The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 23, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Cigars by the Box
Christmas Goods Galore
Good Goods Our Specialty.
Local Brevities.
Northern Spy and Unldwln apple.
II a box. 'Atorla Grocery,
Prise matinee at the Htar Saturday
nfernmm, for women and children,
A shipment of iweet apple elder just
In, lie a gallon. Astoria Orocery. ,
, Iau Anderson, a nntlve of Norway.
J was granted flint cltlxenshlp papers
Armor' Genuine English plumb pud
01 ii it. One and two pound tin. Asto
rla Grocery.
Ladle and children' prlae matinee at
the Star Saturday afternoon. Don't
mine it.
Louis Klnkrlla and wife returned
ymtrrduy from an extended vlalt with
friend In California.
The beautiful prlxe matinee at the
War Saturday afternoon for woman
and children will be the created event
of the Mimon.
Circuit court will adjourn tonight
until December JA. when a one day'a
session will t held. -
If the weather man doein't get busy
pretty ion. Santo, Claua will And It
pretty hard sledding In these porta.
Special sale of toilet and manicure
eta at Woodflnld Art Store on Dond
llenutlful prise to be given ut the
Hlnr prise mutlnee Huturdny afterf
Ladle' Terry Cloth and Elder
down Lounging Hnbea, S3 and up at
Panxlger Co.'a.
Thompson' glove-fltllng coraeta and
II. h O. coraeta at coat price. Mack
and Gray. Hhsnahan',
The almanac to the contrary not
withstanding we all know the hort-t
day of the year la Immediately after
A bill of mile waa filed In the cue
torn bouse yeaterday whereby C. W
Itlch sells the launch Klhcl to Peter
Anderson fur 11000.
Th Congregational church will hold
It Christina tree and appropriate ex
erclaea next Monday evening.
Men' Smoking Jacket, plain and
fumy weave, beautiful atylea In big
variety; wonderful valuta at IS to
13.50 at Danxlger Co.'a.
The public school will clone today
for the holidays, A number of teucher
will leave tonight to epend Chrlatmaa
with frlenda and relative.
tadtea and children ahould not forget
to attend the beautiful prli matinee
at the Star Saturday nftemoon.
A marriage llcenae waa laaued yester.
day to Arthur Lynne and Miss May
Hotchklaa, both of thla country.
n i n it .i
Thorn Chamber and Mlaa Leola
Peyton were married Wedneaday even
ing by County Judge Trenchard.
New ahlpment of Men' and Toung
Men'a Raincoat, Men' Neck ware
Hoalery, Handkerchief, Shirt, Um
brella, Suspenders, etc, at loweat
price at Danxlger it Co.'.
Everybody I aavlng the Imperial
cigar band, not' only because they en
joy a good amok, but are alao anxlou
to win the diamond ring.
All the butcher ahop In Aatorla will
keep open until I o'clock Monday morn
ing, but no order for delivery will be j today,
received. All order for Monday de
livery mut be In on Saturday night.
The preliminary examination of John
Tenharl, charged with criminal aaaault
on a little girl in Vnlontown, waa com
menced In the Justice court yeaterday.
The cae I being cloaely contested and
not being able to finish the taking of
teetlmony the case waa continued until
One young man ha aturted In early
to wear off. Jo. Harberger, formerly
employed at the Palace, algned a pledge
yeaterduy agutnat the u of Intoxicat
ing beveragea,. and aaya he mean to
keep It.
At the next meeting of the common
council, an ordinance will be Intro
duced mining the city surveyor al
ary to $128 a month, an Increoae of 125.
The anlarle of the police commls-
loner will probably not be rained un
til next year.
All peraon having LaVera and La
Imperial cigar band munt turn them
In to the clgarmukera' committee be
fore 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, The
prlxea will probably be awarded In 'the
evening aa It will take considerable
time to count them.
C. O. Runyon. who' wan arreated for
larceny of 170 from Fred Enqulst.
waved examination before Judge Good
man yesterday and waa bound, over to
the circuit court. In $500 bond. The
l ime will not be tried before the Febru
nry term of court.
rules the common council pna an
ordinance prohibiting It. the Standard
Oil Company will commence the erec
tlon of another oil tank on the prop
erty recently purchased at the foot of
Fifth street, about January 1. It will
probably build the tank.
Hid will be oiemd tomorrow morn
Ing at 11 o'clock a. m. for building 4
net racks at the Occident and Col um
bin canneries. A number of bids have
already been received from local con
tractors and one from Altoona. A soon
a the contract la let, work will be
commenced, .
Cushlng Post, Q. A. R has elected
the following officers for the ensuing
year: Commander, A. D. Craig; sen-
ior vice commander, 1. Melbohm;
Junior vice commander, H. F. Allen;
chaplain, Thomn Deuly; quartermas
ter. A. Schernekuu: officer of the day.
I. I Taylor.
Mammoth line of Smoking Jackets
In the newest and beat style and ma
terial at 15 and up at Danxlger A
The usual Chrlatmaa turkey raffle
will occur at the Depot Exchange,
Htelner ft Snow, opposite the depot, on
Friday evening. There' will be turkeya
for everybody. The public invited.
The Kaglea will hold their Christ
moa festivities Sunday afternoon, and
the Red Men will hove a Chrlstmaa tree
Monday night for the members and
their families.
Musical Instruments, Toilet
Sets, Toy Wagons, Dolls.
Holiday Goods
Fine Line of-
Books, Albums,
Xmas Cards,
We have what you want
for yourself and friends
that won't spill coal all over at
w. c. laws a CO.
S17-S3I v
Bond St.
We sell Stoves also.
Special Price $5.45
Solid Oak Frame and Fine Valour Cushions
NoTE:--Sale on these chairs, now going on and you
can come and take yours home for $5.45. k
For Fine Furniture.
The Chrlatmaa exercise at the
Methodist church will take place this
evening. An Interesting program, par
tlclpated In by the members of the
Sunday school, will be a feature of the
entertainment. The exercise will be
gin at 7:30 o'clock. The public I cor
dially Invited.
The members of the Friday Fort
nightly Euchre Club are kindly request
ed not to'forget that the next meeting
of the club la to be held on New Year's
eve, Saturday December SI. Instead of
the regular meeting night, at 342 Sev
enteenth street. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Nor
man Callaway entertaining.
Persons desiring positions In the
government service of assistant to the
chief Inspector, laboratory apprentice
Inspectora and Inspectors of mechani
cal and electrical engineering will have
an opportunity to pass a civil service
examination January 18 before C. Tj
Crosby, secretary of the local board.
Dr. C, E, Linton, the manufacturing
chemist, well and favorably known to
the apostle of materia medlca in Ore
gon, ha opened a first-class drug store
at 1M( Franklin avenue. Dr. Linton
I not only a graduate pharmacist, but
haa made several discoveries In the
treatment of pulmonary trouble that
bid fair to bring him fame and for'
Notwithstanding the Inclement
weather the street and stores present
ed a lively appearance yeaterday.
Christmas shopper from city and
country wer making purchases. Mer
chant appreciate the position of the
Astorlan In It effort to Induce peo
ple to trade at home, and It haa had
a material effect on the Increase In
Harry Edsell, United State Chinese
Inspector, was In the city yeaterday se
curing evidence In a cose where an
applicant had been refused landing at
Port Townsend. Mr. Edsell haa made
a very efficient omcer, ana in recog
nition of his services he ha been re
cently promoted a Inspector In charge
at Sumas, and will enter upon his du
ties about the first of the year.
A call has been Issued for a meeting
of the representative In the legisla
ture of Clutsop, Columbia, Pacific,
Wahkiakum and Cowllt counties, and
all trapmen, seiners, glllnet fishermen
cannerymen and cold atorage inn, and
all others Interested In the fishing In
dustry for next Tuesday. If all ac
tend there will be in the neighborhood
of 2000 persona. An effort will be made
to secure uniform fishing laws that will
be satisfactory to everyone.
A suit has been tiled In the circuit
court of Multnomah county by Ida J.
Hanthorn against Mary B. Knowles to
recover $2643. claimed to be due from
the rents and profit of a Dunmng
erected by J. O. Hanthorn and Mary B.
Knowles In 1899, being the property on
Bond treet, where the Hanthorn hall
I located. It I alleged that Hanthorn
took charge of the building, made re
pair and advanced the aum of $6294
tn nut ud the building, ana mat me
amount sued for ts the balance due.
. ". - Oe -
Word About
Carvers : S
The Palace Turkish bath are a
source of delight to the patron who
frequent the establishment courteous
treatment and your comfort guarded.
Lady attendonts furnished for lady
patrons by appointment. These baths
are especially recommended by the
leading physicians of the city and re
spectfully solicit your patronage. Turk
ish baths and bed $1.00. Russian bath
SO cents.
A large crowd woe' attracted last
evening to Chrlstensen & Co.'s mar
ket on Commercial street, by the tak
ing of a flashlight picture of the Inter
ior of the shop. Never ha there been
such a large display of prime beef,
mutton, tukeys and game In Astoria.
The choicest beef obtainable has been
procured for the trade, and no better
selection of turkeys can be found In
the city. The display la well worth
Affidavit were, filed by attorney for
the timber vndlcates yesterday, who
brought suit to restrain the sheriff
from selling their property for taxes.
The affidavit et forth the amount al
leged to have been paid for the lands
assessed, a the consideration appear
of record. The difference In the
amounts actually paid, and the amount
aa appear of record, are not stated.
The case has been set for hearing for
December 30. The sale will be post
poned until after the case la decided.
Street SuDerlntendent Kearney nas
had a force of men at work cleaning
out the Seventh street sewer, which Is
blocked up. The sewer Is down nine
feet, making the work difficult. Mr.
Kearney suggests that people having
any old rags or bottles." tomatto
cans and otner articiea oi iurnuure,
would not throw them Into the sewer,
there will be no danger of their being
clogged up. Some people are not ac
customed to modern conveniences and
their carelessness, often a result 'of
Ignorance, causes considerable trouble
and expense.
Some of the most unique design In
small boxes of cigar, suitable for
Christmas presents and which will be
appreciated by lover of a good smoke,
can be found at Madison' cigar (tore.
These, In addition to the finest assort
ment of merscbaum pipes, and a fine
line of smoker' article, will be of
great assistance to those looking for
present! that will be appreciated.
There Is certainly no finer assortment
in Astoria.
The Keith stock company, which
opens a week's engagement at Flshera'
Monday evening next Is an accom
plished one, appearing In a powerful
repertoire of plays replete with special
scenic embellishments, original In story
and Incident, pure In text and whole
some In meaning, presenting a reper
toire of metropolitan successes, the
equal of which has never been present
ed upon such an elaborate scale at
popular prices. New bright and up-to
date specialties between acts, continu
ous performances no waits. The open
lng play ts the great comedy-drnma
"Stars of Russia" Seat sale opens to
morrow morning at Fishers Bros.'s of
fice, 109 Twelfth street.
You've only a few day left in which
to select that Xmas gift. .Don't yen
think a nice carving set would be ac
ceptable? W have them in a targe
variety of style and are offering Ihem
at a
Per Cent Discount
until the Holiday are ever.
Better pick yours now, while the as
sortment I good.
Price Range from $2.19 to $7.50 I
foard i mm
For Christmas Presents
Chaise Perfumery forms an Ideal Gift fern. Young
i or Old, Boys, Girls, Young Men, Young Women,
those in middle life or in lifes decline.
There is a pleasing bit of sentiment about per
fumes and their use that adds to their use as Christ
mas Gifts.
The place to buy High Grade Perfumes is at a
store which has the biggest and best assortment
and we undoubtedly have the most complete stock
of perfumes in this city, i
Come in and select your packages. We have them
from 25c. to $8.00 a bottle, all chaise, the flower
odors, lasting in quality.
We have all the famous makes including all French
Imported, Palmers, Rickseckers, Spiehlers, Lund
borgs, Eastmans, etc.
The Drug Stores where everything is kept right.
The M and Eagle Drug Stores
THEO. F. LAVltIN, Proprietor.
lo Cream and Sherbet..
W deliver to any address, in any
Quantity. Ice cream and sherbets for
Chrlstmaa dinners. Special arrange
merits have been made to fill all or
ders. Place your orders now.
Only a few day more to save the
La Imperial bands. They are a sure
We have a few boxes of nice apples
which we offer at 75o per box while
they last. Astoria Grocery.
It has been suggested that the cur
few ordinance be suspended the re
mainder of the week In order to allow
the children to ace the beautiful dis
play of Christmas novelties In the var
ious show windows. The display is
much .more attractive In the evening
and It ought to make everybody hap
py to witness the boys and girls feast- j
lng their eye on me gooa inings ae-
signed for their special benefit. Thlnl Weathered oak rockers, upholstered
is children's time, and they ought to be j in genuine leather. The finest line In
permitted to enjoy It. . . ' the city is at Zapp & Co.'.
Closing out sale of toilet and mani
cure sets at Woodfield' Art Store will
commence today and continue during
the week.
Tok Point or Shoal Water Bay
oyster at the New Style Restaurant
no longer over that Gift. Buy Sboes and
Slippers now!
Child' Slipper, red felt ....... .60
Child' Slippers, red feet, fur tee -5
Women's Slippers, felt, brown or black 1.00
Women' Slippers, felt, fur top 1.00
Women's Slippers, velvet, fur top ." 1.50
Women's Slippers, kid, fur top 1.75
Persian, boudoir slippers, hand turned, red and black 1.25
Men' Slipper, in calf and kid colors, black, tan and win.... 1.50
New style of Dr. Edison' famous shoe for women 3.50
Wherity, Ralston & Company