The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 24, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Cigars by the Box
Christmas Goods Galore
. . j i i
j y-v - ,... ,
Cool Goods Our Specialty.
Local Brevities.
I'iIm matluet at tha Star Saturday
afernoon, for women and children.
A ehlpm.nt of sweet appU older just
In, ISO gallon. Aatorla Orocery.
Armor'i O.nulne English plumb pud
ding. Qna and two pound Una. Asto
rla Grocery.
Special aala of toilet and manicure
f aata at Woodflel.Vs Art Store on Bond
Beautiful pi I.e. to be (Ivan at the
War prlaa matlne Haturday af(en
The beautiful prlte matinee at the
Star Saturday afternoon for women
and children will be the graateat event
of the aeaaon.
We huva received a carload of eaat
ern oak. It la of superior quality and
will be aold In lota to suit purohaaera.
Fisher Bros Co,
A gaa main burnt on Commercial
street yesterd'iy morning, and the odor
wib terrific. "Also, the lower part of
(he i lly waa In dnrkneae.
Ladlea and children prlaa matinee at
the Star Saturday afternoon. Don't
mlaa It.
Illda will be uiirnrd todny for bullj
ln net racks for the Columbia River
Packers' A Mix In I Inn.
The Commercial Club football tenm
la practicing daily for the gam next
Monday with the Chemewaa. Aa the
teama are evenly matched a moat Inter-
eating gurne la looked for.
All the butcher shops In Aatorla will
keep open until o'clock Monday morn
ing, but no orders for delivery will be
received. All ordera for Monday de
livery muat be In on Saturday nlgbt
A certificate of the completion of
Franklin avenue, between Thirty-sixth
and Forty-third atreet, by Contractor
Goodwin win filed In the audltor'a of-
Thompeon'a glova-nttlng coreeta and hce yesterday. The coat of tha Im-
n. 0. coraeta at coat price. Black I provetitent waa I907J.24.
and Qray. Bhanahan'a,
j(hl jj,!, a resident of Aberdeen.
.mrre win ue v,nrwmaa, , ,hllt .,,, v.a.v BOrnlnir M
diabetes, after a ahort lllneaa. He waa
a native of Finland, 24 yeara of age.
No arrangement! hav been made for
the funeral.
exerclxea In all the churches tomorrow
to which the publlo la Invited. "
Ladles and children should not forget
to attend tha beautiful prlaa matinee!
at tha Star Saturday afternoon.
For the benefit of palrona It la an
nounced by the Palace Durbar ehop
nutagement that tha ahop will be cloaed
at noon on Monday.
Chrlatmaa exerclaee occurred last
evening at tha paptlet church. An ap
propriate iittntay and musical program
waa enjoyed by all preaent.
Chief Engineer "Foster dealree again
to call attention of thoee engaged In
Chrlatmaa featlvltlea that tha made
up Santa Clauaea beware of their
combuatlbla whiskers.
District Attorney Allen waa engaged
yesterday In examining witnesses In
the aeveral criminal caaea pending In
the circuit court. It la reported that
Lowe, Runyon and Davla have con
fesard the crime with which they are
charged and will plead guilty when ar
The preliminary exuinliiHtlon-of -John
Tlenharl, charged with criminal
miult on a little girl In Upportown waa
completed yeaterday. There being auf-
flclent evidence to aecura conviction
Judge UooJman held blm to appear in
the circuit court with bonda flxed at
11000. He waa committed to Jull.
The Chrlatmaa exerclea of the Metho
dlat church took place laat evening In
tha preaenca of larga number of
metnbera and their frlenda. An appro
priate program waa rendered by the
membera of tha Sunday achool.
Appropriate exercises wara held yea
terday In tha reapectlve rooma of the
Adair achool. Many preeenta wara re
celved by both teacher and pupil. We
commend tha teacher In that they re
member "all work and no play makea
Jack a dull boy."
All peraona having La Vera and La
Imperial cigar band muat turn them
In to tha clgarmakera committee be
fora 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The
prlxea will probably be awarded In the
evening aa It will take conalderable
time to fount them.
The caa of Morcua Wlaa va. Peter
I'aaka to determine poaaeaalon of car
tain land on Tounga river, occupied
the attention of the circuit court yes-
terduy. The caa waa concluded laat
evening and a decision will be rend
ered later. Tha caa haa been on the
docket for about five yeara.
The will of the bite Henry Glut waa
filed for probate yeaterday., Tha en t ate
la vulued at about $3500. In hla will he
bequeathed to Temple lodge, Fern
chapter, C. H. Poge, Charlea Wright
and F. J. Carney $250 each, and the
remalnded of hla estate of E. P. Par
ker. F. A. Fisher and J. Q. A. Bowlby
are mimed aa executors. ,
There are five prlaonere In the coun
ty jull awaiting trial. The largeat
number that haa been In the Jail at
any one time for two yeara. Fred
Htauch, Harry Lowe, John Telnharl
O. Runyon and W. H. Davla will be
arraigned on December 30 and their
trlula probably et down for the Feb
ruary term of court
The cigar band content ends loduy tit
o'clock. All peraona having La Im-
perlul or La Verne cigar band muat
turn them In at that time. One peraon,
It la atated, haa over 8000. other have
from 1000 to 4000. It la eatlmated that
about 30,000 bands will b turned In.
Thla repreaenta $3000 apent for cigar
during the paat month.
Musical Instruments, Toilet
Sets, Toy Wagons, Dolls.
Holiday Goods
Fine Line ok
Books, Albums,
Xmas Cards,
we hare what you want
for yourself and friends
that won't spill coal all over -at
w. c. laws a CO.
Bond St.
We sell Stoves also.
Special Price $B.4B
Solid Oak Frame and Fine Valour Cushions
NOTE! Sale on these chairs, now going on and you
can come and take yours home for J5'45
For Fine Furniture. '
Malar Broa.' meat and poultry mar
ket wua admired by a large number of
people yesterday. The artlatlc display
of turyeys, game, meats' of all kinds,
made It the moat attractive piuce In
Aatorla. Fully COO people vlalted the
place during the day and the propriet
or, were many time complimented on
the beautiful arrangement.
The Palace Turklah bathe are a
source af delight to the patrona who
frequent the establishment courteous
treatment and your comfort guarded.
Lady attendants furnished for lady
patrona by appointment. These baths
are especially recommended by the
leading physician, of the city and re
spectfully solicit your patronage. Turk''
Ish bathRj and bed $1.00. Russian bath
60 cents.
Clatsop County's Prominent Educator
Paaaes Away in Portland.
: Professor Horace 8. Lyman, county
superintendent of public achoola
Clatsop county, died Thursday evening
at the sanitarium In Portland. The
newa of hla death created many expree
along of regret In Aatorla yeaterday.
Prof. Lyman waa one of tha foremost
educatlona In the county. In recog
nltlon of his Intelectual talents he waa
appointed aa auperlntendent of the
atate school exhibition at St. Louis
and would have officiated In a similar
position at tha Lewis and Clark fair In
Portland had he lived.
Professor Lyman waa born In Ore
gon yeara ago. Hla father, Rev.
Horace Lyman, was pastor of tha Con
gregatlonal church In Portland In 1849.
Mr. Lyman received hla education at
Forest Orove, and afterward went to
California to resume hla studies. He
waa an ordained minister and on many
occasions filled the pulpit of tha Con
gregatlonal church In thla city. He waa
writer for prominent eastern maga
sines and contributed many education'
al articles to the Oregonlan. He waa
elected county auperlntendent of
achoola for Clatsop county three timea,
aervlng In that capacity nearly 10
Profeaaor Lyman waa a man of ster
ling Integrity, kind and considerate In
me performance of bia duties, with a
smile and a kind word for everyone
he endeared himself to the people. He
waa honored and respected by every
one, a faithful public servant, a Chris
tian gentleman and an educator of high
attainments. He leaves two sisters
and a brother, Mra. Newton McCoy
and Mlaa Sarah Lyman of Portland,
and Dr. William D. Lyman of Whit
man college. Walla Walla. Hla fu
neral will take place In Portland today.
A number of Astorlans will attend the
Some of the moat unique dealgna In
amall boxes of cigars, suitable far
Chrlatmaa presents and which will be
appreciated by lovers of a good smoke,
can be found at Madison's cigar store.
These, In addition to the finest assort
ment of merachaum pipes, and a fine
line of smokers' artlclea, will be of
great assistance to thoae looking for
a preaent mat will be appreciated.
Galas Aerosa tha Pacific From Time of
Leaving Yokohama.
With a cargo of lumber the acbooner
Honlpu left down the river yeaterday
afternoon for San Pedro.
The achooner Irene left up the river
In tow yesterday for a cargo of lum
The steamer Geo. W. Elder left out
laat evening for San Francisco with
freight and passengers.
Wilson Broa. have a contract from
Captain Rich for a new launch which
will be used In the river Jobbing trade.
The Steamer laqua came down the
river yesterday with a cargo of lumber
for California porta.
The achooner Mindera will leave out
today for California with lumber.
having come down teh river yeaterday
The German ateamahlp Arabia ar
rived In thla morning from Yokohama,
21 daya out. The maater of the vessel
reporta a very stormy passage, having
encountered heavy galea soon after
leaving port The bar off the mouth of
the river waa ao rough that the Arabia
had to atand out to sea and make a
better crossing. The captain aaya no
war vessels were sighted on the trip,
but thinks shipping may receive a rude
Jur when the "Baltic fleet" reachea
Japanese waters.
Word Albout
You've only few days left in which
to select that Xmaa gift. .Don't you'
think a nice carving set would be ac
ceptable? Wa hav them in a larga
variety of ctyles and are offering them
at a
7 V,'.-.v
Prize Matin...
An attractive feature at the Star
matinee thla afternoon will be the giv
ing away of a beautiful doll for girls,
and a punching bag for boys. The per
formance la the most artlatlc and re-
. . , , . .,-. fined ever produced In vaudeville. The
l HVrV IB l.Tim,lllJ 1IW B."' Vl.l.... ( , - .
In Astoria.
Fred Staurh yesterday explained to
Sheriff Llnvllle how he came In pos
session of the saw with which the burs
were cut in the county Jull by which
he made his escape. Some months ago
the sheriff too posseaalon of a
watchnuiker'B toola on a writ of at
tachment. They had been stored In the
corridor of the Jail. Among the tools
was some steel aprlnga. By taking a
file which was also found with the
tools, a saw wua made. Suspicion con
nected two or three parties with smug
gling a suw Into the jull, but each one
denied It.
Schneider, der Taylor, a man of lose
moral hnblta and without any visible
means of support, succeeded In bor
rowing an Iron washer, and started out
to make a raise by Investing In
chances In nlckle-ln-the-slot machines.
Officer Thompson Invited him over to
the police commissioners' headquarters
on Duane street, and In the afternoon
took him up to the church to Interview
Elder Anderson. Not having the neces
sary collateral to assist In paying the
Increases In the officers' salaries of the
city, he was given a tie ticket to Port
land, with a Btop-over check for Goble.
W. G. Z. Steele Is erecting a circular
mill at Knnppa. It will have a capa
city of 25,000 to 30.000 feet per dny.
The main building Is 40x70, with an
extension 40x60. The Zlmmerman-
Wella-Brown Machinery Company of
Portland Is installing the equipment.
Next spring live rolls and a gang
edger will be Installed.. The present
equipment Includes a 60 horse power
engine a 6x30 Hall & Brown planer.
During the winter the mill will work
on an order for ties for the-Astoria &
Columbia River Railroad Company. E.
B. Hotstetter of Portland will be su
perintendent of the new mill.- i
splendid prizes will be an Inducement
for the children to attend.
Ice Cream and Sherbet.
We deliver to any address. In any
quantity, ice cream and sherbets for
Christmas dlnnera. Special arrange
ments have been made to Mil all or
ders. Place your orders now.
Northern Spy and Baldwin apples,
tl a box. Astoria Grocery.
Dr. C. E. Linton, the manufacturing
chemist, well and favorably known to
the apostles of materia medlca In Ore
gon, has opened a first-class drug store
at 1496 Franklin avenue. Dr. Linton
Is not only a graduate pharmacist, but
has made aeveral discoveries in the
treatment of pulmonary troubles that
bid fair to bring him fame and for'
Per Cent Discount
until tha Holidaya arc over.
Batter pick your now, while the as
sortment is good.
Price Range from $2.10 to $7.50
For Christmas Presents
Chaise Perfumery forms an Ideal Gift for Young
or Old, Boys, Giris, Young Men, Young Women,
those in middle life or in lifes decline.
There is a pleasing bit of sentiment about per
fumes and their use that adds to their use as Christ
mas Gifts.
The place to buy High Grade Perfumes is at a
store which has th biggest and best assortment
and we undoubtedly have the most complete stock
of perfumes in this city.
Come in and select your packages. We have them
from 25c to $8.00 a bottle, all chaise, the flower
odors, lasting in quality.
We have all the famous makes including all French
Imported, Palmers, Rickseckers, Spiehlers, Lund
borgs, Eastmans, etc.
The Drug Stores where everything is kept right.
The Owl and Eagle Drug Stores
THEO. P. LAUUIST, Proprietor.
Everybody Is saving the Imperial
cigar bands, not only because they en
Joy a good smoke, but are also anxious
to win the diamond ring.
There la no complaint about bnslnesa
at the Star saloon. Good goods and
courteous treatment will draw trade to
any first-class saloon. That's what
makea business good at the Star. The
best is none too good for our customers.
We have a few boxes of nice apples
which we offer at 76c per box whtle
they last. Astoria Grocery.
Closing out sale of toilet and mani
cure seta at Woodfleld's Art Store will
commence today and continue during
the week.
Toke Point or Shoal Water Bay
oysters at tha New Style Restaurant
Weathered oak rockers, upholstered
in genuine leather. The finest line in
the city la at Zapp & Co.'s.
no longer over that Gift. Buy Shoes and
Slippers now!
Child.' Slipper., red felt , f .M
Child's Slipper., red feet, fur top .85
Women's Slippera, felt, brown ar black ..1.M
Women'a Slippera, felt, fur top .......... .1.00
Women'a Slippera, velvet, fur top 1.50
Women'a Slippera, kid, fur top 1.75
Peraian, boudoir clippers, hand turned, red and black 1.25
Man's Slippera, in calf and kid colors, black, tan and wine.... 1.50
New styles of Dr. Edison's famoua shoe for women 3.50
Wherity, Ralston Company ;