THE MORNING AS TOMAN. ASTOMA. OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMMR 22, 1M4. ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS, FREDERICK V. MOHN, M. Physician and Surgeon. Offlc and residence, over Peterson Brown a. Offlc hours: to U:J0 a. m. and 1 to :30 p. m.; evenings, I to I. Sundays By Appointment , DR. J. A. REGAN Dsntist Offlc over A. V. Allen's Stor. Offlc hours, I to II and 1 to JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHTSICIAN AND SUKGEON Acting Anbtant Surjeoa C.S. Mario Hospital Service. Offlo hours: 10 to It a-m. 1 to I: SO P-m, 47T Commercial Street, Ind Floor. Dr. RHODA C. HICKS OSTEOP1THIST If anstU Bide. STI Commercial 8t PHONE BLACK 106S. C W. BARR, D. D. S. Ha Opened Dental Parlors In Rooms 817-818, The Dekum. PORTLAND, OREGON. Where he will be pleated to meet Friends and Patrons. i Dr. VAUGHAN, Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. Dr. T. L. BALL , DENTIST (14 Commercial street Astoria Or. Dr. W. C LOGAN DENTIST 578 Commercial St-, Shanahsn Building MISCELLANEOUS. C. J. TRENCHARD Insurance, Commission and Shipping. CUSTOMS HOU8E BROKER. Agent Weils-Fargo and Northern Pacific Express Companies. Car. ELEVENTH and BOND BT8. A KILJULEN, Merchant Tailor. Occident Building. JAPANESE GOODS New stock of fancy goods just arrived at Yokohama Bazaar. Call and see the latest novelties from Japan. BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-cent meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant. 612 Commercial St FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffee, pie, or doughnuts, 5c, at U. S. Restaur ant. 434 Bond St WOOD! WOOD! WOODj Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, the transfer men. 'Phone 2211 Blaok, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house. BAY VIEW HOTEL E. G LASER, Prop. Home Cooklnj, Comfortable Beds, Reason able Rates and Nice Treatment THE NEW NEHALEM HOUSE Cor. Fourteenth and Exchange Hts. One block back ef Foard & Stokes Store. J. H. ANSON, Prop., - Astoria, Ore. Board and Udi. $1.00 and up Cleanest Beds in the City. Fine Table Board. New Furniture Throughout Bates made to steadr Theatrical Troupes ASTORIA HOTEL Comer Seventeenth ind Dusne Sts. 75 cents a day and up. Meals 20 cents. Board and lodging $4 per week. Phone 2175 Bed. Open Day andjXlght. The Astoria Restaurant MAN HINO, Proprietor. Fine meals served at all hours. Oysters served in any style. Game in season. J9 Bead Street, Cor. th. Astoria, Ore. HAIR NATURALLY ABUNDANT. Whea It la Pre ( ItandraST, It Grew l.amHaatly, Kair preparation and dandruff cure, as a rule, are sticky or Irritating affair that do no earthly good. Hatr, when not diseased, grows naturally, luxuriantly. Pandruff ta the caus of nine-tenths ot all hair trouble, and dandruff la caused by a germ. The only way to cur dand ruff is to kill the germ; and, so far. th only hair preparation that will positively destroy the germ is Newbro'a HerpK-lde absolutely harmless, free from grease, sediment, dye matter or dangerous drugs. It allays Itohing instantly: makes hatr glossy and soft as silk. "Peatroy the causa, you remor the effect" Sold by leading druggist Send 10c tn stamps for sampl to The Herplcld Co., Detroit. alien. Eagle Drug Stor, 851-353 Bond St. Owl Dreg Store, E49 Com. St., T. F. I-aurln, Prop. "Special Agent" That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you. If ou used Dr. King's New Life Pills, Thousands of sufferers havs proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pur blood and build up your health. Only 35 cents, money back if not cured. Sold by Co a. Rogers Druggist Driven to Desperation. Living at an out of the way place, remot from civilisation, a family Is often driven to desperation in cas of accident resulting In Burns, Cuts, Wounds Ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply of Sudden's Arnica Salve. It's the best on earth. 35c, at Chas. Rogers' drug stor. m When you buy canned olamt ask for RAZOR BRAND Clean and wholesome and a home product For sale by all leading grocers. Warrention Clam Com pany, Warrenton, Or. PARKER HOUSE H. B. PARKER, Proprietor Free Coach Large Sample Rooms on Ground Floor. Rooms 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 per Day. Foot of Ninth Street ASTORIA. OREGON DrfCGecWo ONDERFUL aHO&CB TREATMENT cootie wtikx Uaa Ibat an glen ep te St. Be can wit base woaderfel Chi lian Si In, nou,bsda, ens ana trr. Taraafh edlcs, whkft fee aaeatfWr mm la ! t us ma, lane throat, racamathn. smmerh, Mnr, k!4or, eta.; has inmnaiaia, Laarfas anfletale, QMI MM m alav Fadenis oat ef the etty wrtte aw bleaks aa elrcalaia, Bmsia, OUJMKlr tatiom rasa, addmsb " The C Gee Wo Qfoeu Eafidae Co, m 1U Alder St, SVatealMW past. THE COMFORT SALOON Franteovich & Francisovich Proprietors. LoganlBuilding' Patrons will be furnished wit hthe best the market affords. Only the best goods kept in stock. 000000000 HANDKERCHIEF CARNIVAL. ffi A largs shipment of Japanese O i -:n- it . . 5j q iiiiu.iig aim nanaKcrcniers just r receivea rrom tn Orient. They g. O contain an ins latest oriental aa- q signs and fashions. You will O want some for Xmas, if you ss O them. ffl 9 J. W. KWQNQ CO. O A 420 Commercial Street- ' 2 000000000f These tiny Cipsules are superior to uaisam ot lopaioa, Cubebs or Injections and Anrv CURE IN 48 HOURSPOT the same diseases with.' out inconvenience. lev sn f I senLtk! i I Princess Flavia's J Betrothal By C W. SARGENT CtWWAt, I, ay S. H'. Sirvrnt TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTfTTTTTT "The royal house of Kurutunla de mands your aid and protection. 1 must speak to you at once. Be cautious?' Malcolm Morgan rend the note a sec ond time, then glanced curiously at His little woman across the aisle. There was nothing about ber to suggest the fantastic. She Was Just a dainty little old lady, scarcely Ave feet tall, with whom Father Time had dealt geutly Now she wns watching him In a flut ter ot expectation, surely there was something odd, but Morgan crossed the aisle. "How can I sen your he asked ai he dropped Into the seat beside her. She gave a tiny cry of delight "I knew I could not be wrong," she said. glancing appreheuslrely about the car "I knew you were from Iturutanla. 1 am eh" she lowered her voice "Ethel, princess of the royal house." Morgan gave a start Here was a little woman who claimed connection with a royal family of fiction, yet gave no Indication of the Insanity proved by her words. She accepted the atari as a tribute to her revelation. "I do not wonder that you start," she said complacently. "You must be fa took nan w to DiKNaa, paiiKd rapPKM jDirakaNca. miliar with Hurutunla news and know that I am pursued. Still It Is strange to find me here In America. 1 am go ing to my uitH'p, the Trlnce Flarla, who Is now In Chicago." There was soiiietblng grotesque iu this odd Jumble of the Hope story and the American towns. Morgan gjuuml apprehensively about the car. There wa no woman to whom he could make appeal. There were three In the sleeper, but Murgau knew the type only too well. One whs evidently s traveling Kulexwomiin, since ulie fra ternized with the olher conimeiX'lul traveler ill the cur uinl unuli- mites of the points they olTe)! for her Instnto-! tion. One was evidently a soubrctte who vied with the woman drummer for the attention of the men. The third was a young woman whose very face betokened her Incapacity. He leaned over to the little princess. "It would be letter," he suggested, "that no one else should know that you are a princess. I, too, am going to Chi cago and will wait upon your com mands. The others In the car are not to be trusted, believe me." "Bless your heart," she fairly beamed upon him-lt In not always that her Runitanian subjects yielded this ready acquiescence "I don't dare reveal my self to any but a Kurutanlnn. Don't you see" her voice grew confidential -"that there Is Black Michael in the smoker? It woukl never do for him to realize that I was In this very car when be came to America on purpose to destroy me. He thinks that with me out of the way It would be easy to marry Flavla. That will never be. I am determined that she shall marry Hudolph. That Is why I am forced to flee my own country." All that long afternoon Morgan hu mored her whim. It would never do to let her proclaim her royalty to the others. There was not a single son) In the crowded Chicago sleeper who would see the pathos of her condition. Instead she would be made the object of their Jeers. She was such a dainty little old lady that he could not bear the thought of ber being subjected to ridicule. He took her In to dinner, paying proper deference to royalty and show ing that be appreciated the honor of dining with one of a race of kings. After that he played piquet with her nntll she became sleepy, and It was be who gave tbe porter an extra tip to make ber berth down first. Early the next morning she was In her seat, smiling and happy, when Morgan emerged from bis berth. She beckoned to him. "I slept soundly," he said blithely. "From time to time I wakened to hear th tramp of my knight's footsteps In the aisle, and I knew tbat th Princes of Ruratanla was safely guarded." Morgan divined that th awakenings were dne to tbe stop and that her! knight's footsteps were those of th porter as he conducted weary travel era to ihplr berths, but ho smiled atul SAllI nothing. All the morning he played her fn rorlle phiuet with her. mid In a way it v us a help to him, for it made lilm for get Unit lie w'tw on his wny to seek the girl he Uivtl. A few months before It had heeu his duly im district attorney lu a town near New York to olilalu the vouvtctlou of a murderer. It was clear that the man had committed the crime, hut a clever lawyer hnd created a feel ing of sympathy for the criminal, and Irene Ostermnn hnd coldly told hi in that she could never accept the lovt of a man who had sent au Innoceut fellow being to the gallows. She had left for Omasa the follow Ing morning and had not even given him a elm m-e to plead his cauno, lie was on lil way there now In the ho that a change of scene would enuhli him to make a more successful appeal to her reason. The breaking of the engngenient had been a terrible shock to him, and bet highness from Iturutiiiilu ut last en abled hi in to partially forget the pain that was gnawing at his benrt. Shortly before 3 the train nulletl Into the, yards at Chicago, and pre ently they were Lu the station after n tedious Journey between lanes of freight and passenger cars on sldt tracks. Just In-fore they arrived tli princess Insisted upon having his card and hut Chicago address. "We Kuril tanlans are so few," she protested "that I am unwilling to lose sight of such a faithful subject." And unwlll fugly he bad given her his card with the Illsmarck hastily penciled In tin corner. She would forget before she had reached her home, he nrgued. There was a young man at the train to meet ber. and he was warm In til thanks to Morgan. The young district attorney hurried to the hotel that wa to break his travel. Three hour Intel a Ml boy knocked upon his door and bunded lu a dainty note. "The Trlneess Flavtii It read in unfamiliar hand, "would to glad t welcome to Chicago the traveler from 'Rurutnnia,' who by his courtesy Im- done so much to help the Trlncc Ethel,' " and there followed an addrex of Mlcblgiiu avenue. From curiosity Morgan determined l follow the odd experience to the end and as soon aa he could unpack IiIm dress suit he called a cab and gave the address. Arriving, he was promptly shown Into the parlor, and In a moment there entered a woman whose presence cnui ed Morgan's heart to thrill. With a cry of "Irener he sprang forward, and In another moment she was folded within his arms. Ten minutes later, when speech whs possible, she explained that the I'rtii cess Ethel was her maiden aunt, whose dementia took the form of the belief that she was one of the omitted char sclera In the Hone novel. "When I heard from Cousin Jack." she said gently, "of the man who had been so kind, I realized that you lunl done It to keep her misfortune fruin the rest of the car, and a man who can take all those pains to spare poor A tin i Ethel cannot lie as heartless as I sun- posed you were. I real I, e my mistake, Morgan. Csn you forgive me?" A kiss was Ills only answer, but an eloquent one. So engrossed were tliey that they failed to hear footsteps until a thin treble was heard announcing. "Well. I never suspected that you were the real Hudolph, but I sin glad that my niece came from Omaha to mwt " Then the Princess Ethel approves?' asked Morgan. "yes," declared the Princess Ethel and a whispered echo, "Yes," from the Princess Flavla sealed tbe understand Ing, It Stared A tear. A story Illustrating the anxiety of applicants for public office and the small figure that some of them cut In their appointments Is told regarding the late Simon Cameron of pennsyl vania, While be whs a power In tbe state a Lmsn who had been useful to him po litically desired to obtain the postmas- tersblp In one of the leading cities of the Keystone State. The man was small of stature and Insignificant look Ing. After bis case had been pending for ten day be became a little agltat ed and sent a telegram to Senator Cameron, which read In substance as follows: "What causes delay In my appoint ment? Shall I com to Washington?" In the course of an hour or so he received tbe following characteristic reply: "No. Stay away from Washington at all batards. The president ha prom ised to appoint you, but If he sees you be may change bl mind." Tbe applicant wisely remained away and In course of the next fortnight was appointed and received bis commission s postmaster. New York Tribune. When the Inexperienced go traveling thy take along a guide book, the expe rienced a check book. New Tork Tress. Didn't Know It AIL "Oh," sneered the self Important lawyer who was cross examining, "you think you know It all, don't you?" "Not quite," replied the witness. "For instance, I don't know how you manage to secure an occasional client." Chicago News. Th Drawback. Old Gentleman-Slnce your unci left you that legacy, Mrs. Casey, you must find your path In life much smoother. Mrs. Casey Sbur 01 dunno, sor. 01 foind tbe mor y hov to at th more dishes there Is to wash. Brooklyn Life. CLASSIFIED KATKMi l irst Insertion, One Cent a Word, tine Week, Math Line, jot. Two Weeks, Kut h Line, 45c. One Month, Lat h Line, 75c. Astorlan Free Want Ads. Anyone Desiring Situation cart of Three Line Iwo 1 imes rrej HELP WANTED. Otltli WANTED -DINING. nOOM work at Astorlu hotel. Inquire Mr. Lotti Wolf. WANTED WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework. Inquire lot Krimkllti. Wanted A girl for general house work. Apply at "38 Exchange. Mrs, Slntleld. TI1K ORIGINAL JOHN A. MOLKR has opened one of th famous bar ber college t tii Clay at., San Fran- Ihco: special Inducement this month: positions giiutt.M, tuition earned while learning, ' Write correct number, Hit Clay St., Sun Francisco, .. "lost; ""- I.OST-.-V HKT OF FAI.SK TEETH tit-tw.MMl th; l'ui-k.r house nod Outine street. WU1 (ho ttud.-r iileiiM luve ut h! Asiorhin mllce'.' FOR RENT ROOMS. TWO I'NFCUMMtED ltH)M To rent over Star theater. Inqult nt (heater. I'or Ri-itt Furnished or unfurnished housekeeping room. 127 seventh st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS, loltSE, RCGOr AND HARNESS for sate, Address M. Astoilun, t.Wl'IUTOR FOR SALE 400 EGGS capacity, a Ixo three lot) capacity brooders; tlrst-elttss condition. Ad dress A. Astorlnn Ottlc. THE LOUVRE Fiit ('hi. Concert Hull - - Fimt Jicsort In The City ADMISSION FREE YTTUACTIVIC I'IKXiUAM Seventh and Astor Streets The TROY Laundry h the only White Labor Ijtundry in the City. Does the Hwt of Work nt very reasonable Prices, anil is in everyway worthy of your juitroniige. Cor. Iflth and DUANE STS. Phono 1001 inminm ixruzxvaxxixxxrxzxrtxxxixx mini xixm FRESH AND CURED MEATS Wholesale and Retail Ships, lagging Ciiinjis and Kills supplied on short notice. LIVL STOCK UOIPQUT AND SOLD M g WASHINGTON MARKET - CHRISTENS0N ft CO. 8 Reliance Electrical Works H.W.CVltCS, Miiimui-r NEffZEALAND FIRE Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS lias boon Underwriting on tho Pacific CoiiHt 'for twenty-fivo years. ELMORE a CO., Sole Agents Astoria, - Subscribe for the Astorian 60 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper ADVERTISING. Insert an Advertisement in this Column of Charge, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. OLD PAPERS FOR SALB AT THIS Offlc; ISo per hundred. For sal At Gastona feed stabl. No. 105 Fourteenth street; on Landl' harness machine; on 8mltb-Prmlr typewriter; on SO hp motor and belt ing; 1000 good sack. "ii 11 Suit SPECIAL NOTICES. Notles for Bid. Hids will be received until Saturday, December H 1804, at II o'clock a. tu. for building ii net rack at th Oc- cldent and Columbia canneries, Dans and siietitlcatlon can h seen at th offlc of the Columbia River Iackr", Association, The right 1 reserved to njmi nit; huh ail uiup. ('nlumbla lackers' Association. I . .. I ! , 1 . 1 FOR RENT HOUSES. For Rent Hlx-reorn house, corner t?ti n nd Cedar slice In, Aliterbrook, (wo blocks from car line, Inquire of Mrs. K. Johnson, over Ftuher Uro.' store, "MISCELLANEOUS." Natle. All persons -having Imnds of th La Imperial and Im Vera cigar must turn them over to th members of th commute not later than Saturday, December St. nt 1 o'oclnck p. m. a harp. For further particulars see commit tee. Hy order, Committee CIGARMAKERH' UNION. Hansen A McCanns, who occupy th shop formerly used by T. 8. Simpson, adjoining th city water offlct, ar prepared to do all kinds of sign and earring painting. They will mak a specialty of work ot this class and gunrantes satisfaction. CHANG K H'KKKLV CHARLES WIRKKALA. Proo. v - We are thoroughly prepared for making estimate and executing orders for II kinds ot electrical installing and repairing. Hupplles in stock. We sell the Celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call up Phone 1101. 428 BOND STREET INSURANCE COMPANY - Oregon.