The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 22, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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    THURSDAY, DECtMICR 22. 14.
i no nunioTu a o nnnocMT
n o Lnivio - v Ao.rrvcociN i
Committee Holds Meeting and
Gets Down to Business.
" This sale is in force from 7:30 in the
, morning until we close in the evening
every day in the week.
If you have not visited our store you
have not seen the
Cream of the Christmas Goods
in Astoria. Do your shopping in the
morning, but if you must shop at night
you will receive the same courteous
treatment accorded our customers 365
Y days in the year. ,
Morse Department Store
Where Everybody Likes to Trade
1 H. Hirschey of Chinook was in the
city yesterday. .
Mrs. Olive McGuire of Seaside was
In the city yesterday.
j Leander Anderson of Deep Rriver
was In the city yesterday.
j B. A. Seaborg returned from a busi
ness trip to Seattle yesterday.
I C H. Warren of Cathlamet was In
the city yesterday on business.
' Otto Hikkelson returned from a busi
ness trip to Portland last evening.
, NIc Hansen, superintendent of the
Chinook hatchery was in the city yes
terday. t
William Ross and wife will leave
for California this morning to spend
the holidays.
Marcus Wise of Ilwaco was in the
city yesterday In attendance on the
circuit court.
W. C. A. Pohl and family leave for
Shoalwater bay this morning to spend
Christmas with Mr. Pohl's mother.
Lieutenant H. A. Cooper ieft for The
Dalles yesterday morning on a visit
with friends and to spend the holidays.
John Carlson and wife of the Wash
ington side of the river are In the city
visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Vandecar.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zigler will
leave this morning for Roseburg, where
they will spend the holidays with Mr.
ZIgler's parents.
Rev. Dr. House of Portland, who has
been In the city since Monday, will re
turn home this morning. He will re
turn to Astoria on the 28th when he
will deliver the first of a series of lec
tures at the Congregational church.
Freight Rebates Rscsivt the Executive
Washington, Dec. 21. The president
discussed today with several callers
the proposed legislation covering the
question of freight rebates on the var
ious railroads, and the advisability of
empowering the Interstate commerce
commission to adjust freight rates
' where the same are found to be ex
cessive and onerous, especially as re
gard freight terminals.
The president Is anxious that legls
lation in the interests of shippers be
enacted at the earliest possible date.
It was stated today that one of the
president's callers is assured that At
torney General Moody Is engaged In
the preparation of a bill that substan
tially embodies the views of the administration.
Hotel of the First Class Is the Deaidtr
turn of Astoriant as Well
the Traveling Publie.
A meeting of the "Hotel Committee"
whs held lust evenln and O. V
Lounsberry was appointed to Inter
view the financial Interests of the town
and make an effort to Interest them In
a project that has the best interest or
all In the city at stake.
The objection has been urged that a
first-class hotel would Infringe on the
business of the hotels already running;
also, that It would tend to deplete the
revenue of the various lodging houses,
but this, as shown. In the experience
of other cities. Is a short-sighted policy
that needs paternal teaching. A first-
class hotel takes Its own risks, the
same as a boarding or rooming house
takes them, and, for the class that
wants a first-class hotel, and will ad
vertise the city because of one, and no
better advertisers than drummers ex
ist, the first-class hotel Is a necessity
and an Improvement the far-sighted
men of the city want to see established
at the earliest ostble. moment.
The project, as put forth', has In con
templation a hotel to cost In the neigh-
jborhood of $100,000, to be up to date In
all Its appointments and such as will
be advertised abroad as a place where
those seeking rest domicile during
business, or a place to stay during the
regattas, etc., is nil that can be asked.
The matter of selection of site for
the hotel. It is the sense of the meet
tng, should be left to those who sub
scribe to the stock of the concern. It
Is not understood that the men who
have "axes to grind" will In the Inter
est of the city, forgo the grinding In
order that those who come to the city
may not find a contention Instead of a
In the event of the establishment of
a first-class hostelry, It Is certain that
Astoria, Instead of being "the Jumplng-
ofT place" will be known as a city
i where accommodations to suit the fas
Uidlous ran be had.
A number of the wealthier men of
the city have already In a measure
pledged themselves to contribute to the
purchase of stock In the enterprise
and the consummation of the long de
sired end now seems In sight.
If he asks you where it
Comes From
Your reply should be, it
Comes From
And its way up in
Smoking Jackets, Vests,
Handkerchiefs and Ties,
The things that
John would like to have
Arc Sold by,
Soldiers Up Against It for Their Small
Beer Allowance.
Columbus, Dec. 21. The executive
committee of the American Anti-Saloon
League met here today and de
termined to make a fight for the re
tention of the anti-canteen law. It was
also held that the fact of the prohibi
tory clause In the legislation for the
Indian territory should entitle the ter
ritory to statehood.
It was also recommended that the
passage of the Hepburn-Dolllwr bill
to prevent the shipment of liquor into
territories be urged.
Business in the Courts Mill Grinds But
The circuit court convened yester
day as usual, with Judge McBrlde pre
siding, but the grIM of the "mills of
the Gods ground slowly, and they
gound exceedingly small." .
In the case of O. W. Morton and
John Flshman against Robert Burch a
publication of summons .was ordered.
In the case of the O. R. & N. Co.
against the Masonic Building & Loan
Association, the Injunction was dis
solved. This was the case wherein
the plaintiffs sought to establish pos
session of a lot that was In conten
tion over tide water.
There is no complaint about bnsiness
at the Star saloon. Good goods and
courteous treatment will draw trade to
any first-class saloon. That's what
makes business good at the Star. The
best is none too good for our customers.
There Was an old wimmsnt
Who lived mit a shoe.
8he had to many kids
She didn't knew what to do.
For tome she buyed iwtsttrtj
For tome she got TIES.
Did You gets vhsr she got 'em?
Yoott ask
Texas Out of It.
New Tork Dec. 11. Krenklng five
great cables as If they were threaJs
the 100-ton flouting drydock Hercules,
broke adrift at the navy yard basin In
Wallnbout bay today, and crnshed Into
the stern of the battleship Texas
smashing several plates and so Injur
ing the warship that she will have to
go to the drydock.
Men's Lounging Robes, plain blue
and gray colorings, cord and tassel;
great values at tS and up at Danilger
A Co.'s.
Rtoptnsd Under Nsw ManagsmsmV
John Blaslch has leased the Califor
nia Restaurant and Oyster House and
Is now prepared to serve tht public.
The best oysters and meals In the
city. Family trade supplied. Good
cooks, polite waiters and prompt service.
The Best Restaurant?
Regular Meals. 23 Ccoti
aunuay uinucis aiwtiaiiy g
Everytbfof the Market Affords a
Palace Catering Company S
Parker House.
J. M. Flsk, New Tork.
A. Olson, Deep River.
Francis Olson and wife. Deep River.
Miles J. Doyle, Deep River.
F. E. Clark, San Francisco.
G. Sundberg, Grays River.
James Qulnn, Quinns Landing.
C. C. Alexander, Oystervllle, Wam.
Lumber Gos Up.
Vancouver, Dec. 21. The British Co
lumbla Lumbermen have reorganised
the former combination that existed
among the workers with a scale of
prices higher than those of the indi
vidual mills. The new schedule gives an
average reduction on rough lumber of
20 to 25 per cent, and 20 per cent on
other grades.
Have you seen the new automatic
Morris chairs? The only place to get
them is at Zapp ft Co.'s.
Best meals In town at the New Style
The Occident tonsorlal parlors and
bath facilities are equalled by none.
Everything modern and up to date.
See Peterson.
the Now Size
ALL HAVANA. (No imitation goes with us.)
Save the Bonds
And got the diamond in Seymour's window, or
the $20 gold jiiooe or a fino suit of clothe, ;
Our selection of Christinas presents affords you a suffi
ciently wide range of articles to make presents to all
your friends and relatives:
We have for Men:
Shoes, ' Slippers, Socks,
Suspenders, Ties, Hats,
Shirts, Umbrellas, Suits,
Necktie Boxes, Brushes,Etc.
We have for Ladies :
Waists, Silk Petticoats, Furs, Fancy
Collars, Handkerchiefs, Slippers, Al
bums, Jewel Cases, Card Cases, Glove
, Boxes, Manicure Sets, Photo Boxes, Etc.
Thing's That, Will
Please Everybody:
, , Vase-V' Ink Stands, Fancy Baskets,
' ' Clocks Candle Holders. Pictures,
. Center Pieces in Battenburg, Cheney,
Embroidery, KtcL Statuary, Books, Etc.
We have for the Children A complete line of toys of every description. Don't put off till tomorrow
what you can do today. Shop now when the stock is full and remember that , you can always buy
cheaper at