The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 18, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    SUNDAY, DEC4MIIH II, 1904.
Christmas Candies
all mizj:
lO Cents
Good Goods Our Specialty.
Nut Plrkernell of Hay Center, on
of Captain Flckernell, met with an
accident ytaterday mornlnf. He I
employed on the Columbine, and In at
tempting to go aboard, be fell off the
dock striking on the boat, fracturing
two rlbi. lie wa taken to the hoe-pltal.
Sealed proposal will be received by
Major JLangfltt on January S for re
pair! to the Geo. II Mendalt and the
dredge Chinook. The eatlmate for the
Mendall la $26000 and for the Chinook
IS0.000. Work will be rushed In order
that the Chinook may be able to re
adme operation on the bar early next
Local Brevities.
Ribbons! Ribbon! Ribbon! at half
price at Shanahan'.'
Only a few day more to aave the
Im, Imperial band. They arc a sure
Ladle' Terry Cloth and Elder
down Lounging Rube. IS and up at
Danslgsr Co.'a.
'The Pioneer Eui-re Club wa enter
la I nod Friday evening at the residence
of Mr. Oeorg II, (leorgo.
W hav a few box of nice apple
which w offer at 76c per boa while
they laat, Astoria Grocery.
The Krlduy Afternoon Mutual Enter
tainment Club met Friday at the n-l-dene
of Mr. 1. A, Btokds.
Men' Smoking Jacket, plain and
fancy weave, beautiful style In big
variety; wonderful value at 15 to
fli.tO at Danslgrr A Co.'.
Mr. Jena Llndley presented her hue-
band with a on and heir yesterday
morning. Dr. pllklngton report the
mother and child doing well.
A force of men wr engaged yester-
dy removing tree that hnd fallen
along th plii line road. All the tree
were removed and the road la clear.
New shipment of Men' and Toung
Men' Raincoat, Men' Neckware
Hosiery. Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Um
brellaa Suspenders, etc., at loweat
price at Danslger A Co.'.
ti per cent off on fancy Chlnaware
and money aatchel thU week only.
Woodflsld'a Art Store, Tlond street.
The ladle of Untie church Guild
readied the aum of IIH5 from their
sale of ChrlKlma novelties thl week.
Mammoth line of Smoking Jacket
In the newet and beet aiylea and ma
terial at 15 and up at Danslger A
County Clerk of "Mat
rlmony Made Racy," lued two mar
rlsg llcenae yesterdsy afternoon. One
to Oliver W. Cobb of Polk county and
Lena J. Fruhwerk. and one to John II
JrftVrs and Eva A. ilesarnger
A letter received from F. A. Fisher
from San Diego ay that no rain hn
fullen there thl winter and everything
I drying up. The hay crop I a fu
ure and tock men are very much dis
John II. Jeffer d Ml Eva Mes
senger will be married thl afternoon
at th residence of Mr. Messenger,
Alor treet. The ceremony will be
I performed by Rev. William Seymouh
Th Shetland colt are the drawlnat Short. Th happy couple will leave
card at th Unique thl week. Nothing
like them ever een befur In Atorla.
An unuiually attractive program thl
Cnptuln Forso of the Thirty-fourth
Artillery of Fort Steven hiia
transferred to Fort Columbia, Flrt
Lieutenant Rynn taking command of
the TMrty-fgurtJt. k . ..
on tonight' train for California.
Yesterday at high noon, Rer. Rynd
quint performed the marriage cere
mony between Carl O. 8lmmonen and
Jennie C. Bwenscn at Chinook at the
been! home of Mr. and Mr. Herman John
aim. A reception waa held, partlclpat
4 In by a number of Invited gueata.
R I rumored that O. Wlngate, for
merly of Astoria, wo yesterday ap
pointed city engineer of Portland vice
Klllott, resigned. Mr. Wlngnte ha a
thorouith knowledge of the require
ments of th office.
On account of J. K. Griffin being
very busy during the Chrlstmaa holl
day the reserved seat sal for "Shore
Acres" will be at Usher Bros.' office,
on Twelfth street between Bond and
Commercial, the ale open tomorrow
morning at t o'clock.
Musical Instruments, Toilet
Sets, Toy Wagons, Dolls.
Holiday Goods
Fine Lini or
Books, Albums,
Xm&s Cards,
We have what you want
for yourself and friends
that won't spill coal ell over at
w. c. laws a CO.
Bond St.
We sell Stoves also.
Weathered Oak Mission Furniture
Quarter Sawed Oak, with
Velour And Leather Cushions
Come Today! Tomorrow Might be Too Late!
This is the Finest Assortment of Morris
' Chairs ever shown in the city. : : :
Complete House Farnlsners.
Christmas novelties at Hoefler hav
been received. All candy manufac
tured at home. 10 cent per pound and
up. Decoration for Christmas ur
paa anything aver brought to Astoria.
Everything In the line of confections
and pur candy guaranteed to be first
class. Th largeat and most complete
tin In Astoria can ba procured at
Hoefler'. '
The ladle of th Congregational
church aerved lunch yesterday after
noon and evening In the annex to John
son Ilroa' store. Home-made delicacies
were also sold. Those who attended
were entertained by the ladle whose
reputation for hospitality comprises
n Important feature of these entertainments.
There wilt be three criminal case
to be tried next week In the circuit
court. Fred Stauch. who swiped a
large number of artlclea from the O. R.
A N. dock will be arraigned on a
charge of larceny from a warehouse.
Harry Lowe I charged with burglary
and John Tenharrl will be arraigned
on a charge of criminal assault on
five little girls In Unlontown. ,
The water commission held a meet
ing yesterday for fixing the water rates
for the ensuing year. The rat .is were
fixed the same as at present, with the
exception of water used for sluicing
which' will be charged for at the rate of
15 a day for one stream and $7.60 for
two stream. The estimated expenses
for the year 190& la $36,000, of which
amount $1,000 Is for Interest; $10,000
Is set apart for extending the system.
According to the laws of Oregon
prescribing legal holidays, It provides
that when a holiday occurs on Sunday
he following Monday shall be ob
served. As Christmas falls on Bun
day this year, the clerk' union will
endeavor to hav Monday observed as
the legal holiday. Th Grocers and
Butchera' Association held a meeting
yesterday and decided to conform to
th state law, consequently- all store
will be closed the Monduy following
Christmas. ,
Mattl Johnson waa examined yester
day by the county board upon a charge
of Insanity. Hia hallucination seems
to be a mixture of aqua ferment! and
polygamy. He Imagines that he has
five or six wives and that he Is still
a young man. Tnese ibcis were sum
dent to secure a verdict of guilty as
charged and he was committed to the
asylum. He Is a native of Finland, 68
years of age. Thl will reduce the
antl-prohlbltlon vote In Unlontown by
Incoming Steamer Report Bar Very
Th barkentlne Fullerton left up the
river laat night In tow of th M. T.
Henderson for Portland with a cargo of
oil. Captain Bailey waa th pilot In
Th steamer Elmore arrived from
Tillamook at i p. m. yesterday with a
full cargo of freight and a large pas
senger list Captain Schrader reports
that th bar I very rough.
The launch Ethel ha been old by
Captain Rich to Peter Anderson of
Hunter Island. Captain Rich expects
to build a new launch and be expect
to bav It In the water by spring.
The steamship Ellerlc arrived down
the river last evening with a partial
cargo for the orient and, left out this
morning for -San Francisco, where she
will complete her cargo. On the way
down the river yesterday five stowa
way were found who wanted to make
cheap trip to the Bay 'City. They
were put ashore here. ,
Churoh Not.
German Lutheran church, Grand
avenue Sunday school, 10 a. m. Serv
ice 11 a. m. Instruction In German
Saturday I to 11:80 a. m.
There will be regular service at the
First Lutheran church today. Morn
ing service at 10:40 In Swedish. Even
ing service at 7:45 In English, Sub
ject, "The Certainty of the Spiritual."
The subjects of sermons today
at th Baptist church will be The
Duty and Reward of Church-Going,"
and The Goodness and Severity of
God." Everybody Is Invited to at
First Congregational church, preach
ing 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the
paator, Luther D. Mahone. Morning
subject, "Following Christ" Evening,
'A Secret Power." Sunday school.
12:20 p. m. Christian Endeavor, 6:30
p. m.
Camps Closed Down.
First Presbyterian church. Corner
Eleventh and Grand avenue Rev. H.
H. Brum. Services at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. Subjects: "A Heart Cour
ageous to Hearts Impossible" and "The
Sunset of Life." The aged members
of our homes are especially desired to
attend the service. Appropriate mu
sic especially selected will be a fea
ture of these services.
A large number of the logging camps
on the Columbia river are closed 'down
until after the holidays. Several have
been closed down temporarily In order
to raft the logs cut this summer, and
will resume operations aa soon as the
logs are rafted. It Is expected that all
will start up early In January. The past
season ha been a very successful one,
large number of logs have been cut
and the entire output has been sold at
good figures. The logging Industry on
the lower Columbia is growing, and Is
an Important Industry.
Mr. Valley, representln ga Lewis and
Clark magaslne of Portland, ha been
In the city the pah ew nyB ln th
Interest of his publication. HI plan
is to secure photograph of the lum
bering Industry of the county for ex
hibition at the fair. He take photo
graph of aw mill and their em
ploye. logging camps and employea
Kvervono that nay $3.75 gets the
magnxlne two years, a ticket of ad
mission to the fair on the Hoo Hoo
day, or lumber day, entitling the bearer
to admission to all the concessions,
He took a photograph of McGregor's
mill and Its employes yesterday.
The most attractive window ln As
tarla Is that of Hoefler's. It has at
tracted a great deal of attention and
the artlatlc arrangement has been com
mented upon. Dainty sweets In pro
fusion, Christmas toys, of every de
scrlptlon has been admired by every
one. The store Is profusely decorated
with Christmas tree ornaments and
trlmmlnaa. something never before
seen ln Astoria. The choicest candles
tare displayed and the store la crowded
night and day. Orders have come In
from every section of the country and
small towns on the river on account of
the excellent assortment. There Is not
a store- on the coast that can compare
with It. either In neatness or the qual
ity and quantity of stock carried.
Suicide Is becoming quite a fad In
Astoria. Yesterday morning Miss
Nellie Lamont, sometimes called
Block Nell," and who also bear the
euphonious title of "The Spanish
Queen," attempted to commit suicide
by Jumping off the wharf at the foot
of Seventh street." Her quasi husband
who officiates as a swamper at the O.
K., followed her to the wharf ,and
when his meal ticket Jumped over
board, he followed suit and readied It
from the watery grave. They came
to the surface spontaneously, and by
this time "a crowd had gathered. A
rope was thrown to the happy couple
and they were towed ashore. The only
benefit derived from the plunge was
- "Shore Ar."
Seat sale opens tomorrow morning
at 9 o'clock at Fisher Bros.' office, 109
Twelfth street It makes one better to
see such a play as "Shore Acres." It Is
an old play, and yet it Is a new one
new In that one never tire of seeing
it, and one finds something more to
admire ln every presentation. This Is
"Shore Acres" 12th ' season, and that
in Itself Is the greatest proof of the
play' value. The scenes enacted In
the old Barry homestead, where dear
old Uncle Nat brings in a whole car
load of toy for the children, bought
with his last pension money that was
so sorely needed for a new overcoat
is one of those bits of human nature
that has helped to endear "Shore
Acres" to every lover of home life ln
America. There are other scenes
equally as touching. No play now be
fore the public, has ao honestly de
served the success it has achieved, and
every lover of refined stage art sin
cerely hopes that "Shore Acres" will
continue to be played for many years
to come. Don't fall to secure your
seats early.
Only a Few More Shopping
Days Until Christmas
HESE last few days will be un-
I H . ' - ; . -
usually Dusy ones tor tne store
keeper. The average merchant
will not be able to wait upon hiscus-I
tomers with his usual care. -:
This store's aim is to avoid such pos-,
sible contingencies. For the benefit of
our patrons we have engaged extra
salespeople and well endeavor in every?
way to make shopping pleasant and
agreeable for you.
If you are in doubt as to the proper
gift to make a stroll through our store
will help you. There's Holiday Goods
of all description here awaiting your
inspection. j. Come in and take a look.
For Christmas Presents
Card of Thank.
Mrs. T. A. Hyland wishes to thank
the kind friends and the members of
the I. O. O. F. for their great kind
ness and tender sympathy during her
late bereavement In the death of her
husband, the Rev. T. A. Hyland. .
Just received A lot of brass candle
sticks at Woodfleld' Art Store, Bond
Shilling' spices are best. Every can
guaranteed. Tour money back If thev
don't suit. Astoria Grocery.
Schllti' beer made Milwaukee fa
mous, and Is having the same effect on
th Grotto. Nothing, better on the
Men's Lounging Robes, plain blue
and gray colorings, cord and tassel;
great values at $5 and up at Danzlger
& Co.'s.
Everybody is saving the Imperial
cigar bands, not only because they en
joy a good smoke, but are also anxious
to win the diamond ring.
The Imperial oyster house Is pre
pared to furnish Shoalwater bay oys-
a batji, something unusual for quantities of pint and quarts
of them, Judging from their appear-1 to supply the family iraae.
ance.' j oyster always on hand.
Chaise Perfumery forms an Ideal Gift for Young
or Old, Boys, Girls, Young Men, Young Women,
those in middle life or in lifes decline.
There is a pleasing bit of sentiment about per
fumes and their use that adds to their use as Christ
mas Gifts. '
The place to buy High Grade Perfumes is at a
store which has the biggest andv best assortment
and we undoubtedly have the most complete stock
of perfumes in this city.- . v
Come in and select your packages. We have them
from 25c. to $8.00 a bottle, all chaise, the flower
odors, lasting in .quality.
We have all the famous makes including all French
Imported, Palmers, Rickseckers, Spiehlers, Lund
borgs, Eastmans, etc.
The Drug Stores where everything is kept right.
The ivI and Eagle Drugstores
THEO. F. LA Vlt IK, Proprietor. !' . 1
Foot Facts
You cannot ' " .
than we sell. You cannot buy
good shoes for less money. We
sell the latest in styles and best
in materials. There is nothing
new or desirable in Footwear
which we have not provided
for your use.
Our aim is to please and satisfy you with Good Goods
, and Honest Dealing.
Wherity, Ralston Company