THE MORNING ASTOItlAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. FACTS IN THE CASE la anld. to piiM upon a hem for re- orutilrln the finamea of the' con cern, . MEATS - FISH GAME - POULTRY The proportion which will ' be placed before the meeting la under tood to Involve the formation of i Evcrthing seasonable is in our Market. We sell only fresh, 'pure andclean foods. Prompt delivery. Everycustomer satisfied. Reasons Why Democrats Refuse to holding company and the acallng down or me preaent capital atock by one half. The authorised capital " now la Perform Their Duty. 126.000,000, common, and 115,000,000, preferred. The latter la als per cent ; Astoria Fish, Gaine and Ponltfy Market. 1 1 ' - MAI AD RDftff UMLlt TmttUtimJt 1 " ' ' cumulative and haa paid no dlvldenda In two and one half year. This la ELECTION CONSIDERED LEGAL to , be done, according to the plan, by an uu or new bonds. ' SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1604. , , D For Stylish Men Be correctly SuiU with the Snap, Stylo and Finish, dressed. It cohU no more if you see ANDREW LAKE 4MU CoiniiircJttl Btrtst. Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works Mannfactnrcrs of A Ravlaw of the Situation, and Ciumi That Actuated tha Republicans in Electing a Nw Polio Com mlMlon for Aitorla. Aatorla, Dm. 17. ICi Aotorlan: F. J. Carney, R. O. Prael, and R. V. J one; the newly elec ted police eommlaalonera, appeared before the auditor and police Judge, Olof AnJeraon, and requeued blm to take their ontha of office, and liaue to them cerllnVatea of eUtlon. The au Oamblera Lose. Jew York, Dec. 17. According to a story given out here late tonight, Po lice Inspector McCluskey, chief of the New York detective bureau, haa re celved a 'report that two men, one from Cleveland, the other from Chi cago, both wealthy, lost $08,000 a few nights ago In a New York gambling house. Of this amount $44,000, which had been given In checks, was recov ered, but 124,000 caah lost was not re funded. According to the story the men were introduced into 104 nouse by a person representing himself as an old friend of the Cleveland man. Hospitals Protected. Toklo, Dec. 17. 4 P. M. General Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings. General Found ryiuen and Patternmakers. Absolutely firstclasa work. Prices lowest .. - ...i .. dltor, refused to administer tha oath.jHtoeesei nas opened negouauons wnn and refused to Issue the commissions, ithe Japanese forces surrounding Port because forsooth, the city, attorney Arthur providing for the protection of told him not to do so. Of course thejthe nospiuus or tne cny. tie nas mr- rnotfve of the city attorney, aa well as nlshed General rogi wun a map of the auditor, la well understood showing the positions of the different Phone 2451. Comer Eighteenth and Franklin. PRAEL 0 COOK TRANSFER CO. Telephone 821. Draying and Expressing AltgoxliiihlpedtoourcrwlllrclveiptoUlattentlon. ( 709-713 Commercial Street. millTllIlIlIlIIIIirTTTTTTTTTTTTIlIltlllTltTTTTTTTTa Stanle and Fancy Groceries FLOUU, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Huppliee of all kinds at lowest price, (or Fishermen, Farmer, and Logger. Branch Uniontowo, Phones, 711, Unlontown, 713 A. V. ALLEN, Tenth am! Gommereial Htreeta. AHTORIA. OREGON. 4piHtmmTIIIITHIItTTtrnTTIIIIlIITItmiIITTTT h WO00000000OSO000000000 o o o w o o o o h o 1 es a 1 e CIGARS, PIPES, TOBACCO. ETC. WILL MADISON KM) ''OMMFltCIAL ST. 1-1 114 ELKVKNTIl 8T. )000000000000000000Oo O3OOOOOOO0O(BOOOOOOOOOO o o PLUMBING and TINNING STEAM HE ATI NO, OAS FITTING, RfINQ AND REPAIRING BATt .UB8, SINKS, CLOSETS AND OTHER FIXTURES IN i STOCK. ONLY THE BE8 T. CALL AND GET OUR PRICES i ! J. A. Montgomery 428 0000Q000000000000000 Bond Street Phone 1031 NERf ZEALAND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast for twenty-five years ELMORE a CO., Sole Agents Astoria - Oregon. HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel in the Northwest PORTLAND OREGON. i their political wellfare depends en tirety upon the mulntalnance of the present police force, not only that the very existence of the democratic sometimes called "cltlxens" party Is dependent upon It. Remove this force, and the democratic party, and Its nuondam friend "citlsen" dissolves In thin air. It the people of Astoria consider this question, regardless of factional feeling;, let us throw aside the question as to what people ought of right control the republican party, and discuss this question fairly and honestly. That the city charter, expressly pro vldca for the election and maintain ance of three police commissioners whose duties are to have control of the police force of the city, and en force and order, and the ordinances of the city Is not to be disputed. That there Is not and bos not been a police commission for a number of years la equally true. Who la to blame for this? Is the republican partyT or is the democratic party? The charter provides, that all vacanles caused by the resignation of any official of the city, shall be filled. If poll com missioner, by the mayor with the con sent of a majority of the council, and shall hold office until the next general election. If any reader of this paper doubta thia statement, let him ex amine, sections 27, 18 and 137 of the charter. Mr. S. 8. Gordon, against whom there can be said no evil, was appointed by the mayor, and council. to fill a vacancy caused by the resig nation of John Kopp; this appoint ment was made prior to the general city election for the year 1902: his term of office expired, If the charter Is to be followed, at the general election held In this city In December, 1. But were the people allowed to select his successor? Did the council call for the election of a commissioner to nit this vacancy? not any. W. J. Cook has been absent from mis ciiy, ior . . . l II.. Unas n.nnv vpuri he wan mi nmij v nw,n un his renl.1en:e outside of the county. This hos been for years. W. H. Darker has likewise removed from the city, and with his family Is now living nt Vancouver. Vt. C. Tet no sound comes from the common council. Why nil this? The answer Is plain, by the aid of the pollec force of this city, a majority of the common council are democratic, that taken with th fact that the city attorney Is also demo cratic, or clttxen, aa best aulta his pur pose Is all sufficient. The people are considering thegn questions. No city will long submit to have Its politics controlled by n police force, yet such Is the case right here In this city, and that, too. In the face of the charter, requiring this force to be under the control of a police commission, comprised of three elect ors of this state, each of whom Is re quired to be a resident and taxpayer of this city. While the methods adopted by a row republicans may not have been the best, neither the democrats nor the cltliena have an right to complain, for If the position taken by these republic ans Is correct, the shame and disgrace. and blame of It all rests upon th shoulders of the democratic party, and Its offsDrlna- cltlaens. If the law Is against the contention of these people then no harm can come of It, and they are to blame. But If It should turn out that they are correct, then what pos sible excuse have the democratlc-cltl- xens to offer, for this deliberate usur pation of power. It Is up to the com mon council to do Its duty regardless of party or small politics; the people are now awake, they propose to have police commission, and If It Is not given them by the council, the courts will surely be appealed to, and the out come seema to be with the people. . . CONSERVATIVE. hospitals. Six Men Blown up. Cincinnati, Dec. 17. A dispatch from Ashland, Ky., says that six men were killed on the Ohio river .near there by an explosion of nitroglycer ine. The men were strangers, going from Blstersvllle, W. Va, to Maysvllle, Ky. 1 ' I T v jyjO5 UNCLE-NAT. l3H0ttACBK'i At Fishsrs Tuesday Evening. . . Pope Is III. Washington. Dec. 17. A dispatch from Rome today announces that Pope Plua Is 111 as the effects of an attack of gout that has rendered him lame. Advertise People do not want circulars, etc. That'a the difference In getting to the man you want to reach. But there Is still another reason. The advertisement gels the attention of the reader when he Is In a receptive frame of mind. The reader turns over page after pae Just to see the latest news. He reads headlines and also the full body of any article that Interests him. He will read the headlines of an ad vertlsement Just aa readily aa he does newa headlines. He can't help It. the headline of an ad, attracts his at tention he'll read all the ad. says. If the matter Interests him he'll re member It; If It Interests him enough he'll act on It. That'a all any adver tlsement can do. If a subsequent ad. on the same sub ject appears the Impression will be deepened, and It Is possible by persist ent Dlausible and powerful ads. to convince the average man of anything. without aoap or would you aay of WA8HING WITHOUT WATER Is Like Trrlmc te Get RU ( Daadra Wlthoat Herpldde. Did you ever see any one trying to wash theinselvea water? If you did what him? It la every bit as foolish to try to get fid of Dandruff and to prevent Bald ness by feeding the germs whlth cause It. tath cantnrarldes. vaseline, uiycer- Ine and similar subitances which form the principal Ingredients of most so- called Hair Vigors. Newbro's Herplclde Is successful be cause It attacks and kills tha parasitic germ which feeds on the hair roots. It la the original and only genuine scalp germicide manufactured. Sold by leading drugtrtsta. Bend 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., uetrelt, Mien. Eagle Drug Store, 351-353 Bond St, Owl Drug Store, 549 Com. St, T. F. Iurln, Prop. "Special Agent" That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, If ou used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 centa, money back If not cured. Sold by Chas. Rogers Druggist ICE MEN BROKE. Meeting to Raise Some More Funds. New Tork, Dec. 17. A special meet ing of stockholders In the American Ice company will be called shortly, it best goods kept in stock. Driven to Desperation. Living at an out of the way place, remote from civilisation, a family is often driven to desperation in case of accident, resulting in Burns, Cuts, Wounds Ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. It's the best on earth. 25c, at Chas. Rogers' drug store. THE COMFORT ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Having installed a Rubber Tiring Machine of the latest pattern I am prepared to do all kinds of work ' in that line at reasonable prices. Telephone 291. ' CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS. FISHER BROTHERS COMPANY Agents The Linen Thread Co. - SALMON TWINE, COTTON TWINE, ROPE Fishermen and Cannery Supplies AN ASTORIA PRODUCT Pale Bohemian Beer Best In The Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. Vt Lager Y V Wll 11 1C41 U Beer. aanttttattananna aaaaaaaaaaaan Our Drugs Are Pure We compound prescriptions with great care from , a complete stock of fresh and pure drugs. We also sell all the standard home remedies and all kinds of Proprietary Articles, Combs, Brushes, Razors, Soaps, all kinds of Toilet Articles, Etc. We Charge no Fancy Prices. and Commercial Street Hart's Drug Store aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaottaaaaa YOU CAN DO BETTER HERE WE I UY FOR CASH AND SELL FOR CASH ONLY Heating Stoves, Cook Stoves, Ranges, Iron Beds, Springs and Mattresses are oar specialties. L. H. HENNINGSEN a CO. ZT!fi2Shb.c SALOON Franteovich & Francisovich !' Proprietors. - - Logan Building Patrons furnished withthe best the market affords. Only the CENTRAL MEAT MARKET (i. W. Mortoa and John Fuhrnian, Proprietors. CHOICEST FKEdB AND SALT MEATS. PROMPT DELIVER K 543 Commercial St.' Phone Main 321. Subscribe for i the Astorian 60CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper n a 8 a a a a