipping reports from the
Thames are full of minor casualties,
and collisions, but up to midnight no
serious accidents have occurred during
the three days' Inaction of the great
liners and steamers from every quarter
of the globe.
Under charge of the harbor authori
ties, the big liners have begun lifting
anchors and are moving alowly to their
docks. All lesser shipping Is held In
Its place.
Accidents at Sea Are Likely Always
to Ooour.
Paris, Dec, 24. Russian defense be
fore the international commission which
Inquires Into the North sea Incident,
Is practically completed. The main fea
tures are: First, firing by the Russian
squadron Is Justified, as a defense
against attack. This entails the pro
ving of the present of Japanese tor
pedoboats; second, even If the Rus
sians wer not attacked, they believed
they were,' 'and. therefore, defensive
measures, which were taken, were ab
solutely In good faith; third, at most It
was an accident at sea, where dangers
and risks are extreme.
No Bail in tht Case of Mies Nan Pat
ttrton Next, York, Deo 24 Nan Patterson's
last hope of spending Christmas with
her parents in Washington vanished to
day when District Attorney Jerome an
nounced he would not agree to a reduc
tion of ball This was taken to maun
tho show girl Will again be tried on the
charge of the murder of Caesar Toung.
Bail was previously fixed at 120,000.
The news she will not be admitted
to ball was broken to MIbs Patterson
at gently as possible, but she broke
down completely after making a brave
show of cheerfulness, all day.
Christmas In New York.
New York, Deo. 24. New York be
gan Its Christmas celebration tonight,
and the various hospital! and charit
able Institutions of the city had Christ-
mat trees for the little- ones and tht
poor of tht lower city sections, besides
many of the basket distributions that
were carried on In tb various por
Ions of the city by tho ladles' aid
societies, it It estimated tonight that
at least 150,004 Chrlstmaa trteo have
been told In tht city within tht past
10 days.
Emptrtr Expresses Confidence in tht
"Peasant Prince."
St. Petersburg, Dec 24. The cur
rent stories of the complete victories
of tht reactionaries and the definite
shelving of all hope of early reforms
on tht broad scale, according to an au
thority very clone to the emperor, are
absolutely false.
Interior Minister Mirsky stanJs
higher than ever . In the emperor's
esteem and confidence, and the pro
gram of reform that Is being worked
out covers the national, municipal and
peasant administrations.
Miners Csnnot Get Fsir Trial in Teller
Colorado Springs, Dec. 24. The Tel
ler county cases against Charles H.
Moyer and other officers of the West
ern Federation of Miners growing out
of tht strike troubles In Cripple Creek
bavt been transferred to Douglass
county for trial ,by order of Judge Cun
ningham before whom a motion for a
change of venue wat argued In cham
ber! here. Tht reason for the action of
tht Judge is that he believes a fair
trial could not be had In Teller county.
Fought Off Hordes of Vorocious
Man Eating Sharks.
Sam Htrrit and South Sea Islanders
Reaoh Papeete Crazed from Pri
vation and Exposure in a Little
Open Boat Almost 8tarved.
San Francisco, Dec. 24. Average of
200 miles by oar, almost destitute of
provisions and water and pursued by a
horde of giant sharks that threatened
momentarily day and night to oapsise
the craft and devour Its occupants, was
the experience of Captain Sam Harris
and four South Sea Islanders, who
oomposed the crew of the little trad
lng schooner Victor, wrecked on Apa
Takt Island on November 20.
Apa Takl Is 200 miles from Papeete,
the port of Tahiti. This Is a tale of the
sea brought here by the liner Mariposa,
Just arrived, which left Papeete on the
day Captain Harria and his men land
ed there, emaciated and nearly erased,
but still alive.
, When the Victor ended her career
by striking the reef, the shipwrecked
crew had barely time to put off In the
boat for their long voyage, made with
out compass and no sail, with one day's
provisions on'boaHl and half a doxen
cocoanuts, the milk from the latter
was all they had to drink during the
1 days It took to reach Papeete. The
passage was enlivened by a constant
cpmbat with the sharks. In verifica
tion of their story oars were shown
ipllntered and worn repelling the at
tacks of the ferocious fish which gave
them no rest '.V ' '
,The Victor-was a trader among the
Friendly and Society Islands, '
Sheriffs Shot
; Sherman, Texas., Dec. 24. Sheriff
Russell of Hugo, I. T., was shot and
Hilled tonight, and Sheriff Williams of
Oraysoq county, Texas, who was with
him, severely wounded, by two men
who were under arrest and aboard a
train being taken back to Sherman to
answer to a charge of burglary. The
prisoners leaped from the train, which
was running at a high rate of speed,
and escaped. A large posse Is In pur
suit. . . i
Sport Escapes. ,
: Butte, Dec. 24. After being out 40
hours the .Jury In. the cast of . Jerry
Slattery, a well-known sporting man,
charged with the murder of Patrick
Mahoney, today ' disagreed.
New York Judge Tempers
the Storm.
Justice Doesn't Care Who It is
That Regains Liberty
on Christmas.
New York a Good Place to Bt In Jai
If tht Judge Hat Had a Good
Brtakfatt and Feelo in .
Lenient Mood.
New York. Dec. 24. Today 15
prisoners were released upon the re
quest of tht police reporters and who
ever bad a friend that wanted his lib
erty. ' "'' "'
; After the regular session of court
Judge Frank J. Higglns called the Jail
attaches and the reporter! and In
formed them that in recognition of the
Christmas season he had decided to
permit each of them to name a prison
er whose release they desired.
The releases were signed by the Judge
arid the men were turned loose without
process of law, on request of the men
who had friends In Jail
It seems any Judge can liberate the
prisoner of a county or municipal Jail
at will, and this one was particularly
good natured.
Polietman Killed by a Woman With
Weapon Ht Carried.
Vienna, Deo.' 24. A Hungarian girl
named Rosa Laxar of Temesvar killed
a policeman this week with his own
He was trying to arrest her for be
ing disorderly In a coffee house, when
she snatched bis sword from its scab
bard and dealt htm such a blow on the
head that It split his skull.
It took the united efforts of several
other constables with drawn swords to
disarm her.
Demurrers Art Overruled by the Pre
siding Judge.
New York, Dec. 24. The demurrers
of Charles F, Barnaby, President J. P.
Atkinson, secretary, and F. Q. Dexter
director of Knickerbocker Steamboat
Company and others to the indictment
charging them with a share of respon
sibility in the burning of the excursion
steamer General Slocum, was overruled
today by Judge Thomas of the United
States court
The company officials demurred to
the indictment on the - ground they
were not, owners of crafts. He holds
the primary duty In the selection test
and the malntainence of . life-saving
apparatus la upon the owners. At the
same time it was the duty of the cap
tain to carefully Inspect the equipment
and In the event of imperfect duty to
refuse to navigate the vessel.
Fatal Gasoline.
Guthrie, O. T, Dec. 24. Wilhelm
Schultx was fatally burned and his
wife and three children are dead as
the result of a gasoline explosion at
their home near Guymon, Oklahoma.
Pats Togo on tht Back for Hit Great
' Achievements.
Toklo, Dec. 24, 10:15 a. m. An im
perial rescript dispatched to Vice-Ad-
maral Togo says: .
"We hear with great satisfaction, that
our torpedo floatillas engaged . in the
work required of them at Port Arthur
have gallantly and successfully accom
plished the duties required of them and
In so doing had to brave tht dangers
of storms and shells by day and night
Despite all the difficulties confront
ing tbem they have succeeded In per
forming their duties without tht least
confusion, rendering one another
mutual assistance. ' ,'
"We especially note their brave and
loyal performance) of tht duties re
quired of them and express our appro
bation of their gallant behavior."
, . For Government Aid.
Spokane, Dec. 24. T. A. Noble, resi
dent engineer of the geological survey,
who prepared the plans of tht Palouse
Irrigation project, bat been called to
Washington to bt present at negotia
tions between the government and the
O. R. A N. railroad, and submitted a
proposition to the government to sur
render possession of the Washtucna
Coulee, approximately 2200,000, for a
reservoir. .
8pudt for Ireland. .
Greeley, Col., Dec 24. A mass meet
lng was held here today to provide 100
carloads of potatoes for the Irish fam
ine sufferers.
Conductor and Brakeman Shot While
Ejecting tho Man. .
Galll polls, O, Dec. 24. An exciting
battle took place on a northbound
Hocking Valley passenger train, near
here, this afternoon. The conductor
was shot through the left arm and
shoulder, and the brakeman was shot
through the left breast and- ankle, by
Edgar Orover. The crew had attempted
to put Orover from the train. Tho
sheriff and a large posse have gone In
search of the fugitive.
28,000 Men Employed Clearing
m... Sidewalks. . -
L' f v..
About Twenty-Two Inches of Snow on
the Level in New York City
and Traffio It Very Badly
New York. Dec. 24. A force of 25,800 .
men went to work on the snow In this
great big town yesterday. No such
force ever tackled the snow 'here be
fore. At ( o'clock in the morning Snow
Contractor Bradley put 12,000 men to
work, of whom 4000 drove carts. At
night this lot went off duty and the
contractor put on 10,000 fresh men of
whom 2500 drove carts. The labors of
this force were done in Manhattan and
the Bronx and in Brooklyn and an
amaxlng area of streets was cleared.
The fall of snow was 7 8-10 inches,
making about 22 inches so far this fall
or nearly two-thirds the average New
York snowfall for an enttre winter.
Superintendent Bouton of the city's
snow removal bureau said that the re
moval of snow under Dr. Woodbury's
new system was far more satisfactory
than the old style.' The removal is
paid for by the contractor by the cubic
yard at rates varying from It cents to
22 cents the yard, governed by dis
tance from dumping stations. '
It cost -the city about $35,000 for each
Inch- of fall In Manhattan alone, and
Mr. Bouton said that last year the city
paid out about $775,000 for the removal
of snow in Manhattan and the Bronx.
The city pays the contractor on a
basis of actual snowfall and actual area
cleaned. The figures are obtained by
measurements of the' surfaces cleaned
from house -line to house -line In the
several districts mapped out for clean
ing, and by the official report of the
number of Inches of snowfall.
There are 11 districts In Manhattan
and two in the Bronx. In Manhattan
about 200 miles of streets are cleaned,
and In the Bronx, abqut. 60, so, of course
all can't be cleaned at once.
- Battleship Damaged,
Newport News, Dec 24. The battle-.
ship Iowa,. while being docked at the.
ship yards here today, came In violent
contact with tht structural work of tht
battleship Ashute. . ,. Tht . guard rail!
were carried away and tht ship other
wise slightly damaged..