'. It' PUBLISH! FULL AtiOOIATID PRMt REPORT OOVIR TNK MORNINQ FIBLD ON THI LOWBR COLUMBIA ASTORIA, OREGON. SATURDAY DECEMBER 24, 1904. PRICE FIVE CENTS VOLUME LVIV.NO. 69.: I - ' ' . . . .... i - : SAD FOB NAN t r Jury's Action Is a Sharp Surprise to Her. FATHER CATCHESj HER Cirl Swooned When the Jury's Verdict Was Announc . d In Court CURIOUS CROWD GATHERED Jail Matron Ssya Mlaa Pattereon Mas the Moat Wonderful Narva of Any Female Prlaenar With Whom 8ha Hat Had to Do. New Tork. Dor. 23. Fainting In nor fmher'a arm, her frame quivering with the accumulated suffering of monthi of anxloua waiting, Nan Pat terson today heard lha announcement that tha Juryman trying har for the murder of Caesar Young had disa greed. Boon aha waa revived, anj. sob bing hysterically and hardly able to walk, waa half lad. half carried, back to her call In tha Tombs, Her vision of a Christmas at horn waa gone and . tha uncertainty la to what tha next step In her case might be. Before her trial tha district at torney offered to accept ball In 120,000, but thla could not ba ralaed. and the prosecuting oflloera declined to Indicate today what their attitude on thla point will be. District Attorney Jerome Mid he had nothing whatever to aay at prawn aa to whether ha would agree to a lower ball or whether ha would accept ball at all. Tha Jury atood six for acquittal and six for conviction, but ao far aa can be learned there waa no juryman In favor of a first-degree verdict The keeneat dlaappolntment waa felt tn the court room and In the great crowd outalde when tha dlaagreement wna announced. Not since the Moll nraux caae hue there been ao much in terest taken In a criminal trial In thla city, and many of those preaent had hoped for a verdict of acquittal. The cloning of tha proceedings at thla time, Just two daya before Chrlatmna. added tp the aentlmental Interest for tha glrl'a fate and tha proepect of a pending the holldnye In prison undoubtedly ac centuated tha glrl'a agony when ahe heard tha worda that ahe would not be free. Her father, who has been by aer aide ever alnc the trial began, and whose care and devotion to her have been the moat touching feature of the trial, tried to comfort her, but hla and dened face and mournful expreaalon robhed the worda he uttered of force and meaning aa ha aald: "Don't worry; little girl; It will come out all right yet." After her removal from the court room, Mlaa Pattaraon waa taken to a retiring room and reatoratlvea were given to her. She oon revived, but while passing " over the "Bridge of Blgha" on her way to her cell In the Tomba, the Buffered a aecond fainting apell, from which aha recovered alowly. Once In her call, Mlaa Patteraon wept. A Tomba missionary tried to comfort her, but ahe would not be comforted. She cried for her father, but when he waa admitted to her cell ahe did not Immediately recognize him. The fa ther wept In company with hla dnugh ter. After the prison physician had ad ministered stlmulante, Mlsa Patterson regained some of her former self-pos-aesslon. "Do you think," ahe Baked the mis sionary, "that the Jury believed me guilty because I broke down and cried along toward the last Tou remember after I had stood Mr. Rand'a attack as long aa I could, I Just -hod to break down and cry, and I thought that may be I waa that kind, of woman." The missionary reassured her and she became more cheerful. Henry W. Unger, of counsel for Nan Patterson, said after the Jury had been discharged: " . , 1 "We will not tuke any further action In the case until we learn what District Attorney Jerome Intends to do. ' We have reason to hone, however, that he will consent to her releaae on her own recognlaance, pending further dlspoal tlon of the caee." Another of Mlae Patteraon'a counsel taid that he felt it would be the part of wladom to wait, "until the smoke of battle haa cleared away," before the next move. Borne time next week, he aald, Mlaa Patteraon'a counsel prob ably would aak bail for her and that the $30,000 ball In which ahe waa first held be reduced. The future of the caae, he declared, would ' depend great deal upon the attitude of the six members of the Jury who were op posed to bar acquittal, particularly as to the degiee of the crime of which they would have convicted her. With Due Knowledge. , . New Tork, Deo. 11. Even In the face nf certain knowledge that news of the decision of the jury would not be forth coming unUI after 10 o'clock today, acorea of people remained all night around the criminal court building hop Ing to be the first to hear the verdict In the caae of Nan Pattaraon. Driven from the building Just before midnight, when the Jury waa locked up for the night by order of Justice Davla, the curloua crowd gathered In little knota In sheltered placea In the vicinity to wlt and speculate and Insure for themselves an advantageous position In the line when the doors were again opened tdday. Even after the dim light that came through wlndowe of the juryroom Indl cated that the Jurors had given up their arguments for the night and were at tempting to aleep, rumora from In aide the building . found their way to (Continued on Page I.) Railroads and , Bank Pay . Phe nomenal Dividends. OVER HUNDRED MILLION PAID Aaaeta of the Large Inatitutiena of the Country Show That Hard Tlmea Do Not Come to the Owners of Carefully Selected Stocks. II KD TO KUM . . . . . . e 3fluoxC mR New Tork, Dec. 21. Dividend and Interest disbursements to be made In January will break all records, accord ing to atattatlca collected by the Jour nal of Commerce. The compilation In dlcatea a total of about 13, 600.000, to be paid out by leading railroad and In dustrial corporations, local banks trust companies, traction companlea and the national government, Thla la nearly $7,000,000 larger than In January a year ago, when total payments of similar Institutions were about $133,800,000. The Industrial payments show considerable falling off because of reduction and passing of dividends, but thla la much more than offset by Increased payments on the part of the railroads and local traction companlea. Following la a compara tive eummury of the January dlaburee- nienta with comparisons:. Dividend P'mnts. Jan., 1805. Jan., 1904, Railroad . .$27,000,000 $23,000,000 28.400.001 Industrial ...... 23.28MG0 1.114.000 6.900.000 N. TV Traction. . . 1,850,000 6,000,000 Bank & T. Co.. otal $69,603,450 Interest Payments $59,160,000 $59,000,000 Railroads $61,160,000 Industrial 8.250.000 N. Y. Traction.. 1,800,000 8,000,000 1.800.000 4,300,000 1.600,000 Government .... 4,280.000 Greater N.Y.CIty 1,600,000 Totals $77,080,000 $74,700,000 Grand totals. .136.683,450 133.850,000 Car Industry. New York, Dec. 23. Returns re ceived from thecar building planta of America show that In the past year, ap proximately $62,96 cars have been built. Including cars for use on elevated rail roads, but exclusive of street and other electric cars. These figures do not Include cars built by the railroads at their own shops. During the year $.441 locomotives were built at the various plants against 6152 last year. The number for the current year Includes 95 elec tric locomotive's, but does not Include locomotives built by the railroads at their own ahope. OUNTIiY'S JAPS IN WAIT Powerful Flotilla Afle; Baltic Squadron. RECEPTION PREPARED Big Consignment of Ammunition for Russia Reported Held by the Chinese. CAME IN ON CAMELS BACKS Developments of the Next Few Daya Are Anxioualy Awaited by the Followers of the Drama Being Enaeted In the Orient London, Deo, 23V Telegraphing from Toklo, the correspondent of the Deily Express eaya he leama in the event of Admiral Kamlmura, who la reported to have gone eouth with a squadron of powerful cruisers, notifying It of the approaoh of the second Ruaaian Paelfic squadron, tha whole Japaneaa fleet, whloh haa been operating at Port Ar thur will be ready to proceed south on a day's notice te give battle. Ammunition Hold. London, Dec. 11. The Tlmea corre spondent at Pekln reports the Chinese have aelaed at Feng Tal elation, near Pekln, 1.000,000 rounds of Russian rifle ammunition consigned to a Russian Arm at Tientsin and evidently designed for Port Arthur. The ammunition waa concealed In bales of wool brought from Kalgan on camels. Gee Whixovltoh. 8t. Petersburg. Dec. 21. It Is report ed that Grand Duke Vladimir will be appointed president of the council of the empire, being succeeded aa com mander-in-chlef of the Imperial guard by Grand Duke Nicholas Nichole vltch. Polite Japanese. Mukden, Dec. 23. The volunteers on the night of December 21 occupied the Japanese trenches opposite their po sitions. Three trenches were evacu ated by the Japanese with scarcely a fight. The victors were surprised to And a box lying In plain view, which contained wine, biscuits and sweets and a letter In Russian politely re questing Its acceptance, "From dis turbing neighbors," Minnesota Arrivee. Seattle, Dec. 23. The new Great Northern liner Minnesota arrived from New York today and dropped anchor off the west of Seattle. A brilliant marine reception was planned, but bad weather In the straits held the Minne sota at Victoria and It was abandoned. However, the steamships City of Se attle and Umatilla, carrying about 1200 persons, met the Minnesota at Port Townsend and escorted her. to this city. . s . v ; . Sugar fa Cut San Francisco Dec. 23. Four large Jobbing flrmst that have withdrawn from the compact with the Pacific Traffic and Commercial Association and the local sugar (refineries have cut the price of refined and granulated sugar to 5H cents a pound. This Is quarter of a cent below the price of the refineries that have not me,t the re duction. FAKE FIGHT. Cuff and Curley Conduct a Bum Hip podrome. Walla Walla, Dec. 23. The 20-round bout between Ed Cuff and Jack Curley before the Walla Walla Athletic Club tonight was a fake. It ended tn the third round, when the men fought In cllnclfes, rolling on the floor most of the time. The referee, Andy King, awarded the decision to Curley. Neither man landed an effective blow, although both feigned violent exertion. Joe Robinson, colored, challenged the win ner to fight for a purse of 500, but the whole affair was hissed by the crowd. PARAGUAY QUIET. Steenth Revolution for This Week New Settled, New Tork, Dec. 2$. President Oaona, after taking the oath of office at the conclusion of the recent euc ceasful revolt, announced, cablee the Herald'a Asuncion (Paraguay) cor respondent, that he accepted the presi dency only from love of peace and con cord among all cltlxens. The president exhorted all Paraguayans to forget party rancors and devote their ener gies to the reorganisation of the repub lic. . He will devote special attention to the financial question. Hla watch word, he aald, will be order and labor. SIOUX CITY BURNS. Fireman Finds Hie Death in the Flames In. That City. Sioux City, Dec. 22. A Are, which resulted In the death of one fireman, and a monetary losa of $750,000, and the destruction of nearly two blocks In the buslnesa center, started In the basement of the Pelletier department store tonight Several of the most substantial structures In the city were destroyed, together with the stocks of some of the most prominent business houses. The fire burned over three hours before It waa under control. The origin la not determined. Euroyesn Diaaatar. Paria. Dec. 23. During the dense fog tn London the Boulogne express ran Into the Mile express, smashing the laat Lille carriage. Six bodies were recovered. It Is feared more are under the engine, and a score of wounded were taken to the hospitals. Logs Knock Three Bents from Un- under 23rd Street." ALL TRAFFIC IS BLOCKED Street Superintendent Kearney Notified the Fire Department of tha Condi tion of the Streets Repairs Will Be Made Today. Some heavy logs worked up under Twenty-third street opposite the Clat sop mill at the incline, knocking out three bents of the planked roadway yesterday noon. When the street was repaired the piling waa sawed off and posts set on the stumps of the spiles. At high tide at 1 o'clock the logs were carried In and being a rough tide bumped against the posts, carrying away three bents. Traffic was sus pended for some time. Superintendent Kearney waa notified and put a force of men at work repairing the break. Last night they had the east side rei paired so teams could go over It. Mr. Kearney Immediately notified the chief engineer of the Are department and the various companies of the condi tion of the road, and In the event of lire to tnke the east side, close to the street car track. It Is expected that the Street will eb repaired by noon to- lay, so that It will be safe for travel. Thla accident shows the necessity of improving Exchange street, from Sev enteenth to the Clatsop mill. There is only one street to Uppertown, and that Is Commercial, and the short road be tween Commercial and Exchange, If the street should be carried out which liable to occur on high water tides. and a fire occurred, the department ould be powerless to render any as sistance. Dropped Dead on Car, Wallace, Idaho. Dec. 23. F. H. Ham mond, an O. R. & N. conductor sudden ly dropped dead today while on top of a freight car being switched in the local yards. Several years ago he sus tained a fractured skull tn a wreck. He soon recovered and slnec has not complained of Injury. Physicians say a portion of the Injured skull pressed upon the brain, which caused his death. ' Girls Die. San Francisco, Dec. 23. Nellie Tracy and May Johnson, employed in a dance hall, were found dead In their room In a lodging house . today, accidentally asphyxiated by gas. CURTAIN IS UP Mitchell and Hermann Ar- $ riYC in Portland. THEY DO NOT WORRY Lines on Their Faces Are Those Induced by a Long Journey. JURY MAY MAKE LINES DEEPER Developments in the Great Land Fraud Case May Come Soon, Al though tha Jury Reeta on Its - Oars Until After Holidays. ' Portland, Dec 23 The federal grand jury apparently had a quiet day, but it ia generally expected the indictments will ba returned tomorrow before the jury adjourns over the Christmas holi daya. A number of witneasea were called today. It ia expected the Mitchell-Hermann phase of the investigation will be taken up early next week ao that the two men can return to Wash ington. It ia reported in some quarters thst neither Mitchell nor Hermann will be permitted to address the grand jury, HED TO KUM .. Portland. Dec 23. Senator Mitchell and Representative Hermann, accom panied by Frank C. Baker, chairman of the republican state central com mittee, reached Portland tonight from Washington, D. C. Judge Albert H. Tanner, the law partner of Senator Mitchell, met the senator at the train and went with him to his apartments. Both gentlemen ar tired from travel and neither had much to say concern ing the cause which led them to come from Washington at this time. Though both are emphatice in their denial of Implication In the land frauds, and ex pressed the firm conviction tha they will be able to explain to the jury when they appear before that body, anything that might have led to the Inception of the rumors which have been afloat for som time, and which caused them to come to Portland. Senator Mitchell said his Ignorance of the charges which might be made against him would not permit him to say more than to state tils Innocence, and his conviction that he will be able to explain away all doubt that may have arisen aa to any of his acts in the past "Until I learn further as to these matters," said Mr. Mitchell, "I have nothing to say except this: I am abso lutely Innocent of any connection whatsoever with the Oregon land frauds, or other ' land frauds, and I have not the sllgthest fear of 'being connected therewith If nothing but the truth is told. Later on, after. I have learned the situation, I 'may - have something to say in the press. - "I may say In this connection, how ever, that I earnestly hope that all who have been In any way Improperly con nected ' with the land frauds will be convicted." Representative Hermann said he did not know enough of the situation to make comment on it, other than to an nounce his utter Innocence of his fraudulent connection, and to express his conviction of being able to clear his name of any suspicious connection with the Oregon land irregularities. Both Mitchell'and Hermann will wait until summoned before the grand jury by Mr. Heney, and expect to be able to gain a hearing the first thing after the jury reconvenes after the holidays. HAS NEW DEFENSE. Davis Saya Women Repudiated Their Agreements on Sewing Maohinea A rather peculiar defense is to be made by W. H. Davis, the erstwhile sewing machine agent whb was ar rested at the instance of Ross,' Hlgglns & Co., for peculations while employed by them as agent and collector. While he admits that he was some short in the matter of collections, Davla claims that the shortages charged against him are not correct In the large amount named, and says that the shortage will be made good In a day or so. As told by Davis, the story Is that he la the victim of women with whom w wM VIMHKH, UVI VI ,11111 AS says that In signing up subscribers for contracts to the time-plan payment for machines which Se was advocating, many of the women from whom he got contracts said, when asked to sign "Oh, yon just sign It for me," and this, he says be did, and he maintains that the contracts returned In bis hand writ- ' Ing are not spurious, but that when they were presented for collection the women from whom he took them re pudiated their agreements. It is held, however, and In part sub stantiated by Davis, that he knowingly collected a certain amount of money for which he failed to make return, and it Is on this count he mar be sent to prison. He says that if his former employers give him a chance he will make good the amount which Is short on collections, but stoutly denies that he had anything from the numerous contracts that were returned to the sewing machine people, and which led to his arrest The police had been looking for Davis for some time, but did not locate him until a few days ago in Spokane. Sher iff Llnville waa then notified and went' io the northern city and brought Davis back. v He is a clean appearing fellow, looks like a German, and had two expensive grips full of toilet articles and cloth ing, and the only things he asked for yesterday were a towel and a handker chief, which were given him from his private stock. YOUNG GOULD WINS Faculty at Columbia Says He Was . Unduly Hazed-. CLASS THREATENS TO LEAVE Compromise Effected Among Fool 8tudents Whereby They Hope te Make Greater Assea of Them- ' selvee in Hoodlumiem. New Tork, Dec. 23. The faculty of Columbia University today suspended four sophomores for participating In the attempt to haxe Klngdon Gould. - Upon announcement of the verdict the entire upper class was called to gether by the leaders and the question was discussed. It was agreed If the suspensions ' be ' enforced the entire class will quit the university. Later A compromise was reached the suspensions being left primarily In the hands of the student body under the- condition that the student board prohibit hazing In an obnoxious form, and that freshment be under the sur veillance of sophomores. An under class fight will be permitted, the win ners to have the right to summon an officer of the defeated class to appear at their dinner. The faculty is de termined to enforce rigid reforms In the matter of basing. Remember Favors. ' A year ago, or thereabouts, distribu tors of various signs came to Astoria and started to put up "export" cigar signs, whereupon the clgarmakers, of whom there are many here, remon strated with the owners of property The result was that the objectionable signs were removed and refused. Yesterday "Billy" Madison, and the clgarmakers, made a present of a box of "Imperials" to each of the men who assisted them in their fight against foreign advertising. Roosevelt Rests. Washington, Dec 23. The" president, so far as the exigencies of public busi ness will permit will rest thoroughly during the Christmas holidays.' No engagements will be made during the week except on matters of publlo In terest. The president will spend a large portion of his leisure time In outdoor recreation. New Steamers. Victoria, Dec. 23. The Canadian Pa-. clflc has decided to put two more im mense steamers In tha oriental trade In conjunction with three expresses operated by the company.