Jfctttsti PUBLISH! FULL AttOOIATIO RiPOAT OOVSRS TH MORNINO FIELD ON TH1 LOWIft COLUMBIA ' ' . ' VOLUME LVIV.rNO.-68. ASTORIA, OREGON. FRIDAY DECEMBER 23, 1904. PRICE FIVE CENTS Unp pfl I I ri I hu bn hown th .lory of Mays' 1 1 ' -r '"m with Puter, who 1 convict- Ore Historical Society Sensational Development In Land Fraud. EXCITEMET IS INTENSE Report Mitchell, Hermann and Wil liamson will be Indicted as Accessories. MITCHELL IS SIDESTEPPING F.d.r.l Grand Jury Probing Land Frauds and Is Claimed That Ssv ral Prominent Man Will Hava to Answer Striout Charg.i, Portland. Dor. 22. (Special to th Aetorlan.) Th story that la current on the street of Portland tonight, and which la exciting tn Interest of all who have followed the proceeding! of th land fraud trials Is as foltowa: To secure the Indictment of IV pre .putative Williamson for alleged con splrary to defraud the government of the United States of a portion of Its public lands la as much the purpos and Intention of the officials now en gaged In conducting the Investigation of the federal grand Jury aa It la their endeavor to hava Indictments returned against Senator Mitchell and Dinger Hermann. Evidence and testimony Is Mng, and hna been prepared by which the gov rnment hopes and expects not only to Indict these three men, but there will also be a determined effort to secure convictions, at the succeeding trial Such Is the opinion of an authority which cannot be questioned, and In view of the certainty of the statements which have been made, the remainder of the sessions of the grand jury will be fraught with Intense Interest to peo ple of the entire country. The entrance of Mr. Williamson Into tht land fraud cases comes as a great surprise, but It has developed through the connection existing between Vilm and F. P. Mays, aa well as many other deals which have been discovered In various parts of atate by government officials, who have been probing the records of land transactions of the pant fw years. It Is stated that William son Is closely connected with Mays In his dealings, and the charge la made by the government that he haa handled the lands,' and helped In their hand . I .VIV 1 I I. t. . i.i... una. wnim ne Knew iiuvv ottii tancii rrom me government unuer intuitu lent pretenses. II said he has operated In western Oregon and that the vicinity of Frine- v lie. his home, has also been the seat of his one-rations, and that there are mose now living in win aeviiun. ui u state who will yet come under the no tice of the grand Jury. Hermann Coming. Tonight Senator Mitchell and Mr. Hermann will reach Portland, the destination of their transcontinental Journey. They pome with the expec tation of being able 'to explain away their alleged connection with the fraud In public lnnds, which are apparently reaching such proportions that they are the subject of cabinet discussion in Washington. They say they are Innocent: that the prosecution of the government Is a per secution, and that time will right their wrongs and show they have been, and are now, objects of a conspiracy, In stead of being the originators or par ticipants In one. Hut Is now definitely stated that the prosecution expects to prove en tirely to the contrary with a declara tion made by two congressmen from Oregon. The talk has not been Idle, rumor has It, and It will be a matter of cold facts before another two weeks have passed over the people waiting. How, though, are the senator and the representatives connected? Is the common query. That la a hard ques tion to be answered with any amount or detail. But If Williamson is' en tangled with Franklin Mays, so Is Her mann and so li Mitchell, It Is said. It ;., ri offense, that hs has been more Interested with Puttr In his deal Ings. It was Mays, who, as attorney for Puter, gave the latter a letter of Intro duction to John Mitchell at Washing ton. This much was shown In th ts tltnony at the trial In which Puter was convicted. Mitchell took Puter, upon present tlon of th latter to blm, to Hermann and told th commissioner Puter was on of th best man In Oregon, entire ly responsible and It would be a favor If th lands In which h was Interested wr to b passed through, out of their order; that they b taken from th list of suspended claim and b mad special and Immediate. This much ha been shown at th previous trial. ' Hut this to not alL Allegations will b mad that Mitch ell waa a friend and helpmate of th Umber dealer and lobbyist; that his committee room In Washington were headquarters for this class of men and he shared In their confidence and In their benefit, This is, in part, th tia tur of th evident which, It I r ported, will b brought to bear against th testimony of th senator when he enters the Jury room to explain to th men there hi Innocence of all wrong. Hermann will have hi turn In the Jury room with th senator. His con nectlon with the Puter-Mays deal will be shown. It is assrted. He, It was, who, acting as commissioner gen eral of th land office, took th l us pended claims from the table and x pedlted them to a patent at th re queat and solicitation of Puter and May t ai. Nor la this all. Th xcomrols1oner will b asked to explain th story of th missing lat ter flics, which will apply, not alon to Washington, but to Oregon aa well. ACQUITTAL NOT YET Nan Patterson Jury Is Out Tonight Locked WOMAN NEARLY COLLAPStD Qulok Freedom Not th Result of De liberation and Several Juror Are at Varlano on th D.gree of th Crime. New York, Dec. 22. The Jury in the Nan Patteraon case was locked up at 11 tonight, not having reached a verdict When Mlsa Patterson heard the news In th "pen" It was so unexpected she cam near to collapsing. There will be no opportunity for hearing from the Jury again until 10:30 tomorrow morning, the hour fixed by the court for a report from the 12 men who decide the fate of the chorus girl The latest rumor from the jury room Is that three men are holding out against the nine who desired to acquit the defendant. It Is said three jurors are at odds regarding th seriousness of the crime. One juror said he waa holding 'out for conviction of murder In the second degree, and two are re ported to favor a manslaughter ver diet . , ' . v ' DAVIS IN JAIL. 8hriff Llnvlll. Return Sewing Ms- chin. Man. Sheriff Llnvllle arrived last night with W. J. Davis, the man wanted here on a charge of defrauding Ross, Hlg- glna & Co., and a sewing machine com pany by bogus contracts. Davis was captured by the police at Spokane on information furnished by Llnvllle. He behaved himself well on the trip from the northern city, and expressed his belief that he will be able to square his accounts here before his case comes to trial. Cr.Mw.ll Hot. I Burns. Eugene, Dec. 22. By the overturn- curred, resulting In the destruction of well last evening a disastrous fire oc Ing of a tamp In the hotel at Cress the building and contents. The fir pread with remarkable swiftness, and the proprietor of the place barely es caped with hi life, owing to the burn ing oil catching hi clothe on fir. SUCH JAILED Oregon Boot Adorns Leg of the "Escape." CAPTURED (BY WHITE Jaded and Worn by Trail Trave He Gives Up When Ut terly Ehxausted. TOLD TWICE TO PUT HANDS UP Fifteen Charge Rest Against th Man Who Is Glad to Hav a Chanc to Put In a Night' Sleep in th Security of th County Jail. '1 Drenched by rain, bespattered by mud, trail-worn, tired and glad to have th rest of a "bunk" in a cell, Fred Stauch waa brought In last night, sur rounded by officer and newspaper men, and even th Oregon boot that adorned hi leg feel to him Ilk Jewelry com pared with th miring and grief that he ha aeen sine h made hi way through th bars of th county Jail Saturday night Sheriff Llnvlll 1 a lucky man. Going up on th evening train with a prisoner for Salem, and in quest of on at Spokane, he arretted young Low, implicated with.. Stanch. nd. then, on his return, the sheriff had the pleasure of riding horn with the sec ond prisoner (Stauch), who waa In charge of Sheriff White of Columbia county. After leaving the Jail Saturday night Stauch and Lowe separated. Lowe keeping to the railroad and Stuuch striking across country toward the up per bend of the Columbia river. Stauch was en route for Goldendale, Wash. where he has friends and relatives, and Low waa simply trying to get out of the country. Lowe only accompanied Stauch because of the older man' per' suasion, and had he stayed In Jail, could scarcely have gotten more than a six months' sentence tn' the county Jail, His fat now is with the good mercy of the circuit Judg. The capture of Stauch, as effected by Sheriff White, waa a dramatic one, nd the manner of It was a refutation of the opinion held by the local au thorities that Stauch would die fight ing. As a matter of fact his only weapon waa a' rasor, and he did not have the slightest Intention of using that as a weapon de guerre. Sheriff White had a "Une" on the whereabouts of his man, and he rode over hard roads all night, arriving at the farmhouse where Stauch had eaten his breakfuat, Just In time to catch him walking up to a looking glass in the kitchen where he was going to shave. "Hands up!" called the sheriff. "Who the hell are you?" said Stauch. "Jam 'em up! Quick!" was the reply. and Sheriff White was Just unhooking six lead pills In Stauch's direction hen the .refuge. "put 'em up." Stauch submitted to handcuffing, and the sheriff secured a rig and drove his game to Claskanlne, where they caught the same train upon which Sheriff Lln vllle of this county was returning from Spokane. Had Stauch been of the proclivities that actuated Tracy, this story would have read differently, howewr, he ent unarmed, and had no Intention of making a fight for his liberty. He thought he knew the country better than the officers uclld, and he lost. On Tuesday evening had Stauch been armed Frank Cook and Jailor Al len Anderson would have been-near to death. StAuch heard them coming and he stepped behind a hemlock tree and allowed thorn to go by. It was dusk, and they were at his mercy, had he stolen even one of the three guns that were ottered him. Notwithstanding his 15 charges which will keep him In jail an ordi nary man's lifetime, Stauch had no In clination to fight. He only wanted get away. Cook and Anderson may thank the star that give a happy fate that Stauch was hot "th man behind th fun." i . - Stauch led a hard life during his brief emancipation. The road were bad, the trails rough and Stauch was hard put to It to get wherewith to cat At "Dutch John's," a place about 26 miles from Astoria, he bought four loave of bread, some meat and after ward returned for a little packet of salt which was given him. Th fugitive however, waa weary, and his night's rest cost blm his liberty. Sheriff Whit and Sheriff Llnvllle were congratulated around town last evening for the quick work that landed the two Jail-breaker within four day of their escape, and Deputy Watson Binder, who kept careful tab on the movements of the men, received the congratulations of the sheriff. ROOSEVELT IS ELECTED. Th Official Announcement of th Can- vas of th Election Declared Todsy. Chicago, Dec. 22. The official can vass for presidential elector waa com pleted today. The Associated Press, therefore, Is able to giv first tahle of official votes In Jh 45 states! The total vot was 13,508,498, against 13,98,674 in 1(00, a decrease of 440.078. The bal lots were divided as follows: Roosevelt 7.(27.(32, Parker 5.010,054, Debs 381,687, Swallow 280,803, Watson 114,(37, Corregan 23.453, Holcomb, con tinental labor, (30. McKinley polled more vote than Roosevelt In Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine Maryland, Mississippi, New Hamp shire, North Carolina, South Carolina Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. Roose velt received more vote than McKin ley In the other 12 states. Parker re ceived more votes than Bryan in Dela ware, Georgia, Mississippi, New Jer sey, New York, Rhode Island, South Carolina and West Virginia. Bryan received more votes than Parker lr. th remaining 27 states. RUSH LOSE Torpedo Boats Reported Sunk in Storm. LOSS SEVERE IF TRUE Details of the Conflict are Meagre But Loss of Life Fearful if Boats Sunk. JAPS BURN BUT WONT 0IVE UP Officer Found Cook.d in th Ruin of Th.ir Barracks in Postur In dicating Thy Calmly Awaited D.ath by Flames. DEATH IN A MINE London, Dee.. 22. Th. T.legrsphi' Chef oo correspondent wires tonight thst sight torpadoboats, which at tempted to ..cap. from th invested harbor of Port Arthur, hav been d troy.d. Th battl that ended with th.ir destruction, h says, occurred in a snowstorm which has rsged for 24 hours. Particular concerning the loss of livss and th name of th boat are not obtainable. Seven Men Suffocated in a sylvania Drift Pnn- NUMBER OF MINERS RESCUED Heroic Efforts of M.n to Sav Th.ir Companions From D.ath , - Are Attended With the Greatest Difficulty. Bolivar, Pa., Dec. 22. Seven men were suffocated today In the soft clay of the mine of th Reese Hammond Fire Brick Company, near here. The victims are Austrlans. About 26 men were In the mine, and all but seven were rescued, though all were In bad condition and two are like ly to die. A small building . burned down at the mouth of the mine. An airshaft from the workings to the sur face In the mine acted aa a sort of a flue and drew into the drift heat and smoke from the Are. As soon aa It could be done the burning shanty was torn away and the rescuers rushed Into the mine but already five men had succumbed to the heat and smoke and the others weer In a dying condition, Mukden, Dee. 22. The situation b- twn th armi.s before Mukdan re main unchanged. Th. opposing fore continue artill.ry duals and both sides hav extended their positions far to th eastward. Chin scouts report thst Oyama has stablishd headquarters at Liao Yang and the Japanese are construct ing n.w fort around the city., 8ickns, induced by cold, is wreak' ing havoc among the Jap force in th vicinity of Palaszandaski and Shilikj., wh.re, it is said, 20,000 m.n w.re lost in a single wk. v Robber Captured. Basin, Wyo., Dec. 22. Bob Erwln, the larger of the two Cody bank rob bers, waa. captured Tuesday and is In Jail waiting Identification. Erwln as seen at a ranch at the mouth of Gooseberry creek. He and Will Ham- mitt took a trail, leaving Bert Holts to watch at the mouth of Gooseberry. The robber made a circle to beat off the officers and had about two hours later come upon Holts, who held him up with a Winchester and waited for the arrival of Fenton and Hammttt. There is no doubt of the prisoner's Identity. ' Bad Wires Csus Fir. Eugene, "Dec. 22. The residence of Ed McClanahan, Jr., narrowly escaped destruction last evening by a fire which started from electric light wlrea. The residence had formerly been occupied by students, who did the wiring. Headquarters of the Third Japanese Army Before Port Arthur, via Fusan Dec. 22. During the morning of De cember 19 the Russian turret ship Se vastopol was torpedoed by the Jap anese fleet and Immediately listed 10 degrees to the right remaining fast on the shallow shore at the foot of Llaotl mountain. The vessel Is considered ab solutely useless for further offensive operations. The Japanese bombardment of the Russian gunboats and torpedo craft In the harbor continues. JAPS DIE GAME. Sit Gets Good Job. ' St Paul, Minn., Dec. 22. President Elliott of the Northern Pacific Rail road Company has appointed Charles R. Claghorn aa manager of the North ern Pacific mining properties. Amid the Flames While Enemy Approach Th.ir Barracks. Mukden, Dec. 22. Apparently there Is little personal animosity toward the Japanese among the European Rus sians. The Russian reservist goes out to fight simply because the emperor wills it, and takes little interest In the political reasons Involved In the strug gle. But with the Siberians it Is dif ferent. The war Is closed to their na tlve soli and they regard the Japanese aa their natural enemies. For this reason the only animosity that has been displayed toward the Japanese wounded has been In those hospitals where there were a majority of Si berians. The Slater of Mercy on the other hand have shown a decided par tiality for Japanese patients and t'.iere has been some Jealousy aroused among the Siberians who thought the Japan ese were getting 'the best of It," at the hands of the nurses. r Most of the Japanese wounded have. therefore, been placed in the hospitals with Russian soldiers. The Finlanders almost alone of the Europeans take In terest in the politics of the fighting, but they make none the worse soldier for that. . One of the most inexplicable things to. the Russian soldier Is the fact that the Japanese commits sui cide when endangered with . defeat There are so many eye witnesses to re ports of this nature that It la Impos sible to discredit them all. Japanese officers especially seem to make a practice of saving their last cartridge for themselves. A Russian under the circumstances would rather go down fighting, leaving his enemies to do th killing if he thought there was nothing to be gained by holding out In th capture of Poutlloff (Lone Tree) hill especially there were a num ber of lurh cases. When the Jap anese batteries were captured on offi cer shot himself aero hi gun. An other drew his sword and fenced at th empty air until he was shot. Dur ing the same fight two village occu pied by the Japanese were surrounded and burned. Numbers of the Japanese remained quietly In the huts and were burned to death. A Russian officer hauled two Japanese prisoners out of a biasing hut but one slipped back and perished In the flames. Japanese officers were found In the huts after the fight burn ed to death or suffocated, sitting In chairs as though they had been quiet ly awaiting their doom. .i- J TANGERIN HIGHBINDERS jp . u Want a Fransh Consul This time aa Wll a Briton. Tangier, Dec 22. A courier from Alcasar, about ISO miles northeast of Tangier, states the tribesmen sur rounding Alcazar and threaten to sack, the town unless the French consul aflcf one British subject are handed over to them. ...- The French minister demanded th ultan take action for the protection of. the consul. A detachment of Imperial troop left Tangier, probably for Al cazar. It is understood the movement of the tribesmen is prompted by revenge. Can Sleep at Home. Washington, Dec. 22. The secretary of war has issued an order authorizing recruiting officers to grant the privil ege of living out of quarters to soldier married prior to enlistment AWAY CIGARETTES Portland is Reforming Its Ways Very Fast ( NO MORE HOP FOR THE KIDS Reformers Say the Curling Wreaths of Smoke from Corraded Alfalfa Cannot Tickle the No.tr.1. of Young and Foolish. Portland, Dec. 22. The International Anti-Cigarette League, recently incor porated in Portland, is soon to begin an active campaign In other fields be side Oregon, and one of Its main ob jects will be to unify and bring Into more concise form the work which la now being done separately in many sec tions of the nation. The next quadren nial convention of the league will be held In Portland July 15, 16 and IT, 1905. These dates will bring the ses sions of the league at approximately the same time with the convention of the American Medical Association and the National board of charities and corrections. . . The following partial list of officers has been named and the general super- has- been authorized to name a vle president in each state: , Presld.-nt, Charles BuUcley Hubbell New. York; vice president for Great Britain, Rev. Frank Johnson, London; vice president for Canada, Frank A, Buck, Toronto; general superintendent Wallace R. Struble, Chicago; general field secretary, Dr. Cullen Ewing Cllne, Portland; secretary-treasurer, Elmer Ellsworth Miller, Portland; . assistant secretary-treasurer, C. E. Struble, Chi cago. ' ' Station Dismantled Victoria, Dec. 22. The British naval station at Esquimau has been partial ly dismantled in keeping with the new policy of the British admiralty. When the process of reduction la complete It- 1 expected that none but caretaker will hava charge of the dock yards and repair shops, which "heretofore employ ed large number. Want More Island. Sidney, Dec. 22. Two British war ship hav sailed for the Tonga is lands, with th reported Intention of annexing them.