The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 22, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, DtCtMBtn 22, 1904. A
i i
"' i
EstablitMtbliaheel 1871
FubtlhlitMted Bmtly (Except Monday) by
Br mS DA!KMr year ' 60
By BifcyWOiJK month M
By esrfiyrcaTtteiC, month W
By mavlWftLttkr year, In advance ..U 00
0rOriMrrtMr the deunrinc of TliIJowiw
AToum,rtWtrtw rwideace or place of bu.-Un
iiiiitliASlTiWlfcWTrVfr TT-lr-l (o the office of pubUcatk
TclephTttepnon Main 661.
:z :
j. TodayTMay'e Weather.
PortlsujrHXl. :i. Western Oregon
and WeWee- Washington Thursday,
occaslwfchtl Win; probably part anew.
EasterCtGRMPiOKegon and Eastern Wash-instonngalav-oltiiHt
or snow.
frauds, aa It la the duty of our rep
resentative In congress to accelerate
any business before any department
In. .Washington, and In doing A they
only did what any representative of a
state would do. to' assist their con
stituents In securing recognition by
the. departmenta at Washington. This
Is all they did do, and In that there
can be no doubt that they were aotu
ated by honest motives, without any
knowledge of efforts to defraud the
government i
Such actions by those clothed with a
little brief authority savors only of
,tUrmiuhU nolltlra. and those who
delve In the cesspools of polltlcaf
chicanery. Is only evidence of what
contemptable measures men will resort
to In order to accomplish revengful
results. No matter what the outcome
may be. the people of the state of Ore
gon, will be satisfied of the Innocence
of the parties alleged to be implicated,
and the result should be to place Mr.
Heney and hla corrupt cohorts In dur
ance vile, where there will be neither
weeping or wailing or gnashing of
Things wise and otherwise continue
to be said on the subject of college
football, which Is not surprising when
the "widely different points of view
from which It Is contemplated are
taken Into account. At present the
critics who think that nearly every
feature of the game is repulsive seem
to be In the ascendant, as they usually
are just after the season has ended;
but It Is doubtful if their undlacrlml
natlng hostility will advance the cause
which they have at heart. Dr. Draper,
In New
some asser
tions lust week to Massachusetts teach
ers from which we ventured to dis
sent, came pretty near to a true di
agnosis of the case which so many
disagreeing doctors have volunteered
to treat. He thinks that the game Is
well worth saving, and that it can be
saved without much difficulty If the
college authorities will firmly exercise
their power. In reliance on the best
graduate and undergraduate senti
ment. Of the various evils which are so
fiercely assailed some are grossly ex
aggerated, and some, we believe, are
imaginary. No incident Is too rare or
too remotely related to the epor to
serve the purpose of a wholesale Indict
ment and we confidently exp.ct that
the death of the venerable Dr. Paxton
of Princeton, from a stroke of apoplexy
due. It is said, to his becoming over
excited at the recent game with Tal.
will be hailed as a striking example
of the perils which environ football.
One of the latest discoveries solemn-
In ordn Vrdi -Vindicate their fair name
before btiloritlnltsens of Oregon Hon.
w -ii ).', .4) t ..,, n .mi linn Rtnrar
Jon , "T"H f;av! superintendent of education
Hermaritthrfnr arrive In Portland today
" T!"...W,w,Kf,,r. th- federal grand TVk- thouhl he n,"d
Jury. JBeforeBMiore Ihey concluded to come
the yBewydnoP-iJournals of Oregon were
profuse.rtaheri ItKelr insinuations that they
were talcUrvdllcated In the land fraud
cases Msaieshalwt created Quite a sensa
tion lai6sretPro0Ti. Now that It Is known
that UbXtKhce; osprfe coming to answer any
questlejuestftsMMMufhtng their complicity In
the afaf,rfiAntr information Is sent out
that pX0qabJo0alp they will not be per
niUtednthWpesiappear before the grand Jury
. The. wfttt wtttdir scheme savors of s polit
ical JsVafcubjttmtgated solely by Attor
ney HeqeyBsrhese whose antipathy to Sen
ator MlteBailbelsetHas been very pronounced
since ato i 4 eSanff Senator Fulton objected
to himtoainirirtg on behalf of the gov
ernmeatnmSftelr Their t objection to Mr.
HeneyHmsioxifcaiwt based upon any political
antlpaahsyiptfchy My had. but because he
had btalokMncene convicted and served his
time Mned-SmuaVfAadlng the' government,
and ianghdta tftBh-oplnlon, he was not a
suitabtaitpskBcrpnon to represent the gov
ernmeatnmBitt Btrf ' their objections were
vemrrbs1AdUw department at Wash
ingtontngcMy sours upon the grounds that
"it taJrts saKMea thief to catch a thief."
PlacinTllttntftM: Heney In power was the
mcentlaeejfcJvdilBS thlm to cause as much
troublercMleDst Senator Mitchell as pos
sible, sib, lb rtd tb is through him and his
politlcsillthMtchteemchmen that aspersions
. were safe Hp) tpen the honesty and in
UgritjteaJri8iotteBator Mitchell. Mr. Heney
reckorratkaritihtmt! ttiout his host little think
ing af ntfiaUtlrM time that he was plotlng
agalnatgateshoMrtio'norable gentleman, that
he woktdwieaUt kave his post at Washing
ton attdnoBsnfeantrirer the charges manufac
tured tfmsdtbtorotb" occasion by the land
fraud ftttodnsttorhey- Now that both Mitch
ell sndUHmsYiMerniann will arrive In- Port
land teaaafc Mica iswyct any . trumped-up charges
that ttaft sea Jfotmii formulated by this Im-
porteJ)oatdmRortiey, the edict has gone
forth fthih ahtttienelther Mr. Hermann nor
Mr. MSshtlitstitll twill be permitted to ap
pear befareMfnregtfae grand Jury, but they
must atasit atihaitathe actions of that delib
erate body, sfidjortt forsooth, the land fraud
shark shank Isdncdnduce them to return In
dictmettesnssjafeislgalnst either of them.
The toflepespIe" rof Oregon and Clatsop
countydimte- airffifiinffielent confidence In the
honorhusirianetrititegtity of both gentlemen
and baHdvbethate tthat they have been made
the (dapesgaa gfjax of an earstwhlle dls
honestianeealtascaoVwho has been convicted
of defDhuffittsuQang' the government. That
his eflvMffcirtsilil signally fail, Is the con-
sensuseirfuepWlosplnion of all fair-minded
men. lit" rig cttrtaloertalnly a travesty on Jus
tice that that) two honorable gentlemen
shoulhhridcobp"riompelled to leave their
post psst wasawashlngton to answer
trumtrapeSK;eharge prefered by a man
who hekofesfalfetfefted all rights of recog
nitlonntUon MSherelther the government or
the pehplapejftjsJi)ff the state of Oregon.
That mit SeahtSenator Mitchell anj Con
gressqtacssHamiBtBrmann will come out of
the tttrengrylrTipabrdeal. completely vindi
cated crfednjifcmiyf complicity In the crimes
aJlegedUtgefhesotlia' opinion of every falr
mlndaiioiitafenJflBMi. The Imputation against
their tthdracfaoraarie'r . will act as a boomer
ang. aTtee eThrtsfMrts pf Land Fraud Heney
to extertextonfecoofesslons of Peuter and
Mrs.' WBLsdJf.afcsijiV'Whoae unsavory reputa
tion dloUIkiftllMriaohabitatlon has shocked
the seheibtthseblltlles of the people of the
state,Btatho Bfs mtb self-confessed crimi
nals, rfls, ostak cbme to naught, as the evl
dencedenfresetf ewUT confessed criminals is sdxh-suspicion by courts,' and
with tlithsehe aair of condemnation by the
pubII(SuMUchA'tdcbi Is the Jury In the case,
no mottesiattrat what other Juries may do.
The Ihtorttatonlon ventures the opinion
that Must dtWeBetden'ce claimed to be so
matenlaltairaHDrjHi'Heney ond his confessed
crlminalmltfnssn fftm Senator Mitchell and
CongtTsngpemsittestTHermann, will be con
sldered'llmmnJbnrialterial by Judge Bellinger
and taaUttbqt tHHyl wIll be completely exhon
orateersiedi from (any complicity, either ac
tual snafenTDsem'eteV Is shared by the gen
eral pnUli)UblIEherThere Is no possible
m eansi estorafclreeetiy -either gentleman could
have kaliidlB5- knowledge of premldated
A Complete Refutation of Doc
trines of Erring Brother.
The Statement of Lyman Abbott in
Sermon Before Harvard in the
Personality of Living God
Refuted by Evidence,
Editor The Astorlan: The last two
days our papers have made much of
Lyman Abbott's sermon at Harvard
upon the personality of God. May I
use your paper to make a statement or
two. In the first place, the sermon was
delivered to the national council of
Congregational churches that met In
Des Moines a few weeks ago. At I hut
time the sermon made no sensation
upon the council, but fell "flat" and
was considered a weak and foolish at
tempt to resurrect the old Idea, long
since exploded and given up by the
thinking world. Many expressions.
such as "In hls dotage," "lost his
grip," "does not know where he Is at,"
were heard on all sides. His address
was considered by all. the one collosal
failure of the council.
In the second place It has been ad
mitted that for some philosophers Ood
has been the Undiscovered One. They
have not even been sure of Hla name.
Huxley called Him 'The Unknown
Ood," Spencer "The Unknowable One,"
for the Posltlvlst, he has been "the
stream of tendency," and for Arnold
"The Power that Hakes for Righteous
ness." But the world knows that these
are poor substitutes for Ood. When
the human soul comes to some Garden
of Oethsemane, It does not pray, "Oh
stream of tendency, let thla cup pass
from me;" when some soul would bet
tie against temptation and find forgive
ness. It does not pray, "Oh, eternal
Synthesis of Organs, forgive my sins."
No! Then Is the time that the soul
says. "Father." God has revealed Him
self, as the material world Incarnates
the mind of Ood, so Jesus Christ In
carnates the heart of God. Well does
Paul put it when he says, "For God.
who commanded the light to shine
out of darkness, both shlned In our
hearts, to give the light of knowledge
ly, and perhaps gratefully, accepted of the glory of God In the face of Jesus
as authentic is that of a trainer who .Christ
announces that the game commonly If Lyman Abbott cannot find this
produces a species of Insane delusion t personal God In and through Jesus
In the minds of the players. Doubtless j Christ, we are willing to set his expert
a hard blow on the head may haveience over against that of Abraham,
serious consequences, whether the re-'Moses, Paul, Drummond, Romanes,
clplent was playing football at the! Moody, Brooks and Flske, and millions
time or chasing butterflies, and we do 'of others. To be sure we shall not
not deny that there are too many such And God unto perfection, but there will
mishaps on the gridiron; but we havejbe a continuous growth in that dlrec
no reason to believe that the propor- tlon. A child six months old, only
tion of lunatics In embryo Is abnor- knows the outlines of It father's face;
mally large among football players jwhen six years old, something of his
though we have sometimes tiiought Iti.ieart; when a man, something of his
might be in the grandstand. care and love. And so we shall not
One thing which we believe to be ,know Ood unto perfection, but we can,
true, not only of football, but of Amer-!here "know In part," and that knowl-
0030$ 0000&0000OtO0"OW0$Oii
"Swell Togs for Men."
And our store jammed full ' of everthing that goes
make the man or boy happy. We will be pleased
to help you in your selections.
r& " . .- fo
v r uk win 1 tflV UWW.VM
tht'S'l .
oris of
Not tttgVPrlcsd Good, tot GUI
Purpose Only, but Populate Novelties,
In Popular fabric I, at Popular
Pricei to supply the wJitt
of th avetykjr mm who
.pprsdates House Comfort
Let ua show you th lines
you'll be wilUnf to py more
thsji we ash.
I REMEMBER everything guaranteed to give satisfaction
or money reiunaed.
"Swell Togs for Men."
v 03ooooooooooooooofcoe$ooaoej
lean college sports in general. Is that
students who go for athletics do so,
as a rule, not for the sake of the pleas
ure and benefit to be derived from phy
sical exercise, but In the hope of win
ning distinction among their fellows
and being ultimately crowned with in
tercollegiate laurels. It Is highly prob
able, for example, that a university
edge can be personal through Jesus
Christ. Sincerely,
Frauds Show Frand.
(Continued from page one.1
crew, whose burdens are considered 1 "urveyor of the Keneral land - office,
heavy and whose hour of supreme ef-1 me tlme n went over thl territory,
fort is long delayed, would nromotly : w,tn the end ln vlew- u nll. f
disband If It were to recelev a con
vincing revelation that It was destined
to be beaten. In England, on the con
trary, the daily delight ln rowing Is
a sufficient reward. The oarsmen hope
to win, of course, and victory is prec
ious; but, win or lose, they feel that
ascertaining whether improvements
and settlements have been made as
represented In the entry of the lands.
This case, if it comes to a l)ead, It
is believed will bring to light transac
tions not unlike those found to exist
in the famous 11-7 section.
thew have been amply repaid. Every j orcup.ea me bi-
omnetent ohnerver ha remarked this ! ,enl,on m lne IeGBral rana lnlH
difference. English university ath
letes who have visited this country
have been greatly impressed by it, and
one of the Rhodes scholars at Oxford
has recently written an interesting let
ter on the subject to The Boston Tran-,
script." It is nearly true to say that
ln our colleges nothing but victory Is
thought to Justify the toll of prepara
tion. In the English universities the
pleasure of preparation far outweighs
the pain of defeat. This Is the light
spirit, and until It has become the pre
vailing spirit here American college
sports will not fully serve their es
sential purpose.
A Des Moines woman gave a birth
day dinner the other day at which 90
of her relatives were present So you
see you aren't the only one, that's
going to be up against the gaff this
And about 6 o'clock on the morning
of the great day the tooting of the
horns and rattle of drums below stairs
will remind you that it is the season
of "peace on earth."
' A London paper says a novel sug
gestion has been made to place the un
employed on Juries.' There Is nothing
novel about that In this country. Only
here1 they put 'em on grand juries.
forenoon, and at 11 o'clock the myster
ious body filed out of Its mystic cham
ber, and word went forth that an ad
journment had been taken until 2
o'clock this afternoon. The one. wit
ness was Edwin Hobson of Eugene,
who bought the George Howe lands, in
the 11-7 district This witness was be
fore the jury about half an hour, and
emerged with a smile on his face, Indi
cating, to all appearances, that some
thing funny had happened, which does
not carry with it the seriousness that
generally goes with the Indictment of
men for fraud against the government
It was announced at the time of ad
journment that the grand Jury had
taken a recess pending the arrival of a
witness. While nothing has been given
out to show what the length of the
deliberations Is to be, there prevails
an Impression that the present case un
der Investigation Is drawing near a
close. The number of witnesses In at
tendance at the present time has di
minished until only two or three were
to be seen this morning, among them
J. A. W. Heldecke. There still seems
reason to believe that the Investigation
In progress has to do with Looml and
Ormsby in the 11-7 section. Hob
son's testimony Is presumed to have
had to do with his dealings with Mc
Klnley In reference to the George Howe
lands In that section.
Ormsby was before the Jury yester
day afternoon, but how his story could
have, had anything to do with the cuae
supposed to be before the Jury, unless
he spoke In hla own behalf. Is not clear
to those on the outside. Mrs. Kmma
L. Watson was also before the Jury
yesterday afternoon, and It la regarded
as probable that anything she may
have told was In relation to the 11-7
district From the present outlook It
does not appear as though there will
be a report from the grand Jury until
tomorrow. If not later,
A report has become current that an
effort Is being made to tamper with
the grand Jury, but no official confirm
ation of this could be procured this
morning. An Impression prevails that
a systematic effort Is In progress on
the part of those who are on the anx
ious seat to bring persuasion to benr,
with the end In view of Influencing the
grand Jury not to Indict.
The story goes that the effort ex
tends to creating sympathy for some
now supposed to be under scrutiny. It
is reported that one Juryman has al
ready been approached In this respect.
Thus far the court has taken no pub
lic cognlxance of the report.
A Large and Varied Assortment at
Here are a few articles which will
make suitable and "handsome Christ
mas presents for anyone. All popular
and stylish, cheap ln price, but high In
quality. Read: Silver novelties In
numerous different patterns, handsome
cut glass pieces, sterling silverware,
ebony goods In brushes, glasses and
toilet sets, fancy umbrella ond canes,
match boxes, tableware, fine chains,
chafing dishes, carving sets, special
watches, diamonds, broches ond a thou
sand other things. It will pay you to
consult our prices before going elne
where. H. EKSTROM, Astoria, Ore.
Come and See what we Have to Show
You In .
Our Stock it complete and better than ever before.
Fisher's pera louse
Lessee and manager
Week Commencing
Monday, December 20th
A company of nccopllshed players,
appearing In a powerful repertoire ot
, plays replete with special scenic em
. , hclllMhtnentA y , !
Opening performance
eember 26,
Mondy( De-
Today Zapp ft Co. will sell you
Solid Oak Morris chairs for tu.9S.
Just In A shipment of fine Queen
olives, 25c per pint Astoria Grocery.
Shilling's spices are best. Every can
guaranteed. Tour money back If thev
don't suit Astoria Grocery.
Tou can find hair brushes, cloth
brushes, tooth brushes, beauty
brushes, complexion brushes, hand
brushes, or any kind of a toilet brush
you want at Charles Rogers the druggist's.
The Grotto will supply patrons with
delicious Tom and Jerry every day.
The superior quality of goods which
has made the Grotto popular, will be
I have tooth brushes for tender
gums and dainty mouths, tooth
brushes that I guarantee, and will give
you another brush If the bristles come
out. RogeM, druggist
Tou can buy a chamoi skin at Ro
gers' drug store for flv cents to one
dollar and twenty five cents.
"Slaves of Russia"
Followed on othtr night by ("Brother
Against Brother," "Capt Freih, U. S. ,
A," "Senator' Daughter," "Powr of '
Truth" and "Light Horn Robbtry."
PRICKS: Reserved Seats, 35c; Children In, Callery 15c, Adults 5C
Seat sale opens Saturday morning at 9 o'clock at Kisher llros. Oftice.'
Worst of All Exprinos,
Can anything be worse than to feel
that every minute will be your last?
Such was the experience of Mrs. 8. H.
Newton, Decatur, Ala.' "For three
years" she write, "I endured Insuff
erable pain from Indigestion, stomach
and bowel trouble. Death seemed In
evitable when doctors and all remedies
failed. At length I 'was Induced to
try Electric Bitter and th result was
marvelous. I Improved at one and
now I'm completely recovered. For
Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel
troubles Electric Bitters Is the only
medicine. Only 60c. It's guaranteed
by Chas. Roger Druggist N
Go to the New Style Restaurant for a
square meal. -
large shipment of live Turkeys, .
Geese and Chickens, from
, Southern Oregon, at the
the largest poultry house In Astoria.
We have hired ten men expressly to
dress poultry for the 'Christmas and
Now Tear's trade. You can save
money by buying your poultry from us.
Phone 2183 Red.
1 .
Next Time
Women's or
Honest, Durable Shoes
For less money
than you have
hoon paying try
543-545 Bond St.
99 w eweee