THE MORNING AS TORI AN, ASTOKIA, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECIMSIR 23, 1M4. PROOFESSIONAL CARDS. TO CURE ANY DISEASE. FREDERICK V. MOHN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Tk Cease Mast k RrmarmL Way Wirt Daajraff. ITM th. Mm that 4. it u "'""" - fallln hair and baldness, you will have arawn-a. umce noun; i 10 u: a. nwiao mora dandruff, and your hair must and S to 4:S0 p. nv; evenings, to I I row luxuriantly. Newbro'a Hrplcld Sunday By Appointment DR. J. A. REGAN Dentist Office over A. V. Allen's Store, Offica hours, I to 11 and 1 to I JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUKOEON Aetlnc AaWaat 8urioa U. 8. Marina Hpital Service. Offica houra: It to IS bjiv 1 to 4:10 pjn. 477 Commercial Street, tnd Floor. Dr. RHODA C. DICKS OSTEOPATHIST af anscll Bldf. 171 Commercial Bt PHONE BLACK 1MB. not oniy conuuna tne dandruff term destroyer, but it Is also a most doltght. tul hair dressing (or regular toilet una. No other hair preparation la on this aclentino basis of destoytnf the dandruff germs. It stops aQ Irritation, keeps thj scalp sweet, pure and wholesome. Re member that something claimed to be "just as good. will not do the work of genuine Berpldde. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c In stamps for sam ple to The Herolcide Co.. Detroit. Mich. Eagle Drag Store, S51-S5J Bond St, Owl Drug Stora. (41 Com. St. T. T. I-aurln, Prop. "Special Agent" CNUKKbY'S WAY By SIDNEY H. COLE CopjrrWhL H. by T. C MeClnra That Throbbing Haadaoha. Would quickly leave you. If ou used Dr. Klnfi New Ufa Fills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only IS cents, money back If not cured. Sold by Chaa. Rogers Druggist C. W. BARR, D. D. S. Has Opened Dental Parlors In Rooms 817-818, The Dekum. PORTLAND, OREGON. Driven to Despsratlon. Living at an out of the way place, remote from civilisation, a family la Where he will be pleased to mstloften driven to desperation In case of Friends and Patrons. " Dr. VAUGHAN, Dentist " Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. ; Dr. T. L. BALL DENTIST CM Commercial street Astoria Ore. Dr. W. C. LOGAN DENTIST E78 Commercial St-, Shanahan Bufldiog MISCELLANEOUS. C. J. TRENCHARD Insurance, Commission and Shipping. CU8TOM8 HOU8E BROKER. Agent Wells-Fargo and Northern Pacific Express Companies. Cor. ELEVENTH and BOND 8T&I AKIUULEN, """ Merchant Tailor. . Occident Building. JAPANESE GOODS New stock of fancy goods just arrived at Yokohama Bazaar. Call and see the latest novelties from Japan. ' BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-cent meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant 612 Commercial St accident resulting In Burns, .Cuts, Wounds Ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the best on earth. 15c. at Chaa. Rogers' drug store. ni::;iiiii;iii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimnm:nai When you boy ranned clams ask for RAZOR BRAND Clean and wholesome and a home product For sale by all leading grocers. Warrention Clam Com pany, Warrenton, Or. tsmmiimntttinimmmwm PARIiER HOUSE IL B. PARKER, Proprietor Free Coach Large Sample Rooms on Ground Floor. Rooms 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 per Day. Foot of Ninth Street ASTORIA. OREGON DrfCGceWo 0NDER7UL BOMB TREATMENT bm the arf1M mm la ai. Ha cone wits ondrful Chl- 125 netttM FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffee, pie, or doughnut3, 5c, at U. S. Restaur ant. 434 Bond St WOOD! WOOD! WOOD Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, the trsnsfer msn. 'Phone 2211 Blsek, Bsrn on Twelfth, opposite opera I house. barks knows to Mdlcal ta in Ula oooa try. Throng the mm ai l iMrmJoaj remedlM this fa hum ami know the actios mi m uo Mm iaaa. mitm, which k aaemaatauy mmm la aitit dlaeaaca. He furm. to can cauarh, aalh ma, lane uuoat, rkenauUanv, nam, tomach, Una, kidney, ate.; mm aaami af leauaioalala, Chart, modwia. Oall aa4 trm hla. Fatlrat. out af la ear wrMa tar hUnk. and drrjnlara. HM ataau. nriMMXTI- TATIOS WUJL&. ADDRjftrH The C Gee Wo Chinese Kdldne Ca. 2SJ Alder St, THE COMFORT mmmnmmWmmVmmmmmmm9tmmi SALOON THE NEW NEHALEM HOUSE iFranteovich & Francisovich Proprietors. BAY VIEW HOTEL E. GLASER, Prop. Home Cooking, Comfortable Beds, Reason able RsUs and Nice Treatment Cor. Fourteenth snd Kxfiksnre SU. t One block baok ef Feard A 8 tokes Store. J. H. AN80X, Prop., - - Astoria, Ore. Board snd Lodin $1.00 snd up Cleanest Beds in the City. Fins Table Board. Saw Furniture Throoaaout. KatM mule to steedr Theatrical Troupes ASTORIA HOTEL Corner Seventeenth and Duane Sis. 75 cents a day and up. Meals 20 cents. Board and lodging $4 per week. LoganBuilding Patrons will be furnished wit hthe best the market affords. Only the best goods kept in stock. Phone 2175 Bed. Open Day andjNight. The Astoria Restaurant MAN MING, Proprietor. Fine meals served at all hours. Oysters served in any style. Game in season. tWend Street, Cor. ftk. Astoria, Ore. 000000000 HANDKERCHIEF CARNIVAL, ffi O A large shipment of Jspsnsss 0 jj initialed silk handkerchiefs just received from ths Orient They O contain sn ins istest urientsl ds- q signs and fashions. You will O wsnt some for Xmss, If you ses O them, O J. W. KWONG CO. O J 420 Commercisl 8treet OOOOOOO00( It waa emluently characteristic of Emlorby. lie bad kuowu Miss Car mlchaol acanvly three months, but to Emlortiy's uilnd tluie was not always aiMtsured ty tne clock. Tbcy were walking homeward from the opera. Mlaa Oarmlrhael had In- aisiea iuai wy wan. it waa a per fect night, ami the distance bonis was short When they entered the quiet atreet where Miss Cannlchsel lived Enderby fell Into a brown study. Tba girl beside blut waa talking In spright ly fashion of Mbelungen and Rhine maidens, all of which was lost to En- derby's ears. They bad reached the substantial Cartnlcbael residence when Enderby came suddenly from hla reti cent alienee so suddenly, Indeed, that be Interrupted the girl In the middle of a sentence. "Look here," said he, "I'm a pretty steady going sort. I'to a fair Income and a steadily growing clientage. I want an establishment of my own. Why wouldn't It be a good klea for us to marry V Miss Cannlchaet was so thoroughly astounded that she found no reply un til they had reached the top step and Enderby waa atruggllng with the latch key. "Good gracious!" was all she man aged to gasp even then. "I mean It," aald Enderby. "Think It over If you like. I don't necessarily expect my answer right now." "uoou mgni, Air. t-nucroyr sne saia rather coolly, and the door swung shut behind her. Enderby strode down the street to ward the club with never a qualm In bis mind and never a tremor beneath bis Immaculate shirt front, but that was Enderby's way. After that he saw Miss Carmlchael as usual and for several weeks made no allusion to the matter. At first the girl was furtively uneasy In bis pres ence, but as the weeks went by and be aald nothing more ahe regained her usual composure. One late March evening as they sat before a biasing fire In the big hall En derby suddenly took up the conversa tion where It bad ended weeks before. "Have yon thought It overf aald be. Now, this question was entirely Irrel evant to the talk of the moment Have I thought what overT Miss Carmlchael asked. "Marrying me," said Enderby terse ly. "I'm a very practical man, not ro- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. m m inv inenier or to vesper on a piensniu jiutuuiy. nm manner was quite um uiiiiKvd. It was us If nothing wnatever nail huppened. Summer rame, ami the CnriiiH'hneU left the city for thtr pretty countrj place In a quiet village. Every second Sulunlity Enderby cnuie dowu to dim with tlieiu. The portly head of tin house of Carmlchnel eutertulned a gen ulue and outNpokeu liking for the re served young niau, and Mrs. Carmi chad waa voluble In hla praises. Mlsa Caruilt'hael said nothing, but She muifnllnl a.,til twitntlt faa..fiaflntt about this strange, reticent man and Anyone Desiring a Situation can Insert an Advertisement in this Coliwn ItATKHi First Insertion, One Cent a Wonl. One Week, Kach Line, joc. Two Weeks, Each Line, 45c. One Month, Each Line, 75c, Astorlnn Free Want Ads. his stranger method of wooing. Som times It amused her. Sometimes It 1 gercd her. And yet his plain wordi and his frunk strength appealed to ht more strongly than she cared to admit What milliner of man waa this? sIm asked herself countless times, andeact time a definite answer waa wanting. of Three Lines Two Times Fres of Charge. HELP WANTIO. THH ORIGINAL JOHN A. MOLER has opened one of the famous bar' bar colleges at 144 Clay at, San Fran cisco: sneclal Inducements this month! 11... a a ..... I . . i I mm rwiuruuj nuerntHin miss isr nosltlons arsnted: tuition mmA nut uaei was atone in the nouse. At I while lrnln. Writ. llnh oiwa a tree agent came 10 tne Uooil14 CUy gt i 8,n fYancleco, ana ny ieriietit ertort to sell lili goods waa making himself very obnox loua. At that Juncture Enderby rau Ut) the wulk. He henrd tlm the ball and took In the situation at F,R8T " CLA8a STKNOORAI'IIKR ITUATION WANTED. glatiee. He laid a baud none too gen tie on the ageut a shoulder. lou're annoying the lady," suit! Enderby severely. Is that any of your business?" said the iumu, with heated Insoleuce. None at all," aald Enderby cheer and bookkeeer desires any kind of position. Address Aatiirlan office. BOARD WANTED. WANTKI-HY A YOUNG MAN iMinnl mid room In a nrlvate fuinllv. fully, wheretiimn he took the niau by for niH.ut three tnotnha tio.1.1 rr..r. uie cotiur. manned him to tne poni ellrt.B AMrVM ..uMrd." Astorlun anu ueipeu 11 is umiiguined retreat to the gravel walk. The agent roue from the gravel, sput tering profane Invective. Enderby started down the stcpa. LOST. t,i )ST A HUT OK KAUW TEKT1I between the I'arker houae mid Dunne Haven't had enough, eh?" said he, w,u lM n,,,1,'r 'le" '""v ' im Astormn oiiue: FOR RENT ROOMS. and Komethlng In his tone and expres Ion forced upon the Irate agent's un dci-Mtnndlng a renllxntlon of the bettet part of valor. He lied the field In In glorious baste. Enderby returned to TWO UNFl'RNIHUKD ROOMS TO the hall. rent over Star theater. Inquire at "Oh." said Mlsa Carmlchael In tone theater, of relief, "he was positively Insulting 1... 1 I -.. - t 1 , . .. Rent-Furnished or unfurnished ilu . ... r.g .i. s.u r.m.ero,. housekeeping rooms, m Seventh St. Aim luru--rtTiin vumriiunR in an 9tn sill irtmsit mu tlisa miima Viwlsankv LI.. ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS "(joins to marrv me?" he said. Mlsa Carmlchael laughed hvsterk- "ORSE. BUOOT AND HARNESS ati for sale. Address M. Astorlan. "Of course I am, you funny man, he said. "How on earth can I help INCUBATOR Fon SALE-400 EGOS myself?" I capacity; slso three 100 capacity Enderby looked pouted. brooders; first-class condition. Ad "You're quite sure you want to?" he dress A. Astorlan Office, asked doubtfully. "Very, very sure, dear," aald Miss Carmlchael gravely. "Uood!" Good enough!" aald Ender by, with hearty eatiMf action. It wsa Enderby's way. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. OLD PAPERS FOR BALK AT TXIB Office; Ito per hundred. For sals At Osaton'a feed stable. No. lot Fourteenth street; one Landle'a harness machine; one Smith-Premier typewriter; one 10 hp motor and belt Ing; 1000 good sacks. SPECIAL NOTICES. Notice for Bids. Rids wilt be received until Saturday, December 14. 104. at 11 o'clock a. tu for building 43 net rucks at the Oc cident and Columbia canneries. Plana und specifications can be seen at the office of the Columbia River Packers' Association. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Columbia Packers' Association, FOR RENT HOUSES. For Rent-fllx-roorn house, corner 47th and Cednr streets. Alderbrook, wo blocks from car line. Inquire of Mrs. K. Johnson, over Fisher Bros. tore. ,MI8CELLANEbu8.H " " " N--( All persons having bands of the La lrnperlul and I -a. Veras cigars must urn them over to the members of the committee not later than Saturday, December 24, at 1 o'odock p. m. shsrp. For further particulars see commit tee. By order. Committee CIUARMAKERS' UNION. Hansen A McCanna, who occupy the shop formerly used by T. 8.' Simpson, adjoining the city water office, are prepared to do all kinds of algn and carrlags painting. They will make a specialty of work of this class and guarantee satisfaction. Hmmmj Mektasr Waas. The card making wasp of liraxll, It Is aid, manufactures a honey the use of vKlilt im nnt aartrhitttf A m iaf m l iul cantons vertigo. In South America Seventh and Astor Streets large quantities of honey are collected from the nesta built In trees by an In sect which Is supposed to belong to the boe tribe. Then there are the bam buros, whose honey whole towns In Ceylon go Into ttiu woods to gather. There are also In our own country ants which construct underground nests, but their chief peculiarity Is that In addition to the ordinary Inhabitants of an ants' neMt there la a special class called honey bearers. These live en tlrely In the nest and receive the food collected by the workers, store It up In their globular abdomens, which are ca piible of great expansion, and regurgi tate If In the form of honey when any of their comrades desire to be fed They are, In fact, merely living honey bnH, Another species of honey ant has been found In Australia, and a ape cies of coccus In India provides Itself with a small quantity of honey. THE LOUVRE First Cluss Concert Hall Fimttt lUwort In Tin City ADMISSION FREE MTilACTIVK l'HOCIKAM CHANGE WEEKLY CHARLES WIRKKALA. Prop. i PWfs these tiny Capsules are superior to tsaitam of lopama, UJMOt or injections andfur . CURE IN 48 HOURSlffiiUT the same diseases with Out Inconvenience. rHI A0B5T BOHB TOO If THS GBAWL, BPUT- TBJU2IO FBOFAIfB INVECTIVE mantle and that sort of thing, you know. Still, I flatter myself I'd make fairly good hnaband. Tou'd have a house and servants very much like this establishment here." Miss Carmlchael'i eyes opened wide. Waa ever a girl wooed in such cold blooded fashion? she wondered. She spoke calmly, yet her voice was not as firm as she Intended. "Mr. Enderby, I thoroughly respect you, but as for marrying you" She paused, and Enderby went on. "Perhaps yon want to think It over a little longer. That will be all right m not one of the impatient sort Good night" He slipped on bis overcoat, took hla bat and stick and departed, leaving the girl divided between amazement and wrath. Spring waa well advanced before Enderby broached the subject again. It waa one evening just as he waa about to depart from the Carmlchaels, and it was with the naual abruptness. "Have you decided to marry me yet?" said he. Miss Carmlchael looked at him steadily, and this time ber voice waa very firm. "No, Mr. Enderby, I have not, Nor flo I think I ever shall decide to marry you." "That a all right" ald he. At the door he turned. "If you should change your mind let me know." To this day Mlsa Carmlchael la unde cided whether the tears she shed were of mirth or of anger. She felt certain this was the end of It But Enderby came u heretofore to take her driving Welllns-ton and His Steward. Even the "Iron" Duke of Wellington bad his difficulties with the servant question. Chaplain George R. Glclg wrote of the great soldier: "As to his table, It was In every respect such as became bis position. Ills wines were excellent, though bis cellars contained but a scanty supply at any given time The oldest could not have been more than a couple of months In bis posses slon. Of his reasons for tbua acting he made no secret 'At one time,' he said. 1 used to do as others do gave my or ders to the house steward and handed him the money to pay the bills as he presented them to me. This went on for a year or more, when to my sur prise and disgust I got letters from tradesmen humbly begging that I would settle their accounts, which had been long standing. I found on Inquiry that the fellow bad been gambling with my money, leaving my creditors unpaid. From that day to this I have made It a point to pay my own bills and to keep my accounts with trades men as abort as possible.' " f Japanese Coarse. The little men of Japan can give the world many thrilling stories of courage and many of clever stratagem aa well. One of the powerful nobles of the .olden tlino was forced to flee from his enemy In baste. He hid In a barrel and was borne away by servants, who, meeting the enemy, declared that the barrel contained food. "If there is anything living In It there will be blood on my sword," said the nobleman's enemy and thrust his weapon into the barrel. It went through the hidden man's legs and made a terrible wound. But be, with qnlck thought wiped the blade on the hem of bis garment aa It was drawn out o that It went out clean, and be TiVJlOt discovered. I The TROY Laundry Is the only Wfiito Labor Laundry in tlio City. Does the Ihwt of Work at very reusonablo Prices, and in in every way worthy of your patronage. Cor. 10th and DUANE 6TS. Thono 1991 rxxuxzrxixxi 1 innnnni ixn 1 FRESH AND CURED MEATS Wholesale and Retail Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice. LlVt STOCK 150UGI1T AND SOLD WA5HINQT0N MARKET . CHRISTENSON Q CO. trxmmxnirxxAULi 1 1 1 yjg Reliance Electrical Works H.w.cvuoK, Manager We are thoroughly prepared for making estimates and executing orders for all klndaof electrical Installing and repairing. Supplies in stock. We ell the Celebrated 8IIKLBY LAMP, Call up I'hone 1101. 428 BOND STREET NEIYZEALANDFIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Has been Underwriting on tho Pacific Coast for twenty-five years. SSSIilUSSIIIIS ELMORE CO., Sole Agents Astoria. - - Oregon. Subscribe for the Astorian 60 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper