SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1904. TIIE:MOIlNING?ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. 3 o o o o o o Nothing Is More Suitable for a CHRISTMAS PRESENT than a New Umbrella. Vo can get almost any kind you wish at the new umbrella store. All repair work neatly done. ;:', , ' . 43! Commercial Street. C. E. DMVall, FREIGHT FOR Urge Consignment of Contra bind ofWir. of the larrenTof 110,000, wa. arrested here Ht mldnlKht on the Banta Ke train and taken Into custody. Two. hundred and fifty dollars wa. found on Murphy by the police. Murphy wu treat ly .urprlaed at hli arrest. He said that ht did not have Nelson', money and that Nelson bad bid hjm good-bye at the depot when he left flan Franclico. IVAIMENTOn LUMBER GO. Manufaeturtia tf and In Fir, Spruce and HemlocK LUMBER Submit us your specifications on - any bill you wish . and we will give you best prices. We make a specialty of Spruce Bevel Siding and Factory Stock. Shipment. Mad Either by Rail or Water. Worrenton, Or. Capacity 79,000 feet per day. MEATS - FISH - GAME - POULTRY Evcrthing seasonable is in our Market. We sell only fresh, pure andclean foods. Prompt dolivery. Evercustomer satisfied. Astoria Fish. Game and Poultry Market. MALAR BROS., Proprietor., Twelfth Street. SHIPPERS TAKING CHANCE San Fr.nelr.n. Do Net Worry Much About the Operation! .1 the "Battle Fleet" In Water, of the tea of Japan. SENSE OF DUTY. New Yerkere t. Be Waked U. by oelety. New York, Dec, JI, A aoclety de signed to promote the welfare of the people of New York and to engender a lively aenoe of civic obligation, re gardlea. of political affiliation, and to clal condition!, bo. Just been organ lied, under the name of the Association for Public Duty. It la patterned after societies with aimllar object, which hav. In recent year, apread throughout France. Well known citizen, make up th. Hat of officer, and la headed by Theodore flutro a. prealdent. CHOKED GRANDMOTHER. For Stylish Men Be correctly JJuiU with the Snap, Style and Finish, dressed. It costs no more if vou see ANDREW LAKE 483 Commercial Street. Scow Bay Iron & Brass Works Manufacturers of Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Costings. General Foundryiuon and Patternmakers. Absolutely firstclass work. Pricos lowest. Phone 2451. Comer Eighteenth and Franklin. PRAEL O COOK TRANSFER CO. Telephone 221. Draying and Expressing All good. .hipped toour care will receive special attention. 709-715 Commercial Street. WtliyiIIItIIIItTTITYTTTTTYlIItTTTTTIlttTTTTTTT. tanle and Fancy Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIOAR& Supplie. of all kind, at loweat priooi (or Fishermen, Farmer, and Loggers Branch Uniontown, Phones, 711, Uniontown, 713 A. V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Street.. ASTORIA. OREGON. San Francisco, Dec. 21. When the ateamer Mongolia anlla from thi. port nest Tuesday h will carry 1 8,000 ton. of cargo, 11,000 of which will be con algned to Japan. Moat of thla freight for Japan conalata of material de.lg- Then Young Scoundrel. Rob Her of Her nated aa contraband by the Russian! Money, government, rn. ooat win carry logoi New York, Dec. 2S. Wearing cart ton. or pig iron, together witn a large ridge belta and having their pocket, quantity of drug., .teel machinery, filled with dime novels, two boy. have foodstuff leather and cotton. been arrested In Hitrlem on charge, of The steamer Elleric will also take feloniously attacking their grandmoth- 4000 tone of overland freight for Toko-Jer, atrangllng her Into unconsciousness hma. land then robbing" her of Jewelry and money amounting to more than $25. several pawntickets were found on the youths, together with a .signed Restrain resolution that they should never part and that they would never marry. ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Capilal Paid In 1100,000. Surplus and Undivided Profit $25,009 Transact, a general banking btuioeM. late rest paid on time deposita. J. Q, A. BOWLBY, O. I. PETER805, FRANK PATTON. J. W. OARKIB, President Vio. President Cashier. lart.Ca.bier J3 TENTH STREET, ASTORIA, ORE. First Natfonal Banh of Astcrla ESTABLISHED 1886 Capital and Surplus $100,000 r WANT MORE LAW. to Congress Will B. Asked Railroads. Chicago, Dec, 23. The need of new national legislation governing the oner atlon of railways will be considered by a special commission of th. flv. mem ber. of the Chicago Shippers' Aasocla tion, just appointed by President Bart letta with power to represent the asso ciation In conference with committees from kindred organixatlona. The committee wilt hold Its first meeting next Tuesday. "Resolutions passed by the board of director, recite that "the transportation question la on. of such great and fur-reaching Im portanc. as to command our earnest and Immediate consideration and ac tlon. We Indorse President Roosevelt's course In bringing the subject to the attention of congress to bring about equitable relations between shipping and transportation Interests with Jus tic. to both." Destructive Fir. New Tork. Dec. 21 The four-story laundry building on Blackwell. Island was destroyed by fire early today. Sixty-five laundresses were on the top floor of the building when the flames broke out, but all escaped without In Jury. The loss was only 140,000. ASTORIA IRON WORKS F. L, BISHOP, Secretory A8T0KIA SAVINGS BAKK.TreM Designers and Manufacturers of TBI LATEST IMPROVED CANNING MACHINERY. MARINE ENGINESJAND BOILERS COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Foot of Fourth Street, . . . . ASTORIA, OREGON. Every Won:; I .'. .,vO. ,V.'v A U IfiUreaol anl Ihnuld know I f-'XsS.ff 'M Hi MAKYIL wnirlinq sorry r Inrhu ft . ' !"Zs I.. aiii NI '""tl-w vml Mam p 'or V f'ry.M l'H-.irt (1TM , nurmwniM!itiiii- g m i.i..,i,r. jhkh,coVw m n. tsrlb II h. MAU oiiirr. h lUll'llftl1! lull Tain 1 HOLY SMOKE. Professor Discover. Something Pretty Fierce. lterketey, Cal Dec. 23. Dr. Jacques Loeb, head of the department of phys iology of the University of California. has Just published the results of fur ther experiments on "heterogeneous hybridisation In echlnoderms. Where once it wn. deemed possible to bring about the fertilisation of eggs of one specie. With the sperm of the same species, Dr. Loeb has. In hla original experiments, been able to cross the var lous species of the same family, and now, aa the latest biological marvel he has been able to hybridise the In dividuals of different .oologlcal fami lies, bringing about relationship and breeds that were once considered ut terly Impossible from a scientific standpoint. 8TEAMER DESERTED. of MASISIE iBOUilHlS STUFFY GOLDS Q8ICKIY CURED IY Foley's Honoy end Tap There is no case on record of a cold resulting in Pneumonia, or other serious lung trouble, after Foley's Honey and Tar had been taken. It will cure the most obstinate racking cough, and heals and strengthens the lungs. Foley's Honey and Tar has cured many cases of incipient 000000000OSO000000000 V hi o 1 es ale CIGARS. PIPES, TOBACCO. ETC. WILL MADISON t-: 114 ELEVENTH ST. O IKK) fOAIMFUCf AL-ST. b 0000000000000000000Oo HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel In the Northwest PORTLAND OREGON. Passengers All Left at Once Some War. Hurt. New Tork, Dec. 23. There was a lid rush for shore among the 450 ibln passengers when the gangplank the great liner Deutschiand was low- Consumption and even in the last erea ai ner pier in xionoKen early to- stages Will always give COOHOrt uujr. simuiiK ino iruvrirra wvrv many I gfia reliet, from the west and south, anxious to Foley's ITonev and Tar eives get the earnest train today for home quick reUe to A'sthma suffcrcr, for Christmas. Men and women atrug- J, u re,jeves th(, difficujt bfeath. iru uKfuit;i hmu inuugn xney Knew qu ih- nr ,h. h L Remembei 'the name-Foley's every one seemed Imbued with the one "Oney and Tar and refuse Idea of rettlnr ashore first. Woman's Substitutes that COSt yOU the dresses were torn and many men lost Same as the genuine. Do not take their hats. Half a dosen men In the Chances With some Unknown front were sent sprawling when they gained the pier by the rush of the crowd behind them. PLAY WITH DOLLARS. Trustee In Bankruptcy Out After Lin seed People. Chicago, Dec. 28. Suit Involving over $369,000 haa been begun by Max H. Whitney, trustee In bankruptcy of the National Linseed Oil Company against the American Linseed Oil Com puny and the Central Trust Company of New York. The action was begun n the United States district court. Mr. Whitney charges that the Am erlcan Company holds two agreements releasing It from payment of $286,000 owed the NuHonal company. He de clares these are fraudulent and wants them set aside. The Court Is asked also to order the Central Trust Company to turn over $15,907 of preferred and common stock valued at $67,322, to th. National com pany. NEL80N DREAMING. Murphy 8ay. H. Had a 110,000 Vision Yesterday, Stockton, Cal Dec. 23. "Ted" Mur phy, who la accused by Battling Nelson preparation. Contains no opiates. Cured of Tirrlbli Cough on Longs. N. Jackson of Danville, 111., write.: "My daughter had a severe attack of La Grippe and a terrible cough on her lungs, we tried a great many remedies without relief. She tried Foley'. Honey and Tar, which cured her. She has never been troubled with a cough aince." Consumption Curoi Foley ft Co., Chicatro. Dana. Ind. Gentlemen: Foley'. Honey and Tar cured me of Consumption after I had suffered two years and was almost des perate. Three physicians failed to give me any relief and the last one said he could do me no good. I tried almost every medicine I heard tell of without benefit, until Foley'. Honey and Tar wa. recommended to me. Its effect right from the start was magical. I Improved steadily from the first dose and am now sound and well, and think Foley'. Honey and Tar is a God-send to people with Throat and Lung Trou ble. Your, very truly, MRS. MARY AMBROSE. Three sizes 25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and the $1.00 bottle al most six times as much. , jcld m tmrnsm ey CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Having Installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of the latest pattern I am prepared to do all kind, of work in that liDe at reasonable prices. Telephone 29L CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS FISHER BROTHERS COMPANY Agents The Linen Thread Co. SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, ROPE Fishermen and Cannery Supplies AN ASTORIA PRODUCT Pale Bohemian Beer ' Best In The Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. Weinhard 's Lo r Beer. BBBBBBS88ZIB88 BBBSBSBBtXIlBZlS Our Drugs Are Pure We compound prescriptions with great care from a complete stock of fresh and pure drugs. We also sell all the standard home remedies and all kinds of ' Proprietary Articles, Combs, Brushes, Razors, Soaps, all kinds of Toilet Articles, Etc. We Charge no Fancy Prices. Corner of Fourteenth anfcomerdSsTeet HSTt'S DlUg StQTB a aBnanannana aaaaaaaaaaaaa YOU CAN DO BETTER HERE WE PUY FOR CASH AND SELL FOR CASH ONLY Heating Stoves, Cook Stoves, Ranges, Iron Beds, Springs and Mattresw. are our specialties. - ' L. H. HENNINGSEN CO. ZiSru. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET G. W. Morton and John Fuhraan, Proprietor. CHOICEST FKKSH AND SALT MEATS. - PROMFr DELIVERY 543 Commercial St. Phone Main 321. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager, Hacks, Carriages Baggag Checked and Transferred Trucks ail Furniture Wagons- Pianos Moved, .Boxed aid Shipped.