THUMOAY, DECEMBER 22, 1904. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. m HEADQUARTERS KOR Cigars by the, Box Christmas Goods Galore ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. Good Goods Our Specialty.. . Local Brevities. , Northern 8py and Ilaldwln apple It a box. Alitor) i Grocery. A shipment of sweet apple cider just In, I6 giillun. Astoria Grocery. Only a few days mora to Mvt the I Imperial band. They art a mir winner. - -. . t John Knberg In building tiwwl. deuce back of hi ii I or on Commercial street, ' . i Men's Hinoklrif Jackets, plain and fancy weave, beautiful itylea In bit variety! wonderful value ut tS . to 12.50 at Danslger Coa. t An Important announcement by the Mora department atore will be a guide to (.'hrlatniii buyer. Hpeclul eule will be a feature a thla popular store thin Armor' Genuine Kngllsh plumb pud ding. One and two pound Una. Aato rlu Grocery. 8peclul mil of tolli't and Manicure tK'tn at Woodfteld'a Art Htore on Itond street. ' i"V. - ..II.. UM. I. ..11 ,.lk,l.. dity from adjoining jtowna making their f hriatptae purchase. Merchant report a gnc-a .puaiiwaa ano wv increase over uiin year. , 1 ( . .; lleaver Io-Ik. I. .. O. K., haa pur thaacd from Mr. Minn ILtdrlck, H hares of muk of tbe Odd llowe' Umd alt Htillrting Ahmik latliui for a con lil.rtitlon of Wii. Axel Iterglund wita granted firm ritlaenahlp paper yeaterday by I'ounly Clerk Clinton. Iadle'a Terry Cloth and Kldr down Lounging Robe, IS an4 up at Panslger ft Co.1. f Dr. Earl,, went ovrr to the quaran tine station yesterday to visit Captnln Mi Iod of the eteamahlp Kllerlj. He I reported a ennvaleecing and will be discharged tn a few day. I New ahlpinent of Men' and Tounc Men'a Raincoat. Men'a Neck ware Hoalery. Handkerchief, Bhlrts, Um brellas, Huapender. eta, at loweat price at Dansiger t Co.'a. ThomHHn'a glove-fttting corset and II. A O. coraet at coat price. Illiick and Oray. Rhitnnhuit's. ' i v nav ivw ooxes or nice appie which fw offef at 76o" pef tot whlla; they laM. Aatorla Grocery, Mammoth. Una of Smoking Jacket In the naweat and ba$ atyle and ma-t terlaIR at IS and up at Danxlger at. Co.'a - t , Tha butcher hlia will be cloe.-d all duy next Mltiiduy. AM rdara'for atoflt l y 'a delivery muat be aent In Sutur dy night. ..,.,,,,vw,. ...5- Cloalng out aal of toilet and mani cure aeta at Woodflfld'a Art Store will commence today and continue during the week. ' The umittl Chrlalmaa turkey raffle will occur at the Depot Exchange. Kleiner Hnow, opiioaita the depot, on KiMuy evening. There wilt be turkeya fijr everybody j Jha publlo Invited. t Harry M. lxe, one of the prlaonera who eacned from the county Jail litat rlnturdiiy night and who wita arreated at Clifton by Bheillt Unvllle, waa brought to Aatorla jreaterdoy by E. M. Houghton and NIc Clinton. He will be nrrnlgned tomorrow In the circuit court. w t . ; i Th Hume mill cloaed down laat night until . afttr, the holiday. Re pnlra are iieceaarand 'aal the m ployea are anxloua to apend the holl duya with frlenda and relallvea, th ahuttlng down of the mill afforded -them an opportunity to do ao. Tha public achoola will cloae tomor row afternoon with appropriate Chrlat maa exerclee. They will be cloed two week, reaumlng on Monday, Janu ary I. ' Mr. Andrew ii. Dulgity preaented her huaband with a daughter yeaterday morning. Mother and child doing well. Hoot Mori. Everybody 1 aavlng the Imperial cigar band, not only because they en Joy a good amoke, but are alao anxloua to win the diamond ring. Circuit court will adjourn tomorrow night for a week. Judge McBrlde will open court at Bt. Helena Monday, and will come to Aatorla again a week from tomorrow to try the timber caaa. Aledl rrederlda Tolkka, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mra. John Tolkka, died yeaterday morning. The funeral will occur thla afternoon at the family realdenc and the Interment will be tn Greenwood. The caae of peter Raaka agalnat Miircu Wlae, a ault relative to certain lamia on Younga river win act for to morrow, but It being fiereaaary to se cure the deposition of Mra. Wlae of lltvHi'O, the heurlng of the caae wa pout polled until next week. The petition circulated by the Clerka' union,' requeatlng all merchant to cloae their atore on the Monday fol-, lowing ('hrletmaa and the Mundoy fol lowing New Year's baa been signed by all the leajlng merchanta. I loth Mon day a will be observed a legal holi day. " . Hon. C. W. ('urnahan wwa up from flat nop yeaterday. He reporta that work on the Culluby lake cunrtal haa been auapenditd temporarily, and will not be reaumed until after the hollduya. Thla will not InterfeVe with the corn- plot It Ion of the work which It la ex pected will be flnlahed by next aprlng. J. A. Montgomery 1 Installing a heating plant In the Hedrlck theater. The plant la modem and up to date. and, In fact, the beat ayatem of heating public building, aa to sanitation and anfety. It la In unlveraal uae In all public buildings, being regarded aa the moat complete ayatem In uae. The engineer have prepared the apeviflcatloua for aupplylng rock for the Jetty and Md the name with Major Laiigfltt, Hid will be advertlaed for In a few days for supplying the rock. The rock is to be used In work on the Jetty. Work of repairing tbe Jnfty will ba commenced and' -punned' forward -to competition aa fast as poaalble. flip Musical Instruments, Toilet Sets, Toy Wagons, Dolls. Holiday Goods Fink Link ok Books, Albums, Xmas Cards, Calendars. We have what you want inr yourself and friends SVENSON'S BOOK STORE A. COAL HOD that won't spill coal all over at w. c. laws a GO. We sell Stoves also. 57'53i Bond St. A MORRIS CHAIR : .... as ;A ... . PRESENT Special Price $6.45 Solid Oak Frame and Fine Valour Cushions I Note Sale Commences on these chairs, Thursday at 10 i, WUCU yuu v-au wiuv. uu jf home for $6.45. :,CHAS. HEILBORN SON : For Fine Furniture. : 1 Chrlatma novelties at Hoefler'a have been received. All candy manufac tured at home, 10 cents per pound and op. Decorations for Christmas sur- pas anything ever brought to Astoria. Everything In the line of confections and pure candy guaranteed to be first claa. The largeat and most complete line In Astoria can be procured at Hoefler'a. A I lot' I ault his been tlU'd by Fred Itergkllnt agHlnat the ateamer laqun In the United 8tatea district court for 1 10,000 damages, alleged to have been auatalned by the llbellant on Novem ber 24. when he Buffered a broken leg, leaving him crippled and maimed for life. The complaint allegea that the ac cident waa due to careleaaneaa. Dr. C. E. Mnlon, the manufacturing chemist, well and favorably known to the apostle of materia medlca In Ore gon, has opened a ftrat-daaa drug tor at 1418 Franklin avenu rr um... . m-rn, al 1 1 is not only a graduate pharmaclat, but naa made aeverat dlacoverle In the treatment of pulmonary ir,,hu. ih. bid fair to bring him fame- and for tune, ....... William Wllford Hill and Mia Annie Juntllla were married yeaterday at the residence of Oeorge Hill ofvCroked Creek. Jugtlci Kelly officiating. Mr. Hill la the son of Oeorge Hill, a pros perous farmer of Crooked Creek, and the bride la well and favorably known there, , The happy couple arrived In Astoria yesterday and after spending a few days with friend will return to Crooked Creek, where they will make their home. . District Attorney Harrlaon Allen yesterday filed affldavfta In the circuit court In the caae of the timber ayndl catee agalnat Clatsop county. In which It la set forth, that the land were not asaeaaed executively, and no more than other timber landa In the county. The caae waa to have been heard today. out aa theae affidavit have to be erved on the attorney for the syndi cates, the hearing waa poatponed until December M, the date aet for sale of property for delinquent taxes. The probability are that the land will be sold before a declalon I rendered. . . The case' of the O. R. A N. Co. agalnat the Masonic Land ft Rullding AaaM'latlon. Involving the title to the proiierty oppoalte the O. R. & N. dock, uiam which' the company took poaaea- alon and built a structure thereon, waa heard In the circuit court yeaterday on a motion to dlamlve the temporary in junction. The court diaaolved the In junction, aa In Its opinion It would not Interfere with the question of title which will be tried at the February term of court. The company Is In poa. aeaalon of the property and will con; tlnue so -until the final order of the court. ' Manager Bellg haa aecured for next week the Keith stock company, own ing on Monday evening In the great comedy-drama "Slave of Russia." The company la headed by the young and popular actor, Del Lawrence, sup ported by an excellent company care fully aelected for their various parts. During the engagement the following plays will be produced: "Brother Against rtrother," "Captain Freeh. U 8. A.," "The Power of Truth," "Sen. ator's Daughter." '"The Lighthouse Robbery" 'and "Looking for a Wife." Prices are popular, being 15, K and 85 cents." Seat sale onena 'at -'Fishers Bros.' office, 109 twelfth street. Satur day morning. ' ' The Palace Turkish' baths are a aource of delight to the patrons who frequent the establishment courteous treatment and your comfort guarded. Lady attendants furnlshad for lady patron by appointment. These baths are especially recommended by the leading physicians of the city and re apectfully solicit your patronage. Turk ish baths and bed $1.00. Russian bath 50 cents. , Peter Schlatud returned yesterday from an extended trip to Europe. He and his daughter vlaited all the prln clnl cities In Germany, Norway, Swed en and other countries and had- a very enjoyable time. He met many of his old home frlenda and acqualnt ancea, whom he had not aeen for. years and was royally entertained. His daughter will remain at Christiana. Norway, to continue her studies, Some of the most, unique designs In small boxes of cigars, suitable for Christmas presents and which will be appreciated by lovers of a good smoke, can be found at Madison's cigar store. These, In addition to the finest assort ment of merschaum pipes, and a fine line of smokers' articles, will be of great assistance to those looking for a present that will be appreciated. There Is certulnly no finer assortment In Astoria. A bill will be introduced at the com ing session of the legislature providing for an additional judge for the Fifth judicial district. The business of Judge McUride Is growing, and It Is almost Impossible for one judge to attend to It satisfactorily. At the session of the legislature, in 1898 a bill was Intro duced to divide the district, but this met with opposition, from Clackamas and Washington counties, as they did not want to lose the valuable services Harry C. Lowe, who was brought back from Portland yesterday, was ln terogated by District Attorney Allen a to how he came In possession of the aaw with which he sawed the Iron bar. Lowe stated that It was sent In by a friend of Stanch, and as he was making a further statement, he was interupted by Deputy Sheriff Binder. who has been Investigating the matter. The party who smuggled the saw Into the jail is known, but it is claimed, that it was some other person than he who carried meals to the jail,: probably some friend who was permitted to visit Stanch In Jail. While the officers have losltlve evidence aa to who the person is, they were not inclined to divulge the name of the person, until the mat ter has been more thoroughly Investi gated. . . :... ......... A NEW WRINKLE. Herman Wise haa invented a new wrinkle that beats even the Cigar Ring proposition. He advertised for 100 boys and girls and over 60 have already applied. He calls these Herman Wise's Hustlers, and makes the following proposition to them: To the five Hustlers who collect Herman Wise Sale Slips amounting to the most money he will give a $20 gold piece each; the 10 next highest will re ceive $10 each and the 20 third high est $2.50 each. ." It is the custom In most stores to give mile slips with each and every sale, and it Is . these sale slips issued by him that Mr. . Wise asks his Hustlers to gather; he tells the girls and boy that they must not neglect their studies but that they can work when not In school. They must not ask for these slips In or near the store, but among their friends at their re spective houses. Charge checks don't count Mr. Wise believes that It will prove a good ad. to have about 100 boys and girls mention his name all over town; at any rate this Is an orig inal Idea of Herman Wise's, and be sides, It teaches children to be aggres sive and self-reliant and they also learn the value of money arid that one must work In order to earn something. Toke Point or Shoal Water Bay oysters at the New Style Restaurant Weathered oak rockers, upholstered In genuine leather. The finest line in the city Is at Zapp & Co.'s. Schlltx's ieer made Milwaukee fa- mil nmii vw we uiuuiv -v . of Judge McBrlde. An additional Judge! moua, and Is having the same effect on is necessary to facilitate the business J the Grotto. Nothing better on the of the district ' " ' ' 'market '. A Word1 About Carvers ..' r. .... , i i'jif' '" i - . .i3w.i," .You've only a few days left in which to select that Xmaa gift, .Don't you think $ nie carving set would be c ceptableT W have them in a large variety of styles and are offering them . ' t .' ' I 0 Per Gent Discount until the Holiday are over. Better" pick your now, while the as sortment is good, Price Range from $2.19 to $7.50 ;.i.. FOARD & STOKES GO. i .'vjI .-nv PERFUMES... O M .ft For Christmas Presents Chaise Perfumery forms an Ideal Gift for Young or Old, Boys, Girls, Young Men, Young Women, those in middle life or in lifes decline. ' ' , There is a pleasing bit of sentiment about per fumes and their use that adds to their use as Christ mas Gifts. ' ' The place to buy High Grade Perfumes . is. at . a store which has the biggest: and best assortment and we undoubtedly have the most complete stock of perfumes in this city. ! ; ; .... Come in and select your packages. We have them from 25c. to $8.00 a bottle, all chaise, the flower odors, lasting in quality. ' We have all the famous makes including all French Imported, Palmers, Rickseckers, Spiehlers, Lund borgs, Eastmans, etc. . The Drug Stores where everything is kept right. , , . The Owl and Eagle Drug Stores TIIKO. F. LAUUIN, Proprietor. w t , -r. no longer over that Gift. Buy Shoes and Slippers now ! ' ' ' SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Child' Slippers, red felt . J.. . .60 Child's Slippers, red feet, fur top ......85 Women's Slippers, felt, brown or black ' ....1.00 Women' Slippers, felt, fur top ..' ; 1.00 Women' Slippers, velvet, fur top ....1.50 Women' Slipper, kid, fur top . .'. 1.75 Persian, boudoir slipper, hand turned, red and black ,...1.25 Men'a Slippers; in calf and kid colors, black, tan and wino. . . . 1.50 N.w style of Dr. Edison's famous shoe for women ISO Wher ity , Ralston Company