The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 22, 1904, Image 1

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    ,rxr- J , ' . . f ,,
f , Or JI!jirl'l (x lt
Runyon Goes to Jail
Took Suit of Clothes to Clean
and Made a Little Haul
On the Side.
Othtr Complication May Ari In th
Case That Will Mk. It a Stt
Offn for tha Yeunj Na'af
tha court order Ita return to Ita own
era. Juat at praaont It la "uncertain
who tha owner of tha property la. Tha
real owner la wanted by tha authori
What Sheriff Word Intenda to do
with tha property until tha court takea
action la not known, but It la aalJ
around tha court house that he aelaed
It aa a "Maverick," that la. aa a piece
of property, animate or Inanimate.,
that hna no known owner. The object
of the sheriff la believed to be to make
Richardson appear In court If he wlahea
to claim hla property, and If ha doea
not appear to have the property con
flacated by the atate.
Peter and John Grant and Nathan
Solomon, proprietors of the club, de
clared at the trial of their caaee that
before their nrreat for conducting
roulette game they had aold the ap
paratua to Edwin Rlrhardaon. Rich
Ardaon did not appear at the trial, and
the deputies of the aherlff declared that
he waa a mythical peraon. Richardson
did not epienr to defend hie property
either, and alt the table were carried
oft without molftatlon,
In relation to the ectxure of the Port
land Club and the Portland cafe two
nulla have been filed against Sheriff
Word and hla Jcputle In Justlc Reld'a
court. The plalntlffa are Peter Orant.
one of the proprletora of the club, and
"Mike" Solomon, proprietor of the cafe.
Each aiiya hla place was seised by force
and aika Judgment against the aherlff,
Nan Patterson's Fate
Delayed a Day.
Given n good Job by nn Aatorla
firm mid enttblld to do for himself, a
young mnn variously known ita C. O.
Ilunyon and Charlie Young, choee the
other path, and yesterday afternoon he
tripped on a snag thnt apelt police.
The peculutlon. aa charged against
ugulnat him. la thnt or a theft of 170
from the clothes of a bartender, Fred
liKit'Kt. Inquest left a ffi and a $20
gold note In hla veal, and after Run
yon got them the waa a collector for
a tailoring firm), the notee were mlsa
Ihg. A euaplcloua clrcumatance, however,
waa thut Runyon hud a good time night
before (net, and he waa sufficiently
affluent to purchaae an overcoat from
a local dealer, and he hud the coat and
i& of the money In hla possession
when apprehended. At firat Runyon
rffiiaml In m knowledge thnt he had
tthatracted the money, but he finally
broke down and confessed that he haJ
found the money In the vest, and. be
lug "broke" he auccumbed to tempta
tlon and took It.
irimn being naked by the officer
v.her the money wa young Runyon
for he la only boy, acknowledged
thnt he hud NO In hla pocket and then
conducted the arreatlng policeman to
hla room, where he unearthed another
$25. Thin, with aome amall change,
wua nil he had. beside the overcont.
Ilunyon wua taken to the city Jnll
mid lin ked up.
(in the 27th of hint month Runyon
nnnlleil to Allen A Dickenson for em
liloyment, und. because he wua dcstl-
tute. they gnve It him, and alao aaw to
It thnt he did not need for anything
Thle, they thought, would be all that
ii mnn In hla clrcumatancea could re
oulre. but. Instead of being grnteful.
Runyon loat no time In "getting Into"
hla employer a fur a poaalble, and
the atory of hla error la not told In
hla theft from Inquest's ocket. Thl
iiiiwuver. la the only charge a yet
lodged agnlnat him.
Little la known of the prisoner' rec
ord, except thut a mnn of similar ap
pearance wna arrested a few year ngo
In Sun Franclaco for forging a check
n.. w. P. Fuller A Co. Hla nnme, ita
eatitbllahed at the time, wna C. E. Run
Hince Runyon, or Young, hna
emtiloved with the Commerctitl atreet
n.m h- hue not kept up hla collection,
and haa been "hort" nearly every week
...... v. ...i-ir,t Hometlme It wna
mm e
,.iw twn or three dollar, but ome
time It wh more, and the uggregalfe
t. not known. A member of the firm
tnt-i last night to an Aatorlun re
porter thnt he could not any what the
amount of the dedication t. nr iu.
h any yet If any check lire outatund-
lug agnlnat them, though he wild no
drnft or purlou pnier of any kind
have been presented.
The action to be taken on the' case
will depend upon the good mercy of the
firm for which the young mnn women
If n complaint la lodged In addition to
thnt preferred nt the Inatlgutlon pi in-
qulst, Runyon will go to prison,
Chadwiek Again.
Cleveland. Dec. It. The Wade Park
bank, of which Irl Reynolda la aecre-
tnry and- treasurer, wn taken over to
day by the Cleveland Trust Company.
The trust company within a few day
hna taken over the bualne of five
bank of thl city and uburb.
8eizt Prahpnlia of th Laat Port
land Club.
Portland. Dec. 21. All gambling
pnraphenalla of the Portland Club waa
aelxed by BherlfT wora mis mumm.
.h was removed to the county Jail
where It -will be held until the lat of
v.- nnmv,ilnir rnae I tried or until
Hobson Smiles Some at the Fed
ral Grand Jury.
No Confirmation of th Report That
th Grand Jury Ha Been Tamp
ered With by Outsider In
th Caie.
Woman Quails Before Most Mast
terful Speech Since
Dun-ant Case.
day morning had completed a search of
very squar foot included In about
four squar mile of country. nd that
th fearch would be kept up until at
leaat ten aquar mile bad been thor
oughly searched.
Th ground on which thl search I
being conducted I rocky and preclp
itoua, and the search fraught with no
mall amount of danger to the men engaged.
John Quirk, th Denver miner, who
thought the body might be that of hi
wlf. who had left him, after viewing
t remain, said he had been mistaken.
George W. Chlldera. who with W. 8.
Maunder ! engaged in mining In Bar
Creek canon, west of thl city, today
give the police a description of a man
who waa seen twice In Bear Creek can
on by himself and Mr. Maunder two
weeks ago. Mr. Chlldera think the
woman la the one who w found dead
on Cutler mountain and that the man
with her waa the murderer.
Nominated and Confirmed
Yesterday. '
Prediction Made by The Astorian
Two Weeks Ago is Now
Evldene Considered by Defendant'
Counsel to Be Too Weak to Ad
mit of Conviotion, Notwith
standing Powerful Address.
New York. Dec. 21. Judge Davl did
not deliver hi charge to the Jury In the
trial of Nan Patterson tonight, but tent
the Jurymen home to ret after a day
spent In llHtenlng to the argument of
counsel. Abraham Levy, chief counel
for the defendant, occupied the time
of the morning wAalon, and Aaalatant
District Attorney Rand took up the
Both addresses were Impassioned and
eloquent. Ievy swayed the listener
to tear by hi reference to his client
and the home coming to Washington
she anticipated.
Rand' argument wa a severe ar
raignment . of Mlaa Patterson, and
when the prosecutor pitilessly con
demned the woman aa the murderer of
Young, she quailed under hla Invective,
After Rand's speech, Levy said:
"It waa the most wonderful advocacy
of nny cause, and the most masterful
speech ever heard In a criminal cae
In 25 year. In spite of that, though,
I am confident Miss Patterson will be
acquitted. ' ;
Boy Fall Over a Rock With 22 in
MftMhfleld. Dec. 21. When George
L, Stemmermun, with hi wife and
son, who live on Coo river about 20
mile from here, were, out hunting ye
terduy, about noon, on the hill back of
their home and were sitting on a log
waiting for the game to make It ap
pearance, their little boy fell back
ward off the log, the hammer of hi
2-callber rifle etruck a rock and the
weapon was discharged, the bullet
striking the mother In the back above
the hip, coming out at the middle Of
the abdomen. She wa immediately
brought to town and taken to me
Horsefnll hospital. Chance for her re
covery are fair.
ly In front of the One HuiQjHjHWrfreJ nd
Sixteenth atreet subway avtttmt 'Mif- Th
fancy work of the subway hHriceentranca'
wa wrecked and several aftfgtntl W(nt were
severely Injured. I.
Faculty Intervention In tHtoQximtfVg&xM af
fair began today, and Tnvinfcatn'1eatloa
will be made at once witling vTeMbtft vlw to
uspendlng the hazer of jflforfg young
Gould did not appear at PoWMhkQJumbl to
day for the lecture. .'ure.
The authorities have tkvtjntafcftn up too
matter of hi carrying a pt1a(P1ffro1 n1 flr"
Ing In the street of New ffcrtfeu70 but
claim they are hampered jPnd rfc the r
fual of the student to t'rtftifttteloot-t'1
Hi Commission Will Arriv About th
First of January, and He Will
Enter Upon tha Discharge of
Hi DutiesAbout Fab. 1.
I'ortiand, Dec. zi. The nrat aensa
tlonul Indictment to be returned by the
grand Jury todny was thnt of Frank
lln P. Mays, a prominent young lawyer
of this city. Mays Is accused of having
conspired to defraud the government
nut of various public land In Lane and
Douglas rountlea, The Indictment
however, alao Include 8. A. D. Puter,
Horace G. McKlnlcy and Kmma Wat
son, alao convicted or conspirac
against the government. Numerous
others, not known heretofore In con
nectlon with the fraud trials are also
The Indictment alleges thut these
person conspired together to, defraud
the government. December 23. 1901,
by the use of false, forged and mislead
ing applications to defraud the govern
ment and the Indictment any while the
paper In the case are fictitious, those
by Puter and McKlnley are actionable.
A the Investigation of the federal
grand Jury continue, rumor continue
to pread. It has been Intimated from
one source and another that there I
probability of th heads of some of the
moat extensive and wealthy timber
eyndlcatea In the United Btatea be
coming Involved In the tolls of the
law. Speculation has Become rue win
such practices aa shipping bogus lo
cators west and providing them with
bonuses to file on land, prove up, then
sell out tq the syndicates, the selllng
out price constituting little elite than
the bonus allowed for the fraudulent
transactions, will be looked Into.
There have long ben rumors afloat
regarding such practices, and many
are Inclined to believe thnt they will
come In for a close scrutiny at tne
hands of this or some succeeding grand
Jury, and that some Indictment will
be returned on the offenses believed to
have been committed.
It la rumored that lands acquired In
the Grand Ronde reservation may be
made the object of Investigation, and It
Is said to be not Improbable that 1! or
claims In the Roseburg LanJ dis
trict, near the Bohemian country, will
b made the subject of Inquiry. J
known that A .W, Barber, an official
(Continued on Pag Four.)
Cutter Mountain Cat Present Some
Nw Phases.
Colorado Springs, Col.. Dec. 21.
The police are a far from a clue to
the solution of the Cutler mountain
mystery as ever, but the effort are
being redoubled. The last clew that
waa In trielr hands played out this
morning, when Ona D. Hoyt, a pretty
hairdresser, living in thla city, and who
waa reported to have disappeared, was
found safe at her room In the Clinton
Inquiries continue to come from
other cities for a detailed description
of the dead girl, but In no case has the
sending of the description resulted In
the receipt of further Information or
The coroner has In his possession no
less than 40 hairpins that were taken
out of the coll of hair that was on the
head of the deal girl, or picked up at
the scene of the attempted cremation
of the body. These hairpins are all of
stiff wire, there being no small, flexl
ble ones, and the number and strength
of the pins are taken to Indicate thnt
the growth of hnlr was unusually
At their meeting today the county
commissioners will offer a reward of
$1000 for the arrest and conviction of
the murderer. The excitement In ee
community over the crime I growing
dally, a demand being made to run
down the crime. Talk of lynching of
the murderer, should he be found, was
heard today,
Tidal Wave Breaks Over the Big
' Atlantic Liner.
Storm th Worst in th History of th
Antwerp Boat Transatlantic
Paasag Storm Lasted
Tan Day.
New York. Dec. 21. After a stormy
voyage, during which she was struck
by a tidal wave, the steamship Kroon
land arrived today from Antwerp. The
voyage was the worst the vessel, ever
experienced. There was nothing but
bad weather from the time she left
Antwerp on the 10th until she was al
most Into port.
O nthe morning of the 12th the
Kroonlnnd was struck by a tidal wave
which brought her to a standstill and
sent tons of water tumbling over her
decks. The officers of the Kroonland
say that the water, when the wave
struck, sprung high above the funnels.
and sweDt the hurricane deck. The
officer on the bridge would have been
carried away but for the fact that he
took a wrap around the rail with his
belt when he saw the giant sea coming.
New York Millionaire Ar3HMiAuivinfl UP
Queen Bee.-ten Be. ;
New York. Dec. 21. A cofereAc,erence of
republican called by SenatoW in
the Interest of the re-elwttog?oflfnM of Sen
ator Depew held according tf program
at the Fifth Avenue hotel today? Wks'y. was Ji
session about three hours aidWJiunl adjourn ed
after appointing a cbtMmlte(mitte of
seven, headed by ex-LleutennLiWl!'lt ov
ernor Woodruff, to wait tfportwM?n CDI1,
who was not invited, and Hfld.IrtfeAn10 Inform
him of the sentiment express! BWe,l at the
Woodruff wa accompanied by De
pew. who met O'Dell laterP' II later.
O'Dell aaid he did not' koWn'hdV,ow what
took place at Platf cohfeifce?offlrence, but
said he knew whoever waa choeeWaBychosen by
the republican organization :;bWdle wold be
Washington, Dec. 21.-Presldent j ronfPWnc Senator PfitfeWB p,att ",d
Roosevelt today sent to the enate the i ,t WM a truly representative atfontkVfa"tlon and
nomination of Hon. John Hahn aiclear,y showed the sentiment m-M ot lhe
postmaster for Astoria in place of I . . ,tate troneivlrfPf1y Sn avOT
Granville Reed, whose term expire, on, re.eiection of DepeW. fcf Dnw..
January 7. At the short session of the i '
senate yesterday the nomination was
confirmed. ' '.. : ,
Hon. John Hahn has resided In As
toria for the past 30 year, and al
though not taking an active part In
politic he ha been more or less Iden
tified with the business development of
the city. He ha served one term a
mayor and two term in the state leg
islature.., At the sessioi) In which Hon.
C. W. Fulton was nominated as United
States senator he took an active part.
and it was due in a great measure to
his Influence that Mr. Fulton was suc
cessful. In recognition of these serv
ices, it is understood that he wa the
choice of Senator Fulton for the poai
tion of postmaster. He received the
unanimous Indorsement of the Oregpn
delegation, and being a gentleman of
unimpeachable character, hla appoint
ment was made. - Mr. Hahn will re
ceive his commission by the first of
January, but will not probably enter
upon the discharge of his duties before
Fabruary 1. The appointment of Mr.
Hahn will meet with popular favor.
He is one of the most enic prising busi
ness men of the city, identified with
the growth and prosperity of the city
and county; a man of strict integrity
and possesses the necessary qualifica
tions for the Important position to
which he has been appointed.
The Astorian published two weeks
ago that Mr. Hahn would be appointed,
and our predictions have been verri
fled. There were several applicants for
the position, and the appointment of
Mr. Hahn is a recognition of his valu
able services rendered in securing the
election of Senator Fulton.
Expression is Best the PresihtPresident
Has Yet Given, t Given. - -
Ratter Understanding Btw&ni E&ftv,sn
ployr and Employ I Su4eWJ ct'9ni
ly Expressed by th. EoniVP Eeutiv.
Head of th. Govern mfitP0V,rnm9nt-
Jail This
Wheals Slabs for Us of
That the way of the transgressor Is
hard 1 no better exemplified that in
the case of the young Jail-breaker,
Lowe, who wa captured by Sheriff
Llnvllle and returned to the county Jail,
where the two bar that gave him free
dom are now still open. In defiance of
another Jail break. ; . . ,!
Yesterday afternoon Lowe was en
gaged In carrying slabs In to feed the
.. a j i.- ju l n.llllt.irlv Stnnrh
Coroner Law burled the remains or jau nren, aim m u.u .
his partner, is maoe oi ieini om.i
and 1 Mill, at large. !
Clues are numerous as to the where
abouts of Stanch, but tne oniy cer-
the girl today In Evergreen cemetery In
tlot provided by the county. The body
as put In a coffin and the hitter en
cased In a box, the county commission
ers offering to defray the expenses of
decent burl".! for the unfortunate
girl, rather than permit her to be bur
led In the grave of a pauper.
The Jaws and the hair of the dead
girl have ben saved for Identification
purposes, and the coroner Is confi
dent that if any one appear who knew
her In life the girl can be Identified.
At noon today Sheriff Grimes de
tailed six more men to go to the hills
surrounding the scene of the murder
and Join the search for evidence. The
herirr stated at this time that the
men who had been at work since Sun
talnty that ha developed showed him
In the vicinity of the foot of a trail
leading to the highlands above Youngs
Officers are hunting for him, antt his
escape, or a fight, Is n hourly ex
pectation. ,
Russian Grain.
San Francisco, Dec. 21. The collier
Wyefteld, which has been In the north
ern oil trade, haa been chartered for a
cargo of grain, rumor has It that the
grain is for a Russian port.
Unprecedented Seal to Ba Basi of th
Next Attack.
liimliin Dec. '21. The' telegraph'
Chefoo correspondent ilay the steamer
Lady Mitchell, which sailed for Tslng
tau with supplies, ammunition and
dynamite, reached Port Arthur during
a snowstorm .four night ago. .Also, It
,ls rumored the Japanese were com
pelled to evacuate a postlon of Eta
mountain, owing to a flanking fir and
tin explosion of Russian mines from
jwhlch they lost heavily.
The Japanese, the correspondent
hdds, are employing thousands of cool
ies in making strong the forts of Dalny
Hnd around Port Arthur. They ex
press a determination to capture Port
Arthur before the Chinese New Year.
An attack Is preparing that will be on
a hitherto unequalled scale, and will
mean either success or a terrible dis
aster to the besiegers.
Pt of Gould Family Abnt from th
Soph Dinner.
New Work. Dec. 2I.JAUhough King-
don Gould was not present to grace
khelr dinner, the Columbia sophomore
had a merry gathering tonight up town
at the Broadway hotel. In a fight to
day the ophomore succeeded In cap
iturlnB H. B. McCutcheon. vice presi
dent of the freshman class, and his
brother. The battle, took, place oireci-
Washlngton. Dec. 21.-' I Nlo iraP do
mean to talk about every seven tnW
but to feel it in the Intervene likening six
days, to feel it on th part of ti BMi f "
ployer with hi employes, on nhP5p1frtO the part
of the employes with the emplfcyefc em?!ye,$
Three-fourths, probably nine-tetS,'be-tentl18' j
the labor troubles that sometime tfWnetlrnes as
sume so ominous a form wouW VtffflBF?0Ula van s
If you could Interest the peSple Utf P0Ple ,
each side to approach the matterhlnhAenatter ln
spirit of each striving to care ' e tflscaM J0
fellows as he cares for himself. imBeI'- 1
not mean for a moment to negleef n8lect nl
own interests. I want a man'-MtaW"" t0 taM,
care of himself, for If he does hotf W4i8 not om
body else will have to take careofahe ' CRr 01
h1' want him to remember th4t?efflber th'
. f himattPlfif himself, he
has got to try to do hi duty by dtife otb,n '
t. ... wi- nh .his. fellow men
U ne wilt appruttcii ma khu" j.
in the spirit which makes the'uWW '
the word brother a genuine terrf,"6 l"m' '7 f
stead of a term of hypocrisy, thefltf-'"''- I
flculty of dealing with the great -VfcW
tlons Jtwt arise will be minimised iPimmlied- lf
not entirely done away with. "thv .
T hnn. to the steadv irotilSV "u' .
the Christian spirit in this couiry,thls eontr; j
not merely among our congregate0""""1 j
.ii their .Ipnlinrn s
among the members ln tneir dealings ; i
with one another, but among thV-miWr?" the me1 I
bers of our congregations In their1 'tfeft?-1" thelr a 1 i
ings with all mankind, in oVttfl ,n aettl"
. .h-i, foiwa ith thVWeiPtth the men
and women round about them; a'nlhithem; and l" i
no way can we so spread the powetl'ft'ndne Power s"u
influence of our church, In no waT&arV1 no way can ;
- .: . .. Loutlmnnv to it. -1
we so effectively Dear testimony to ixr
in no way can we so help in its gMhm lt8 T0Wth'
as by showing that we have beeac1! been- ac"
cording to our abilities, doers Wttn doer8 of m
word as well as hearers, not heareri not neaxe
only." ' 1 ' i
, , Englishman Wina. :7'n Wm-
Buffalo, N. Y., Dec, 21.-Frank'Go?cfi7Frank 0otcl
of Buffalo tonight lost a hantffclfp handlcai
wrestling match to Jim Parr, an 42Hg-Parr- an f n
llsh wrestler. Gotch undertook toundertook J'
throw the Englishman three tlriie1 inhr ximea "
one hour. He succeeded In thrbwtJf in throwini
Parr , twice in 23 minutes and. 4" ' nd 40 "eo
onds, , , , , . ,